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The second addition to my novel |
Chapter 4 After a few hours of lying on the ground, Kolly had recuperated enough energy to sit up. He felt dizzy from his previous escapades. Astonishment consumed him, as all he could see was the destruction of his city in which he had lived for so long. Buildings destroyed, human body parts lying in all places, and the survivors peeking out from their hiding places. Some went looking for survivors to help, or dead ones to mourn, but all Kolly could do was sit and contemplate. He tried to make sense of what had just occurred in the past half an hour, and even though he had been there the whole time, he had no idea what had just happened. As he lay not far from his car he saw a light red figure float down the road, then another one, and another. Kolly wondered if that first attack wasn’t the end, if these newly appeared figures were going to wipe out the rest of them. The figure looked like a floating human with an old cloak on. It covered the person entirely, even the face. Then, as if out of nowhere, he heard a large booming voice coming out of each figure. "Dear citizens of Earth. The scene that you have just witnessed in your homes, offices, and stores has been commonplace this past half Earth hour. Last year I sent out my troops to cover this world where any human civilization was. Once they all reported to be in position, I let them have their fun. Every place on Earth has just witnessed a partial genocide, of the human race. Many of you thought Zandoff was bad, but I will be worse. That is, if you don’t accept my offer. I understand that there will be pockets of rebellions even if most of you accept. I hold it against them, not you. All that I ask for is complete and utter control of the world’s resources. I need the citizens to choose a representative for this world, and send him or her to my country. I have now taken over what you refer to as Japan as my private Earth home. I am the only living thing left on this island, and if anyone tries to disrupt me, he shall perish by means of my own hands. I am giving you four days to respond, or you all will be decimated. Don’t bother trying to attack me. I will fend off any attack be it nuclear, or any other means of destruction. If you do try to attack on a large scale then I will be forced to use my Quahns again. I do not feel that is in the best interest of the both of us." After the brief statement the figures all ascended into the sky, until they were completely out of view. Now Kolly knew what to call those deadly creatures. Quahns. People didn’t know what to think of the crazy thing that had just appeared to them. Some panicked and ran, Kolly thought, to their houses. Some just stood there and stared as the red figures disappeared. Kolly then realized a stranger was helping him to his feet. “I have nothing left,” the man said in an dead, emotionless voice, “My son was visiting with my grandchildren. They had so much to live for, so much life ahead of them. But alas, I am the only living Deaner left. My life may mean nothing now, but if I can help you in any way, maybe I was sparred for that reason.” “Thanks … groan …. for the help,” Kolly replied. Just talking now required much effort. He was still tired from his romp with the Quahns. “Well, I got nothing else to do, except sit at home and cry. Just thought I could help somebody who could really use it,” the man said as he fiddled with a small screen in his forearm, “Where do you live? Maybe I can get you there by walking.” “My address is 305 Eastwood Dr. It’s off of Sienna and….” “I know, I know. I already have directions. All I need you to do is try to keep a good walking pace with me and try not to lose conscience. I’m not strong enough to hold you up by myself you know.” “How did you get directions to my house so fast?” Kolly asked, partially to pass the time, and to try to ignore all the bloodshed lying around them. “I made my own laptop that fits in my arm.” “Really? That’s quite something. You don’t usually see a svaipt everyday.” “I’m not a svaipt. I just created this so I wouldn’t lose my laptop all the time. Being old has taken its toll on my memory, you know.” “So, you invent things?” said Kolly as he nearly slipped on somebody’s severed arm. “I’m an electrical engineer. I invent, design, and make all my own products. I also like to just make things for myself so I am the only one who has it. Like my PAC, the thing in my arm. It makes me stand out in the engineering world.” “That’s very…. interesting. By the way, I never got your name.” “My name is Jacob, but everybody calls me Sin. Long story, really long, and I don’t really feel like explaining right now.” “That’s a…. unique name, Sin. My name is Kolly.” “That’s nice. Ok, we’re here.” They stood outside a little grey house in a cul-de-sac about two miles from the main town. The house looked untouched by the Quahns, probably because there was nobody inside when they attacked. There was a body lying on the sidewalk near Kolly’s door, but the two had seen much worse during the earlier attack by those vicious creatures. “Well let’s get on inside and away from all this bloodshed.” “Sounds like a plan to me,” and with that the two hurried quickly into the house to escape what horrors they had witnessed just today. Chapter 5 The two that had just witnessed a mass killing found sanctuary inside Kolly’s house. The house had been untouched by the Quahns and not a single drop of blood had been dropped, except from their own wounds. As the older man was tending to Kolly’s wounds, Kolly was able to get the first good look at the man who had taken him home. Sin had no hair. Instead he had what looked like a giant wrinkled prune for a head. His eyes were grey with age and his body looked as though it had endured many a day hunched over a desk. Even though he was old, Sin’s hand movements were delicate like a seamstress’. “Even though you’re old, your movements are smoother than most