Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1094586-The-Italian-Adventure
by alyss
Rated: 18+ · Novella · Romance/Love · #1094586
English Lady in Italy with family
         Analisa was finally in Italy. For a while, it looked like she wouldn't be able to go. She was going to be left at the Sherwood Estate acting as chatelaine while her stepfather and stepsister enjoyed the season in Florence. However, the housekeeper that was going to go with them had refused to leave England. She was left at the estate and Analisa took her place. She had no problem functioning as a housekeeper. She had been kept in the country since her Mother died and running the county seat while Elizabeth and Lord Sherwood lived in London. At least she was abroad and could see some of the sites that she had longed to see and read about. The Villa that had rented rested on she shore with easy access to the ocean and the beach. Analisa had gotten up early and wearing a muslim gown and comfortable shoes she had gone down to the beach to walk barefoot in the sand. It was deserted so no one would see her doing such an inappropriate thing.

         During the current season, Elizabeth had met a Conde named Giorgio Firenzo that she felt would make her a suitable husband. He was an Italian count and has an estate on the outskirts of Florence. He was also very rich. He had left London to return to Florence and Elizabeth and Lord Sherwood decided a trip abroad would be beneficial. Since they had arrived, her stepfather and stepsister and gotten entre into the very particular, enclosed Italian aristocracy. Analisa stayed at the estate in the background ensuring that the servants took care of the house, did the shopping, and took care of the house accounts. Analisa spent her time on the beach and making friends with the working middle class of Florence. She had been fairly fluent in Italian; but since coming to Florence, she spoke it like a native. Her father had been a French aristo and had escaped from Madame Guillotine. He had met her mother during the London season and they had married. His assets had not been primarily in France, so he was faily well off. They bought a house in London upon their marriage. Her Father had died when she had been ten years old. Her mother had lived in the London house until her period of mourning was over. She had been pursued by great numbers of suitors because even though she didn't have an estate she was very well off. There were many of the aristrocracy that needed the income she had to offer as well as the fact that she had the proper family background. She had finally decided on Lord Sherwood and the Sherwood estates. When they had moved into Sherwood House, Annalicia inherited a stepsister, Elizabeth. She had tried to become a friend to her but, Elizabeth resented both her and her mother and ignored them. And so it went on until her mother died a few years later from the influenza. Annalisa had been left with a small inheritance as a dowry but the bulk of the estate went to Lord Sherwood. As soon as her mother was buried, he left for London with Elizabeth and never returned. This left the responsibility of the Sherwood estates to Annalisa. With little experience, she learned how to run it and run it well. And thats how things had been until now. Annalisa was able to come to Italy and she planned to enjoy her time here.

         While Annalisa was playing on the beach, someone was riding at a fast clip. She hurriedly put her shoes back on and backed away so that he could pass. Instead of flying past her, he halted right beside her. Annalisa turned to flee back to the house.

         "No please stop." the stranger said in Italian.

         She stopped reluctantly thinking he might need some help. She looked up at him. The sun was behind him and it was hard to see, but she could tell that he was Italian. She responded in his language.

         "I shouldn't be here talking to you. If my stepfather caught me, I'd be in quite a bit of trouble"

         "Excuse me, Senorita, if I am being too bold, but I ride here every day and I do not recognize you."

         "I am here with my family and I really can't give you my name. We have not been properly introduced. I must go before I am seen. Adios, Senor."

         Analisa hurriedly ran back to the villa vexed with the stranger for interrupting her enjoyment of the beach. Elizabeth would be up soon and her day would be filled with work until, her sister left to go out for the evening.

         Count Giorgio wondered who the little senorita was. He owned this strip of beach. It belonged to his estate and he had never seen her before. He could tell she was very young and her Italian had a cultured, old world style to it that told him that she was not one of the common people. She had light brown hair and gentle blue eyes with a delicate frame. He would find out who she was with a little subtle questioning. Florence was still essentially a small town as in everyone knew everyone else and strangers were noticed and gossiped about. He urged his horse on again finishing his ride back to his estate.

         Annalisa hurried back to the villa. It was almost time for breakfast, and she had many errands to run during the day. Elizabeth and her father were attending a soire given by Count Ferrenzo. Elizabeth would be a holy terror all day trying to make sure that she presented the correct image to the Count. It would take all of Annalisa's management skills to keep the servants from bearing the brunt of Elizabeth's uncertain temper.

         Finally, Elizabeth was off to the soiree and Annalisa would have time to herself. She wandered down the path to the beath following the shore. She was in a simple dinner dress of turquoise chiffon. Since she had not been introduced to society, her clothing was youthful and simple. She wore nothing to intricate. She preferred it that way. Simpley adorned clothing suited her. She didn't have the flashy golden looks of her stepsister. Elizabeth had the presence to wear and wear well intricately and beautifully made clothes. It was one of the things that Annalisa had always admired in her. Lord Sherwood loved to have his daughter on his arm when he attended various entertainments of the beau monde. She was a great credit to him.

         Annalisa heard footsteps behind her. She glanced back and saw the same gentleman that had been riding his horse approaching her.

         "We meet again, Senorita. I see we both have a liking for the beach."

         He was elegant in in a simple but beautifully cut suit in black with an intricately folded ascot around his neck. His black hair was dressed in a simple but effective feather cut. Annalisa turned to go back to the villa.

         "Please don't leave. I was hoping to meet you again tonite so that we could introduce ourselves."

         "I am sorry, Senor, but I can't acknowledge you withougt a proper introduction and I certainly can't give you my name. Good evening."

         With that she turned and climbed the path back to the villa.

         Giorgio had taken pains to discover who the little senorita was. The shop folk were familiar with her but no one knew her name. He watched the path she took. The only villa that path led to was the house that Lord Sherwood had taken during the season here in Florence. He was not aware that there were others of the household besides Elizabeth. Apparently, he was mistaken. He would have to call pay a call on Lord Sherwood.

         Annalisa sighed as she returned to the villa. It looked like her forays to the beach would have to end while the strange young man was around. She would spend her quiet time in the courtyard and the garden that decorated it. There were plenty of small benches to sit on and the view was magnificent. She mounted to stairs to her bedroom and turned in for the night.

         Annalisa was up and carrying out her duties when the butler came to her and announced Count Giorgio Firrenzo. She instructed the butler to put him in the formal salon and to send a maid to inform her stepfather and stepsister of his arrival. They had both returned late and were still abed. Annalisa headed for the salon to act as hostess until her stepsister arrived. She opened the door and stopped in shock. It was the same man she had been seeing on the beach. She held out her hand.

         "How do you do, Count Ferrenzo? I am Lady Annalisa Tourdot. I'm sorry if I have been rude to you during the last week. It was not my intent."

         He bowed to her and kissed her hand.

         "No, Lady Annalisa, your behavior was all that was proper. It shows that you were properly brought up and know the rules of society. I am just glad that we have been formerly introduced now after a fashion."

         Annalisa looked at him quickly and surprised a twinkle in his eye. He was laughing at her. She smoothed out her face to its social mask and seated herself. As soon as she was comfortable, he walked over to a chair and sat down elegantly. She poured to tea and prepared it as instructed. She handed it to him and poured herself a cup of tea. Just as she took a sip, Elizabeth appeared.

         "You can go now, Annalisa, I'm here."

         "As soon as Lord Sherwood appears, Elizabeth, I will retire. But it is not proper for you to be alone in the salon with Count Giorgio."

         Elizabeth looked daggers at Annalisa but couldn't disagree with her. It would be improper for her to be along with the count and Florence society as she had come to know was very straightlaced on the proprieties. Elizabeth's actions were slightly scandalous in London. Lord Sherwood hadn't kept good control over her. In Florence, however, they would be unacceptable. Once she was married to Giorgio, though, she could relax and be more like herself. Finally, Elizabeth's father appeared and Annalisa retired. She had much to do before she was through for the day and could relax.

         Giorgio was displeased. He had wanted Annalisa to stay so that he could get to know her better. But it was obvious that that would not be allowed by Lady Elizabeth or Lord Sherwood. Now that they were formally introduced, though, he should be able to come upon her casually and start up a conversation. While offering pleasantries to his hosts he occupied his thoughts with plans on how to bring those meetings about.

         Annalisa was strolling in the market purchasing groceries for the household. The cook was Italian but Elizabeth and Lord Sherwood preferred English fare. It was a major diplomatic effort to combine the two desires and satisfy each party. So Annalisa did the grocery shopping. She was enjoying a debate with one of the shop keepers on the price of some beef, when she felt someone approach her from behind. She finished her purchase and turned to leave when she noticed it was Count Giorgio. She started in surprise and stepped aside so that he could be waited on. She hurried out of the shop and headed back to the villa. She heard someone calling her name.

         "Senorita Tourdot! Senorita Tourdot! Please wait for a minute!"

         She turned and looked back. It was Count Giorgio calling to her. She waited patiently for him to catch up with her.

         "Before you ran off, I intended to ask you if you would allow me to escort you back to the villa."

         "It is not necessary, Count Ferrenzo. I am quite used to making these forays into the market alone. No one has made any untoward advances to me and the shopkeepers have been all that is courteous to me."

         "Nevertheless, permit me to accompany you. If you were my sister or daughter be assured you would not be permitted out without some kind of escort. You never know when some of the town tuffs we have here will decide it would be fun to frighten you."

         Escort me, if you insist, Count, but you will find that Lord Sherwood has little concern about providing me with an escort. It is an exercise in futility to protect me today for I will be going to the market again alone tomorrow."

         "I don't understand Lord Sherwood's lack of concern where you are concerned; but be assured his actions are watched closely by the ancient regime that lives here in Florence. I was looking for you. My aunt is giving a birthday party for my young daughter, Maria. She will be ten on Thursday. We will have a picnic on the beach for her young friends and various of our acquaintances that we feel will be suitable."

         "Oh, I'm sure that Lord Sherwood and Elizabeth will be honored to attend. I will pass on the invitation to them."

         "Oh, but Senorita Tourdot, I wish you to attend also."

         "No, Count Ferrenzo, I will not be attending. Lord Sherwood has instructed me that I staying at home while I am here in Italy. I have not had my come out yet."

         "Don't worry then about passing on my invitation. I will call on Lord Sherwood myself and proffer it personally. Well, here we are, Senorita Tourdot. Safely at your door."

         He bowed, took her hand gently and kissed it heading on down the beach. Annalisa watched him til he was out of site and then walked up the stairs to the villa.

         Elizabeth came down the stairs in a foul mood the next morning. She passed Annalisa and gave her a malevolent glare. She sat down to breakfast.

         "Father came to my room to see me. Giorgio saw him yesterday and invited the family to the birthday party for his daughter. He accepted for him and me but Giorgio insisted that you come too. He felt that you would be a good influence on his daughter. Father didn't have any choice but to agree. He told Giorgio that you weren't out yet but it was all of us or none of us. I have been trying for weeks to get invited to meet his family and this is the first opportunity Giorgio has given me. Just stay out of my way, little sister. I intend to be the wife of Count Ferrenzo and no one is going to stand in my way."

         Annalisa was disturbed about the count's insistence that she be at the birthday party. She had made it clear that she was'nt accepting invitations during her visit here. Next time she saw him, she would have to make that clear to him. The last thing she needed was for Elizabeth to decide that she was a hindrance in Elizabeth getting what she wanted. She knew from experience that her stepsister could be very unpleasant.

