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by Cori
Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1093637
when a good road trip gone bad.
"For all the seniors that have did their best and worked hard I would gladly love to call their names out. For top A's in the student body is Carly Wilson, For the top representation and good achivements is Trish Hunsalburg, and for the top honor of saveing the school from debt is Dayna Kennedy. You three come up here and say something to your fellow classmates". Principal Hopkins steped down and waited on stage for the three girls to show. "Miss Carly, Trish, Dayna Where are you?" Principal Hopkins squented her eyes to see if the girls were comming but saw nothing "Where could those girls be." The principal started to tap her foot.
"Come on stupid car start." Carly tried to crank it back up but it wouldn't work.
"We are so late for graduation" Dayna said making sure her hair looked good
"Hey Carly didn't you take machanics" Trish asked impatiently.
"well I haven't did it in a while I guess I could try" Carly got out of the drivers seat and lefted up the hood. "Man..." Carly coughed as the smoke flew out from under the hood
"Carly you O.K" Dayna yelled
"Yeah" Carly turned her attention back to the car and looked at the engine funny and started to try and fix it.
While Carly was trying to fix the car and Dayna and Trish were makeing sure that their hair looked nice a red car pulled up beside them.
"You girls need some assistance" a guy with dark brown hair and brown eyes said sweetly to the girls.
"Who are you" Trish asked being the prep that she is.
"My name is Adam and these are my two close friends Rodney and Jon" Adam pointed to his friends that were in the back seat.
Trish and Dayna sqw Jon and Rodney roll their windows down they practicly fell in love.
"Yes we need your help" Trish said quickly as she looked into Rodney's green eyes and she just wanted to move her fingers through his blonde hair.
"Trish start the car I think I got it" Carly broke Trish's daydream of happyness and she went back to reality.
The guys got out of their car and walked up to the car.
"O.K." Trish got back in the car and tried to crank it up, but it didn't work
"Who are you girls anyways" Rodney asked
"My name is Trish and this is Dayna and our friend that is trying to fix this car is named Carly" Trish looked at Rodney in a daze.
Jon walked to the front of the car to meet Carly.
"um......." Carly tighted the bults
"Need help" Adam asked
Carly pulled her head up and bumpted her head on the hood.
"I guess" Carly looked at him she had dirt on her face and greece
Adam looked at the engine in deep thought like he knew what he was doing.
"um..... I think you need a professional to look at it" Adam looked at Carly
"fine well just rid in your car" Carly said sweetly
"uh...O.K if that's alright with you guys" Adam said it loudly so that way his friends would hear.
"of course" they both had the same answer
Dayna and Trish knows excatly what Carly is gonna do
"Um...Adam and friends whatever your names are will you please get our purses out of the car PLEASE" Carly did the cuteness well that's what they call it. No one can resist it
"K" Rodney said happily
"girls" Adam rolled his eyes
Jon just nodded
The boys turned their backs on the girls
Carly gave a nod and saw their keys were still in the car Trish hopped in the passenger seat and closed the door slowly. Dayna got in the other side. Then Carly got in the drivers seat
"I don't see any purses" Adam scratched his head in confusion then looked up
"Honk that horn when the sun don't shine" Carly yelled as she floored it into high gear
Jon, Rodney and Adam tried to run after them but they couldn't catch up
Carly, Trish and Dayna looked back and started to laugh
"Everyone their be her in just a second.... well they better be" Principal Hopkins crossed her arms
"Hey look theres our school" Trish pointed
"Carly you can slow down now" Dayna said
"NOPE!" Carly slammed into the side of the schools audotorium.
"We're here Principal Hopkins" Carly said happyily as she got out of the car
Dayna and Trish got out
Dayna walked up to Carly and started to choke her
Carly pulled away "What did you do that for"
"Your trying to kill us" Dayna protested
"Well your alive and we're at graduation so I think we did good" Carly smiled she had evil stamped on her forehead.
Dayna rolled her eyed
Trish went up stage. Everyone fallowed
"Principal Hopkins is it to late to make our speech" Dayna asked
"Not at all" Principal hOpkins had and anger mark on her head and her left eye was twitching
"I'll go first" Dayna said as she stepted up to the poteum
"Classmates Its been a fun year almost the funest year ever cause we finally get to graduate and I am happy to say that we finally are able to live out there in the real world. This is all I have to sy Oh and goodluck" Dayna smiled and stepped down
Trish then got up ready to make her speech "I am glad that we are all graduating this year because I won't have to deal with getting up every mourning but I realized that it was worth it I also realized that putting hard work and effort into your life will get you some where else besides working at Burger King. That's all I have to say oh yeah and LOVES TO EVERYONE" Trish smiled and stepped down. It was finally Carly's turn Trish and Dayna looked great but Carly still had dirt and greece on her face and all over her clothes as well.
