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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1088382
Ever wanted to know more about alien worlds? Find out in this short story.
Planet database

Compiled by the joint chief of staff Earth Federation.

President Linnon D Gray

My heartfelt thanks go to the men and women of Earth who risk their lives everyday in the exploration of our universe.

1. Rerra; Humanoid reptile beings live on this simi-tropical world. The government is made up of the supreme queen who lays eggs every sunspan, about 100 Earth years.

2. Dexeli; Feline beings who live in rolling grasslands on Dexeli. This thinly populated world is ideal for invaders. The Pree occupy about half of the world, primarly in the artic wastelands of the far north. The Dexeli run in prides led by a pride king, many wars rage because there is no supreme king yet to be found. The Pree live in isolated tribal states ran by warlords. The Masters left no instructions for the first wave settlers on how to finish their war with the Dexelis.

3. Pree; Doglike creatures who hunt in packs invading wherever they go live on the frozen ice world of Preema. The Pree are in an age old struggle with the Dexeli and face many polical problems at home. The Masters abandoned the pack council and left a void. Pack leaders vie for political favors and war with one another.

4. Corrigon armed guild; Antlike beings who infest the astroids of Orion. These aggressive warlike beings work as a collective hive. The worker drone, The warrior drone and the leader drone work with the queen. Not much detail is known about these beings because the last survay ship to come near their guild ships was destroyed.

5. Beastmasters; Demonic beings living on the world of the Devils play pit. Once again no beings survived to give much data on these wicked beings. They appear to thrive on bloodshed and war.

6. Earth Federation; Human beings live on a planet that is whacked by storms and still reeling from the effects of superstorms and climatic change. The world governing body is the elected body that runs domestic affairs. Politics still surrounds nations states. Humans have several outposts, Otega, Orion station and Atlasa. Orion station was over ran by the warlike Corrigon Armed Guild. Earth is currently at war with the CAG.

7. Shantillin Matrix; Purple in color and ten feet toll these creatures live in a shell. They are very few left and scattered over a dozen barren desert worlds in the Oliti sector. They are timid and shy. They avoid conflict and other beings in the wonderings of the galaxy. Their homeworld is Olifda circling around a double star in the Ombia system. This desert world supports very few life forms. Resources are hard to find. Mining operations support the Matrix.

8. Navigators; These beings lost their homeworld a thousand Earth years ago. They live primarly on starships as head navigators and they are expert both in tactical combat skills and navigation. These dedicated beings refuse to serve any beings bent on wars of expansion and vow to defend the innocent from those who bring genocide. The beings are hooked up to comupter hardware, resemble blobs that look like a brain. One very big eye tracks all computer readouts. Able to use mind control to protect itself from attack. Known to even take control of enemy ships and force them away.

9. Dianya ships. Living ships. Origon is uknown. Peaceful in nature and shaped like a pinecone. Very aware of its surroundings and avoids contact with other beings. Not much is known about these beings. What we do know is they are very dangerous is backed into a corner. They can do mind control, ship to ship weapons are exeedingly complex and they can ambush even the most advanced hunters.

10. Hunters; The dark stormy world of Nightshade is shrouded in mystery. What we know is these beings are very warlike. They fight in swarms of over a thousand ships or more. When angered very few beings survive to tell their tales. Probe ship after probe ship has been destroyed trying to evade these creatures. Wolflike in appearance and deadly to the touch these fast moving creatures are even a match for the giants of Osiro who they dominate in their long war with all lifeforms.

11. Crusader Whailoa; Dragonlike creatures born on the moon of Isonia and currently at war with the node, these beings are able to force thier religous dogma on most who survive. They are very hateful on nombelievers and crusade against all who do not kneel to their god Abatoai. Humans are deemed as their next target in their crusader war.

12. Node; Computer driven ships and robots at war against illogical bodyforms or better known to them as pests. They are very deadly in war and can cause even the greatest ships severe damage or even destruction. They turned on their masters a billion years ago and now rampage against all life.

13. Netforce; Creatures that live on the internet. Peaceful in nature but no one knows where they came from. These beings write books randomly and without reason. They are found on blogs and in chat rooms. They assume the form of a furry ball from now and then. First discovered on Earth.

14. Grey worlds; Oval black eyes, four feet tall and a terror for human abductees. These Alien creatures experiment with DNA to form their own genetic monsters for economic reasons. They need slaves to do a lot of the work they cannot do. The grey worlds are 13 planets. These worlds are very dark, cold places filled with poisonous gasses and dark deep caves.

15. Stardawn; Spiritual beings who are of pure light and thought process. They avoid contact with other beings unless they get an emotional distress thought pattern. Humans view them as angelic. Amazing things happen when these angelic beings decide to appear. They transform lives with a blink of an eye. They evolved on the planet Eve some trillion light years from Earth. A world filled with beauty and warmth. There is joy and bliss but a deep understanding of the worlds that are suffering.

16; Glactic society for the preservation of ancient races; This organization protects worlds from exploitation by younger races. Youger races deem them as biased and resent the old ones. A constant state of fear exists between this group and the younger races. The ancient world of Ugaidas is the base for this society.

17; United war alliance; Counter and rival to the Glactic society for the preservation of ancient societies. This group formed as a rebellion sparked by a younger race called the Geid on the world Wisot. This younger race broke the chains of slavery from the master race Ovci and are now in at constant war with the old races.

Note this is the authors first attempt at a short story.
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