men I’ve ever met. How do you manage to keep steady even through what we went through today? I know that I’m shaking and sputtering all over the place, but you seem unfazed.” Kolly asked quizzically. “I am old, yes. But I also am very young for what I am. I…” Sin stopped talking abruptly. “Please continue.” “You don’t want to hear an old mans blabbering. Besides, you wouldn’t even believe me if I did tell you.” “Maybe, maybe not. I would like to determine for myself though.” “You have to promise not to tell anyone, under penalty of death.” “Agreed.” “I’m not joking. If you talk about this to anyone but me, I will find out. I have my ways of killing silently.” Kolly hesitated before answering, “I swear I wont tell anyone” “You see, I am really over two hundred years old. I honestly don’t know ho old I am anymore. In reality those weren’t my grand children who died, those were my great great great grandchildren. I have undergone some serious tests under the UASA. The Universal Association for Scientific Advancement was willing to go to great lengths to make the human’s life span much longer then necessary. The reason people age is because of our DNA. We have multiple repeating patterns at the end of our DNA that seem to just hang around. They serve no purpose but as you get older the multiple repeaters start falling off your DNA and you stop reproducing cells as fast. They weren’t able to completely get rid of the aging process but they sure did prolong it. They have made it so that I now age at one tenth the rate of a normal human. That means that if we had never been attacked by the Malkins people could have possibly lived for 1000 years. Even though I may look old, I feel as though I am only thirty,” replied Sin in a studious voice “You may think that I am an old geezer, but truth be told, I feel younger then most people out there. “ “Why did they perform the tests on humans? Shouldn’t they have done the test on rats or monkeys or something else before?” Kolly asked while Sin was still bandaging Kolly’s head. “They did, but it ended up killing the animals in the end. They rotted from the inside out. Maybe it was a sign, but they decided to continue anyway. The scientists concluded that humans were needed to test and data would need to be collected from us.” “Why did you sign up for such a dangerous experiment?” “At first I signed up for a bone experiment where I could have had my bones made stronger so I wouldn’t have to worry about arthritis and such diseases, then the doctors started doing things I suspected had nothing to do with bones. One day they asked me to spend the night so they could monitor me. I awoke the next morning with a huge scar across my chest. Then the doctors explained what they really had done to me. I tried to sue, but they had fake documents and the officials were corrupt anyway. Now that I think about it, it was a blessing. Now I can spend more time developing machines and electronics and keep them all stored away in my brain. The more knowledge you hold the better you are at designing equipment. I made this PAC when I finally realized I was going to be around for a long time, and it’s completely upgradeable too. I guess I am going off on a tangent, but to answer your question, I was forced to do it, in the end I appreciated it anyway. It would have been nicer if they had done this when I was younger, but I will have to live on in this state for a while” Kolly was glad the two of them were conversing, even if only to take their minds off of all that the day had brought. Kolly was now completely covered from head to toe in bandages. Sin helped Kolly limp his way to the bed and laid him down. “Try to get some rest tonight Kolly. I’ll be sleeping on the couch, so just holler if you need me.” And with that Sin turned off the lights and Kolly almost instantly drifted off into a fatigued hellish nightmare. Kolly’s night wasn’t much better than the day. He had one of his worst nightmares ever. He dreamt about the day. It went on like a normal day, but on his ride home he was torn out of his car by the Quahns. In his nightmare the creatures didn’t disappear like they did that day, they tore him limb from limb. He could feel the pain surging through his body. The warm blood spilling over his body, the searing pain, the screaming. He felt as though his head would burst from the excruciating pain surging through every limb of his body. Kolly wished that death would wisk him away, just to put a stop to it all. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take before his body shut down, permanently. Kolly awoke screaming, with Sin holding him to the bed, trying to calm him down. As soon as Kolly realized what had just happened he relaxed and Sin let go of him. "That was a nasty fit you just had there,” exclaimed Sin. "I almost died. Not just in the dream, but I fear almost in real life too." "Well, that’s all over with. You want some tea? I feel it helps me calm down when I'm stressed or tense." "Sure." With that Sin left Kolly and went to the kitchen to start some tea. Still sitting on the bed wrapped in bandages, Kolly could remember the pain so distinctly. It was as if he was really in the moment of his own death. Sin walked out with the hot tea after it was ready, placing the tea and sugar in front of Kolly. "This is Ginseng tea. It helps people relax," stated Sin while looking at how tense Kolly was moving. Kolly's motions were extremely jerky. Suddenly the cup fell from Kolly's hand. While Kolly double over, the cup shattered all over the floor. Kolly started to throw up all over the place. Sin jumped up and the next moment had Kolly over in the bathtub. Kolly is really sick thought Sin. Kolly's body went limp in Sin's arms as he carried Kolly to the tub. A person in the distance. Kolly couldn’t see who it was. A female, only a little smaller then he was. Her body looked petite. She had flowing red hair to the neckline. He couldn’t see her face because she was turned the other way. It looked as though