Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1092099-Either-way-the-wind-blows
by mystic
Rated: · Chapter · Other · #1092099
Jessie and Mark encounter his secretary and his "stay abstinent," mother.

Jessie lay in her bed restlessly awaiting the arrival of her fiancée Mark Cooper, who was coming home from a business trip from Mexico. She hadn’t the chance to tell him the good news about her pregnancy. Jessie and Mark had always wanted to have a child, but they just never seemed quite ready to take that step. But this time there was no crawling back. Jessie took a sleeping pill, she only slept for a short while. She even tried the old wives tale about drinking warm milk, but it only made her feel nauseous. When she finally lay down just to relax she heard a car approaching the driveway. Jessie bounced up from the bed and without putting on her robe, she ran down the stairs, through the hallway and out the front door. Mark hadn’t even closed the door when Jessie came and took him into her arms.
“Oh I missed you so much darling, how was your trip?” Jessie asked squeezing him tightly kissing him all around his face.

Mark laughed and loosened Jessie’s grip.
“It was fine honey. I want you to meet-”
When Mark pulled Jessie away noticing she was only wearing her bra and underwear, a nervous yet anxious cough came from the other side of the car. Mark looked at Jessie and smiled.
“Honey I would like you to meet Jessica Barnes, but before you do that I think you ought to get some clothes on.” Mark said.
Jessie hadn’t noticed that she didn’t put her robe on. Her cheeks turned rose red and she ran into the house. Jessica Barns walked up to Mark with a smirk. She turned her head and laughed.
“That is you fiancé Mark? For a man of your intelligence I thought you would choose someone of more stature and sophistication.” Jessica said.
Jessica Barnes was a very gauntly woman. She had long black hair that passed her shoulders and had an attitude like a panther. Many people didn’t like to cross her path since she was so mean and ruthless. Jessica had been Marks assistant for months and she had her eye on him for a while. Obviously the set back was his fiancé.

“Well she is my fiancée and I love her so I could care less what anyone thinks about her.” Mark spat.
“Well I was only trying to help.”
“No you are trying to be a nuisance. I pay you to help me at work, not my personal life.”
Jessica bit her lip and stepped back.
Mark invited Jessica to come and have a drink. After Marks comment she wanted to decline, however she wanted to learn more about Jessie and if she really was the woman for Mark. Jessie came back down with a white silk robe and some fuzzy socks.
“I’m sorry Ms. Barnes, but I was just so excited to see Mark. He hasn’t really been home lately.” Jessie said with a white toothed smile.
“Oh that’s okay I’ve been taking real good care of Mark.” Jessica replied with a cheesy smile.
“Well ladies would either of you like a drink? It isn’t too late you know.” Mark said holding up a bottle of red wine from the bar.
“None for me babe, but thanks.” Jessie said.
“I would love some Mark thank you.”
“Aren’t you driving home Ms. Barnes?” Jessie asked.
“Oh no, I’ll take a cab home. I’m too tired to deal with driving. Besides Mark drove me around.” Jessica turned to Mark and smiled.
Jessie laughed hesitantly and sat down. Mark handed Jessica her glass of wine and sat beside Jessie. The three sat in awkward silence for a while. Jessie was getting so impatient to tell him the news, but she didn’t want to seem rude exposing private news with company. Jessie didn’t think he would bring someone home so late.
Jessie stood up and smiled at Mark. She couldn’t take it anymore, she felt like she was about to explode with excitement and she wanted to express it. She stood up and smiled at Mark lovingly.
Honey I wanted to tell you this while you were away but I didn’t think it would be right over the phone. And well now we have company-”
“Oh no don’t mind me Jessie its fine.” Jessica interrupted.
Jessie looked at Jessica and smiled.
“Good.” replied sternly.
Jessica raised her glass to her lips and took a nice long sip.
“What is it Jessie, what’s the news?” Mark asked.
Jessie smiled and stuck her finger in the end of her mouth like a small child and screamed with joy:
Mark jumped to his feet and hugged Jessie so tightly; Jessie thought she was going to pass out.
Jessica had choked on her wine and put her glass down.
“Pregnant?” Jessica asked, “Are you sure?”
Jessie nodded.
