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This is the start to a story I am writing, I am looking for comments of any kind. Thanks. |
Prolog Kelsey knew that she shouldn’t be worried. After all there were other people in the house, and besides this was just Jerry her boyfriend of over a year. Still, she felt oddly exposed laying there in her pajamas while Jerry was in the room. “Jerry I’m going to sleep, but if you want you are more then welcome to sleep down in the basement with the rest of the boys.” “Not tonight, I think I’ll sleep right on here with you.” “Please Jerry not tonight, maybe another night, I just want to get some sleep” Kelsey said as he started to come towards her his arms outstretched. Still, he didn’t stop, with three steps he was in front of her and before she could do or say anything ealse he was on top of her, pushing her against the bed. The liquor on his breath was strong and as he leaned in to kiss her she turned her head and said, “stop Jerry, I said not tonight.” She then tried to pull herself free from his grasp but, this just caused him to become angry and he shoved her down into the bed. Startled she let out a small scream and no sooner had the sound escaped she felt a slap across the face. “Quite” he whispered in her ear, “I don’t want to hurt you I just want what is coming to me.” Still , she fought but it was no use and as she lay there struggling she felt his hand slide up her shirt and cup her breast. She tried to wiggle from his grasp and again she felt a viscous slap to her face. With this she let out a loud scream no longer worried about whether or not she attracted attention. As Kelsey lay there a while later, naked, battered, and bruised she was unaware that someone was still watching her. In the silence there was a click of a camera as every move that she made was caught on film. Behind the camera stood a young man with a smile on his face, as he thought that next time he would have to be more prepared. 1 The breeze gently blew Kelsey’s hair, the screen door slammed shut behind her. Yet she didn’t see or feel anything, her mind was ealse where. Mr. Dawson was bring his horse over he feared that the mare might have ( insert serious horse problem here something that has the potential to be deadly).If so she would have to work fast and hope for the best. Hopefully this would be the last case she would have to take. She had been planning this trip to Chicago for weeks, after all it had been Christmas since the last time she had seen Steph. Between trying to get her vet practice up and running and Steph’s new job at the advertising agency life had been hectic. So now on a rare weekend together they planned to do nothing more then have a few drinks and catching up with all the newest gossip. 2 “Stephanie Marie Dunn, open the door, I know you are in there, I can hear the music.” God, what an awful way to start the weekend, here Kelsey latter then she thought and what’s Steph do but decide to get even by ignoring her knocking on the door. “Come on Steph, open the door already, it’s getting late, and I want to get off my feet.” Down the hall another door opened, “Could you knock it off already obviously she’s not there, and if you want to know the music has been playing continuously for the past 24 hours.” With that the door down the hall shut as abruptly as it had opened. Kelsey looked at Steph’s door and then turns to survey the hallway. This apartment building with the worn out gray carpeting housed three apartments on each of three floors, so if the music had been playing this loudly for the past 24 hours why hadn’t someone complained, and where in the hell was Stephanie. One more knock at the door and it was time to leave. She figured that she would have to get a room for the night and from there she could try to locate where Steph was. Down the two flights of stairs and out the door into the crisp Chicago air Kelsey walked. The entire time thinking about what to do next. The next day Kelsey rose early, still thinking about where Stephanie could be. After a quick survey of the room Kelsey’s eyes setteled on the open phone book that she had left sitting next to the phone last night The logical place to start her search would be with David and Susan, Stephanies parents, but she didn’t want to worry them yet so last night she had settled on calling the ad agency and see what information she could gleam from them. With one last yawn she crawled out of bed and grabbed the phone. Then with a quick look at the number she had circled in the phonebook she dialed the number. “Hi, Nancy I’m glad you answered maybe you could help. My names Kelsey Graham and I was wondering if Stephaine has showed up there at the office?” After pause while listening to the woman on the other end Kelsey continued. “Ok thanks, if you happen to see her could you do me a favor and tell her that I called looking for her and that she can reach me on my cell.” With a long sigh she hung up the phone, great she thought that didn’t help one bit. It looked like she would have to call the Dunn’s after all even though it would seem unlikely that Stephanie would leave a message with them to give her when she knew that Kelsey was on the way to Chicago. Again she picked up the phone, but this time she didn’t have to look the number up, it was a number that she had memorized long ago when Stephanie and she had first become friends. In fact she had called the number many times looking for Stephanie, but those times it had all ways been with the assumption that her parents would know where she was. This time though it seemed useless, what else could she do though. After a few short rings Susan answered the phone slightly out of breath. “Hi mom I was wondering if you heard from Steph at all?” On the other end of the phone Susan shook her head and said “Why no I haven’t heard from her since early Thursday morning. Didn’t you go to Chicago to hang out with her.” “Yeah I did I got here about ten last night and headed straight to her apartment. When I got there the door was locked but I heard music from inside the apartment so I knocked and even called out her name so that she could hear me. I thought that maybe she was ignoring me because I was late getting there. So I yelled for her to let me in and that’s when one of her neighbors opened their door and said that she wasn’t there and that the music had been playing for a while. From there I deceided to get a room for the night and when I woke up this morning I called the ad agency this morning in her voice she continued “mom I am worried, no one has actually seen her since Thursday, where do you think she could be.” 3 Alex looked at the paper that lay on the table in front of him. He had been flipping through the paper when a name jumped out at him from. After back tracking a few paragraphs he realized that what he was looking at was an article about the death of a local women. Slowly he read the article trying to grasp the implications. Missing women found dead on the shores of lake Michigan. The body of Michigan native Stephanie Dunn, 32, was found by a young couple out walking their dog along Lake Michigan in Chicago, early Thursday night. Dunn, a long time, Michigan native, was reported missing two weeks ago, by her best friend Kelsey Graham, who had went to visit her for a long weekend. Cause of death is not known at this time, but it is expected to be known after an autopsies is completed. In the mean time her parents David (a retired veterinarian) and Susan (a prominent local doctor) ask that anyone that knows anything about their daughters disappearance and subsequent death to please contact the Chicago PD. Kelsey must be a mess Alex thought. After all it has been twelve years to the month since her parents died in a crash. Then Kari one of her closest friends from middle school dying this past winter and now this. How much more could she possible handle without cracking under the pressure (more will be added at a latet time, please respond with comments) |