         The day for the birthday party was finally here. Annalisa was very excited. She wasn't permitted to go on outings much so this was a treat for her. She made sure that she dressed so that she would fade into the woodwork and that Elizabeth wouldn't see her as a rival. She wore her usually pearl gray and dressed her hair in the severe style she had adopted when she put up her hair. She could face down her family when it was necessary but made sure that she didn't do anything to provoke them. She had learned that the results could be unpleasant. She would give Elizabeth the floor and play with the children. Her manner was too soft for the society that Elizabeth liked to shine in. As soon as they arrived, Annalisa addressed the members of the household in her usual polite and warm manner conversing with them in the Italian she had taken the trouble to learn. She excused herself and headed for the nursery and the children.

         Giorgio came down the stairs. The party was in full swing. The adults were in the drawing room socializing and the children would be brought down soon for cake and ice cream. Giorgio entered the drawing room and looked for Annalisa. He saw Lord Sherwood and Elizabeth but not Annalisa. If they had prevented her from coming when he had specifically requested her presence, he would inform them of his displeasure. Elizabeth saw him enter and rose from the seat she had been sitting in. She had been extremely bored by the company and had made sure they everyone knew it. She had only come because she would have a chance to let Giorgio see her in his home and realize what an ornament she would be as his wife. She glided over to his side and slid her hand around his arm. She looked at him cocquetishly, flirting with him. Giorgio was extremely uncomfortable at her blantant behavior. The guests he had invited were long time friends of his family and very conservative. They wouldn't approve of such obvious behavior by an unmarried woman. He smiled and her and gently removed her hand from his arm.

         "Where is the little senorita, Annalisa? Did she not come?"

         "Of course she came, Giorgio just as you requested. But you have to realize she is still very young and isn't out yet. She has gone to the nursery to be with the children."

         Giorgio was irritated that Annalisa wasn't in the drawing room. He had been looking forward to seeing her in the bosom of his family. He felt sure that his family would find her the delight that he did. Her manners were impeccable and her lineage adequate. He wanted to see her in his home before he offered for her. She would make the perfect wife for him. He intended to court her slowly and carefully because she was very innocent. He was setting up events where he could see her without showing how particular his attention was becoming. As soon as he made his intentions clear to her father, he would have more access to her time. Right now, however, he needed to be careful not to embarrass her. Just then he heard the children being herded down the stairs for cake and ice cream. He stepped out into the hall and saw his Annalisa surrounded by the children laughing and joking with them. She would be a perfect stepmother for his little daughter. He could see that Maria was already clinging to her skirts and lookiing admiringly up at her. His plans were moving satisfactorily. Soon he would let Lord Sherwood know his intentions. He caught her eye and smiled at her. She blushed charmingly.

         Once the birthday party was over and the children were sent upstairs to the nursery, Giorgio escorted Annalisa into the drawing room to prevent her from going up to the nursery. She left him when she reached the drawing room and headed for the group of matrons seated by the fireplace who sat and gossiped with each other. They were all his older female relations and were the ones he wanted to Annalisa to meet. When Lord Sherwood's party left, he would ask them for their opinion of Annalisa. Their opinion would carry much weight on his final decision for they would need to approve of his choice. His wife would be responsible for their well-being since they lived with him. They would need to approve of her in order to maintain harmony in his household. He watched Annalisa while conversing with the men in the drawing room. He could see that she was making a good impression on his relations. She was modest and polite talking to them in her cultured Italian. Finally, it was time for everyone to leave. He stood at the door and bid farewell to his guests. The last to leave was Lord Sherwood's party. Elizabeth had been making a fool of herself flirting with the young men at the party drawing huge frowns from his female relations. However, he couldn't get Annalisa here without inviting Elizabeth and Lord Sherwood. He offered a special farewell to Annalisa and finally his house was empty of guests. He went into the drawing room and sauntered over to where his female relations were sitting discussing the guests.

         "Well, ladies, did you have a good time?

         His Aunt Carmen responded.

         "Yes, darling Giorgio, it was a very nice party as usual. Maria showed that she had pretty manners along with her pretty face."

         "Yes, Aunt, you have done an excellent job with Maria. She does me much credit. What did you think of the Sherwood family? This is the first time that I have invited them to a family gathering."

         "Lord Sherwood seemed to be a nice gentleman, Giorgio; but that oldest girl of his. Her manners are deplorable. I blushed for her throughout the afternoon. You could tell that the young men she flirted with judged her to be fast and loose and treated her accordingly. If she plans to be in our society for very long, my dear, someone needs to let her father know that he needs to rein her in. However, the younger one, Annalisa, is very different from her sister. She is becomingly modest and has done us the honor of learning fluent Italian without the slightest accent. She stayed and talked with us as was proper and didn't make a fool of herself like her sister. She fits very well into our social set."

         Giorgio was well satisfied with how his plans were evolving. He had developed a nice friendship with Annalisa and his relatives approved of her. In a few days, he would be speaking with Lord Sherwood about getting his permission to court her. It was too bad that she hadn't made her curtsy yet but that could be taken care of once she married him. He went to bed thinking about the future.

         Elizabeth hadn't been as shallow as she let on. While she had been flirting with the young men, she had been watching Giorgio. She had noticed how his eyes followed her stepsister when he thought no one was looking. The chit thought she was going to steal Giorgio from her, did she? Well she was in for a shock. Annalisa didn't know it yet, but one of father's friends, Count Ricardo Pucci, had seen Annalisa and expressed an interest in taking her to wife. Her father had been reluctant to permit him to pay his addresses because Annalisa was useful at his country place. However, Elizabeth thought it was just the thing to teach the little minx a lesson. Elizabeth had much influence over her father. If she encouraged the suit, her father would permit the Count to court her. She would make sure her father approved of Count Ricardo for Annalisa.

         Giorgio arrived at Lord Sherwood's villa to express his intentions toward Annalisa. He knocked on the door and the butler answered. He asked to see Lord Sherwood. He was told that Lord Sherwood had a visitor but would tell him the count was here as soon as he was free. In the meantime, the count could wait in the courtyard, if it so pleased him. Giorgio happened to see Annalisa go into the courtyard so it pleased him very much. He went to find her. She was sitting on a bench with her back turned to him. When he walked around the bench to face her, he saw that she was crying silently. He sat on the bench and took her hands in his.

         "What is the matter, Cara?"

         "Count Ferrenzo! I am so sorry you came upon me in such an undignified display. I will remove myself to my room at once."

         "No, please, Annalisa. Tell me what is troubling you?"

         "Its a family matter, Count. I really shouldn't discuss it with you."

         "Think of me as a friend, Cara, who is very interested in all that happens to you."

         "I really shouldn't discuss this with you but I have no one else to talk to."

         She wrenched her hands of of Giorgio's and started wringing them. He recaptured them stroking them in a calming manner.

         "Then tell me what is troubling you. If there is any way to help you, I will."

         "I just left Lord Sherwood. Count Pucci is with him. He has asked my stepfather to court me and my father has agreed. He is in his fifties and has buried three wives. Why would my stepfather agree to this?"

         She wrenched her hands from Giorgio's grasp and ran back into the villa. Giorgio sat on the bench thinking over about what she had just divulged to him in spiraling anger. He wanted Annalisa and no one else would get her. The butler came to get him and escort him to Lord Sherwood.

         "Count Ferreno, please have a seat. I am pleased to see you."

         "I am also grateful to see you also, Lord Sherwood. I desire your approval on my behalf. I have been long without a wife because I have not found anyone that stirs me that would be suitable. Your daughter has found favor with me and I would like to court her."

         "Count Ferrenzo, Elizabeth will be honored to have your attentions. You have my approval."

         "I am sorry if you misunderstood, Lord Sherwood. It is not Elizabeth that I am referring to. It is Lady Annalisa."

         Lord Sherwood looked at him in shock.

         "Are you sure its not Elizabeth? You will need someone beautiful and accomplished as your wife who can be an ornament to your household. Annalisa if too young to be able to adequately assume those responsibilities. I'm afraid I will have to deny your request."

         "Why tell me that she is too young for me and give Count Pucci permission to court her?
He is much older than I am and has been married and widowed three times. I must insist that if he is to be permitted to court Annalisa then I must be permitted to court her also."

         Lord Sherwood was boxed in. He had no choice but to allow Count Ferrenzo to court Annalisa. Elizabeth would not be pleased.

         "Of course, Count, you have my permission. I just wanted you to be aware of how gauche my young stepdaughter is."

         "I have been watching her closely, Lord Sherwood. I have not seen her make even one gauche gesture. My female relativies approve of her and consider her a ladylike and mannerly young woman. I will inform her that I have permission from you to court her."

         With a bow, Giorgio left the library. Lord Sherwood poured himself some brandy and drank it in one gulp. He was in shock. Elizabeth would be furious over this turn of events.

         Giorgio headed for the garden where he knew he would find Annalicia. He found her sitting on the same bench where he had left her. She had the most woebegone expression on his face it hurt his heart. He sat down next to her and placed her hand in his. She looked up at him.

         "I did not mean to rush you with my intention carisima, but your father's decision made me push my plans forward. I have made it clear that I wish to court you. Now that my intentions are clear, you father will have to give me more access to your time. I will be going home, now, to imform my relatives that I am seriously courting you. If you will be ready by one today, I will be arriving to take you riding in my carriage. There will be a duenna with me to protect your reputation. Farewell til then."

         Annalicia watched him leave in wonder. This man wanted to court her. He told her he was serious about her. For the first time since her father had talked to her this morning, she felt hope blossom in her heart. If marriage was what she had to look forward to, she would much rather be married to Giorgio than Count Pucci She hurried to her room to decide what to wear with a lighter heart.

         Giorgio arrived in his carriage and knocked on the door. The butler let him in and escorted him to the drawing room. Elizabeth was there with her father.

         "Giorgio, If I had known you wanted company on a drive around Florence, I would have been glad to change my plans and make myself available to you. You did'nt have to make do with my gauche little step sister."

         "I am not making do, Elizabeth. I have longed to be able to spend more time with Annalicia but feared she would be too young for me to ask permission. However, after your sister told me about Count Pucci, I knew that my qualms were non-existant and made my intentions clear to your father. Annalicia is the one that I have decided to court with the intention to marry. Now that I have made my intentions clear, I will expect to be allowed to have much more time with her."

         At the end of this speech, Annalicia entered the drawing room. She was dressed in a green silk day dress that brought out the highlights in her dark hair. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes were sparkling. She had a green lace bonnet nestled on her head and a green parasol in her hand. Giorgio stood up and walked over to stand beside her. He place her mitted hand on his arm and escorted her out of the door and to the carriage. Elizabeth and her father followed behind them.

         "Giorgio, we can't let you take her without some kind of chaperone. Think of the damage to her reputation. If you will wait for a minute, I will run and get my bonnet and be right with you."

         "Thank you, Elizabeth, but I have it all under control. I have my aunt in the carriage with me to act as duenna. She will be vigilant in protecting Annalicia's reputation while we spend time together. My family like her very much and will not stanf for me to compromise her."