“I took three home pregnancy tests and went to see Doctor Osgood and they all said positive. WE’RE GOING TO BE PARENTS!”
Mark and Jessie laughed with joy. Jessica only stood with a smile that made her face soar and more tired of the night.
“Well I’ll let you two talk, I’m going to catch a cab and get home to bed.” Jessica said a bit loudly hoping to catch Marks attention.
Mark kissed Jessie on the cheek and insisted that he call the cab and pay the fare.
Jessica could not refuse that offer, so she waited in the dining room until her cab arrived.
“Well it’s been great meeting you Mrs. Barnes.” Jessie said.
Jessica smiled and walked out the door. Jessie closed the door laughing hysterically. She looked at Mark and gagging in disapproval.
“How could you hire a woman like that, she’s so rude.” Jessie said.
Mark took Jessie into his arms and gave her a slight squeeze.
“Well I was in desperate need of someone and she fit everything I needed in an assistant. I didn’t know she was such a pest.” Mark replied.
Jessie smiled and leaned her head on Marks shoulder.
“She obviously likes more than just her paycheck honey.” Jessie said.
“What do you mean by that?” Mark asked.
Jessie laughed with a tiny smirk upon her face.
“Listen to a woman’s advice. She is going smooth on you. When she took one look at me I was public enemy number one. She likes you Mark, she likes you a lot. Hell what woman wouldn’t.” Jessie said. She ran her fingers through his hair softly.
Mark kissed her softly on the lips and then again on her cheek.
“Well Jessica is just going to have to find another guy, because I’m with you.” Mark said leaning down to his knees. He placed his head on Jessie’s stomach.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be dad. My parents are going to be thrilled.”
Jessie pulled away. She began to chew on her finger nails while pacing the room.
“I don’t want your parents to know yet Mark.” Jessie said in a panic.
Mark went to the bar and poured a glass of wine.
“Why not honey, you know they want more grandchildren. My dad has been bothering me about it for months now.”
“Mark your mother made it very clear to us that she wanted us to have sex after marriage, not before. She is a very controlling woman if she finds out-”
Mark went to Jessie and took her by the shoulders.
“My mother has nothing to do with us Jessie. She can’t do anything to us, or to our baby. She will be thrilled to hear she’s going to be a grandmother. Now just calm down and take a seat. Relax okay?” Mark gave Jessie a peck on the cheek and led her to a chair.
Jessie leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. She was so tired now. She had been up all night waiting for him she didn’t realize how late it was. She yawned and stretched. Jessie got up from the chair and went up to the bedroom. She threw her robe to the floor and crawled into bed. It felt so good to be on her goose feather pillows. She quickly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Jessica woke up feeling entirely refreshed even though she had only a few hours of sleep. She heard chattering and laughter downstairs. Jessie slipped her robe on and went down to see what was going on. At the bottom of the stair case she saw her soon to be mother and father in law standing at the bottom stairs. They were chatting with Mark. She was afraid he had already broken the news to his parents. When Mrs. Smith saw Jessie, she had a smile on her face and came up the stairs towards her.
“Hello my little darling, you must be refreshed.” Mrs. Smith said.
She kissed Jessie on both cheeks and chuckled joyfully.
Mrs. Smith was what most would call a “Fancy woman,” she shopped at only the best and most expensive shops. She was always out getting her hair and nails done, along with getting the scoop on new fashion. She didn’t look anything like a 60 year old woman. Nor did she act like one. She was like an older, yet more fabulous Paris Hilton. She dyed her hair black since it would cover the grays and always kept her teeth as white as she could keep them. Mrs. Smith thought image was the way to a woman’s wealth. She was in so many associations and clubs she was practically famous without all the Hollywood superstar glamour.

“Now Mark you and Jessie must come with Hal and me to see our new yacht. It is gorgeous I tell you. Oh it was named Markus after my darling stylist. He’s an angel I tell you. Any who, Hal has nothing but leather on all the seating. the yacht is navy blue, not many people have navy blue yachts you know. We have 5 bedrooms and three bathrooms, even a kitchen and dining area. And a party room for the days we want to live it up! Doesn’t it sound fab? I love it. It was Hal’s anniversary gift to me last month.” Mrs. Smith chuckled and chuckled.
