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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1089949
Lynx Xiaowei The creator of SPD
It Was Just a LITTLE Prank!

While Syd charged at Lynx, Kruger and Cat were in a heated conversation with LYNX! She was lounging in a sofa not paying attention to a word they were saying but instead concentrating on the match between Syd and herself. She smirked, if the rangers couldn’t figure out they were fighting a robot then something was seriously wrong. She had chosen these five because they had had incredible powers and had passed her initiation test with flying colors. If they couldn’t defeat a replica of her how could they defeat Omnicron? She got up and walked past Kruger and Cat and for the first time since she arrived she looked every bit as cold her reputation claimed. She looked every bit as her nickname The Ice Witch. When she turned and walked out of the office a chill overcame the room and its occupants stared fearfully at her retreating back. One of the officers whispered to another her nickname and Lynx turned towards him, her eyes glowing a fierce blue and her metallic blue hair following her sharp turn of her head. Her voice came out deadly vicious her eyes scanning the room and resting on the guilty “Kruger I would appreciate if you would school your cadets on the importance of keeping their mouths shut.”

She sighed and walked down the corridor when she neared the rangers she shouted angrily “ Stand Down!”

They turned towards her and stared in shock. Sky still feeling that she wasn’t whom she claimed to be charged her and this aggravated her even more and prepared herself for his charge. As he ran towards her he morphed and went into S.W.A.T. mode and began firing at her. She stood calmly and watched as he began to fire at her she even closed her eyes as she dodged. When he was a foot away from her she neatly kicked him away. Her blue boot imprinting on his uniform. Sky got up and charged her again, this time he used hand-to-hand combat. The rangers rushed to his aide but were stopped when Lynx’s replica jumped over and landed in front of them and doubled. They attacked them only to be thrown against the wall.

Sky was beginning to tire and Lynx used that against him when he next came close to fire a punch she grabbed his hand and flipped him over his shoulder and pressed her boot to his neck. Sky demorphed and looked at her with rage and fear. The others had demorphed as well and were looking at her uncertainly. She removed her boot from his chest and began to walk away. The replicas did the same and walked straight into her disappearing and if the rangers were freaked out before they were pissing their pants now.

Her voice still cold she spoke “ Follow me.”

Sky was about to retort when Bridge shoved him and gave him a look that screamed shut-up and follow her. The rangers did and the thing on everyone’s mind was who exactly was she that is everyone except Bridge.

She lead them back into the office they had left when the intruder alert had sounded and they stared at Cat and Kruger who saluted her as she entered. What surprised them even more was that all the cadets in the room got up and saluted her also and they wondered if every one knew who she was except them. She stood in the center of the room and began to speak her voice still as cold as ever with a strong sense of authority.

“ When I arrived in this sector I expected so much more out of this base but I had my hopes held too high as your rangers have shown me more than enough times. What has also been made clear is the ignorance of some of your cadets and how poorly they handle pressure.” Her eyes turned to the rangers and they squirmed uneasily under the intense pressure of her gaze. She continued, “ Would one of you please enlighten them on who exactly I am, since they find it hard to believe when I tell them myself.”

Bridge stepped forward and stood to the task, “ If you will allow it ma’am I would like to.”
Lynx nodded her head yes and closed her eyes. Her calibrations were going off again she would have to recalibrate them soon and revert to using her human half until he had finished.

Bridge stood next to her and began the same intense look in his eyes, “ This is Lynx Xiaowei, creator and highest ranked officer of SPD. She was born in the Feudal Realm in the year 1990. She is half human, half machine because of a terrible accident that occurred ten years ago on the moon Titan in the Zeta realm. She has done countless amount of undercover work including the infiltration of Omnicron’s Base and she alone destroyed his main base. She has been going to sector to sector checking up on her branches and choosing cadets to aide her when she embarks on a classified mission relating the up rise of more Omnicron followers. She commands the legendary Amethyst power and is skilled in the arts of jiujutsu and Karate.”

He stopped and glanced at her, “ Shall I continue ma’am?”

“As you wish cadet.”

“ She is also the voice that the 2020 cadets would have heard on their recruiting letters. She is the only ranger to be cybernetic and is deadly efficient with her cybernetic capabilities. She was given the nickname Ice Witch because on the eve of her inauguration into the world defense committee she was forced to fight her only family, her brother who we now know is the most wanted warlord in the history of the realms, Omnicron.”

The general atmosphere of the room became horrified as they saw the pain etched into Lynx’ s face quickly disappear and leave behind nothing but an empty shell. Her eyes began to glow once again and her hair stood on edge. There seemed to be an aura of power emitting from her and the air became horridly cold. Her eyes scanned the room once again and dismissed every one of their pitied looks.

Her voice rang out and broke the tension, “ You are dismissed.”

The cadets quickly got out and left only Lynx, Bridge, Cat and Kruger in the room. When she was sure they were gone she let the exhaustion overwhelm her and fell into the chair wearily. Her eyes closed and her skin pale. Bridge leaned over and began to check her vital signs. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at him. He helped her stand and lead her to the electronics room. While she recalibrated her legs Cat walked in and smiled at her old friend.

“ I think you should’ve told them that you’re Bridge’s Great grandmother.”

Lynx snapped her head up and broke out in laughter, “ I’ll tell them when I’m good and ready.”

© Copyright 2006 AngelicLynx (angeliclynx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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