         Giorgio escorted Annalicia outside and assisted her into the carriage. He walked around, took the reins, and got into the driver's seat. He looke toward Elizabeth and her father to bid them good bye. Elizabeth had a very unpleasant look on her face while she stared at Annalicia. He would need to ensure that Annalicia would not be victimized by her sister while he was courting her. He slapped the reins and the carriage started rolling out of the drive.

         Annalicia was having the time of her life. She was being courted by a young and handsome Italian count. She would get to see some of the sites that she had been prevented from viewing. Right this minute, she was having a carriage ride and enjoying the sites of Florence. After a lengthy trip, Giorgio stopped at a cafe on the outskirts of Florence. He assisted her and the duenna out and escorted them to a secluded table out of the way of the busy foot traffic. He ordered for them and sent the waitress on her way. All three had a nice, polite conversation about the weather, the sites, and the people. When they had finished their repast, they reentered the buggy and headed back to the villa. Giorgio handed her out and escorted her to her door, where he kissed her hand and bowed to her before leaving. Annalicia had had a wonderful time and retired to her bedroom dreaming sweet dreams.

         Giorgio was an attentive suitor for the next several weeks. He took her on outings, escorted her to evening entertainments, and visited her at the villa on several afternoons. She was becoming more at ease with Giorgio as she got to know him. She saw him within his family and noticed the love and loyalty that surrounded them. She wished she had had the same kind of family experience. She had come to trust him deeply, knowing he would never hurt her. She was aware that he didn't love her but felt she would make a suitable wife to bring into his family circle. If he asked her to marry him, she would accept and endeavor to be an ornament in his life.

         Her step-father requested an interview to see her serveral weeks later. She was excited. That could only mean that someone had requested permission to address her and she was sure that would be Giorgio. She entered the library exactly at the time specified. Her step-father gestured for her to have a seat and pour the tea. While she was carrying out this task, he looked to be reviewing some paperwork he had in his hand. He finished what he was doing and took a seat across from her. He had a very serious look on his face as he sipped his tea. Annalicia felt a nervous qualm for the first time since she had received his request for a meeting.

         "Annalicia, I have had a request for your hand in marriage. I am predisposed to accept it because it is a very good match and he has no problem with the fact that your dowry will be small. I have given Count Pucci permission to ask for you hand in marriage. I am letting you know that it is my wish that you accept this proposal. I wish to live my own life without the responsibilities of your and Elizabeth. Elizabeth has made it clear that she intends on marrying at the end of the season. Count Pucci has ensured me that you will be off my hands also. When I returne to England, I will be able to live my life as I please without either of you. I will tell Count Giorgio that you are spoken for now and he will have to cease his courtship of you. Hopefully, he will then turn his attention to Elizabeth and her plans will be back on track. You are dismissed now, my dear. Please return to your room until Count Pucci wishes to converse with you."

         Lord Sherwood rose from the chair and turned his back on Annalicia. She left the library in shock. The very thought of being wife to Count Pucci made her skin crawl. She headed for the garden in tears. She met Elizabeth on her way.

         "I've gotten you out of the way, you b bitch! How dare you set your sights on Giorgio when I wanted him. Now you will marry Count Pucci and the field will be open for me to marry Giorgio. And don't go running to him to help you with this or I'll make you very sorry."

         Elizabeth gave her a venamous look and sachayed up the stairs. Annalicia continued out into the garden and took the steps down to the beach. She would need some privacy in order to resign herself to her situation. She should have known that somehow Elizabeth would make sure that Annalicia would never get anything that Elizabeth coveted. She would be married to Count Puzzi and would never see Giorgio again. She dropped down into the sand and sobbed her heart out.

         Giorgio had returned home early and was on his way over the Lord Sherwood's villa to see Annalicia. He thought he saw her on the path and began looking for her. When he reached her he was appalled. She was sitting in the sand and sobbing. He rushed over to her.

         "My dearest, what is the matter?"

         Annalicia said nothing but when Giorgio held her by her shoulders she leaned into him and sobbed into his jacket.

         "Annalicia please stop crying and tell me what happened. Is your family alright? Did you get bad news? Are you hurt? Please tell me.

         Annalicia tried mightily to calm down enough to answer him. He just might be able to tell her how to get out of this mess. She reached for some composure and found it.

         "Oh Giorgio, I must not see you anymore. Count Pucci has asked for my hand in marriage and my step-father has made it clear that I am to accept. I don't have a large dowry and he is anxious to get me off of his hands. Oh Giorgio, he is so much older than I am and he has daughters who are my age. It is said that he wants a son and has put two wives in a grave already trying to get one. I am so frightened."

         Giorgio listened in anger. He had taken the courtship slowly because she was so young and confused about her feelings. However, if Lord Sherwood felt that she was old enough to marry Count Pucci then by god she was old enough to marry him. He would visit Lord Sherwood this afternoon and ask for permission to address her. And he had better not refuse him.

         Giorgio arrived that afternoon dressed in formal attire. The butler let him in and took his hat and gloves. The bulter escorted him to the library and knocked on the door. When Lord Sherwood bade him to enter, he opened the door and walked through it. Elizabeth was with her father. She walked over to Giorgio.

         "Giorgio, you should have told me that you would be visiting us this afternoon. I would have freshened up."

         "I didn't come here to visit with you Elizabeth. I am here to have a discussion with your father."

         Elizabeth glanced curiously at him and left the library. Giorgio sat down at the behest of Lord Sherwood. Lord Sherwood walked over and had a seat across from Giorgio.

         "What can I do for you, Count Ferrenze?"

         "I have been courting Annalicia for several weeks with the hope of being able to make her my wife in the future. I have just been informed by her that you have affianced her to Count Pucci and I will not be allowed to see her again?"

         Well, he has not addressed her yet, but he has gotten my permission to do so. We have already settled the financial details of the settlement."

         "Then she is not affianced yet?"

         "No, Count Ferrenze, but I expect that to changed soon."

         "I had intended to wait awhile yet before asking your permission to address my proposal of marriage because of her youth. However, if you are agreeable to Count Pucci addressing her then I am here for you to give me permission, also."

         Count Ferrenze, You have to know that Annalicia is not considered a good match. She has a very small dowry that goes with her. I feel that I must consider any offer that she receives. She would not be a proper marriage partner for such a one as you. You need a decorative wife who comes with a respectable dowry."

         "I had already considered all of this before I asked you for permission to court Annalicia. We look at things differently from you English. The most important aspects of a proper Italian wife is that she get along with my family. That she is modest and has a spotless reputation. The dowry is only a small consideration. I have found that my family adores Annalicia. She is well known and loved in Florence. She has very pretty manners and is attractively modest. She would make an excellent Countess for me. I am asking you now to give me permission to pay my addresses to her."

         "Count Ferrenze, You would do much better with a more sophisticated wife like my daughter Elizabeth. She has made it clear that she would be more than happy to listen to any proposal you might make."

         "My family would never approve of Elizabeth as my wife. She has a certain loose reputation in Florence society. She does not show the proper respect for the women of my family. She is not patient with my daughter. Her looks and dowry have nothing to do with whether she would be a proper mate for me. If she is hoping that I will offer for her, she needs to be disabused of that idea immediately. Annalicia is the only one I have ever considered to become my wife and she is the one that I want approval from you to address."

         "I didn't realize how serious you were about Annalicia, Count. Now that I do, I will tell my friend, Count Pucci, that he must wait a awhile before he can address my step-daughter. I will not force her to accept anything she is not ready for. You will have more time to court her. You don't need to decide anything right away."

         "I am sorry, Lord Sherwood, but I must insist. You have assured Florence Society that she is old enough to be affianced so I must insist that you either decide whether I can or I can't. If you decide I am not a proper candidate for her as a husband, I will have to insist on knowing the reason why. What is your answer, Lord Sherwood?"

         "I must give you permission to address her, Count. There is every evidence that you are a more than appropriate match for my step-daughter. I am sorry if I gave you any other impression."

         "Then, good day, Lord Sherwood. Please tell Annalicia to be ready to receive me this evening after the dinner hour."

         "I assure you, count, she will be ready and waiting for your visit."

         Both men stood up and Lord Sherwood escorted Count Ferrenze out of the library and to the door. The bulter retrieved his hat and gloves for him. With a bow, Giorgio left Lord Sherwood's villa.

         Lord Sherwood was in a real quandry. Elizabeth had assured him that if he approved of the match between Annalicia and Count Pucci that Count Ferrenze would come up to scratch and ask Elizabeth to marry him. It seemed that she was incorrect in her assessment. She would be in a towering rage when he told her the news, and he wasn't looking forward to it.

         Giorgio presented himself at Lord Sherwood's villa and knocked on the door. The butler bowed him in and took his hat and gloves. He was escorted into the formal withdrawing room. He walked over to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a cognac. He walked over to the window to stare out while waiting for Annalicia. The door opened as he lifted to glass to his lips. Annalicia came in followed by her step-father. Her eyes were red from crying. Giorgio could feel the anger boiling up. Elizabeth had been bullying her sister again. He walked over and took her hand in his bowing and kissing it.

         "Good Evening, my dear. Thank you for agreeing to see me this evening. I have the open carriage parked at the door with a duenna to protect your reputation. If you will go and get a shawl and your hat we will take a drive. I have something I need to discuss with you."

         "I shall return quickly, Count Ferrenze."

         Annalicia curtsied and left to go upstairs.

         "Count Ferrenze, If you wish to wait a while before you address Annalicia, I am sure we can work something out. She is still a little young and has no town polish to prepare her for her new life."

         "As I told you before, Lord Sherwood, you have only rushed me into something I intended on doing anyway. If you were so anxious to marry her off to Count Pucci I am sure nothing has changed. I wish to make my intentions public so that there will be no doubt. I intend on having a lengthy engagement so the Annalicia can enter Florence society. She will need to familiarize herself with my circle so that she will feel comfortable as my wife."

         Lord Sherwood bowed his understanding and Giorgio left the withdrawing room to await Annalisa. Just then, she was hurrying down the stairs. Giorgio stood at the bottom of the stairs and crooked his arm for her to place her hand on his arm and escorted her out of the door. He carefully assisted her into the carriage and then got in himself. Clucking at the horses they were off on their ride.

         "How are you doing this evening, Carrisima?"

         "I am fine, Giorgio. Elizabeth has been a little difficult today. She has been in a temper."

         "She has been taking it out on you, Little Bird? I noticed your eyes were red earler."

         "I am so sorry, Giorgio. I tried to make myself presentable, but I just don't have the presence that my sister has."

         "That was not a criticism, my dear. It was an observation. Now, I'm sure you are wondering what I wanted to see you about?"

         "My step-father told me that you had something you wished to discuss with me. Is it about my marriage to Count Pucci? I am so sorry to have bothered you with that, Giorgio. I was scolded severely by Elizabeth for bothering you with my petty troubles."

         No, I wish to talk to you of another matter. As you know, I have been courting you these past months. I had intended on taking my time with this courtship because you are very young. However, you step-father forced my hand when he made his agreement with Count Pucci. I have asked for permission to address you with an offer of marriage, little one. I have gotten to know you very well. You get on well with my family. They think you are a lovely and modest young woman. My daughter likes you very well. I have grown very fond of you and we have much in common. You would be doing me a great honor if you would agree to be my wife."

