Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1099411-Memories-of-Days-to-Come-Ch1
by tinsle
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1099411
This is an excerpt (part of the first chap.)from my first published novel.
Six o’clock in the evening saw Sarah Cates sitting on one of the cement benches in front of the television studio. She was presently in a deliberation concerning that night’s dinner invitation extended by her new boss. Was accepting it a good or bad idea? Her presence in California was thanks to her college friend, Eve, who had managed to secure a temporary eight-week job for her at the same studio she had been working at for the past three years. The position would technically continue from the end of October until just before Christmas. The commute between Arizona and California on weekends was exasperating, but the ability to escape her present life of marriage to a man she had begun to dread, was reward enough. Marriages can change…sometimes for the worst, as it was in her case. Regarding her new job in Research for game shows at the studio, Sarah couldn’t wish for more. When her new co-worker Steve introduced her to her new boss on the past Monday, Sarah discovered an attraction to Mr. Robert Thackery, the director of the studio. He was an impeccably dressed older gentleman whose age Sarah estimated as being in his late fifties. Complete with brown shoulder-length hair that was more than half gray, a moustache, beard and silver wire-rimmed glasses, this man also carried himself with noticeable refinement. When being introduced, she detected an ever so slight British accent…an accent slowly being rubbed away by years of living in America. Sarah hoped the interest she felt didn’t show.
She recalled the events following the introduction. Thackery turned to Steve and mentioned, “I will be in Research shortly,” and walked toward another office while Sarah continued to watch him. She raised her eyebrows, nodded and smiled, only to note Steve was watching her, grinning in amusement. When caught, she cleared her throat and looked down in embarrassment. Steve continued to smile as he led her to the Research Department while explaining her new duties…
“Welcome to the hardest part of any game show…knowing everything. We select the categories and research all the information we can find regarding the topic for the answers and questions. The research must be thorough since there is absolutely no room for error. You work alone since none of us is allowed to know what the other is writing. That keeps us all legit.” He stopped at an entrance with the word ‘Research’ lettered on the door. “Here’s our cage.”
Steve introduced her to the rest of the researchers…John, Luke and Allen, men she found herself instantly liking. Steve waved his hands and said loudly, “Fellow researchers, our ‘fearless leader’ will be here soon for our monthly hash session. I suggest we all look studious.”
“Does Mr. Thackery come here often?” Sarah inquired.
“Only when he needs to get something immediately,” Steve answered. He then exaggerated a yawn and let an expression of boredom cover his face. “Or to see how the new employee performs during a hash session.”
Puzzled, Sarah looked at Steve. “Hash session?”
“That’s when we all come up with ideas about the next weeks’ shows. We pool our ideas and divvy up the categories for ideas on topics that can be presented on future shows.”
Steve just finished speaking when the door opened and Thackery entered. The meeting proved to be a catastrophe…at least for her. Sarah closed her eyes and winced remembering her humiliation as a result of thinking out loud…
“John, you are presently covering inventors, countries and nature?” Thackery asked while skimming over an outline distributed by Steve.
“Yes, sir. I managed to obtain a list of numerous inventions complete with the persons responsible for their conception. Take Benjamin Franklin for example. The man was brilliant. He even concocted a catheter for his own prostrate problem.”
A quiet “ouch” was heard in the room. 'Too loud,' she thought, 'keep it to yourself, Sarah.'
Her boss looked up over his eyeglass frames. “Queasy, Ms. Cates?”
She could feel her face redden as she politely answered, “A little, sir, but you have to admire his stamina.”
Her four co-workers looked down to smile while Thackery took off his glasses and began to rub his eyes. Sarah couldn’t detect his reaction to her outburst until a minute later.
“Ms. Cates, I will say this only once. I recommend you contain your witticisms during the remainder of this meeting. Do I make myself clear?” he asked in a bothered tone.
“Crystal, sir. I apologize for the disturbance,” she answered, wishing she had kept her mouth shut. After what seemed like forever, her boss resumed talking.
“If there are no further interruptions, I suggest we move on.”
