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Rated: E · Poetry · Supernatural · #1093957
A small collection of my many poems.
The Stars at War
The zodiac signs fight, pointing out one another's faults, and then defend themselves.

The stars had a meeting in a conference room at the end of the universe,
To decide which sign was best and which one was worst.
Bold Aries stood up and exclaimed, "I'll start this show.
Is it not clear I am the most fearless, in case you didn't know?"
To which Libra replied, "Of course. It always has to be about you.
Never thinking of another's feelings in all that you do."
"At least I'm brave enough to lead; it's my way of showing I care.
You take a million years just trying to decide what to wear."
"I like to bide my time, and weigh all my options, you see.
It's a very difficult task, choosing which side to please."
Taurus agreed, saying, "We should all find beauty in the little things.
Like having a stable home and a song in your heart to sing."
"But you're so stable," commented Scorpio, "you never move from your place.
You're too busy browsing shopping catalogues and stuffing your face."
"Well, I don't go around with sex on the brain and a sting in my tail.
You talk about the nastiest things sometimes and turn others off without fail."
"I just want to experience all that life has to offer, and I am easily hurt.
I'm just looking for someone to love, so that I don't get burnt."
"I'm glad to see we are communicating here," added Gemini, "but there is no need to fight.
This is not a popularity contest to see who is right."
Sagittarius retorted, "I'm surprised you didn't speak up earlier, as much as you chatter.
Going from one thing to the next without keeping abreast of the matter."
"But when I talk, I don't shoot my arrows without tact,
Before galloping off in search of yet another useless fact."
"Don't you think it's important to learn of the world and life?
Our future will be brighter if we choose to see the light."
"Sometimes the light doesn't come," Cancer cried.
"So home offers a safe place to hide."
"Why don't you stop hiding in your shell, honey?"
Asked bewildered Capricorn. "If you don't go out, you can't make money."
"Oh, right, you think the world was created from a dollar bill.
You trample over everyone to get to it as you climb the hill."
"No, I do not hurt everyone!" he shouted back.
"I just think everyone should pick up their slack!"
A beaming Leo blurted out, "As long as you look good in your quest.
We should all strive to be the very best."
Aquarius answered, "You think you're better than everyone else.
You need to put away your pride and learn how to help."
"But you can't save the whole world, my dear. It's too much to take.
If you don't look after yourself, you're soon bound to break."
"Maybe so, my feline friend, but I'll know in my heart
I fought for a worthy cause, which is held in high regard."
"That's right," Virgo chimed in. "We all need something to aspire to,"
As she proceeded to wipe the lint off a fellow member's sweater so blue.
"There you go again," remarked an annoyed Pisces. "Pick and nag.
You always have to have everything just right. Sometimes you make others so mad."
"As opposed to you, who leaves everything a mess?
You'd leave your head somewhere if it wasn't so possessed."
"I don't mind leaving things lying about. It gives the world an artsy feel.
It's more important to care for others; to love, to heal."
The Elders in the clouds did not like this petty bickering.
They ordered their charges to make peace out of a war so sickening.
And back on Earth a child cries,
"Mommy, Daddy, what is wrong with the skies?"
"It's alright, dear," and the youngster is sold.
"It's just the Gods recanting stories untold."

Cry of the Streets
Life in the big city as seen through the eyes of a homeless person.

The sun is so hot today.
I can feel the beads of sweat form upon my face,
As I make my way out of this rat race.
There is no finish line,
I am not out to win.
I'm just trying to get back on my feet again.
But people are so unkind.
They don't think I can do anything,
Even as I talk to them.
I've been walking all day, I am so tired.
I could end this charade if only I heard two words: "You're hired."

The air is so cold tonight.
As the wind whips across my face,
I try to think of a way out of this place.
I wish I had some money, some food, some clothes.
I wish I had somewhere to go.
But I am chased from every place I try to hide,
By those who tell me sanctuary is not mine to keep.
If only they could see the human soul in me,
I would have a place warm and dry...to sleep.

Breaking Down the Door to Your Heart
For my friend, "Tiger"

I have this friend, you see,
Who always wants me to be the best that I can be.
I miss her like crazy when we're apart,
Till I hear her breaking down the door to my heart.

Her eyes sparkle with the wisdom of her years,
But when I hear what she's been through, it brings me to tears.
Whenever I try to correct her on her little ways she says "Don't start,
Or else I'll come banging down the door to your heart."

She doesn't know much about the world today,
But she makes up for it by being happy.
Her life is filled with warmth and art,
Which she uses to break down the door to my heart.

We could all learn a lesson from her,
One that makes us stop and remember.
So the next time you think you're so smart,
Maybe the truth will come banging down the door to your heart.

No More Butterfiles

War is a butterfly, compared to innocence lost.
In both, lives are taken, but at what cost?
What price victory, if you can't change the past?
Heartaches remain; will the sun continue to shine?

All of the above (and more) was written by:
Scott Gould

Please don't steal my work.

© Copyright 2006 redwoodempire (redwoodempire at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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