         Annalicia looked at him in surprise.

         "Are you sure, Giorgio? Elizabeth had made it clear to me that you and she had an understanding. I thought you were keeping me company because of the situation with Count Pucci. I know you were aware that I didn't like the thought of him as my beau. I thought you were just helping me."

         No, my dear. I had every intention of asking you to marry me after we had gotten to know each other very well. I wanted you to enter Florence society and make a place for yourself there in preparation. However, we can enter into a long engagement and still give you the time you will need to adjust to being Countess Ferrenze. I have never had any intention of making Elizabeth my wife. She would never be accepted by my family. She has not cultivated the kind of reputation that is needed for my wife. So, what is your answer, my dear? Would you agree to be my countess?"

         Annalisa was shocked at Giorgio's intentions. He had always been considered to be Elizabeth's future husband. It was understood that she would need a rich husband to support her and Giorgio had been her selection. Now he was telling Annalicia it was her he wanted. She had felt an attraction to him at the very beginning. She had tried to ignore it knowing he was not for her. She discovered a very great desire to be his countess. After all, she had loved him for a long time. She was fairly certain that he was not in love with her. It was just time for him to remarry and she was suitable. That was enough for her for now. As they got to know each other, he would learn to feel more for her She would be honored to marry him. She turned to him holding out her hand.

         "It would be a great honor to marry you, Giorgio. I like you and respect you. I love your family and your little daughter. Thank you for asking me."

         Giorgio took her hand in his in gratitude, kissing it. He felt great relief. He had been fearful that she would refuse him but Count Pucci was a great impetus for accepting him.

         "Thank you, my dear. You have made me very happy. Now we will return to the villa and give your step-father the news. I will inform my family. They will want to give you a party to welcome you into the family. Tomorrow, I will pick you up and we will go to my villa to look over the family jewels. You can decide if there is something that would do that can be resized."

         Giorgio guided the carriage back to the villa of Lord Sherwood content in the knowledge that his plans were coming together.

         Giorgio was just about ready to leave for Lord Sherwood's villa when there was a knock on the door.


The bulter entered.

"There is a visitor for you Count Giorgio. It is Lady Sherwood. I have escorted her to the small withdrawing room."

Thank you, Bruno. I will be right there."

Thinking why Annalicia would feel the need to come here when he was just about to go bring her here, he walked to the small withdrawing room.

As he entered, a blond haired cyclone hit him with arms wound so tightly around his neck it was choking him. He looked at who it was. It was Elizabeth.

"Giorgio, you must not marry Annalicia in revenge against me. I realize now that I have a little too blatant in my flirtations, but I wanted to make you jealous. I had not interest in those others. Why should you punish me by marrying my naive step-sister? She has no idea how to handle a man of your experience. You will be bored with her inside of six months."

Giorgio carefully but firmly removed her arms from nis neck and distanced himself from her. He was appauled at her lack of dignity and decorum in coming to his home alone and putting on such a scene.

         "Elizabeth, I must insist that you return to your father's villa and never return here unescorted again. You would be permanently compromised and I am telling you right now I don't intend on marrying you to so you can recoup your reputation. Your sister is the one I intend to marry, and I have made my intentions clear. I informed you father last night that Annalicia has accepted my proposal and that we will have a long engagement with plans to marry in the fall. I am on my way to escort your sister as we select an engagement ring for her and wedding rings for her and me."

         Elizabeth slowly paled as she listened to Giorgio. She couldn't believe what he was saying. He was a ripe plum for the picking and he was slipping right through her fingers. It was the fault of that silly girl that came with her father's second marriage. She had understood why he had had to marry that insipid woman but had resented their intrusion into her life. And now, the despised step-sister was taking away something that belonged to Elizabeth. She would not allow this without a fight. However, she would have to be very clever. She had plenty of time, after all. The whole summer. Now she had to get out of here before she made any more of a fool of herself.

         "Excuse me, Giorgio. I didn't understand the situation. I thought you were under the impression that I wouldn't be receptive to your addresses and wanted to explain my actions. I will not further embarrass you with my presence."

         Elizabeth left the withdrawing room and headed toward the beach and the path that would take her back to her father's villa. Giorgio breathed a sigh of relief and wiped her from his mind. He didn't want to be with Annalicia with another woman's memory disturbing what would be a pleasant outing for them both.

         Annalicia was waiting for Giorgio as he drove to the villa door. He could imagine how chaotic that household was right now. He could sympathize with his fiancee's desire to be unavailable at this time. He lept out of the carriage and assisted her into the carriage. As usual the duenna was in the back. It was imperative to safeguard her reputation until she was given to him in marriage. He drove the short distance to his villa and helped her out of the carriage. He escorted her to the door of his villa and opened the door to escort her inside. He took her to the library where he had all of his family jewelry displayed on a table on top of some black velvet. He seated her in a chair and let her take her time looking at the various engagement ring he had in a cluster on the black velvet. He had displayed the rest to show her what would be become hers when she became his countess. She ignored the rest and concentrated on the engagement rings. She asked him the history of each one. They came to one which was a 2 karat diamond surrounded by sapphires. The design of the ring was a simple love knot. She looked carefully at this one picking it up and bringing up close to her eyes.

         "Who did this belong to, Giorgio?"

         "That was my mother's, carrissima. She died very young but I still remember what a gentle woman she was."

         "Then this is the one I want to wear, Giorgio. I would be honored to wear your mother's engagement ring."

         "You have made me very happy, little one. Let us try it on and see if it needs to be sized."

         Giorgio put it on her ring finger and it fit perfectly just as if it had been made for her. He kissed the ring and then drew her up lowering his head to kiss her for the first time gently. Annalicia stood still for a second and then innocently pressed her lips to Giorgio's. She felt a stirring at his kiss that she didn't understand. Giorgio gently encircled her waist with his arms and brought her closer to him deepening the kiss. She leaned into him as he deepened the kiss and found a desire begin to build for his kiss. He ended the kiss and set her away from him breathing deaply.

         "I find I am anxious for us to become man and wife, Carrissima. I think we will have a grand future in store for us. I am afraid that I will have to leave for a brief trip to my country estate. I have some matters that need to be taken care of so that I will be free to spend much of my time with you during the season. I will return in a couple of weeks when the season in Florence is in full swing and we will appear as a couple so that I may introduce you as my future wife to my circle of friends. I wish you to get to know them and like them for once we are married we will be deeply involved in their society."

         "I will miss you, Giorgio and will count the days until you return. I am very anxious for us to get to know each other well so that when we enter marriage, we can enjoy each other."

         Giorgio escorted her back to the villa and returned to pack for his trip.

         Giorgio returned from his estate well pleased with how things were going there. He would have a good crop of grapes this year and his animal husbandry projects were doing very well. He entered his villa and stepped into the library to flip through his mail before dressing for dinner. There was a knock on the door.


         Carlos, his major domo, entered.

         "Patron, this package was returned sent here with a note to be given to you upon your return from Lord Sherwood."

         Thinking it must be something regarding the betrothal he opened the note.

         "My daughter, Elizabeth, has given me to understand that your engagement to my step-daughter was nothing but a sham to protect her from Count Pucci. That you had no intention of marrying her, but was planning to break the engagement when we were ready to return to London. I have let Annalicia know that she will not be permitted to avoid Count Pucci in this manner as he is a close family friend. Therefore, I insisted she give the betrothal ring into my keeping, and we are going forward with her marriage to Count Pucci. I have returned the ring to you even knowing it could not have been of any great value to your family. I am sorry that my step-daughter importuned you into cooperating in this embarrassing scenario. I promise you she will not bother you again. She has been locked into her bedroom until the marriage ceremony.

My Regret.

John Singleton, Lord Sherwood"

         Giorgio crushed the missive in his fist and cursed that bitch Elizabeth for interferring in his plans. He hurried upstairs and prepared himself for an evening visit to Lord Sherwood. He was promised Annalicia and, by god, he was going to marry her.

         Giorgio knocked on the door of Lord Sherwood's villa and the butler let him in. He was escorted to the formal withdrawing room to wait. Elizabeth came running in.

         "Giorgio, how glad I am to see you. I know now how that ridiculous engagement came about and had my father take care of everything. There is nothing to prevent us from getting to know each other."

         Giorgio looked at Elizabeth with ice in his eyes. When he spoke the tone of his voice should have frozen her to the floor.

         "Lady Sherwood please remove yourself. I am here to talk to your father and only your father. If you continue, I will have to relate to home truths to you that you will be rude in the extreme."

         Elizabeth stared at him in fear and hurriedly left the withdrawing room. As she exited, Lord Sherwood was entering. He strode over to Giorgio with his hand outstretched.

         "My dear Count Firrenze, how are you?'

         "Trying to decide to call you out now or wait till after you explain this insulting missive i just received."

         "As I told you in the letter, Elizabeth has discovered the little game you and Annalicia were playing, and I have put an end to it. She is now preparing to marry Count Pucci as I intended all along. She has been imprisoned in her room in disgrace until the arrangements are made."

         "So do I duel with you first or with Count Pucci?"

         "I don't understand, Count. Why are you so upset? It's not as if the betrothal had been real and your honor has been besmirched.:

         "What gave you the idea the betrothal wasn't real? I certainly made sure that Annalicia know that I was in earnest. And when your daughter came to my villa alone pleading with me to stop what I was doing, I told her in plain words that this was real. I told her that she would not meet the approval of my family because of her reputation in Florence and there was no chance of marriage between us. I also told her I would not tell you about her visit if she didn't cause anymore trouble. As I can see, she didn't heed my words. I gave your step-daughter my mother's ring as a promise of our betrothal. Calling this piece of jewelry insignificant has insulted my mother's memory. I had informed my family of my betrothal. They are planning our engagement party as I speak. Does any of that sound like I'm playing games?"

         "No, count, it does not. I am sorry if there was a misunderstanding. I admit that Annalicia tried to tell me all of this, but I was sure it was more of her immature imagination. What can I do to fix this? The marriage plans are well on their way and can't be stopped without insulting Count Pucci."

         "You had better decide whose side you wish to be on, Lord Sherwood. I plan on marrying your step-daughter. This situation was of not my making. I was given permission to address your step-daughter. I proposed and she accepted. I gave my mother's ring to her as a promise. She has been truthful with you all along which is more than I can say about Lady Elizabeth. So what action do you propose to take? And, I warn you, retracting my proposal of marriage is not going to happen."

         Lord Sherwood looked at him in horror. Count Pucci was his personal friend but Count Giorgio was a rich and influential nobleman. He could ruin him here in Florence and in England. They had agreed to some lucrative business contracts that would keep him in gold for quite some time. He couldn't believe Elizabeth had put him in this position because of her jealousy over this engagement. He would have to reinstate the engagement to Count Giorgio and explain the situation to Count Pucci and hope that nothing serious would result from it.

         "Of course, Count Ferrenze, now that I understand the seriousness of the situation I will inform Count Pucci that Annalicia is no longer available due to a misunderstanding resulting from a previous betrothal. We will stop the wedding plans immediately."

