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A family facing a transplant operation. |
That morning it was the quietest family gathering that Kate could easily recall. Her children, Amy, 6 and Rob, 4, were playing happily in the corner, oblivious to the fact that the adults in the room were hardly speaking. Across the kitchen table from her were James’ parents. Both wore a tense expression. To one side, Kate’s mother, Ann, leaned over a magazine, her legs swinging slightly against the chair. Kate subdued a smile; she always did that when she was nervous. Amy stood and hurried over. ‘Mummy, look what I drew.’ ‘That’s nice.’ Kate was thankful for the diversion as she glanced down at her daughter’s artwork. Remaining seated, Rob revved a small toy car across the floor just in front of him. His dark head lowered; intent on the task. ‘He’s very focused,’ Ann’s voice started Kate, looking past her towards her grandson. ‘I know.’ Kate smiled, a hint of genuine amusement flickering through, before she glanced at the others. ‘Would anyone like coffee?’ After they all assented, Kate turned to the shelves, selecting the jars and cups. Lining them up, she removed the lid off the sugar. Before she even measured a spoonful into the first cup, Kate stiffened when the door to the kitchen opened. Turning quickly, her hand connected with the jar, sending the plastic container spinning to the ground. Sugar flew in all directions. James’ brother, Nick stood in the doorway. Even as she registered that fact, Ann was getting to her feet. ‘I’ll make them and clean it up, you go.’ ‘Thanks.’ Kate smiled at her before turning her gaze to James’ parents. ‘We won’t be long.’ They both smiled tightly in reply. Taking a deep breath, Kate turned to Amy and Rob. ‘Let’s go see your daddy.’ They were more than ready. Abandoning their games, both children reached the doorway before her. It was a short walk across the hall, but by the time Kate reached the living room door, she could see them already standing by the lounge chair James reclined on. She considered him for a minute. Even this early, he still looked exhausted and pale. No amount of sleep seemed to erase that any longer, it was getting worse. ‘Is everything packed?’ He spoke quietly. ‘Almost,’ Kate drew nearer. ‘You could do it now.’ With effort, James lifted Rob to sit on his lap, Amy squeezed in alongside. He looped an arm around her so she wouldn’t slip off. ‘We’ll be alright.’ Kate said nothing and an impatience flicker crossed his face. ‘Go, it’s only a few minutes.’ With a last uncertain glance at them, Kate hurried away. Just inside the children’s rooms stood a duffle bag for each, Kate quickly checked the contents before zipping both up and returning to the kitchen. The sugar had all been cleaned up and her mother was leaning against the kitchen bench, watching for her. ‘Here are their things.’ ‘Give them to me; I’ll put them in my car.’ Kate handed them over. ‘I’ll get the kids.’ James’ mother spoke up. ‘We’ll all see them off.’ ‘I’ll be a few minutes.’ Kate said before hurrying off. A glance at the clock told her she had to step up the pace. ‘Amy, Rob.’ She wasted little time. ‘Nanna is waiting.’ Getting to her feet, Amy was the first to approach. ‘We stay a few days?’ ‘Yes.’ Kate confirmed, pasting a smile to her face. ‘She’s planned all sorts of activities.’ ‘Bye Daddy,’ Amy gave him a quick hug around his neck. ‘Amy, wait for your brother,’ Kate reminded her before she reached the door. Wriggling, Rob tried to get down and she reached for him, only to be halted by James’ protest. ‘It’s alright.’ His tone sharpened. Kate’s hands dropped to her sides as Rob managed to find his feet and hurried after his sister. No one spoke for a minute and then Kate made the effort, her voice sounded slightly strangled. ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t worry, but it’s so close.’ She grasped her hands behind her back as James swung his feet to the floor. ‘Go see them off and then come back.’ Expression torn, Kate hesitated before turning on her heel. The kitchen was empty when she stuck her head in. Outside the window, she saw Ann waving to her. Reaching the front step, Kate saw Amy scrambling into the back seat eagerly, Rob waiting his turn beside the door. To them it would be a fun holiday. Firming her jaw, Kate strode forward. Finally, they were both fastened into seats in Ann’s car and she was at the wheel. Standing at the edge of the drive, Kate waved as they drove off, her sunny smile didn’t slip from her face until the car had turned and disappeared past the boundary fence. Shoulders tense, she turned to face her in-laws. ‘We’ll meet you there.’ Kate said firmly. They’d already had this out. ‘That’s fine, we better go Rose.’ Bill cut across his wife before she could protest. ‘Bye Kate.’ Nick added as his parents were getting into their car. He hurried across to get in the seat behind his mother. This time as the car started up, the tense lines around Kate’s mouth eased, she’d been expecting more resistance and she really wanted to take James herself. Once inside, Kate met James at the door to their room. He’d been going for the overnight bag she’d packed for him. At the look he gave her, she backed off. Picking up the car keys and purse, she turned. ‘I’ll wait in the car.’ Settling into the driver’s seat, Kate leaned against the steering wheel, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. She didn’t move until she heard the door open on the other side. ‘Right, ready then?’ Kate kept her tone light. ‘Yes.’ James sat down, resting the bag on his knees. ‘They’ll all be waiting for us.’ ‘I know.’ Kate turned the key, and the car began edging down the driveway. When they pulled in front of the hospital some 20 minutes later, Bill was standing alone by the entrance doors. Before Kate had stopped, he approached. ‘I’ll park the car for you.’ Bill offered as he opened the passenger door. A nurse wasn’t far behind him with a wheelchair. James baulked. ‘I can walk,’ he protested. ‘It’s procedure.’ The nurse replied firmly, moving alongside the car. Subduing a smile, Kate alighted, to have her place taken by Bill even before she walked around it. The nurse waited for her before moving forward. Once inside, the admitting went off quickly, and almost before she knew it, they were in a hospital room. Bill caught up to them easily. ‘We’re in the next room,’ he explained to Kate. ‘I’ll be there shortly.’ Bill nodded, and withdrew. ‘Go see them.’ James prompted. ‘I’ll be getting ready.’ He inclined his head towards a nurse who’d just entered. ‘Give us 10 minutes,’ the nurse suggested ‘Ok.’ Kate rose and made her way next door. Tapping on the partly open door, she stepped inside. Here, Nick lay on the bed, already changed into hospital garb. His parents sat either side. ‘Bill said you’d arrived.’ His wife spoke first. ‘Yes, no problems. They’re preparing him now.’ ‘We should go see him for a minute.’ Bill rose, signaling to his wife. As they both left, Kate found herself staring down at Nick. ‘Scared?’ She whispered. ‘No,’ he denied firmly, his clear gaze meeting hers. Biting her lip, Kate stumbled forward. She threw her arms around him. ‘I don’t know what I can say.’ ‘There was never any question.’ Nick pushed her away from him slightly. ‘But it’s not over yet. So, how is he?’ ‘Being stubborn as usual,’ she subsided into the nearest seat, smiling weakly. Nick was about to reply when the door opened. Kate looked up at the sound of footsteps. ‘They’re taking him in a minute.’ Bill’s voice warned her. ‘Right,’ Kate scrambled to her feet. ‘See you soon.’ She smiled at Nick before leaving. Entering James’ room, she found him alone. ‘The nurse is coming back shortly.’ James explained. Kate nodded. Ignoring the chair, she stood by his bed. Cupping his face in her hands, she kissed him before drawing back. ‘I’ll be waiting.’ At that moment, the nurse returned. She took the brakes off his bed. Bill and Rose stood in the doorway, moving aside to let them past. Kate paused before stepping through with them. Standing in the corridor they watched as James was wheeled away. Bill looped an arm around his wife and Kate. ‘It’ll be fine with them both. They do these transplants all the time.’ Rose didn’t answer, lowering her face into a handkerchief. Kate stared after him; keeping James is sight as long as she could. It was going to be a long wait. |