Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1089228-The-Entranae-Warriors
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1089228
A battle of good and evil filled with shades, knights and powerful spells.
-~^~The Entranae Warriors~^~-

         "Archers, get in line!" Shouted a surly man, Sir Rector, the leader of the Entranae. He and his one hundred men were battling against an army of uncountable size, the border town of Aedgveil behind them, and the country of Karzonia, the lair of evil, ahead.

         Kurt picked up his bow and fell in a line with his fellow twenty-six archers. All the archers were dressed in white dragon hide and had long, smooth, crystal bows and a transparent headband of diamond.

         He heard Sir Rector yell off another command; "Magi, assemble to the left, warriors to the right!" To the left he could see the twenty-seven magi, dressed in pure white wizards robes and wielding wooden staffs with strange devices engraved on them, line up. He could already hear them muttering the incantation for some spell or another.

         To the right he saw the warriors of the group readying themselves for a charge. The last rays of the evening sunlight gleaming off their pure white armor and sturdy glistening weapons of a various arrangement. Among the warriors he spotted his friend, Lain, his broad sword on his shoulder.

         Grish the Shade surveyed his army around him with glee. Skeletal mages took the rear muttering spells of weakness. He looked in front at massive ogres wielding axes with heads the size of a mans torso.

         Behind the ogres lay a massive army of goblins, skeletons, zombies, dark warriors and an assortment of other evil creatures. Then his eyes fell upon the necromancers and mind wizards. "Necromancers to bring back the fallen, and mind wizards to control the enemies thought patterns. "Nothing could be more deliciously evil!" he muttered to himself in a hoarse voice.

         He then muttered a spell, "Signerius Arumbel." A massive rocket of flame shot up into the air and erupted. The legions of evil charged. "This is going to be a wonderful night!" He shouted into the incoherent rumble of the armies before him.

         Lain charged along with his fellow warriors. He could feel the adrenaline rush that occurred in battle. He rushed up in front of the group and cleanly sliced off a leg of one of the ogres. It fell onto the ground knocking into the one beside it.

         "RARGH!" Shouted the ogre beside it, its bone amulet clinking. Thoughtlessly it brought its bone axe into the other ones neck. Blood showered everywhere and the humongous skull of the beast fell from its severed neck.

         Lain satisfactorily swung his broadsword into the side of another and, blood gushing everywhere brought it in a moment to its death. He swept his eyes over the carnage of the battle, the corpses of the ogres and other creatures, blood everywhere.

         His eyes fell upon the corpse of the first ogre he killed and surprisingly enough saw that it had moved. He ran closer to inspect it. A flash of blinding red light shown forth from its dead body and it leaped up, blood dripping from its stumped neck.

         Lain swung at the animated ogre doing nothing but grazing the side of it. The creature blindly extended a grapy hand towards him pinning him down. Lain swung his broadsword sideways slashing off the ogres leg. The creature floundered for a moment and then became limp.

         Lain got up and began looking at his surroundings when he felt a intense blow to the back that knocked him to the ground. He turned around to see a giant wielding a bone club. The giant raised his club preparing to smash him.

         Kurt saw that his friend was in danger. He notched an arrow and released it, the arrow arched through the air and hit the giants hand causing it to drop its club. Lain jumped up and crushed its skull sending the great beast crashing to the ground.

         Grish the Shade noted that the battle was going very poorly. The majority of his army had been destroyed, and had only killed a quarter of the Entranae. And the mind’s of the highly tempered Entranae were to well defended to gain access by the mind wizards.

         The shade then withdrew a red-black scimitar that seemed half transparent. "This blade has been cursed by powerful ancient magic, it controls anyone whom the blade touches." The shade closed his eyes for a mere second and teleported into the midst of the battle.

         The battle was now so tangled that the archers of the Entranae were useless. Kurt and the other bowmen had withdrew various weapons of a lighter assortment then the warriors used. Kurt had two long silver knives imbedded with diamonds and imbued with ancient rune symbols and strange passages from long-forgotten tongues.

         He slashed at a goblin and two white beams of energy shot out of his dagger and tightly wrapped around the evil minion. The creature fell dead, the life and energy squeezed out of it. A hooded creature in ghostly robes charged at him displaying a long, jagged scimitar that was red and black and had a transparent sheen like that of the creature itself.

         "Shade!" he whispered to himself. He ran forward and sent his knife hurtling through the air. The shade raised his bare hand and blocked it. Grish then twisted it out of Kurt's hands and flung it to the side. Then the shade stepped forward raising its scimitar.

         Lain brought his broadsword crashing down upon a zombie and before the creature could even fall over sent his sword sideways into that of a troll about to kill a fellow warrior of his. A little away he heard a familiar voice shout; "Help! Somebody help, it’s a shade!" It was the voice of Kurt.

