Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1087363-The-Pain-In-Your-Chest-Your-Heart
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1087363
A short story, based on a popular boyband. Some parts not suitable for all.
Chapter 1

“What?!” I asked as I could feel Sophie’s eyes on me. “What? Whoa, sorry daydreaming again” she replied rubbing her eyes. “So, what are we doing tonight?” she asked me, flicking through numerous channels on the television. “Uh, I don’t know ... What ever you want” I replied. “Uh, movie?” she asked. “Nah” I said, hoping for something fun and unusual. “Clubbing?” she suggested. “Fine, suppose so” I said thinking that would be the closest I’d get. “Right, I’m going to work” Sophie said grabbing her bag and walking off. “I’ll be at work at five!” I yelled hoping she heard me. What could I do now? I didn’t have to start work until five. I rummaged through all the crap on the sofa, trying to find the remote and started channel hopping. “Hmm ... McFly” I mumbled as I reached a channel with McFly performing. Sophie adored them.

“Hey” I said sneaking up on Sophie. “Whoa, you’re early” Sophie mentioned. “I was so bored” I told her. “Where’s my uniform?” I asked her. “In my locker” she replied. Sophie and I worked in a Pizza Hut. Interesting. “Oh god, here we go” I mumbled to Sophie as a vast group of slutty teenage girls with McFly merchandise on, walked in. “Hey, may I help you?” I asked the girl who seemed to be the leader of the group. “Err … Well, you can start by serving me!” she replied in a moody tone. “Right” I said trying to hide my anger. “What would you like?” I asked her, trying to be polite. “Err, food!” she said mockingly. The others just laughed. “I gathered that, but what food would you like?” Now I was trying so hard not to hit the little slut. “Pizza maybe!” I heard someone yell. “For god’s sake!” I yelled. “Siobhan, get in the kitchen!!” I heard my boss yell. “Yeah, get in the kitchen” one of the girls said, taking the piss.

I ended up getting suspended, how unfair was that! Stupid little cow. So, I went home early ... No, I got sent home early and now I’m waiting for Sophie, then we’ll go clubbing. “Hey, sorry I’m late!” Sophie said panting as she dashed through the door. “Why the ... running?” I asked confused. “Well, Siobhan ... you’ll never believe me. McFly came into work today!” she told me. “Yeah, sure and Posh and freaking Becks visited me.” I replied sarcastically. “No, I swear!” she told me. “And I served them!” she went on. “But, why the running?” I asked again. “Well, those little slags hate me now ‘cos I served them, so now I’m running from them” Sophie said in one go. “Jesus, Sophie you are kidding me?!” I said giddily. “Nope!!” she told me. I got all excited, even though it’s Sophie who likes them. So, Sophie and I freaked and combed through every detail for a while, then started getting ready.

