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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1094215
A boy uses his magic powers to get himself out of a sticky situation.
He looked around, not knowing exactly where he was. He was somewhat puzzled. He saw to his right a group of about 15 candles, all black except for the silver in the middle, and they all were out. He found himself attracted to these candles, somehow. Even though they looked like ordinary candles, he felt a certain lifeness to them. Even though they were not lit, they glowed a strong yet dark glow that resinated throughout the cave. He drew himself closer to examine them further.

Just as he got near them, the entrance door flew open and banged against the walls with a loud "Thud!". He turned to see what was going on, and found himself gazing on Sineta. His curious face fell to a hot rage upon laying his eyes on her. "You bitch! I should have known you were behind this kidnapping!" He knelt down on the ground and put his hand on the ground, aswell. He then scooped up a hand full of dirt. "You're going to pay dearly for your crimes!" He got up and held his hand with the dirt out, and his other hand a foot above it. "I'm going to finish you off, once-and-for-all!"

At that, he started waving his free hand above the other. She watched with satisfaction as the dirt began to rise off of his hand and into the air. It slowly started to turn into a metalic blob. The blob grew larger and larger and stretched out horizontally. The right side started to smooth out and sharpen at its ends, and it pointed at the tip. Then the left side started to strech out from the original shape like two hands growing from a body. A long shaft started to form from left into a handle type shape. The metal blob continued to twist and reshape until a clearly visable sword was formed. The boy then grabbed hold of the handle and started to smile at her. "I have been practicing my magic, Sineta. I have become extremely powerful. Maybe even more powerful than you!"

He charged at her at full force, his sword at the ready. About twenty steps towards her, she raised her arms, incantated and vanished. He stopped in his tracks, wondering where she went.

"Do you really believe you have acheived such power?" He heard from behind as he turned. Sineta stood there with her usual malicious grin. She turned, and gracefully advanced toward the silver, center candles. She glasped her index and thumb around the wick and slid her fingers upwards. As she did so, the silver candle along with the others returned to life.

She smiled and said, "These candles represent your city of Unimaato.", and turned to meet his gaze with another malicious smile. "Every day one candle shall burn out, until all that is left is the silver. On the last day, when the silver turns lifeless, so shall your precious city also perish. Anyone living in the city of Unimaato shall die on the day this silver candle does."

He looked at her, awestruck. "Why must you do this?" He said, his face seething with anger.

She scaughed at his question. "It is quite simple, my child. Unimaato is a place of sin, and it must be destroyed." She laughed louder as she saw his hateful expression. "Look at you! You feel yourself superior to your father, yet in the end you are as ignorant and powerless as he was! It's really quite pathetic, no? The greatest thing that ever happened to your father was me!" She laughed so hard that it shook the inside of the cave.

His hands clasped tighter on his sword out of anger. He brought his sword over his left shoulder, ready to strike. "My family used to believe that my father was a fool for leaving you for my mother. They told him that with your intellegence, power, grace and compassion you would make a greater asset and wife. For awhile, I started to wonder why he chose my mother over you, aswell." He rose his sword high amoungst the cool air, his face red with rage. "Now I know that he was smarter than all of us!"

He advaced upon her, his sword and face gleeming in the candle-light. "This is for my father, you bitch!". She looked down and smiled as he aimed for her body and swung, only to be met with defeat as she grasped his blade and held it firmly. Her moves so quick and presice and powerful, it had baffled even him. He had never before met anyone with such power, let alone a woman. Woman were generally much more weaker than men, so he naturally found her power astonishing. "No way," he thought, his eyes overcome with bafflement and rage "theres just no way she could possibly be this powerful!". She brought his eyes to his and they stared at each other for what seemed like hours, but more like 5 seconds.

"Pitiful young fool." She laughed, as she brought her other hand to his sword. She used her emense power to break the sword in two. She laughed as the sword began to crumble and turn to dust, and watched as the dust fell to the floor. "It would appear asthough you are once again defensless."

"I don't need to use a sword to defeat a bitch like you!" He leaned into a punch and let one loose, and it was met with her left hand. "Fuck," He thought to himself, "how am I gonna beat her?".

She smiled and gazed into his eyes. As she did, he noticed that her eyes had become somewhat electrified, kinda like sparks jumping from her eyes. "You're a naughty little boy, just like your father." Her hand started to wrap around his and she squeezed. "Beg for my mercy!" She commanded as he hollard in pain. Her nails grew long and peirced the flesh. Blood began to flow from his hand like a faucet as he screamed even harder. "Your screams show your weakness, a trait magnificently upheld by your father." She laughed as he continued to squirm.

The pain soon began to become unbareble and he was forced onto his knees. "Enough of this!", she said as she let his hand go, "I'm going to do you a favor and spare you such agony!" She announced as she threw her right hand around his throat with catlike reflexes. Her strength once again displayed as she lifted him above her head, all the while with a sinister smile. "Say 'Goodnight.', little boy!"

From her hands burst forth a tremendous amount of electricity, with the force that of thrice a lightning bolt. The mercelous electricity seered through every fiber of his being, and he began to scream loud enough to vibrate through the cave. She smiled sadistically, "Goodbye, little man. Say 'Hello.' to your father, for me!". She began to laugh her evil laugh once again, and as she did so, a voice addressed her from behind.

"Why don't you tell him yourself?" The mysterious voice said.