         "This is what I wish you to do. I want you to release Annalicia from her confinement and send her to me so that I may replace her betrothal ring on her finger. Since I can't trust you to ensure that she will be available to marry me after the long engagement I planned, continue with the wedding plans but I will be the groom. I will get a special license, if necessary, if the bans cannot be read in time. You will tell Lady Elizabeth that I do not wish her to attend any of the functions that me and my fiancee will be attending. You will both need to attend the wedding, but I expect you to keep Lady Elizabeth in line. I will warn you just once, Lord Sherwood. Do not interfere with my plans again."

         "All will be done as you wish, count. I will send Annalicia down right away. However, now that I understand everything, the wedding could wait till after the summer. After all, she is still very young."

         "No it can't wait. We shall be married immediately, and I will take her to my country estate for our honeymoon. There, my female relatives will teach her all that she needs to know to be my wife."

         "As you wish, Count Ferrenze."

         Lord Sherwood left and Giorgio paced axiously waiting to see Annalicia. He feared how she would look after being held prisoner all this time. The door opened and a little whirlwind rushed through and into his arms. He looked at her closely. He was angered upon seeing the tear streaks and the fear in her eyes.

         "Here is your betrothal ring back, menina. Forget all that has happened since I have been gone. You will be marrying as planned, but I will be your bridegroom. I will try to see you each day. They will probably be brief visits, though, as I have much to do to be prepared to marry you this Sunday."

         He could tell from the way she kept glancing at her step-father that she didn't dare tell him how she honestly felt. He would get her alone tomorrow so that she could get it all out. Now she needed to get some rest after all the stress she had gone through. He kissed her softly on the lips.

         "Everything is fine now, menina. Go upstairs and get some sleep. I will see you tomorrow so that we can have a few minutes alone.

         She gave him a relieved look and turned exiting the withdrawing room. Giorgio prepared to leave. He looked at Lord Sherwood one more time.

         "Understand me, Lord Sherwood. She will marry me, Sunday. If anything else is attempted to prevent this marriage, you will answer to the consequences."

         "I assure you, Count Ferrenze. I will personally ensure that Annalicia will be there."

         With a nod, Giorgio left for home.

         Giorgio was up early the next morning walking on the beach. He had a feeling that he would meet Annalicia out here enjoying her freedom after having been held imprisoned in the villa all last week. He had just finished that thought when he saw her walking down the path the led to the beach. He hurried to meet her.

         "Menina! How are you this morning?"

         "Oh so much better, Giorgio. I was getting quite desperate. Neither Elizabeth or Lord Sherwood would listen to me when I told them that the betrothal was real. They just kept making plans for me to marry Count Pucci. I was so frightened that you wouldn't get back in time."

         Giorgio looked into her face closely. Even though all was resolved, there was still a hint of fear and anxiety echoing in her eyes.

         "Please don't worry, Menina. We will be married on Sunday and your step-sister and step-father will have nothing to do with your life from then on. You will be putting your welfare in my hands; and I promise you, I will have a care for you."

         "I have no fear of you Giorgio. I look forward to the time when I will be yours. I am anxious to get to know your little daughter, and to get to know my new relatives. It is very strained in the villa right now and the atmosphere is a little hard to take. As long as I can escape to the beach and see you every day, though, I will make to our wedding."

         "Gracias, menina, for agreeing to join your life with mine. I must take leave of your now. I have much to take care of before our wedding on Sunday. My family wishes to give us a little party tonite. I have promised to ask you to attend. I will pick you up at seven this evening if you feel up to it."

         "I will be ready and waiting for you, Giorgio."

         "Benne. I will see you this evening then."

         Giorgio wasn't able to make any time for Annalicia before the party given by his family. He was waiting for Annalicia to appear with her family in order to arrange the reception line. He heard the butler answer the door and heard Lord Sherwood's voice. He hurried into the foyer to meet his betrothed. He stopped in dismay at what he saw. He looked at Lord Sherwood and Elizabeth in fury. Lord Sherwood looked disturbed and the self-satisfied smirk on Elizabeth's face slowly changed to a look of shock and fear. Annalicia was dressed in a dress that made her look like he was robbing the cradle. She looke more like fourteen than eighteen and about the be married. He hair was just simply brushed out and she wore no jewelry. He could tell from the embarrassment in her expression that she was aware of the spectacle she presented. This would not do. He could not send her home change. There was no time. Elizabeth had planned this well. Apparently, Lord Sherwood wasn't able to keep his daughter in line. Well, he would make his displeasure known. He approached a young cousin of his who has Annalicia's age. He discussed the situation with her and made it clear what he required her to do. She nodded sharply and headed over to Annalisa.

         "I am Carlotta, one of Giorgio's cousins. Come with me, cousin-to-be. You will come to my room so that we may freshen you up before our guests arrive."

         Annalicia followed Carlotta throwing Giorgio a pleading look. He nodded to her encouragingly, and she obediently followed Carolotta. If he could get her away from her hellacious family, she would be a perfect wife for him.

         He turned toward Elizabeth and Lord Sherwood. They were both looking at him apprehensively.

         "So, my lord, you didn't believe what I told you the other day, eh? You decided you would make a fool of me and embarrass my betrothed in front of my friends and family? Do you wish me to kill your entire financial endeavor in Florence? I can do it, you know. If you cannot control Elizabeth and her spiteful nature, I will make sure that no one will do business with you, including Count Pucci. He was quite shocked when I told him of the circumstances surrounding my betrothal. He was adamant that he would never have expressed an interest in your step-daughter if he had known that I wished to make her my wife. He assured me that his loyalty was to me and would support me in whatever action I take regarding your Lord Sherwood."

         "You misunderstand me, Count. I instructed Elizabeth to dress her appropriately as that is her area of expertise. I asure you, it was not my intention to insult you in the company of your family and friends. I will speak sharply to Elizabeth when we return home."

         "Elizabeth has shown me that yet again she has no notion of what is appropriate socially in Florentine society. I have instructed Carolotta to comb her wardrobe and produce an appropriate dress. Her own maid will dress Annalicia's hair appropriately as befits her social station; and she will wear Ferrenze jewels appropriate for her age. When she returns, the reception line will be arranged."

         As Giorgio finished, Annalicia reappeared with Carlotta. She was now wearing a bronze silk creation. It was one of several new dresses that Carolotta had had made up for the season. He hair had been dressed in an intricate braid that resembled a tiara with yellow diamonds decorating it. She wore a simple set of yellow diamonds around her throat, in her ears, and on her wrist that completed the elegant and fashionable appearance she now displayed. He was very pleased with the result. He shuddered to think what her wardrobe consisted of if the dress she had been wearing was an example. Before they retired to the country, he would instruct her with the help of Carlotta to order a new wardrobe to take with her. WIth another fiery look at Lord Sherwood and Elizabeth, he nodded gratefully at Carlotta and place Annalicia's hand on his arm. She gave him a brief, grateful look then composed herself. He escorted her to his aunt who placed them in line to receive their guests.

         Surprisingly, Annalicia was having a good time at the party. Giorgio stayed devotedly by her side. When he wasn't there, Carlotta was. Giorgio's friends were presented to her and stayed to talk to her briefly. She felt much more hopeful about being able to fit into the society Giorgio occupied. She was looking forward to their marriage and removing to the country. This would give her a breathing space before she took up the position as his countess. She danced with Giorgio and other of his male friends. Aunt Delores would indicate to her who would be her next partner. Finally, it was time for supper. Giorgio came and escorted her to the dining room. He seated her at the family table and left to get them something to eat. Annalicia sat and fanned herself. She felt quite warm after such activity. Giorgio returned and they sat together discussing the party has they refreshed themselves. Family and friends would visit the table as they mingled. Supper was over and everyone returned to the ball room. Annalicia asked Giorgio to escort her to a quiet room so that she could compose herself. He took her to a small library and with a bow left her there to rest. She sat in one of the chairs by the fireplace and put her feet up on the ottoman. Shortly, she heard the door open and close and assumed it was Giorgio coming to fetch her back to the party. She stood and turned but a stranger was standing there.

         "Excuse me sir, but it is time for me to return to my guests. My fiance will be here directly and he would not like for me to be in the same room with a man unescorted."

She picked up her skirts preparing to leave. The strange gentleman walked quickly to where she was and grabbed her arm accosting her. She tried pulling herself free but he had a firm hold on her arm. She began struggling in earnest, but he steadily pulled her toward him. He wrapped his arms around her restraining her so she couldn't struggle. He started dragging her over to the settee. Annalicia could only suppose his intentions were extremely dishonorable. She had not intention of allowing herself to be ruined the night before her wedding day. She stomped on his foot and when he released his grip she escaped for the door. Just as she reached it, the door opened and Giorgio was framed by the doorway. Just behind him was her sister, Elizabeth. Giorgio took one look at her disheveled appearance and the stranger who froze in the act of chasing after her.

         "I am here to escort you back to the party, Mia Cara. Your sister kindly accompanied me to the library I had escorted you to. Who is this gentleman?"

         Annalicia gratefully placed her hand on Giorgio's arm.

         "I have no idea, Giorgio. He entered the library without knocking while I was resting. I am ready to accompany you. Our guests must wonder where I am."

         They both walked through the door.

         "Giorgio escort me to the ladies retiring room so that I can make myself presentable."

         "What happened in there, Annalicia?"

         "I was waiting for your return; and as I told you, he entered without knocking. I stood up to leave, and he ran over and grabbed me pinning my arms. I stomped on his foot. When he loosened his grip, I twisted away from him. That was when you entered the room."

         Giorgio could feel a savage anger boiling up. The pond scum dared to put his hands on Annalicia.

         "I will return you to Carlotta and look for this basta!"

         "No Giorgio, please. This is our party and these are our guests. Nothing happened. I don't want any scenes. Just take me back to the party."

         He looked closely at her and realized how upset she already was. Against his better judgement, he decided to agree to her request. He helped her put her clothing aright and escorted her back to the party. He did resolve that he would be keeping a close eye on her. He felt he knew where this incident originated from. He would do his own investigation just in case he would need the information in future. When the last guest left, he bid farewell to Annalicia and she left with her family. Tomorrow he would be her wedded husband, and he could protect her from these incidents.

(indent}Annalicia woke up in anticipatory mood. This was finally her wedding day. She would be Giorgio's countess by tonight. There was a knock on the door and the maid entered with her breakfast. she was too excited to eat but pretended to whil watching the maid set up her bath. When it was ready, she quickly got out of her nightrail and stepped into the tub slowly sliding down into the water. It was hot and redolent with her favorite scent of lavender. She washed her hair with a special lavender oil that she had purchased from the pin money that Lord Sherwood gave her for household expenses. After lying in the tub and dreaming about Giorgio until the water started getting cold she stood up and stepped out of the tub. The maid had the sheet ready to wrap around her. She sat in front of the fire and dried her hair. When it was completely dry, she headed for her vanity so the maid could help her get ready. She donned her wedding dress still a little sad that she couldn't pick out the one she wanted but had to abide by Elizabeth's choice. The style was too juvenile for her taste but Lord Sherwood made it plain that he didn't think she was capable of choosing an appropriate garment to wear at such an important event. After all, she had never had a season in London or Florence and had no town polish. Whereas, Elizabeth had been out for several years now. Knowing this was one argument she wouldn't win, she aquiesced to the stricture by reminding herself that once married to Giorgio, they would have no authority over her. She knew she was turning herself over to Giorgio with this marriage, but at least he treated her with respect, listening to her wishes. As soon as she was dressed, she exited her bedroom for the last time and headed down the stairs to meet Lord Sherwood.

