Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1097827-If-Dreams-Could-Come-True
Rated: E · Essay · Other · #1097827
Why are dreams important? Read on and find out.
The dictionary defines a dream as, "a series of thoughts or images passing through the mind in sleep." It also states, "a dream is a cherished hope or ambition."

What the dictionary doesn't tell us, is how dreams affect our lives. From the moment we are born, we change someone's life. Weren't we once someone's dream? A good dream, or a bad dream. It doesn't matter, we still affect the outcome of all the lives that come in contact with us.

As a child many of our dreams seem bad, we call these dreams nightmares (a horrible or frightening dream). They make us fearful of the unknown. We become afraid of the dark, because what we dream may be lurking in the shadows waiting for us to let down our defenses.

As we grow, we learn to distinguish and develop our dreams. We become more
aware of our surroundings, and learn how to have more control of our fears. Once this happens, our dreams no longer seem to impact us as strongly.

As we mature and develop, our dreams also mature and develop with us. They usually reflect the things we have seen or done in the past. Like memories drifting by us on a cloud, stopping by briefly to toy with our minds, they become a fleeting glimpse into our past, or our future.

If we dwell into our past for too long, we can develop into a stagnant pool, breeding such undesirable traits such as: boredom, listlessness, lack of interest and fear of change. If we let this happen, mankind would cease to exist, and that would become the worst nightmare ever dreamed. The future would look bleak indeed.

Luckily for us there are two sides to every coin, and to every problem a solution. In this case a cherished hope or ambition, can become our salvation.

Our dreams can also reflect our aspirations, or it can be a mirror image of our deepest thoughts. Thoughts of which, while we are conscious, seem forbidden to us.

Quite often our dreams become a reality. The Wright Brother's had a dream to fly. Their dream became a reality when they built and flew their dream. We can see and hear our dreams each time we listen to the radio, or watch TV. We travel from place to place in somebody's dream each time we ride a bike, or get into a car, bus, train, or airplane. These dreams, once they became a reality, not only changed the lives of the dreamer, but also changed the lives of all those who came in contact with the result of these dreams.

If we dare not dream, then we cease to exist. So we must dream in order to survive, and to grow and nurture our hearts, minds and souls. We need to dream in order to bring our minds in unison with our Creator, and to develop and create a world where people are no longer afraid of the unknown.

Sharing our dreams with others may bring a closeness, that otherwise may be forbidden to us. So if dreams could come true, I say, let them. Let them grow and multiply a thousand fold. Let them fill our minds with thoughts and ideas, for we may find the answers to questions. Questions that we were afraid to ask, questions that can be answered easily in our dreams.

So, let us dream, let our dreams become reality...and our future.

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