She turned around to see this person with the boy held firmly like a child would a teddy bear. All of a sudden, a knife came flying out from the darkness of the enterance and peirced her right side. She, too, screamed in pain is it made contact with her. She looked down at the knife, then back up at the enterance, to see Kikindo enter. She bared her teeth at the sight of him, "You...you bastard! I thought you were dead!", she squelled as she went for the knife in her side. She dropped the boy as she grabbed it. She then used her magic to heal herself, then she readied the knife in a battle-ready stance. "Why the hell are you here? How dare you interupt my private time?!?"

Kikindo smiled, spun his staff around afew times, then answered, "I have been watching your pretty little face since you arrived at Unimaato." He said as he spun his staff afew more times. "I noticed you left with the Govenor, so I figured it would be the right thing to follow you. I hope you and the Govenor are playing along nicely in here. After all, we wouldnt want you playful little tikes to do anything naughty, now would we?" He said as he gave her alittle wink. She laughed at his joke, "Ofcourse we wouldn't.
That's why I'm going to do something very nice and kill the both of you."

He also laughed, "Sure thing, honey. Though, would you give me a last request, and kindly tell me who put you up to doing this?"

She frowned at him. "No one has put me up to anything."

He laughed again, "Oh come now! The great Sorceress Sineta, the hired assassign. You're saying you did this of your own free will?"

Smiling, she said, "That's correct."

Shaking his head, he again twirled his staff around and positioned it into a battle-ready stance.
"Fine. I guess I'll just have to get the information the hard way." He advanced slowly, his staff held pointing towards her, with a smile on his face. His smile turned to that of a frown, as he witnessed her hands beginning to charge up with electircity. She holds them out in display for him as she announces, "Time for you to meet your fate."

With another display of her speed, she promptly slashes her right hand towards him and lets loose its energy. A ball the size of a basketball, full of electricity, flies towards him.

With a grin, he simply swats the ball back at her. "Catch!", he says as he bats it with his staff and lets it fly the other way. It hits her in her right arm, but does not harm her in the least. "Fool," she cries as she lets loose another bolt, this time hitting him in the chest and knocking him backwards, she then advances "you're a pitiful disgrace". Her arms are now above him, as he attempts to shakely restand. She regenerates her power with great gusto, preparing to finish him off in a single blow. "Say 'goodbye', pitiful worm."

"Goodbye...pitiful worm" A voice whispers out from behind her. She turns around to see the Govenor has regained consciousness. He is hold his hand towards her from off the ground, and it has caught fire. "You're going to pay for your crimes." As he says this, the fire has grown thrice on his hand. "Goodbye, bitch." He lets it loose in the form of a fireball straight for her. She simply laughs and swats it way with the knife in her hand, then lets it go as it catches fire and burns to ashes.

"You're both so pathetic, dont you know?" She laughs and leans over the Govenor. "Time to finish you off once and..." she never gets the rest out, as she has been peirced with a staff from behind. Kikindo's staff has peirced her right side, and she watches it as blood begins to seep from the wound. She is forced to her knees in great pain, as she attempts to remove the staff.

Suddenly, she begins to start to smoke and sizzle, "NOOOOO!" she echos throught the cave as she writhers and squirms. She becomes smaller and smaller and hairier, and her features take on that of a rat, until she completely becomes one.

Kikindo grunts, "Figures," he proclaims as he views now a rat steaked onto his staff, "another one of her damn clones." He takes it off with disgust, and places it onto the floor. His attention is then drawn to the Govenor, who is lying almost motionless on the floor. "Geeze, you dont look so hot, kid."

"Th-thanks." is returned to Kikindo, as the Govenor tries to regain his composure and do somewhat of a pushup and tries to stand. He is simply met with defeat as he flops right back down on the floor. Kikindo shakes his head, "Here, let me help you.". He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a vile of greenish-bluish liquid. He opens it up and walks over to the Govenor. "This is my last bottle, but it should help you heal some of those wounds and give you some strength back." He leans over him and begins to gently pour some of the liquid on him. A greenish-bluish mist begins to rise over him as some of his wounds begin to heal. "Here, drink the rest of this.", he instructs as he hands the bottle to the Govenor and watches him drink.
"Wow, thanks. That helped alot" The Govenor says as he attempts to rise again, this time fruitfull. He brushes himself off and turns around back at the candles, then back at Kikindo. "I'm worried about my city. Those candles are cursed and are going to ensure my cities demise." He then begins to explain the whole thing to Kikindo.

Upon hearing this, Kikindo decideds to walk over to the candles and examine them himself. Though, he doesnt get far, as there seems to be some sort of barrier around them. "I can't even reach them. Damn her and her curses!" He pushes at the invisible barrier with all his might, but nothing happens. "Damnit!"

"I can't just let my people die, we hafta do something. Isn't there anything we can do?" The Govenor pleads with Kikindo, and watches as he begins to think. He's then struck with an idea.

"Yea kid, there just might be something we can do." He then begins to check his pockets as the young Govenor looks at him puzzledly. He pulls out a bottle of grey mist, "Great, one last one." He grabs the Govenor's hand, "Lets go." He says as he breaks the bottle on the ground. A large mist smoke rises from it and they are envoloped by it, and as the smoke rises it would appear asthough they had vanished.
© Copyright 2006 WhiteWolf (whitewolf013 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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