"Hi everyone I guess I want to say that you choose your own destiny and that you choose which path you will take that's what i really like about getting out of this school is that we are finally able to make a more varity of choces this year was so much fun I mean yeah we have made a lot of mistakes and got into fights but every single one of us pulled it together in the end. All of you...yes I mean every single person in this room are people that will cure diseases unknown to man, protect the innocent and make sure Justice will be served and I am glad and I support every single one of you Unless your trying to give me a needle Now that'll be a different story. Anywayz, what I am trying to say is that I love every single one of you guys and Good luck in the real world. oh LOVE AND PEACE."
Carly finished her speech. Once all three of the girls finished their speeches they steped down off the stage and took their seats
"Thank you girls" Principal Hopkins smiled at them and was happy to get this graduation thing over with. She can't wait until they leave the school.
Trish is known as a prankster on everyone but she still go A's
Dayna is the one who purposely gives bad luck to you like for example if you say I am haveing a good day you'd be her next targe, but she still got A's
Carly now if you get on her bad side you better run. she's so sweet to her friends and some teachers but she'll jump you if you get her mad. she hits teachers, skip school, gives evil thoughts to Trish on how to torment the teachers, and Praticly lives in detintion, but somehow she still got A's.
All three of the bad girls together they are called the "Misfit Sisters". But not all of them are totally bad.
Trish likes to help people with their concentration.
Dayna likes to solve sex problems and belive me theres a lot of people with sex issues including teahers.
Carly helps everyon it's universal with her but her specialty is boys.
Anyways, As Principal Hopkins was giveing her good bye speech. Adam, Jon, and Rodney came in They were all sweaty and panting
Adam cleared his throat. "I am looking for Carly, Trish and Dayna" Adam tryed to sound like a gentalmen Carly, Trish and Dayna stood up
"oh Hi boys" Carly smiled at them innocently
Adam growled
"Please tell me what is going on here" Principal Hopkins put her arms on her hips
"uh...... we over reacted uh..... sorry for interupting...." Rodney was alittle embaressed and pulled Adam and Jon out.
Carly, Trish and Dayna smiled and sat back down.
The three boys were waiting on the girls to come out cause Carly still had their keys. The girls came out and didn't see the guys so they just walked on. "Hey don't you just walk away" Jon yelled.
Dayna, Trish and Carly tured around
"will you please give us back our car keys" Adam asked
Carly smiled evily at him
"ya want them"
"Yeah" Adam nodded
"well your gonna have to get them" Carly pulled out the keys and put them in her bra.
"Uh...." Adam's face went red.
"Uh...Trish I know we haven't known each other for very long but...uh...will you go out with me tonight" Rodney was hopeing it would be a yes
"sure why not I'd love to go out with you.
Jon also wanted to ask Dayna out but he was a little scared and then he desided before they walked off "wait Dayna will you go out with me tonight...I mean...i..ff ya want" Jon also was hopeing that she would say yes.
Dayna looked at Trish and Carly and smiled "O.K" Dayna said it in a happy voice.
Jon and Rodney looked at Adam wanting him to ask out Carly.
"What are you staring at me for I am not gonna ask that devil women out" Adam crossed his arms in protest
Carly gave him an evil look "I wouldn't be interested anyway.
"Well I got to go now" Trish said to Carly
"Yeah we'll see you later we have to get ready" Dayna smiled at Jon
"K..." Carly went straight
Dayna went left and Trish went right.
Jon and Rodney smiled and walked to their house
Adam fallowed Carly he was wondering what she does in her spear time and he as to get his car key's back.
Carly walked into a cafe and sat down and had her computer in her hand. she opened it up and loged in as she ordered her French Coffee
Adam came behind her and was looking at what she was doing
Carly was doing research in going to law school and looking for a law school that would teach you how to be a lawyer or bounty hunter but it was mostly looking for a good school
"so ya want to become a lawyer" Adam said loudly not meaning to though. Carly jumped and quickly go out of the web site right after she saved it to get back to it later.