         He was there waiting for at the foot of the stairs. She placed her hand on his arm, and he escorted her to the waiting barouche that would take them to the church. Elizabeth was already seated. As soon as the door shut, the driver flicked his whip at the horses and they trotted down the avenue. Soon they drew up before the church. Lord Sherwood exited first and helped Annalicia down onto the mosaic entrance to the church. He turned to assist Elizabeth to alight. He escorted Annalicia to where should enter and walk down the aisle to Giorgio. Elizabeth had already begun her stately walk to the front of the church. When the wedding march started, Lord Sherwood place her hand on his arm and escorted her in time with the march. He stopped at the front of the church and removed her hand from his arm and placed on Giorgio's arm. He stepped back and Giorgio stepped into his place next to Annalicia. The priest said the words that would make them husband and wife pausing for the appropriate responses for the bride and groom. Then, Giorgio kissed her briefly, and turning escorted her out of the church where the barouche waited with the top down to take them to his villa. As they walked down the step, the guests threw rice at them. Giorgio carefully helped her into the barouche, and they were off.

         He had decided to go straight to his estate in the country for their honeymoon. He would then return to Madrid, leaving Annalicia there. His female relatives had already removed there for the summer. Annalicia would have plenty of company, and they would teach her the proper etiquette as his countess. They would also ensure that she would have a proper wardrobe commensurate with her new status and age. He was tired of seeing her dressed in the juvenile apparel that he had seen recently. When he completed his business in town, he would return to the estate and stay for the summer getting to know his menina. By the time they returned to Madrid for the fall, he would begin entertaining his business associates and others of his class. He had no reason to believe that once she was properly clad, she would have any trouble handling the household. She had been the unofficial chatelaine for Lord Sherwood for years.

         Annalicia was starting to relax after all the excitement. She was married and with Giorgio now and anxious about her wedding night. However, Giorgio was her husband and from the rumors, skilled at the art of love. She would let him lead her for she very much wanted to please him. She felt her eyes start to droop. She was very sleepy now that all the excitement was over. She slowly nodded of to sleep without being aware of it.

         Giorgio was also thinking of the night to come and how he would introduce his bride to the pleasures of love. He felt a weight upon his shoulder and looked over. His bride had fallen fast asleep. She was probably exhausted from all of the excitement today. He smiled at her. He decided that a nap would probably be a good thing because he wanted his menina wide awake tonight when he came to their marriage bed.

         The carriage finally arrived at their home on his estate. It had been in he family for centuries built during medieval times when homes had to be fortesses. It was square and made of rock quarried locally. TIme had softened the lines, but it was still an imposing edifice. Giorgio got down out of the carriage and picked up Annalicia in his arms. He headed for the door which was opened by the butler. He headed upstairs to the master suite to lay his menina down to finish her nap. Her girl he had assigned to be her personal maid had arrived earlier. She entered to bedroom as he laid Annalicia down. She waved him away so that she could take care of her charge. Giorgio headed for the library to catch up on his paperwork regarding the estate so that he would be free to concentrate on his bride for the next few days.

         Annalicia awoke in a strange bedroom. It was airy with dark mahogany furniture and heavy brocade curtains decorated in a lovely bronze color. She was confused for a minute then realized she must be in her bedroom on the estate. She became aware that she was in her shift with a quilt thrown over her. Just as she sat up a young woman entered her room.

         "I am Maria, your maid, my lady. It is almost time to dine and I have come to get you ready for dinner. I have prepared your bath by the fire. If you will stand so that I can help you undress, you can get in the tub before the water gets cold."

         Annalicia enjoyed having a maid of her own. She had been used to doing for herself as there was no trained lady's maid at Shewood Manor. She stepped from the tubb. Maria was waiting to wrap her in a sheet. She was dressing for dinner with the aid of her maid when Giorgio stepped through the door. She took one look at him and colored in mortification at the state of her undress. However, she strove to show some sophistication; because after all, she was his wife now and had the right. He went to the wardrobe and started to disrobe. Her eyes widened in surprise. He stripped his outer clothing off and donned evening dress. He went to a vanity bolted to the wall and combed his hair. He walked over to Annalicia and kissed he forehead.

         "I will await you in the library, my dear."

         "Yes, Giorgio, I will be with you soon."

         He left to go downstairs and she returned to the mirror so that Maria could finish her toilette. When she was ready right down to the fan in her hand, she left her room and descended the stairs to the library. When she entered, Giorgio saw her and his eyes seem to light up like the sun. He walked over to her and kissed her softly on her lips lingering there as if tasting something delightful. Then he placed her hand on his arm and escorted her to the dining room. She hadn't had time to really look at the house. The table was decorated in lace, flowers, and candlelight. There was beautiful china and silver with crystal wine glasses at each place setting. Giorgio seated her and rounded the table to seat himself. They had been placed at the same end of the table for an intimate dinner. The dinner was served but Annalicia was oblivious to what she ate, because Giorgio was focusing all of his attention on her. She was enthralled. They discussed literature, the social scene, and music among others. She was excited to find out they had much in common. I took her mind off of what would happen tonite. Everytime she started thinking about what was before her, Giorgio would distract her. She had had no mother figure to tell her what to expect, and Elizabeth had been inferring dire consequences of the wedding night. She trusted Giorgio would have to patience to initiate her gently into the mysteries of bedding a man. Giorgio filled her wine glass again. She had lost count of how much wine she had drunk. It seemed she never drained the glass to the bottom. She was feeling warm and relaxed. She finally drank all of the wine in her glass and noticed the wine bottle was empty. Giorgio stood and helped her from the chair putting her hand on his arm.

         "I think it is time that we turned in for the night, menina. It has been a long exciting day. I will just escort you to the bedroom door and while you prepare for bed I will make sure everything is locked up for the night."

         He escorted her to the bedroom door and opened it for her to enter. Maria was waiting for her to undress her and put her nightgown on. Maria sat her down before her vanity and let her hair down and brushed it. Then she turned down the bed coverings and Annalicia got in bed and pulled them to her waist. Maria left the room. A few minutes later, Giorgio entered and started undressing. As each piece of clothing was stripped from his body, Annalicia's eyes got bigger. Finally he was entirely unclothed. She looked at him from top to bottom. She had never seen a naked man before, but was sure he was a fine speciman. When her eyes lighted on his sex, she got very anxious. He was huge. She had lived on a farm and knew the basics from watching farm animals. She had no idea how they were going to fit. Giorgio walked over the bed and got in beside her. She went to extinguish the candle but he stayed her hand.

         "Leave it on, menina. I want to watch you while I make love to you."

         She shivered at the intimate sound of his voice. He bent over and and kissed her lips softly licking her lips like they were good to eat. Then he gently used his tongue to pry her mouth open twining her tongue with his and kissing her wetly. She shivered in response. He touched her breast through the law of her nightgown with the pad of his thumb rubbing it. She felt her nipple harden and her breath caught in excitement. He sprawled over her and with his other hand he reached under her nightgown and played with the other breast. Then he slowly eased the nightgown up to bare her to his eyes. She subconciously tried to hide herself with her hands.

         "no, esposa, do not hide yourself from me. I wish to see every part of you and touch it making it mine. Just relax and allow me to love you. Trust me. I won't hurt you. He kissed her again weaving his spell with his mouth. She found herself relaxing into the kiss and felt him start to explore the rest of her body with his hands. Soon she was so caught up on the love play, that she felt herself tighten up on the inside. She wanted something more but didn't know what it was. His hand wandered down from her breast to her stomach reaching for that triangle of hair that hid her most intimate places. She felt his fingers start to play with that triangle of hair and then one of his fingers entered her and played with something that felt very good. She felt herself tighten up still futher like she was on the verge of feeling something intensely beautiful. She started lifting up her hips asking for a deeper penetration. He inserted one finger deep in her and she gasped and clamped tightly on it. She was so wet his hand was drenched in her dew. He inserted another finger and held them apart inside her stretching her. She started riding his fingers reaching for something.

         "Menina, I am going to enter you now. It will hurt for just a second and then will feel very good.

         She looked into his eyes and nodded. He widened her legs and settled himself between them. She felt something round and hard start to enter her channel. As he entered her, her completely filled her. He stopped when his sex hit the virgin membrane in her sex. He held her face and kissed her greedily while he punched through with his sex. She gasped from the hurt and tried to withdraw but he wouldn't let her. He was completely seated within her and lay there quietly while she stretched enough to accomodate him. As soon as he felt her relax he started moving in and out picking up the pace until she was caught up totally in the passion. She could feel that tensing up again. He grabbed her ass in both hands and lifted her so that he could stroke into her even deeper. He reached down with one of his hands and thumbed something inside her. She felt herself clamp down on him and explode into a million pieces and then becoming whole again. She relaxed feeling a marvelously feeling lethargy creeping up her limbs. She felt Giorgio thrust himself into her once more deeply emptying his seed into her. He collapsed onto her holding onto her tightly. Then he loosened his grip and rolled over fitting her into his body spoon fashion. She could feel the sweat on both of them.

         "Are you alright, menina? You are now truly my wife."

         "Yes, husband, you made it a glorious experience."

         "Thank you, my dear, now cuddle against me and get some sleep. Now that I know that you will enjoy this aspect of our marriage, you will need to get plenty of rest."

         Annalicia dozed off with a sense of well-being.

         Annalicia enjoyed her stay at Giorgio's estate. She got along well with his relatives, and they taught her how to behave properly in Florentine society. Giorgio instructed her to order a wardrobe appropriate to her new station. She found a local woman after asking around who was a widow trying to raise a young son. She examined her designs and looked at her work. Annalicia felt that she could design clothing that would suit her looks and her sewing was beautiful. She asked her to come to the estate to discuss a new wardrobe. After they had discussed styles and colors, Annalicia was confident that Mrs. Santos could turn out the clothing she would need. She ordered some things to start that she would need immediately and arranged for them to meet to decide on the rest. With her brown hair and light complexion she needed jeweled colors like red, green and blue to hightlight her English complexion and bring out the highlights in her hair. Her maid had been experimenting with various ways of dressing her hair until she started braiding her hair in a tight coronet with tiny curls clustering at the nap of her neck and along her ears. With this hair arrangement, she would be able to use various pins and combs to match her gowns. Giorgio noticed these changes and approved of them. She was his wife and no longer a child. It was time for her to come out and become the beauty she had been meant to be. He had complete trust that she wouldn't wear anything improper and could leave the decisions on her wardrobe in her hands. He was pleased that she had decided to use a local woman to build her wardrobe. She had made a favorable impression on the locals in the area. Mrs. Sanchez sang her praises. He was proud of his little menina.

         Giorgio had to return to the city after a couple of weeks at his estate, but Annalicia stayed with the household. Soon summer was over and they packed up to return to Florence. Annalicia was glad to go, because she missed her husband. It was amazing how easily you got used to living with a man so that you missed him when he was gone. Also, according to Aunt Beatrice, she had some good news to impart to Giorgio. She planned on having a romantic supper in their rooms and after they had enjoyed each other she would tell him.