She scoped the room and took a hold of her chest. She pointed at the mantle and made a shrieking noise. She quickly rushed down the stairs and pointed to the photo a top of the mantle.
“Is that a picture of my little Sherwood? How precious!” Mrs. Smith squeaked.
She took the picture from the mantle and showed it to her husband.
“Sherwood is the most precious baby in the universe, of course not like my Markie!”
Sherwood was Marks older brothers’ son. He was only three years old and had mastered reading and writing. He was at the top of his preschool class and was honored with the toddler’s certificate of advanced learning. Mrs. Smith was all too proud of Sherwood. She said her love and inspiration of her grandson helped him to be the young man he is today. Sherwood is the not the most pleasant of children. He gets whatever he wants and throws a tantrum if he doesn’t get to his hearts content.
“Now that is what I call a young scholar.” Mr. Smith said with his arms around his wife. Mr. Smith looked at Mark.
“So when are you going to make me one of these scholar babies Mark?” Mr. Smith said holding the picture of Sherwood up.
Mark pulled at his collar and laughed nervously. He looked up at Jessie, who gave him “the look of death.”
Mrs. Smith took the picture of Sherwood, kissed it, and placed it neatly back onto the mantle.
“You know what I said about sex before marriage, right mark?”
“Yes mother.”
“Say it!”
“Sex before marriage equals no respect.” Mark said with a dreary tone.
Mrs. Smith smiled and walked into the dinning room. Everyone followed her as if she were the ring leader. She sat properly in her seat with her legs crossed and her hands webbed together on her lap. She was looking satisfyingly about the house.
“Well I say this place is looking quite homey. Who by chance designed your house darling? It seems much more…suave than before.” Mrs. Smith said.
Mark smiled and stood beside Jessie.
“Jessie did mother. She’s brilliant.” Mark replied happily.
Jessie smiled and gave Mark’s hand a loving pat and kiss.
Mrs. Smith was impressed.
“Well I must say my girl I think you might have a knack for this eh?” Mrs. Smith said.
Jessie laughed flattered.
“I guess I do, but I wouldn’t do it for a career really. Not my thing.” Jessie said.
Mrs. Smith smiled lovingly and stood to her feet.
“Well Hal and I better be on our way. We told Mayer Allen we would have breakfast with him at Valmont, it’s a beautiful restaurant you should join us.” Mrs. Smith said.
“Sorry mother we can’t, we have some work to get done.” Mark replied politely.
The last thing he wanted to do on his Saturday morning was spend breakfast with his parents and Mayer Allen talking about politics and Sherwood.
Mrs. Smith smiled and gave Mark a kiss on the cheek.
“You have a little spot on your face honey let me get it.” Mrs. Smith said.
She licked her finger and whipped the spot off of Marks face. He looked most disgusted and surprised his mother was spit cleansing his face. He took his sleeve and whipped the saliva from his cheek.
Mrs. Smith kissed Jessie on both her cheeks and took her hands.
“You really are a glamorous girl. My Ladies of Wisdom Association would just adore you dear.”
“Thank you Mrs. Smith.” Jessie said.
She chuckled weaving her hands together.
“Call me mother, dearest. Tootles all, have a great day. Mother loves you both.” She and Mr. Smith let themselves out. Jessie and Mark stood there petrified. Jessie looked at Mark with an overwhelmed expression on her face.
“I thought you were going to tell your mother about the baby.” Jessie said.
Mark took a deep breath of relief.
“Honey I thought I would too. It’s hard for me to lie to my mother. She trusts me and expects so much of me. The last thing I want to do at this point is upset her. Especially with her blood pressure.” Mark said rubbing the cheek where his mother whipped her spit.
Jessie sat down in a chair and laid her head down onto the table.
“Well one day we are going to have to tell them. I’m only going to get bigger from here on out.” Jessie said stifled.
“Yes I no.” Mark insolently replied.
Jessie concealed the fact that Mark was acting childish along with an unrefined behavior.
She understood that Mark was stressed out, but Jessie couldn’t go on pretending. She was not the lying type nor could she keep secrets. Jessie had to find a way to make both sides of the spectrum happy.
© Copyright 2006 mystic (mysticadia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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