"Of course not I just was looking into jobs that pay really good money" Carly lied well half of it was a lie she has always dreamed of becomming a lawyer
Adam sat in front of her
"Can I please have my car key's back"
"like I said your gonna have to get them" Carly smiled evily at him dareing him to try it
Carly closed her lab top and started to walk home.
Adam was getting very impatient.
Carly arrived at her house, and unlocked the door and went to her bedroom. she also forgot to lock the door so Adam welcomed himself in
"uh....." Carly sighed happyily as she put her hair down and started back up her lab top
"there you are" Adam appeared in the doorway of her bedroom.
"What are you doing in my house" Carly closed her lab top and sat it on the floor.
"I am not leaveing until I get my car keys back" Adam had a suductive look on his face
"well your gonna have to get them" Carly smiled at him and leaned back
Adam smiled and walke over to her bed and got on it and slowly craweled to her Now Adam is half way on top of her. He reached in her shirt and pulled out the keys. Adam then looked up into her bright green eyes and smiled up at her and then kissed her passionitly on the lips meaning and showing that he was interested in her.
"Thanks see ya babe" Adam got off the bed and walked out the door with his keys in hand
Carly picked up her phone and called Dayna before she goes out on her date
"Hello" she answered
"Dayna guess what"
"Adam came and got his keys"
"you mean"
"Yeah I mean"
"Yeah and ya know what he gave me a goodbye kiss and it wasn't on the cheek" Carly was just a smileing
"I am happy for you. Hey do you think I should wear the black dress or the blue one" Dayna asked looking in the mirror swapping them back and fouth to see which one looks good
"um.... it depents"
"on what" Dayna asked questionabley
"What your gonna be doing"
"we're going out for dinner"
"what place are you going to" Carly asked as she started the shower.
"we're going to the DayDreamers club" Dayna smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror.
"Well i hope you have fun" Carly got her notebook out from under the sink and a black ball point pen.
"Well i got a go now Carly I'll talk to you tomarror K"
"K " Carly hung up the phone and wrote in her story while the water was warming up.
Later on.....the phone rings
Carly wrapped her towel around her body and answered it
"Hello" she said in her normal tone of voice
"Hello may i please speak with a girl named Carly"
"this is her"
"Hey my name is Officer Rick and I have some very bad news"
"about what?"
"I am sorry but your friend Rachel has been killed"
Carly stood slient in horror. Rachel, Dayna, Trish, and Carly were so close but then one day Rachel had to move to New York with her parents.
"How....How did this happen?" Carly demanded
"Her boyfriend tied her up tho the bed and slit her wrists and cut out her eyes while she was still alive. then he left and fed her to the dogs."
Carly hung up on him. she didn't want to know the details.
"I can't believe it! I can't believe that she's dead" Carly didn't know what to do so she got dressed in a hurry and got on her coat.
Jon was waiting for Dayna to come out of the girls restroom
Dayna came out "sorry i took so long"
"Its alright i hope that wine stain comes out of your dress" Jon was alittle embarrassed because he spilt red wine all over her black dress.
"don't worry no one will notice it is a black dress" Dayna looked on the bright side and gave a warm smile to her date.
They went back to the table and had a nice evening and so on and so fourth. About an hour later Adam came by and ran up to the table like it was an emergncy "Have you two seen Carly i went back to her house to see if she wanted to go out with me tonight and i couldn't find her any where" Adam looked at Dayna with worried eyes.
"don't worry she'll come up" Dayna smiled but it was a weak one
"iam gonna keep on looking K" Adam reasured her
"Ok" Jon said with a weak smile
Adam left the club and started looking.
"I am happy that we get to spend some time together" Rodney said looking at Trishes slim figure and her curves,
he walked her up to the door of her apartment
"i had a lovely evening" she smiled and kissed him on the cheek
" i guess i'll see u tomarrow" Rodney asked
" you got that right" Trish turned around and unlocked the door
" hey Rodney ya wanta stay the night" Trish asked with a suductive smile
At that moment Rodney followed Trish in to her apartment and then lead him to her bedroom she pulled his tie making him come closer to him. "i want you now" she said as they shared deep hot kisses to one another like a competion to see who can be the dominate one. Rodney became helpless to Trishes kisses and let her win the passionate battle. Trish laughed in victory and ripped off his clothes and undid his belt. then she started to unbutton his pants nice and slow as if teaseing him so that way he will come back for more.
© Copyright 2006 Cori (hieilover at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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