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A friendly duel turns into a big problem for Jaden |
Chapter 3: Inside Bedtime The day passes quickly and soon almost everybody is ready to go to bed. Except... Come on, Lex, we can't go to sleep now I still have some energy left. I feel the same way but we have classes tomorrow and I for one don't want to be late going. I'm used to staying up late and sleeping in class. I'm not, after all you can't do that all the time or else you could end up in detention with Dr. Crowler. The thought of spending time with Crowler makes Jaden think about what he just said. "O.K. I'll go too" says a disappointed Jaden "Good boy, Jaden" She pats him (softly) on the head just to tease him. Now wait while I get ready. Jaden stays and just stands there waiting for Alexis to come out. When see does Jaden is almost stunned at her appearance. Alexis is wearing a light blue gown with flower patterns all over and green tracings around the flower's leaves. She walks over to the bed and sits down then puts her hand down near Jaden so he can climb up. Wow! Alexis you look great! (Blushing slightly)Thanks, J She lays on her back and puts Jaden on her stomach so he can walk around. He tries to do his best while her stomach moves up and down from her breathing. Alexis? Hm? I don't have anywhere to sleep so do you have any ideas? Let's see... Bastion...No Chaz...No Syrus...Maybe Chumley...Maybe...Not Crowler...Oh No! Zane...Nah Jaz and Mindy...Don't think so So Jaden which one? Syrus? Um, nah too calm for me. Chumley? Uh, Nope he has a schedule I don't. I think I see your point (maybe). Me? Well, Okay Oops wait what about Atticus? Your brother? Yep. What would he say if he saw me like this and with you? Good point. So where will I sleep? Um... She looks around her room and studies almost every corner of it. But she doesn't see a spot to put him. She puts heer hand on her chest a bit disappointed then gets an idea. How about...inside me? Jaden's expression dropped faster than a bomb. Wait, what did you say? You can sleep inside me. Why there? It's the only place that can keep you safe, plus it has some good music. Jaden just looks at her questioningly. What do you mean? This. She takes him and puts him on her chest then put her hands over him laying him flat on it. Jaden then gets to hear Alexis' heartbeat strong and steady. Her heartbeat causes him to pulsate up and down along with it. I can really hear it Alexis. It sounds great. Good now you have to get near it. How do I do that? She gives him just the directions he needs and with his small size it should be easy. There you got it? I think so. Well in you go. She lifts him to her mouth and Jaden gets in. Remember you have to get to my windpipe. Got it. He peers down her throat and sees jut how far it is. (Well to him at least.) There is just enough light for him to see but not clearly. Hey Lex can you breathe in a little? She does and Jaden judges where it is going then once he knows he climbs down her throat wall and finds the entrance to her windpipe. He jumps in as it opens and slides down to a safe and comfortable spot. He can hear Alexis outside saying... Did you get in? "Yeah, I did" he replies. Good now you may have to keep going inside me to sleep. Uneasy Jaden says: Can we talk about it tomorrow? Okay, Good night. Good night, Lex. Alexis was right inside her right lung he can hear her heart beating right next to where he is almost like he can reach out and touch it. Soon the rhythmic beating lulls him to sleep and Alexis is also asleep. Tomorrow is another day. |