she was looking at something in the distance. He tried to peer into the distance but all he could see was white. It went on as white forever. The woman started to turn around but faded into the whiteness before Kolly could get a look at her face. Kolly woke up to lukewarm water washing off the filth he had covered himself with. Sin's smiling face warmed Kolly some. It felt good to know that somebody really cared about him. Chapter 6 Sarah walked through her garden again and again, looking for weeds to pull from existence. She had nothing else scheduled to do that day, so she spent the entire sunlight day outside making everything in her garden perfect. The colors of her arrangements were intense and vivid. Never have you seen such delicately beautiful blues of such vibrant reds. Every color of the rainbow had a flower to represent it. This garden was Sarah’s only link to reality. The rest of her free time was spent in her room, which was covered in white fabric and cushions. She was a resident at a local insane asylum. She was there because at an early age, around thirteen, she started to have visions during her sleep. She was not able to deduce that they were only dreams, and everything blurred into an obscure reality for her. The visions came during the night, so unless she took her medication, which induced a dreamless sleep, she awoke with screams of hellish visions and roundish invisible daemons. When she awoke she didn’t have any memory of the nightmares, screaming fits, or having to be sedated with a memory-erasing drug. This was her life at Sprinton Medical Home. One sunny and mild day, Sarah was allowed out into her fenced off garden where she would spend the rest of the day being watched by her guardian, Toni. Toni escorted Sarah through the small gate that had vines growing all along the picket sides. “Have fun Sarah. Oh, and if possible, could you pick me a bouquet? I have a date tonight with a lovely man, and I would be deeply appreciative if I were able to place some of your beautiful flowers on the center of my table,” Toni asked pleadingly. “I will pick out only the best,” replied Sarah with a look of pride. “Thanks. I will be waiting here like usual.” As Toni went to her normal bench, Sarah turned and skipped along into her little paradise. Sarah spent the next couple of hours picking out only the most perfect flowers for her bouquet. She made a special arrangement of some of her more rare orange flowers with blue and pink orchids placed into the mix. She had to admit, it was her best yet. As she started walking back out of her garden she was yelling at Toni “I have made the best arrangement for the best person in the whole wide world!” Toni had her back turned to Sarah and was looking off into the horizon and wasn’t responding to any of Sarah’s shouts of endearment. Sarah was worried when Toni didn’t respond to her shouts. Sarah stopped running and started to walk carefully toward Toni. Sarah reached out and touched Toni’s shoulder. There was no response. Sarah shook her to wake Toni from her sleep, but instead Toni fell face first onto the ground. Sarah screamed in horror as she saw blood cover the ground under Toni’s now dead body. The blood came out at such an intense pace, that the wound must have been extremely severe. Sarah couldn’t bare any of the stress and ran as fast as her underdeveloped muscles could take her back to the medical home. When Sarah burst through the doors of the facility she saw mass mayhem. People running around, screaming, and death. Some of the staff members were trying to save the slightly wounded, but this facility was only created to take care of the mentally ill, so most of the patients would die even with all the people helping. After staring with horror at the scene laid before her, Sarah lost consciousness and fell with a dull thud to the floor. “Why? This place is so dark. Please, somebody help!” Sarah was screaming inside of her own skull. She was in another vision. The place she was in was dark and smelt of mint; she couldn’t see anything no matter how hard she strained her eyes. Sarah started to walk, but was going nowhere. The area she was in seemed to go on forever, and she was trapped in the darkness that presently surrounded her. “Die,” a voice whispered in a high pitched and raspy voice. It sounded as though an old woman deeply hated her. “Die and save everyone, but die.” The voice was coming from behind her, but when she turned around she could still only see black. Again the voice came from somewhere behind her, “Here I am. Die with me!” When Sarah turned around again she was blinded with a brilliant light that made her cover her face. When she put her hands down there were six glowing jewels in front of her. They were about the size of a baseball, and cut to be extremely smooth spheres. Red, orange, blue, green, yellow, black; these were all the colors represented by the orbs. “DIE!” the orbs screamed as they started to float around her in a circle. They rotated around her faster and faster until she was so dizzy that she wanted to vomit. The orbs suddenly stopped spinning, and Sarah was not in her dark nowhere anymore, but at the edge of a large pool of liquid molten magma. She peered down with fear deep in her stomach. “Please! Why have you brought me here?” asked Sarah. The orbs all replied in unison, “To save everyone, but DIE!!!” and with that the orbs all lunged at Sarah and pushed her over the edge. She tumbled along with all the orbs towards the intensely hot death that awaited her. The orbs all gathered up into her arms as she was falling, and then she hit the surface of the lava. It burned her face and body with its excruciating heat. Then Sarah woke up screaming and yelling on the floor of the entrance to Sprinton Medical Home. Nobody paid attention to her because of all the other devastation. When Sarah was fully conscious again, she realized what was really going on in the hospital and took off running out of the facility and into the street. |