The meeting lasted roughly an hour. Sarah kept her head down, choosing to listen and not offering anything that might warrant another reprimand. The only time she timidly looked up, she noticed Thackery watching her. Feeling uneasy, she swiftly returned her eyes to Steve’s outline, never seeing the slight smile on his lips.
Her embarrassment at the meeting impressed the idea of evading Thackery for the duration of her eight-week position.

Robert Thackery didn’t usually attend the ‘hash sessions’ in Research but this time he made a special effort to appear. After he left the Department following Monday’s meeting, he walked directly to the elevator, pressed his office floor and leaned back against the wall. His thoughts returned to his newest employee, Sarah Cates. There was something different about her. In California, there was no lack of attractive females. She was attractive enough, tall with shoulder-length auburn hair but you could look into her green eyes and recognize there was more to her than met the eye. She had an endearing smile, sharp wit, and the feminine quality he especially loved…blushing. Women always looked beautiful to him when they blushed. He recalled the numerous times he had met women who fabricated walls around themselves before they were introduced to him. If you wanted to take the time to strip that façade away, a completely different person would be standing in front of you. He assumed certain women confused reality with fantasy, and were never consciously able to distinguish between the two. Then, there are those rare times you meet a woman who comes across as genuine and vulnerable. You didn’t have to waste time chipping away at a fake exterior; you had the privilege of seeing a real human being, the one who had the unassuming nature, and the one who would still humbly blush. His floor arrived and he walked directly to his office, still thinking of Sarah Cates, determined to see her again.

Summons to meet with Thackery came earlier today, this Friday morning. She felt panic when Steve told her to report to his office. An unexpected, yet pleasant result was waiting for her.
“Sarah, this is going to top off your first week in grand style,” he started. “Our ‘fearless leader’ would like to speak to you in his office.”
“When? Why?” she asked in dismay.
“Now and I don’t know,” Steve answered.
“Damn, now what did I do?” Sarah mumbled.
“I have no clue. Let me say it’s been nice working with you this one and only week,” Steve said.
“Steve, stop it,” she sternly said. “Now you’ve really got me scared. Where is his office anyway?”
“Go to the private elevator and press the top floor. His office is the top floor,” Steve said. “Keep me posted in the event I have to organize a farewell party.”
Sarah flashed him a disagreeable look, quickly stood and started for the door, only to suddenly turn back to him. “How do I look?” she inquired.
“Like Joan of Arc when she saw the first lit match,” he answered.
“Thanks, Steve,” she said in an exasperated tone. Sarah gave a final, pained glance at her smiling co-worker, sighed under her breath and then rushed to the door.
Sarah began to jog to the elevator solely reserved for reaching Thackery’s office. Upon arriving at the floor, she introduced herself to his secretary Linda, who directed Sarah to the double doors at the end of the hallway. Once she reached the doors, she softly knocked and heard a voice inviting her in. Cautiously entering, she chose to remain at the door. The office was immense and brimming with antiques. On three of the walls were hardwood bookcases crowded with numerous books. On the fourth wall were several large paintings. The furniture throughout the office was flawlessly tasteful, including the large oak desk with high back leather chair that stood in front of a large window overlooking LA’s busy avenues. No one seemed to be in sight.
“Hello, Sarah. It looks like there is no place to hide this time,” again the identical, but concealed voice spoke.
She moved closer to the desk where the voice seemed to be originating from. The tall chair spun around and she became face to face with her undeniable fear. . .Robert Thackery.
“I would like to inform you I am able to recognize when I am being avoided. I especially enjoyed the time you try to dodge me by slipping into the men’s room. I cannot remember seeing anyone race out of a room at such a breakneck speed in my life. You did, however, brighten my entire day.”
At that moment Sarah felt as if she resembled a deer blinded by a car’s headlights.
"You saw that?” she asked hesitantly.
“I did. Have a seat before you decide to make another break for it,” he instructed.
She moved to one of the chairs in front of the desk and sat down. Instead of staying behind his desk, he moved to one of the chairs next to her and sat down. He spoke first, while placing his hand on top of hers. “You are not in any trouble. From what I understand, you are doing an excellent job. I wanted to take this opportunity to ask if you would like to continue your position at this studio after the eight weeks are finished.”