         They arrived at the villa in the early afternoon. Everyone went to their assigned rooms to unpack and rest. Annalicia consulted with the cook and the housekeeper to make her arrangements and then headed upstairs to take a nap. She wanted to be refreshed and wide awake when Giorgio came home.

         Everything was arranged in their suite. She was dressed and waiting for him to come home. She was reading a book while she waited. The hour became late and still her husband had not returned. She called the maid and had her remove the dishes with the food untouched. Disappointed, she undressed herself and clad herself in a night rail. She had told Maria to go to bed early since she wouldn't need her tonite. Disappointed, she retired for the night. She awoke to someone nuzzling her neck. She sleepily looked in that direction and met Giorgio's eyes.

         "Giorgio! Your finally home. I waited all evening for you."

         "Sorry, my dear, but I had some sudden business to take care of. A sudden situation arose that demanded my immediate attention. Now I am home, and I have missed my wife. Let me make love to you, menina."

         He pulled her into his body and stroked her back down the globes of her bottom. He held them in his hand and molded her to him so that she could feel how hard he was for her. He kissed her mouth, stroking her lips and her mouth with his tongue wallowing in the taste of her. He felt her arms embrace him holding tightly to his shoulders. He carefully removed her night rail and tongued the breast nearest his mouth nipping at it gently. He felt the start she gave in response. He opened his mouth and took as much of her breast into it that he could and suckled the nipple. He could feel her arching into him making him harder. He laid her down on the bed and played with her belly and navel slowly moving down to the inside of her thigh. When he reached there, he entered his with his finger to see if she was ready for him. She was hot and wet. He inserted another finger in her circling them inside her to widen her channel. She was moaning with desire now. He covered her with is body placing himself at the juncture of her entrance. He slowly entered her letting her stretch and accomodate herself to him. It had been many weeks since he had had her and she was almost as tight as their wedding night. When he was seated to the hilt, he waited a moment to make sure she had totally accepted him. Then he started moving in and out of her.

         God, menina, you feel so good. I missed you not being in my bed. I'm trying take this slowly but I need you too much. I have to have you!"

         He picked up the pace pumping into her faster and faster. He could feel her tightning up around him like a tight glove. Suddenly, she moaned and became rigid milking him. He felt himself explode pumping his seed into her until her was completely dry. He relaxed on top of her with his face covered in her hair. He was lucky. He had married a passionate wife who gave all of herself to him. He had a treasure and knew it. He rolled over with her in his arms and cuddled her to him.

         "Giorgio, I have news for you."

         "Can it not wait til morning, menina? We are both exhausted."

         "It can wait, husband."

         He heard the subdued note in her voice and wondered at it. Maybe he should have listened to her but he was so very tired. He sunk into a deep sleep. Annalicia was disappointed. She had so wanted to tell him about the baby tonite. But he was tired and he worked very hard. She would wait until he was ready to listen. Giorgio was up before his wife and headed downstairs for breakfast. He met his Aunt Beatrice there.

         "Well, Giorgio, did you and Annalicia enjoy that lovely dinner she arranged for you both in your suite? And I know you must be happy about the baby."

          "What baby, Beatrice?

         Giorgio feared that he had hurt his menina. He should have heard her out last night. She had made up a special supper that he didn't make it home for. She must have had the maid remove it and went to bed. Then when he got home, he woke her out of a sound sleep to make love to her because he had missed the passion she gave him. And when she had wanted a few minutes of his time to tell him her news, he asked her to wait til morning. He felt so guilty. Well he would fix it. He would take his menina out for a picnic and never let her know that he had discovered her secret. She would tell him and they would rejoice. He went directly to the cook and ordered her to fix up a picnic basket. Then waited for his menina to come downstairs.

(indent)Annalucia entered the breakfast room with depressed spirits. She had been so excited about the news she wanted to share with Giorgio and everything had gone wrong last night. She would get him alone some time today and tell him then. She found Giorgio's gaze upon her.

         "Annalicia, my dear, to make up for not being here upon your arrival last night, I have made arrangements for us to go on a picnic. I have a few things I need to take care of, so meet me in the library around noon. We'll spend the afternoon together."

         Giorgio had just made it so easy for her to tell him her news. She ate breakfast, and then headed for their suite to find a proper garment to wear. She wore her maid out with her toilette, but she wanted everything to be perfect. She entered the library right on the dot of noon. Giorgio looked up from his desk and walked over to her. He placed her arm on his arm and escorted her outside. He assisted her into the carriage and then sat in the driver's seat. He tugged on the reins and the horses started pullling the carriage.

         "Where are we going, Giorgio?"

         "I am taking you to a spot that I found years ago. Its a lovely spot with plenty of privacy so that we can talk."

(indent}She settled herself in the carriage and gave herself up to enjoying the ride. Soon, Giorgio turned into a very faint trail and pulled the carriage to a stop. He jumped out of the carriage and walked around to hand her out of the carriage. He got the picnic basket that had been hidden under the seat and escorted her a short distance into a little grotto. As Giorgio had assured her, It was lovely. The ground was carpeted with green grass and wild flowers. There was a little pond with a waterfall. The grotto was enclosed by tall trees whose limbs formed a shelter over the spot. Annalicia breathed in the aromatic air with delight. Giorgio took out a blanket and spread it out on the ground. He helped her sit down and settle her skirts. He sat down and opened the picnic basket to see what was in it.

         "Well cook did me proud, menina. There is some fresh baked bread and chicken. There are grapes and apples and a nice bottle of chilled wine."

         He took out the plates and cutlery and served Annalicia and then himself. They ate the repast and discussed household occurences while they had been separated. After they were replete with food and were sipping their wine, She decided now was the time.

         "Giorgio, I so wanted to talk to last night. I had some exciting news I wanted to tell you."

         "I am sorry I wasn't here last night, my dear, but I got delayed on business. I am here now, however. What did you want to tell me?"

         "I was feeling rather tired during the latter part of the summer at the estate. I mentioned it to Aunt Beatrice, and she started to ask me some questions. The answer to them was yes. She informed me that she suspects that I am with child. I will need to see the family physician for confirmation, but it looks like I am going to have our baby, Giorgio."

         Giorgio looked at her with delight.

         "That is wonderful news, mia cara. A son to carry on the name. Thank you so much for this gift. We must take great care of you now. I will go with you to the doctor. When are you to see him?"

         "I haven't made the appointment yet, husband. I wanted to inform you first."

         "Then I will contact our physician as soon as we return that he will need to visit the villa to verify your condition. Come, menina, let me help back into the carriage so that we can return home. You will need to get more rest while you are carrying our baby."

         He drove her home and insisted she go upstairs to rest while he contacted the doctor. She went to to their suite. The maid removed her dress and pulled down the covers for her to lie down. She settled down to rest and dreamed of the future and their baby. The doctor visited her the next day and confirmed that she was enceinte. She visited her step-father to inform him of the news. As she was leaving, she met Katherine.

         "Annalicia, I haven't seen you since you were married. You look like your doing well. How is married life?"

         "I am satisfied being married to Giorgio. I just found out that I am enceinte, too. Giorgio is over the moon."

         Annalicia saw a flash of some kind of emotion flicker in and out of her eyes but couldn't identify it.

         "I was just about to go on a carriage ride. If you don't have anything else to do, why don't you come with me and we can chat about all thats happened to you?"

         "That sounds lovely, Katherine."

         "Then come along, let's go."

         Lord Sherwood heard the conversation from his study. Hopefully, now that Annalicia was gone from the house, they could develop some kind of friendly relationship with each other. He buried himself in his accounts again.

(indent)Annalicia settled herself in the carriage beside Katherine. As Katherine started the carriage rolling, Annalicia gazed around at the scenery. It looked like they were heading into the country. They chatted about events and gossip they had heard about Florentine society. Annalicia relaxed. She hoped that this would be an olive branch to Katherine so that they could become friends some day. They had been headed away from Florence for some time. Annalicia had lost track of time. Katherine turned into a wooded area and stopped in front of a ramshackle shack.

         "Why are we stopping here, Katherine."

         "Because I am going to finally get you out of my life. I intended to marry Giorgio. I was perfect for him. Why he chose you I have no idea. But you are going to disappear and never be found again. I have made contact with a group of people who are going to come and fetch you from here when I tell them where you are for the princely sum of 50 pounds. They are going to take you far away from here. They have assured me that you will never return. I will be the comforting sister-in-law while Giorgio is trying to find you and his unborn child. Eventually, he will turn to me and I will have him as I planned."

         Elizabeth jerked her out of the carriage and dragged over to the shack pushing her in closing the door behind her. Annalicia heard a noise that sounded like something being propped up against the door. She ran over to the door and tried to push it open. It didn't budge.

         "You might as well give up dear sister. I have blocked the door so that you can't get out. You can meditate on your many sins while waiting for your new owners."

         Annalicia heard her get into the carriage and drive off. She had to get out of here. Giorgio would be frantic. She searched the shack thoroughly. She saw a board slightly bent in. She looked for something to use to pry it off. After some hunting, she found an iron rod wedged into a crack in the rear of the shack. She pulled it out and used it on the bent board. After some time, she felt it give and redoubled her efforts. Finally, she could get a hand on it and pull it out. The other boards surrounding it were weak and rotten. With the hole she had made, she could get to the other boards. Eventually she had a hole in the shack big enough to crawl through. Just as she escaped the shack, she heard a wagon coming. Mindful of what Katherine had said, she hid inside a thick copse. She saw some desreptible looking men stop at the shack and remove the tree limb Katherine had used to keep the door closed. They entered and seeing that she had escaped started cursing and whipped up on the horses to look for her. They assumed they would come up on her on the road toward Florence. That made the road out of the question as her route back to Florence. She would have to follow the road but stay in the woods.

         After walking some distance, the undergrowth kept tearing at her skirt. She sat down and tore her dress and petticoats so that they were ankle length. It was unseemly but necessary if she was going to make it back to Giorgio. She had been walking for some time when she heard the jingling of a wagon. She hurriedly hid behind some undergrowth where she could watch the road. The wagon with the men who were looking for her were headed in the other direction. Hopefully, they had given up looking for her. After waiting a while she risked taking the road. By now, it was dark and she heard thunder in the distance. That's all she needed right now. A rainstorm. The storm came boiling in and she got thoroughly drenched. As it was fall, it was chilly at night. Soon, Annalicia was shivering from the cold. But she stayed focused on getting to Giorgio. Finally, she saw the lights of Florence and headed for the villa. She saw the beach where she had first met Giorgio and staggered over to it so that she could take the path up to the villa. She saw a dark shape looking out on the water. She was so tired she didn't think she could walk another step. She forced herself to walk to the shape by the beach. As soon as she reached it, she looked up. It was Giorgio!

