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My spin on power rangers
Chapter 2- Unexpected visitor

Lynx slumped into what was left of her sofa and recalibrated her cyber legs. She sighed. She had been having calibration problems since she had come to the Earth sector and she couldn’t for the life of it figure out why. She held her hand up and a holo-screen appeared showing her what was happening inside spd Headquarters. A smirk on her lips as she saw Bridge waving into the air. She always wondered why he did that. He knew he would be looked at as odd waving into thin air but he didn’t seem to care as long as he was waving and saying hi to his best friend. She looked past him and saw that he was standing next to the vending machine. Using her all access pass she programmed the machine to pass out an “Oh Henry” his favorite candy bar. He took it out and flashed a smile shaking her head at how much she spoiled him.

She relaxed and began to talk to him mentally.

“So my young friend what you think about how I introduced myself to your friends”

“Well to tell the truth you. You scared the shit outta them.”

“Ha,” and she laughed crazily into his mind. “I scared them? The mighty Spd rangers were frightened of little ol’ me!! That just proves my point. You are unskilled and lacking in training.”

“And you not exactly a little baby you know. The way you flipped out of your window and pummeled those drones was very intimidating and might I add you did it with CURTAIN RODS. How did you manage to blow the entire fleet up anyway??”

“It was actually quite easy I led them all into my training grounds at the back and set off the land mines.”

“You really have land mines in the backyard??”

“I know, he he. A little over the top, but when you’re on the top of every warlord in the ten galaxies hit list you take deadly precautions,” the humor gone from her voice. She must’ve realized this because she added more cheerfully, “Well at least you never went out there. Right Bridge?

“Yeah right. Umm… Oh I gotta go Lynx. Kruger’s calling us, ok?

“Ok Bridge. Leaving me hanging aren’t ya?”

“OH please you’ve got more than enough stuff to keep you occupied.”

“Well that is true and Go already won’t you!”

“Ok ok, bye.

“A bientot!”

She got up and went to the shower. When she finished she got dressed in her official uniform and went to her garage. She stood in front of her two cars and her Yamaha pondering with one would make a more stunning entrance. She was just about to hop on her motorbike when she stopped and thought wouldn’t it be fun if I scared them a little more. He he. I could hack into their systems and sneak into the base. You know that’s what I’ll do and I won’t tell anyone. Wonder how tight their security is. She walked back into the house and went to the basement. After changing into a skintight stealth suit she went to the roof and surveyed the area. When she was sure no one was watching she began to roof jump towards SPD.

Back at the headquarters Cat sat defeated into a chair and let the rangers questions engulf her. For the past half an hour she had been trying to tell the rangers the history of SPD and how exactly Lynx was involved, but she had been drowned out by Sky’s annoyed questions and Z and Jack’s arguments about who exactly she was. Sky was about to pop another question when Kruger shouted “ Rangers be quiet!!!”
An eerie silence covered the room and they sheepishly sat down.

“Good now let Cat continue. You all need to listen carefully to what she has to say.”

“Thank you, Doggie.” Cat said gratefully. “Now where was I?”

Bridge piped up, “ You were about to tell us who exactly is Lynx Xiaowei.”

“Thanks Bridge,” she frowned and began to think back. “Lynx Xiaowei is the….” She was cut off by the alarms blaring. She turned around quickly and checked the monitors and reported. “ There’s an intruder in the building and.” she stopped staring at the screen shocked.

“What is it Cat?” Z asked coming closer to the screen.

Cat turned to face them; “ There’s a hacker in my system! No one could possibly hack MY SYSTEMS!!! These are the best systems in the world and they have the best security nets. I should know I created them!”

A bit perturbed by Cat’s uncharacteristic behavior Kruger turned to his team and said quietly, “ Go check this out. I have a feeling that it’s more than just a hacker that’s got her so upset.”

“ Right!” they turned and ran out of the office.

From her perch in the hallway Lynx was getting quite bored. It was taking their systems so long to detect her presence in the systems and she had been making the most stupid mistakes as she went to their core. Her face became cloudy. She would have to speak to Cat on this. It was unacceptable. She rolled her eyes as she saw her least favorite ranger coming her way. She decided to have a little fun with him. When he was directly below her she jumped down, roundhouse kicked him to the ground jumped back onto the pipes so quickly Sky didn’t know what hit him. He scrambled to his feet and called for backup. The other rangers came quickly and scanned the area. Lynx jumped down this time and stood in front of them.

“Well it took long enough! Let’s get this over with, shall we? I’ve got other stuff to do today and they are much more important than fighting with y’all.

“So why are you then?” Syd asked.

“Cause I’m bored.”

“Okay then let’s go!” and rushed at her.

© Copyright 2006 AngelicLynx (angeliclynx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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