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It is about a woman who is murdered by her husband. |
I didn’t understand why he was acting this way, it’s not like I had told him I wanted a divorce. He had always told me to be truthful with him so I was; I told him that I was not happy with the way our relationship was going. I did not expect him to go crazy like this. After he trashed most of our apartment he came into the bedroom and knocked on the on suite bathroom door. “I’m sorry babe. I didn’t mean to scare you I just got worried, that’s all,” his tone of voice was unusual so she didn’t respond. “I thought you had found someone else, how did you expect me to react!” His voice was getting louder and more violent. “Just go out will you, get some fresh air, clear your head. I don’t want to speak to you right now, okay?” She finally replied. He did not respond she could hear him looking for something; she didn’t have any idea what he could be looking for though. She tried to ignore it and stood up and looked in the mirror. She was a mess. Her hair was wild and her mascara had smudged all over her eyes from when she was crying. She brushed her hair and tied it up, she put a head band on to move back her fringe. She wiped off her make-up and washed her face. She looked in the mirror and saw that were he had hit her earlier on was starting to bruise. She couldn’t believe that he had hit her; he had never had a temper before. He was always so gentle and calm but the last few weeks he had been really violent. She couldn’t understand what could have caused this sudden change. Nothing had happened at work, all of his family and friends were perfectly healthy, there was nothing that could have brought this anger on. Then she thought to herself; is there something seriously wrong and he’s keeping it from me? Does he have a whole other life that she has no idea about? She was driven away from her thoughts as she heard the front door bang. He was gone; this was her chance to get out before anything serious happened. She slowly unlocked the door and opened it slightly, just enough so she could examine the room to see if he was still inside. Nothing. She opened the door fully and grabbed her Louis Vuitton suitcase from the closet. She opened it up and started packing her stuff. Firstly, she gathered her essential toiletries from the bathroom, then she gathered some underwear and then some clothes and shoes. She quickly put on her trainers and grabbed her purse and the suitcase. She walked down the stairs and went to the office to gather up her laptop and some money. She walked back to the hall were she had left her bag and her suitcase. She picked up her keys from the tray by the door. She heard a car pull up outside. It was him. She didn’t know what to do. If he caught her with her bags packed he’d go mad. She quickly picked up her stuff and ran to the back door. She quietly shut it as he walked through the front door. She watched him as he ran up the stairs holding a large black travel bag that she had never seen before. She ran around to the gate and opened it slowly. She had forgotten about the automatic light. Strangely, it didn’t come on. She shut the gate quietly. She ran out into the front and unlocked her car. She opened the boot of her Mercedes C200 and lifted her suitcase and quietly placed it in. She shut the boot making very little sound. She could hear him inside screaming her name. She ran to the front of the car and sat inside throwing her bag onto the seat next to her. As she reached out to shut her door she heard him booting down a door. She shut the door forgetting to be quiet and she started her car and started to pull out. As she turned the car around there he was, waiting at the front door watching her. He looked at her with this strange look she had never seen before. He ran out to her she quickly locked all of the doors. “Get out of the fucking car you slut! Who gave you the right to disobey me? Get out of the car now, bitch!” He started to slam his hands on the bonnet of her car. She pulled out and he came running after her. He pulled out a gun and she screamed. He started laughing as if it were a game. “Leave me alone. Why are you doing this, what have I done to you?” she shouted to him. “Just get out of the car and come inside.” He said softly. She tried to pull out but he walked in front of the car. “Move! Just let me go, please!” she said as she was sobbing. “Get out of the car, now! I’ll give you 10 seconds and then I’ll shoot!” She didn’t know what to do. She was sure that if she got out of the car he would end up killing her anyway. She put her foot down and drove, she just missed him. As she drove away he was shooting at her. 5 shots were fired that night. 4 of them only did damage to the car. The 5th shot killed her. They weren’t supposed too. They were just supposed to scare her. That’s what he told the judge anyway. He didn’t get away with it though. Nobody ever found out what actually did change him and turn him into a crazy murderer. He was only in prison for 1 month before he committed suicide. He never did get punished for what he did. He killed her, the only person who cared about me. He took it all away, and for what? He was a coward. He took the easy way out and killed himself so he didn’t have to live with the guilt of killing her. |