Chapter 2

As we stepped out of the taxi I realized Sophie was too addicted with her phone. That was the sign of a crappy evening. I forgot about it and went in. “What d’you want?” I asked her, having to raise our voice over the music. “Vodka and coke” she replied looking around the room, suspiciously. I got the drinks then took them over to Sophie who was sat at one of those pointless, tiny, high, modern tables. You know what I mean. I got so bored, Sophie was just punching randomness into her phone all night, and I could have sworn I fell asleep like ... twice! But then Sophie put her phone back into her bag. We talked for a while, rating guys ... etc. But her eyes were never actually focused on the conversation. She was up to something. “There!” she yelled mid conversation. “What?!” I asked her, raising my eyebrow with confusion. I looked over to the door where Sophie was looking. I saw a few dark figures walk in but I still couldn’t see what she was on about. She waved some people over. Siobhan, this is Ben, Rob, Lawrence and James.” She told me. “Hell no, this is McFly!” I told her. “OK, well McFly in disguise” I finished. “Sshh” Rob said with a playful punch to my arm. “Oi!” I said, playfully punching him back. “Well ... Can we go somewhere else?” Lawrence said. “Sure, come to ours” Sophie told them. I wasn’t really saying much as I was too paralyzed with shock.
When we arrived I had calmed down a bit, but as you can imagine I was still a little freaked. “So wait, why would you want to meet up with a random Pizza Hut server, when you guys can have anyone?” I asked them. “Well, Ben ... Can I tell them Ben?” James asked Ben. “No! Don’t” Ben said. “Thanks man, well, Ben made us come here because he likes Sophie” James told us. “Oh my god!! No way!!” I said with a girly squeal, forgetting I was with McFly. Ben and Sophie were blushing like mad. “Let’s get past the awkward moment” Rob said. “Want a drink?” I asked McFly. “Sure” Rob said. “Let me help you” he said walking with me into the kitchen. I got out two glasses and the bottle of coke from the fridge. I poured the vodka into the glass then struggled to open the coke. “Need help?” Rob asked me. “Yeah please” I said giving him the bottle and I popped myself up on the work top. He opened the bottle and poured coke into the two glasses sat next to me. “There” he said handing me a glass. “Thanks” I replied, not knowing what to say. I stared into space but I could feel Rob’s eyes on me. “What?!” I asked him playfully. “Nothing ... It’s just – No, nothing” he said stuttering. “Right” I said confused. “Should we join the others?” I asked him. “Yeah, sure” he said as he held out his hand. “What?” I said rudely looking down on his hand. “Well, I was going to be a gentleman and help you down, but never mind” he said, letting his hand flop to his side. “Sorry” I said feeling so god damn stupid. I jumped down and we walked into the other room.
“Oh thanks” Sophie said, seeing we hadn’t got her a drink. “Welcome” I said harshly. “So, any development on the Sophie and Ben situation?” I asked. Sophie blushed madly. “Shut up!” she mumbled embarrassedly. “Nope, nothing yet” James told me. “Ah, shame that is!” I said, feeling a lot more comfortable with them. “I’m going to kill you!” Sophie said. “Whatever” I remarked. I heard a knock at the door. I was praying it wasn’t a group of screaming fans. “Hello” I heard a familiar voice say. “Hey Lizzy!” I said, looking to see it was my work colleague. Lizzy and I have been friends since like ... forever. She loves McFly too, whereas her sister Aurelia hates them. “Come in, I got a surprise for you!!” I told her, remembering I had McFly in my apartment. “You got me a surprise?!” she asked me. “Well, not for you, but you can see it” I said as I welcomed her into my apartment. When she saw McFly, she flipped. She was head over heels in love with Lawrence. “Lizzy ... This is McFly” I told her. “Well, yeah I can see that!” She said giggling. “Hey” Lawrence said to her. “Yeah” she said dreamily. “Drink?” Sophie asked her. “No thanks, I’m waiting for Aurelia to pick me up. We’re going to Milk” Lizzy told us. She rambled on, but I lost interest and started staring at Rob. Hold it. Did I like Rob? No, don’t be stupid!! I don’t do I? “Guys, we should go, we’re performing tomorrow” James said. “Oh, ok”I said, still eyeing up Rob. “Siobhan, I ... uh, have ...” Rob stuttered. “Yeah, here’s my number” I said, giggling. “How long you staying up here?” I asked him. “A week” he replied. “Oh, ok. Well, bye” I said. “Bye, I’ll text you” he told me. “OK, bye” I said. “Hey Sophie, we have to meet up later this week, ok?” Ben said, obviously having plucked up a lot of courage. “Here’s my number” he added. “Wow, thanks, I’ll call you” Sophie told him. “OK, bye” he said.

Chapter 3

“Wow” I said to Sophie as I flopped down on the couch. “Yeah” said Sophie just as dreamily. “OK, well ... uh, bye guys” Lizzy said as I heard Aurelia’s car beep its horn. “Yeah, bye” I mumbled still a little too overcome to talk. Sophie and I then talked about what had happened.

