Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1100087-On-a-Summers-Eve
Rated: · Short Story · Nature · #1100087
One night a young woman faces herself and who she's become .
She let her hair loose from a messy bun, and a cascade of brown-red curls fell down to her back. She slipped her black silk dress down to the floor and looked our her window and stared at the sea. A gust of wind blew white linen curtains flying inside her room, and send her hair blowing behind, away from her face. The warm wind was one of the only comforts she could find here. She still had sand in between her toes from when she went dancing earlier that night. There was something in the air. The atmosphere. The smell. Something that made her realize how small she was. She watched the waves toss around a boat in the distance. She watched the wind bend tree branches. Teasing them, until finally they broke. She would never have this power. The sun was setting now, and her bronzed skin glowed and sparkled in the final moments of sunlight. She watched the red clouds slowly grow dark, and all that was left was the light of the moon.
She could see reminders of the afternoon party scattered along the beach. Forgotten towels, empty bottles. The laughter, the music, the essence still rung in her head. She could smell the scent of the man she had been dancing with in her hair. She turned away from her window, and found herself facing a mirror. She looked at herself. Standing there in her nakedness. She was different now. Darker. Filled in. Everything seemed to be in it's place. She was not like this when she first came. She walked right up to the mirror and looked herslef straight in the eyes. What she saw was longing. Longing entwined in the dark green. Tempting her to act. Playing with her fear. She could feel herself walking now. She could see her sandy feet move, one infront of the other.
She opened the door and danced in an updraft of warm ocean wind. Slowly she walked up to the sea. The sounds of the ocean echoed in her ears. She turned around to see the path that she had taken across the sand, and her footprints were as clear as ever.
"I'm here! Take me!" she called out and spread open her arms. Trying to fly away like an eagle.
"Take me! Take me!" she cried as she began to run into the sea. The water came up to her knees. And then her thighs. She could feel the waters forced resistance. The waves crashing into her as she walked. Soon she was sputtering. Spitting. Salty water burning her eyes. Her hair was trailing behind her. Floating on top of the water. Moving with the waves. The moon was cloudy. The night was dark.
and the sea swallowed her whole.
© Copyright 2006 Jamie Spencer (jamie4 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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