Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1094626-His-love-to-someone
Rated: E · Novel · Romance/Love · #1094626
A novel of Love , family problems faced by a teenager .
Chapter 1
The weather was very awful for today , in the quiet city of stevensville , the school dissmal bell rang , students could been seen rushing back home .Iniside class 5N2 , Darren is packing up his bag , beside him was his good high school buddy Melvin .

"What's taking you so long buddy come on we gotta hurry Lucy's gonna lock the door !" . Packing up what was left on the desk into the blue Addidas bag , the two teenagers begin to head for their usual hangout the school Teen studios . Along the way, Darren began to think of the coming saturday
meeting with his father and his heart felt heavy . Darren's parents had divorced when he was only a year old , since then he hated his father for his behaviour as the couple divorced due to Darren's father having an affair outside with another woman
Darren was still thinking about the meeting until Melvin tapped him , "Hey that way is to the canteen where are you off to ?" Reliasing he walked the wrong way , Darren apologized to Melvin and walked together with him again.

Knowing Darren since primary school , Melvin knows what he's thinking the young kid's been with him sharing his up and downs . He knew everytime when Darren meets up with his father , things will be horrible . And he had kept in min never to mention anything about Darren's dad in front of darren . The both soon entered the Teens studio and settled down at their usual desk .

Chapter 2
In the teen studio , Melvin stood at the magazine rag , deciding which book to read until suddenly , Darren called him . " Time flies dude , we known each other for twelve years and counting man ". Melvin suddenly felt weird why's he suddenly talking like this ? "should i just let the bygones be bygones ?" added Darren 'what are you talking about Darren you okay ?". "It's about my dad , we have been at odds for almost 15 years plus ? i think time i should learn to let things go man ". said Darren while drinking his cup of coke ordered in the studio . "well Darren , to me it's time you let things go afterall he is your father . This is a fact you cannot change . he may have done something wrong in his past , but hey my friend , shouldn't you give him a chance ? " After hearing what Melvin said Darren's heart was beginning to felt heavy , "let's see how things go tomorrow Melvin , i'm going home now ". said Darren with a liitle smile . "Ok then Darren see you again on monday ! " said melvin as Darren took his umbrella out from his school bag and began walking towards the school gate.

The weather was still very awful , Darren walked briskly along the sideroad grapsing the umbrella tightly as the wind howled fiercely he made a right turn towards Maryland avenue to cross the traffic light , she could see a girl in front of her about the same age of Darren carry an umbrella and holding a file in her right hand . The pavement alongside Maryland avenue was known to be uneven and slippery during rainy days then sudden;y the girl in front of Darren slipped and fell .

Chapter 3
Darren upon seeing the girl fall , rushed to her aid he could see her leg he quickly took tissues out from his bag and pressed it on her leg to stop the wound from bleeding and , the two locked eye contact , Darren was being attracted by her fair and gentle look , and he noticed her name on her school uniform name tag it read " MABEL LIM " SCHOOL PERFECT. Darren helped Mabel up , she was blushing and thanked him sofly in an audbile voice Mabel was already blushing like a red tomato Darren helped her to hold her file while Mabel was already limping "i think you sprained your leg , where do you leave ? i'll walk you back home " . " it's okay i live nearby at Ocean Apartment said Mabel softly "you live there ?? what an concidence! said Darren "i live on the same apartment on the 5th floor ! "Is it ? i just moved there yesterday with my family !! and we are on the same floor ! Nice to meet you ! " my name is Darren Ang "said Darren shyly "Let's go back together shall we i shall introduce you to my family !" said mabel together the both of them walked down the streets of Maryland avenue towards Ocean Apartments.
________TO BE CONTINUED __________
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