Sarah glanced at Thackery with surprised look, then smiled. “Thank you, sir. I would love to but I need to check…” she gazed down awhile before she finished her answer. “Um, at this time I can’t give you a definite yes or no.”
“I hope you will be able to soon, Sarah,” he said while giving her a quick wink. “For future reference, I do not bite, so you can stop bolting into the men’s room when you see me approaching.”
Sarah continued to let her eyes remain averted as she slowly slipped her hand out from under his and took a deep breath before looking up at him shyly, “Yes sir.”
The opportunity to stay was only the beginning. A breathtaking, but undiplomatic beauty barged into Thackery’s office just as he finished speaking to her. The mysterious woman insisted upon his undivided attention…
“You do realize I am busy at this moment,” he said tersely.
“Darling, I see that,” she answered while glancing at Sarah. “I’m sorry. I forgot my cell phone and since I was nearby I simply had to talk to you.”
“One minute,” he said as he pulled the woman to Sarah’s chair. “Sarah, may I introduce you to Felicia. Felicia, this is one of my employees, Sarah.” He looked at Sarah and added, “Felicia is quite impulsive at times.”
Felicia looked at Sarah briefly, said an aloof, “Pleased,” and returned her attention to Sarah’s boss. “My dear, you do remember the party tonight at Teddy’s?”
“No, I did not remember. I have to finish some work tonight that cannot be postponed and I do not think I will finish anytime before midnight.” Thackery stated firmly.
“No matter, dear,” Felicia pointed out. “Nothing ever gets started before midnight anyway. How about I go with Roger and meet you at Teddy’s?”
Thackery turned away and looked out his window, answering an awaiting Felicia with obvious irritation in his voice. “Keep it in mind I cannot promise anything.”
“No problem. If I see you, I see you. Try anyway, my dearest,” she said blowing him a kiss while backing to the office’s door. “You really should get out a bit more. You’re practically stagnating in this stuffy old office. If I don’t see you tonight, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Bye! Oh, and nice meeting you, Sharon,” she called as she rushed out the door as swiftly as she entered. Once she was gone, only the scent of Opium reminded them of her spontaneous visit.
Sarah mouthed the name ‘Sharon’ to herself with a confused appearance on her face. She noticed her boss fall back into his chair feigning exhaustion.
“That woman can deplete the patience of a saint. I know I could not possibly sit through another one of her friends’ dull parties.” Thackery stopped and snapped his fingers, looking at Sarah expectantly. “How would you like to join me for dinner tonight? I would like to avoid her call, complete with the endless pleas to me to come and meet her.”
She still had the puzzled look on her face when she looked up at her boss. “Sir, isn’t there a policy stating employees shouldn’t have personal relationships with one another outside the studio?”
“This is not a personal relationship…this is an employee saving the boss’s sanity,” Thackery reminded her.
“Well sir, seeing you put it that way, I’d like that very much,” Sarah answered.
“Good,” he said with satisfaction. “I will meet you at the front door this evening at six.”

Just before six, Thackery walked to the window and gazed out to the Los Angeles streets. He couldn’t quite grasp why his late wife suddenly cropped up in his mind, but he smiled when he thought of Rene. His memory of her never affected him when he dated Felicia. Why now? He expected he would have gotten over her death by now. Thackery continued to presume that old habits die-hard, especially for older men trying to hold on to the past.
Now there was Sarah, the new employee with the green eyes and the delightfully feminine blush. He longed to talk with her, touch her, get lost in her arms and make love to her. Perhaps his thoughts of Rene was his way of telling his late wife, in a superstitious way, that he was letting go of the past and ready to move on, but would never forget his precious memory of her.
Thackery noticed the displayed time on his desk clock and hurried to the coat rack to grab his suit coat. He slid into it, stole one final glimpse into his mirror while adjusting his tie and switched the light off in his office. He hoped Sarah would feel the same appeal toward him as he felt toward her.

© Copyright 2006 tinsle (tinsle at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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