         Giorgio was looking out at the water worried sick over Annalicia. He had no idea what could have happened to her. He was starting to think he may never see her again. He was starting to realize that he needed her. He heard a moan and looked in the direction of it. It was Annalicia! She was shivering and her clothes were in rags. He picked her up and could feel the heat through her clothes. She was burning up. He hurried to the villa calling for a bath to be brought to his suite. He hurried upstairs with her and laid her on the bed. He stripped her soaking wet clothes off of her and rolled her into the quilt on the bed. The maids ran into the room with buckets of hot water and started pouring it in the tub in front of the fire. As soon as the tub was full, Giorgio unwrapped her and placed her in the tub. With the help of the maids, they scrubbed her from head to toe. She was filthy. Giorgio removed her from the tub and dried her with the sheet the maid handed him. He put her to bed piling quilts on her. She was still shivering violently. He sent his footman out to get the doctor. She was still burning up. His female relatives entered the bedroom to start sitting with her. He stayed there with them. He refused to leave. The doctor got there and examined her. He took the Count aside.

         "She has been exposed to the elements and got caught in the rainstorm. She has developed a lung fever that could become pneumonia. You are to keep her warm and give her this tisane that I will prescribe. If her constitution is strong enough, she will survive."

         Giorgio listened to him with dread. He knew that lung fevers could be deadly. His menina was fighting for her life and the life of their child. As she lay their unconscious, she started mumbling nonsense. He pulled the chair close to her bed hoping to get a clue as to what happened to her. What he heard made him furious.

"Katherine, don't leave me here. Where are you going? I must get back, Giorgio will be frantic. There are those men. I must hide. They are looking for me."

         She stopped mumbling but Giorgio had heard enough. He made sure his ladies would be there to care for his menina and he headed for Lord Sherwood's villa. He slammed to door open with asking for admittance and headed for the study. As he thought, Lord Sherwood was there. Lord Sherwood looked up in irritation.

         "What is the meaning of this, Count? Why are you bursting into my house in this unseemly manner?"

         "Where is Katherine? I want her down here immediately."

(indent}"Count I can't permit you to order me around in my own home. What is the meaning of this?

         "My wife is lying at death's door in our bedroom and from what she has muttered in her delerium Katherine was involved in it."

         Lord Sherwood went pale and yanked on the bell pull. The butler appeared.

         "Fetch Lady Katherine down here immediately, FInch."

         Bowing, the butler did as he was bade.

         Katherine entered the library five minutes later. Lord Sherwood faced her.

         "Katherine do you know anything about the condition that Annalicia is in?"

         "What makes you think I do? I haven't seen her all day."

         That's a lie, Katherine. I saw you talking and heard you invite her to accompany on a ride in your carriage."

         For the first time, Katherine looked nervous.

         "Oh, yes, I do remember seeing her. She asked me to drop her somewhere. Since it was on my way, I agreed."

         "Lady Katherine, if I find out you were responsible for the condition my wife is in, I will make sure that you pay. She is at my villa fighting for her life and the life of our child."

         Giorgio swept out of Lord Sherwood's villa in a rage. Lord Sherwood looked at Katherine with horror in his eyes. Giorgio returned to their bedroom to help his wife fight to live. She kept a high fever for days, at times talking in delirium or laying in the bed as if lifeless. Giorgio was inconsolable. He had come to realize what a treasure she was, and he might lose her. If she recovered, he would never take her for granted again.

         Annalicia opened her eyes to a darkened bedroom. For a minute she didn't know where she was at. As her vision cleared she saw that she was back at the villa in her bedroom. She looked around and saw Giorgio asleep in a chair by the bed. She tried to talk, but couldn't get above a whisper. She tried again.


         She was able to raise her voice slightly. She saw Giorgio flinch in the chair and then his eyes opened. He saw her looking at him. He leaned over and grabbed her hand. There was something different about the look in his eyes, then it was gone. She must have imagined it.

         "Thank god, menina, you are with us again. We thought you would never return to us."

         "Have I been ill?"

         "Yes, my love, you almost died on us. If you had gone our little bambina would have gone with you along with my heart. The doctor told us to let him know as soon as you awoke. Just rest while I send for the doctor."

         Giorgio sent for the doctor and returned to their bedroom. Annalicia, now that she could see more clearly noticed how tired he looked, and he needed a shave. The doctor entered the bedroom and examined her thoroughly. He turned to the count with relief and told him his countess would recover. However, the illness had been a strain on her and the baby. She would need to rest frequently. When she was to go downstairs, she would need to be carried. No long walks. Giorgio nodded in agreement just thankful that she was improving. When he turned, she was sound asleep. Now that the crisis was over, he crawled into bed with her. He laid his head on her breast and fell into an exhausted slumber. The ladies of his household checked on them both, at one point getting his valet and the footman in there to undress him and slide him under the covers. Giorgio gradually woke up. The room was dark except for the fire in the fireplace. He remembered the last few day. He sat up and checked on Annalicia. She was breathing steadily and sleeping quietly. Her color was much better. He thanked god for saving her and their child. He rang downstairs for a bath. He had them put the tub in the connecting bedroom so that Annalicia wouldn't be disturbed. He soaked in the hot water until it cooled and had his man dress him in fresh clothes. He entered their bedroom to check on Annalicia. She was still sleeping. Leaving her maid to sit with her, he left instructions to be notified if she woke. Then, he went downstairs to get something to eat. He was going to have to figure out how to handle the Sherwoods. He would have to talk to Annalisa, though, before that could happen. He would wait til she woke, though. The doctor had made it clear that she needed her rest.

         Annalicia awoke with a clear head and looked around the room. It must be late. She could see that Giorgio was sleeping next to her and it was very dark except for the fireplace. She moved around in order to get up because she had to use the necessary. She felt Giorgio start awake next to her.

         "Annalicia you are not to get out of the bed without help. I will ring for your maid to help you with whatever you need, then you will settle back in bed."

         Her maid came immediately helping her with her personal needs and then settled her back in bed with a fresh nightgown and her hair freshly brushed. Giorgio sat beside her in a chair and held her hand.

         "Now, my dear. If you are able, I need you to tell me what happened that day. I have some idea, but I need to verify what I am thinking before I take the necessary measures to protect you."

         As Annalicia related what happened to her, his expression grew darker. Tears leaked from her eyes because of her weakness and the terrible ordeal she had been though. Giorgio comforted her until she fell asleep. He went downstairs to the library to think. He would need to calm down before he dealt with Lord Sherwood or Katherine or he'd strangle her for what she did to his menina. The woman was a menace, and she wouldn;t be allowed to stay here. She had barely stayed on the fringes of society here. With a few well chosen words, she wouldn't be welcome anywhere. It would necessitate that they leave Florence and return to England. Annalicia and their baby would be safe.

         Giorgio was sitting in his study when the butler announced that Lord Sherwood wanted to see him. He nodded to the butler to send him in. Lord Sherwood entered with a cautious look on his face.

         "Good Morning, Count Ferrenzi.

         "Good morning, Lord Sherwood. Would you like some tea?"

         "Yes, please."

         Lord Sherwood sat on the sofa warily. Giorgio brought over the tea and seated himself in a chair across from Lord Sherwood. Lord Sherwood took a sip of tea and then set the cup in its saucer. He braced himself as he prepared to discuss Katherine with Giorgio.

         "How is my step-daughter, Count Firrenze? I understand that she was very ill."

         "Considering how little attention you have paid her up til now, I am surprised that you are concerned. However, she and the baby have made it through the crisis. With rest, they will both be fine. She has been ordered off of her feet by the doctor. She can stay in our suite or in the drawing room but she has to remain seated or lying down. She will be coming down soon. I have promised to carry her to the gardens and put her in a chaise longue for a few hours. You will not be permitted to see her, though. Katherine is not welcome in my home, either. I am suggesting that you and your daughter return to England post haste. There, I would recommend that you find an older husband for Katherine strong enough to control her. Annalicia has begged that I not punish Katherine for what she did for the sake of the family. I have aquiesced to her request. I will not suffer here to be anywhere near me or mine. I hope you understand my position."

         "I understand perfectly, Count. You are being more than tolerant. I love my daughter. I have known that she was spoiled, but never realized how unstable she is. I have someone in mind in England that has wanted to marry her, but I have put it off at the request of my daughter. I believe I will agree to the match when we return to England. I have done some soul searching over the past few days. I regret my treatment of Annalucia. I permitted Katherine to make her life a living hell, and I regret that, also. Now that I am assured that she will survive, I assure you neither me nor my daughter will attempt to visit her. Now I bid you good day. I have much to accomplish to leave here as soon as possible. Goodbye and tell Annalicia I am sorry for what me and my daughter have put her through. Please inform me when the child is born."

         With that, Lord Sherwood stood, bowed to Giorgio, and exited the study. Giorgio thought about the situation worried that he should have been harsher in his treatment of Katherine; but he could deny his wife nothing. He pushed it out of his mind and headed upstairs to carry her down to the gardens where they would spend the afternoon with each other.

         Annalicia was sitting in the garden the next afternoon. Giorgio had left her to take care of some business, but had assured her he wouldn't be long. She heard a step behind her and turned. There stood Katherine dressed for travel. Annalicia looked at her sister with dread wondering what she was up to now.

         "Well, I hope you're satisfied, Annalicia. You have had your way, and I am being force by father to return England where I'll be marrying a boring, fat, old marquis who has been panting after me since I put my hair up. Father said it was Giorgio who insisted, but I know it was you. Giorgio would never want to get rid of me. He loves me you know."

         Annalicia saw Giorgio approach her sister quietly. He reached out quickly and grabbed her. Katherine looked at him with a wild and passionate stare.

         "Tell her, Giorgio. Its me you love."

         "Why would I love an overripe peach, when I have a young, lovely, and untouched flower in my grasp? I love Annalicia devotedly, and she is having my child and heir. You never had a chance with me, Katherine. I tried to handle your embarrassing behavior diplomatically, but you wouldn't allow me. So let me make it clear to you. I do not love you and never have. In fact, I despise you and your actions against my wife. My wife has all of my love and devotion and always will."

         A look of madness and anger flashed into Elizabeth's eyes. She jerked her arm our of Giorgio's grasp. She ran over to where Annalicia was with her fingers drawn up like claws. Her intent was clear. She was going to use her fingernails on Annalicia's face. Giorgio grabbed her roughly by the shoulder and spun her around. He grabbed both of her hands in his and called for a footman. He had the footman fetch a silken scarf with which he tied her hands up with. Dragging her along behind him, he removed her from the garden and his wife's vicinity. He returned an hour later. The anger and disgust he had on his face were gone, and there was only passion and love in the look he directed at his wife.

         "She will not bother you again, my love. I have taken her back to Lord Sherwood with the caveat that he either keep her restrained until they leave or I will press charges. He has assured me that he will hire two jailors today to stay with her until they return England."

         He walked over to where she was sitting. Sitting beside her he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. Annalicia looked up at him.

         "DId you mean what you said, Giorgio? Do you really love me?"

         "Yes, my love, I must have fallen in love with you soon after our marriage; but didn't realize it until you returned and were so ill I though I had lost you. I am yours and I will court you until you profess your love to me."

         "Oh, Giorgio. I loved you from the beginning. That's why I agreed to marry you. I will love you forever.

         Giorgio gazed at her in love and thankfulness. He had almost lost the most important thing in his life. He hadn't realized how important she was until she was almost gone from him. He would never take her for granted again. He held her tenderly kissing her passionately telling her how much he loved her.

         Thankfully, six months later, twins boys were born. They were beautiful, healthy boys. Giorgio sat on the bed beside his wife and his sons wallowing in the heaven his life had become. He was blessed.

The End.

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