         He charged in the direction the voice was coming from to see that Kurt had tripped over a dead body and Grish the shade was about to bring his scimitar crashing down. Instinctively Lain charged forward raising his broadsword to kill the shade.

         Grish summoned a crooked spear of some dead goblin and threw it at Lain. The deadly point of the spear ripped through a gap in the armor and hit Lain in the stomach. An intake of breath and Lain fell onto his knees in pain. "LAIN!!" Shouted Kurt. He jumped up in an instant and started relentlessly slashing at him.

         Sir Rector was now in the midst of the battle and had seen that Lain had been injured. He teleported to where Grish was. "Grish!" Sir Rector shouted and withdrew a long sword that had been made by the finest smiths that could be found and blessed by the magic of the gods. He murmured a spell of healing at Lain and the wound healed itself, the spear magically disappearing.

         Lain had started slashing along with Kurt and Sir Rector. The Shade was with one hand behind his back blocking all three of the warriors without tire. Farsen, one of the magi of the group had joined them and was firing spells nonstop at Grish.

         "Vorbon!" shouted the shade with an intense horror of glee watched as Farsen burned up into a pile of black ash in a blood-red flame. Kurt stepped towards the evil General and slashed intensely at it. Grish let out another one of his menacing laughs and blocked every one of Kurt’s blows and let out a lazy roll of his red eyes.

         All three of the warriors swung their blows at once. Grish trying to block them all at one time accidentally let in a blow from Kurt. The creature howled in rage and pain then quickly slashed Kurt on his chest. The wound was shallow, but had nasty side effects.

         Kurt felt rage fill him and he brought his knives down upon the creatures hooded head. The knives struck and Grish the Shade let out one last blood curdling shriek then departed to the land of the dead never to trouble the world again.

         "Karzonia's evil general will never haunt this world again," spoke Sir Rector in a deep faraway voice.

         "Who was he?" asked Lain.

         "His name was Grish, he was one of the evil lands most trusted general, powerful... and potent, but let’s now finish what we were sent to do, but first, let me heal that wound Kurt." Sir Rector muttered a quick word then all three of them went to join the battle.

         Kurt slashed through the Legions of Karzonia like a bullet. He felt like nothing could stand in his way. He stabbed both of his daggers into the spine of a lesser demon. Blood oozed out of the wound covering the daggers. Somehow, after killing the shade he felt good seeing the red liquid running down his dagger. The creature moaned then crumpled into a heap.

         A goblin charged forward towards Kurt but never even dealt a blow when its green head fell on the ground beside its brutish small body. Kurt felt an intense desire to kill everything in site. Before a skeletons bones could shatter on the ground an ogres head fell beside it, both killed by the young warrior.

         Whenever Kurt struck a monster down the madness inside him increased. Ahead he saw a fellow Entranae Mage. Kurt brought both of his daggers into neck of a zombie killing it instantly. The Shades wound had now taken over the majority of Kurt's mind. In an act of pure evil he threw one of his daggers into the Entranae Mages back.

         The Mage spun around to see who had done it. Before he could let out a word he felt the other knife in his throat. He coughed up blood then fell onto the ground, dead. Kurt pulled his knives out of the Mages corpse and with that death the madness gripped him completely.

         Kurt now killed everything in site. Good or Evil, weak or strong. A goblin felt its life whisked away as a silver knife protruded through its skull. An evil hound fell to the ground and let out one last rasping breath....

         Lain was thinning out the armies like water. A troll fell dead, its brain crushed beneath the weight of the warriors broadsword. A small distance away he saw one of the rangers tackling a chaos druid warrior. He saw a flash of white and saw that the ranger had fell dead, twin white knives piercing his dragon hide. The ranger keeled over, and as he fell the knives came back out of his corpse. Behind the corpse he saw Kurt.

         "Kurt, do you have any idea what you just did?!" Lain shouted. Kurt was already upon him. Blood dripping off of his knives. Lain started backing away. "Kurt, what has happened to you?" Kurt was now in a full sprint, thoughtless that he was about to kill his best friend. Lain turned around to run. Then felt two daggers piercing through his throat. "K-Kur...." He said in his last dying breath. He then keeled over never to move again.

         Sir Rector slashed at a goblin bringing it down in a deft stroke. He was about to crush a skeleton to splinters when a tremor ran through the earth. A brilliant white light filled the sky. Sir Rector blinked then saw as the creatures of Karzonia dissolved to ash. Then came the voice.

         Kurt heard it through his madness, for the voices of magical beings are heard by all. "Kurt," It said, "You have betrayed your people and your friend, killing your best friend, without thought, you have been filled with the malice of evil, for that I forgive you, but you will not go without punishment."

         "I will send you to an island far in the ocean, there you will become a hermit and live off the land. You must never leave, and never have contact with any of your race."

         Then the voice ended. The madness had left Kurt but ever after it haunted his life like a nightmare, The realization that he had killed his best friend. Kurt became a hermit and was never seen again.

The End
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