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Rated: NPL · Short Story · Other · #1100486
An account of collaboration, completely fictional and unbelievable... but then again...
Keys were chirping softly in the office, and the humming machines only carried the quiet efficiency into the lobby. Suddenly, a scream ripped through the calm; so intense it made your blood ring at high frequency. The kindly secretary looked up just as a woman tore through church, shrieking wildly and clutching her hair. Concerned, the secretary jumped out of her chair to follow the woman. The terrible screaming only stopped the woman stumbled and fell down half a flight of steps. When the secretary reached her, the woman was staring past the walls, watching some phantom torturer. With a chill, the secretary asked, “Are you alright?”

Rocking on her haunches, the terrorized woman drew a sharp breath, as if pained, and sputtered, “The curse—it’s a curse… they’re cursed! They’re all cursed.” She shut her eyes then, unable to bear what images haunted her. The screaming began again, shrill and unreal. So overwhelmed, the poor woman began to convulse and writhe on the floor, as if moving her body could shake the vision in her mind. When the paramedics came to take her away, she was still dazed and moaning, “they’re cursed…”

* * *

It was a normal day in the nursery. Only 8:34 am and breakfast was finally being cleaned up. All the biggest babies had eaten their soggy cereal and mystery flavor colored applesauce except Jason, who only woke up two minutes ago. Jason was now swinging his slippered feet in the highchair and happily attacking the food of unnamed flavor. Jason was the only one happily doing anything. Brecca was sitting in the middle of the floor, wailing. She wanted to be held, or fed, or, or nothing else, really. Alice was sitting in a rocking bouncer chair, grimacing and mewing. She didn’t like when Brecca cried, it made her feel she ought to be mad, too, only she was just waking up and didn’t want to invest the energy in a full-throttled cry. Mickey was the only other baby on the floor, and he listened to the storm with knowing trepidation. It would be especially bad today.

The other six sweet babes—Brock, Evan, Austin, Alexandra, Makaila, and Ronnie—were in their cribs. Not peacefully sleeping. Standing. Clutching the bars. Making as much noise as they could. This was their daily chorus, heralding their caregivers with shouts and screams and tears. These were the oldest babies who had already breakfasted and were waiting impatiently until their messes with would be cleaned up and they might play on the floor again.

“Alright, alright. You don’t need to scream.” Miss Trina told Brock. She hadn’t been in the nursery long today, but it was long enough with Brock screaming like he did. Mr. Joel had been there since before the nursery opened at 6:30, and although he could sometimes tune out the relentless cries, he sympathized with Miss T. “No, no Brock!”
Brock put his lips in the shape of an “O”… and then took it up again. Back in the corner crib, Austin paused his own whining to smirk.

At last the trays and highchairs were cleaned and cleared from the room, meals were recorded, and the floor was spot-wiped. Assessing the room full of unhappy babies, Mr. Joel asked, “Can they all come out now?”

“Yeah, they can come out now,” from Miss Su. She was theoretically the one in charge of the nursery, at least, in charge of the staff.

As Mr. Joel leaned over to lift Austin from his bed, Miss Trina asked “Can’t that one stay on there a little longer?” and laughed. Austin glowered at her, but only for an instant. None of the teachers noticed. Once liberated, he puffed his chest out and, hands behind his back, ran across the room. It was good to be free. He smiled broadly at all his comrades. There was so much to do today.

As soon as Miss Trina was busy with Alexandra’s bottle, Miss Su was changing Brecca’s diaper—she really made messy ones sometimes—and Mr. Joel was helping Mickey play with the new Playschool train, Austin called his first meeting. From under giant ladybugs and as far as the window he summoned them, back to the space in the corner behind his own crib. Makaila was the first one their, with her beautiful oriental face smiling above her yellow dress. Evan came crawled back with big brown eyes twinkling in anticipation. It was always so much fun. Brock walked up with his big blue eyes admiring Austin’s gusto and genius. Ronnie made his way under several cribs on his stomach before he came out at the meeting. He was aspiring to be in the army one day, although of course the adults just thought he didn’t know how to crawl “right.”

“Babes, we need to organize before they break our meeting up already.” Austin had all of their attention. “Makaila, pretend to give me the ball. Right. I’m not taking one nap today. Who’s with me?”

“I’ll do it.” Makaila smiled. “They hate it when I don’t sleep.”


“Yeah Ronnie.

“I want to take my naps today.”

“That’s ok. You’re little still. We should be ok between Makaila and I. Evan, do you mind attacking Mickey again? He still owes you for the spaghetti-O’s you slid him, doesn’t he?”

Evan nodded seriously. “No problem. Should I bite his nose off again?”

“Whatever you can manage.” Austin looked around him. “Ronnie, what’s your plan?”

“I, I was thinking about crying. A lot. Like every time someone goes in or out of the door.”

“That’s really good, Ronnie. They use the door a bunch.” Everyone looked at Ronnie with admiration.

“Oh, oh, oh, I’ll cry every time Miss Su leaves the room.” Evan added.

“Good. Brock?”

“I was thinking about banging my head and stomping my feet when I’m in the high chair. Miss Trina worries so much when I do that.”

“Sounds good. Brock, you and I will rattle our cribs, and all of us can rattle the cupboard handles, right?” Austin looked to make sure all understood.

“I’ll push Brecca and Alice over every chance I get,” volunteered Alexandra, who had just finished her bottle and was anxious to catch part of the meeting.

“I think we’re all set for now. Reconvene after lunch for more, okay?” Austin smiled gleefully. “Any questions?”


“Teacher!” Ronnie warned.

“Quick, pick up that ball! Ronnie and Alexandra, fight over the crib post! Brock, start to cry!”

“Hey…” Mr. Joel looked over at the babies. “You don’t all need to be back here. Come on.” He carefully extricated Ronnie and Alexandra and set them on the carpet near the toys. Then he walked back, lifted Evan and led Makaila and Brock out by their hands. When Mr. Joel went back for Austin, the little redhead just sat down and looked up defiantly. Just then, Miss Su ran out of the room to fetch a bottle and Evan and Ronnie immediately began to cry. To scream. And wail.

This will be a fun day.

* * *

The gentle midday phone conversations in the various offices were suddenly interrupted as a woman screamed. A door banged and then she was seen and heard running through the foyer. The woman’s eyes were wide and filled with unearthly fear as she shook and tripped in her rush to get away… anywhere but the nursery.

Running to follow the woman, the secretary’s heart fell in despair. “Not another one. Somebody call 9-1-1—it happened again!”

“It’s all of them, all of them together!” She screamed and shuddered. “A curse! All of them.” With that the woman fainted, and not even on the ride in the ambulance would she come back to a consciousness that had suffered what it had.

Two down…
© Copyright 2006 L. A. Copeland (lcopeland at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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