We must have fallen asleep down there ‘cos I woke up there. “Sophie ...“ I whispered gently. “Sweetie ... Get up” I said rocking her gently. “Hey ...” she said, rubbing her eyes. “Want something to eat?” I asked her. “Toast is fine” she replied, getting up. “OK” I said putting two pieces of bread in the toaster. “I had the coolest dream” she told me. ”Yeah, me too ...” I said, trying to remember the details of my dream. “Well, we were in Milk, you know, that nightclub Lizzy sometimes goes to” she started. “Yeah” I mumbled in agreement. “And well, McFly came up to us and I somehow knew them from work!” she said. “Uh, Sophie ...” I said as I put her toast on a plate. “Yeah” she replied. “That happened, you spaz!” I yelled at her. “It did?” she asked, confused. “Yeah, well it must’ve ... either that or I had the same dream” I told her. She didn’t answer, just rummaged around in her pocket. I waited whilst she pulled out a crumpled bit of paper with: Ben x and a number faintly marked. “Oh hell no!” I said. “That’s BEN’S number” I yelled at her. “You bet it is!” she replied. Sophie was the kind of girl who could just go up to a guy and tell him that she liked him. She grabbed her phone and jabbed in the number.
“Hello, its Sophie” she said.
“Oh right” I heard her say.
“Yeah sure” she went on.
“Aw well that’s sweet” she said with an affectionate smile on her face.
“Alright, bye” she said and shut off her phone and went back to eating her toast blandly. “Oh Sophie, come on ... Don’t do this!” I pleaded, knowing she was going to keep me suspension. “What?!” she said innocently. “C’mon!” I begged. “Oh, I can’t keep it in!” she said, with a burst. “Ben wants to see me tonight!!” she said, exploding, jumping around the room. “Wow, I can’t believe this!” I said joining her. “Oh and Rob said check your phone” she told me trying to calm down. “Ooh, why?” I asked Sophie. “Oi, dumbass how do I know?!” Sophie said. I searched in my bag for my phone and pulled it out. ‘1 new message’ I read on the screen. “I’m scared!” I said childishly. “Just read it!” Sophie said. “OK,” I said as I selected ‘read’ on my phone. “Hey, last night was fun, can I see you today?” I read aloud to Sophie. “Ooh, and a Rob x, at the end” Sophie mentioned.
After I had replied to Rob, the phone rang. “Hello?” I said as I answered it.
“Hi” the voice said.
“Who is this?” I asked.
“Your dad”
“What? Dad?” I panicked.
“I will find you eventually” he said.
“No, you won’t ... go away” I trembled.
“Bye” he said finally.
I put down the phone and dropped my head into my hands and slouched down against the wall. “Siobhan? Hunny?” I heard Sophie say. “Yeah?” I said, trying to hide my tears. “What’s up?” she asked, looking concerned. “Sophie!” I sobbed as I pulled her in for a hug. “Aww, Siobhan, what is it?” she asked me. “My dad!” I told her. “Huh?” she made a puzzled face. “He’s coming ... to get me” I told her, watching her face become scared. “I have to go, get out ... and fast” I told Sophie, as my mobile rang. With fear, I went over to pick it up, my vision blurred by tears.
“Hello?” I asked, sniffing.
“Hey” said a happy voice.
“Rob? Yeah?”
“Yeah, when can I see you?” he asked me.
“Now and fast” I told him.
“Um ... I’ll be round in 10 minutes” he finished, sounding worried.
“Bye” I said and hung up.
“So, your dad?” Sophie tried again. “Wants to kill me” I said plainly. “Heh ... You ARE kidding me?” Sophie asked me. “Nope, not one bit” I told her, bravely. “I saw him ...” I gulped. “... Kill my mother” I said breaking down in tears. “Aww, god sweetie” Sophie said shocked. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Sophie asked me. “I don’t know, I was worried ... for some reason” I told her. “Oh Siobhan” Sophie comforted me and wiped a tear away from my face. “Come on, Rob will be here soon” I said. “We can talk about this later” I told her. “OK” she said helping me up.

Chapter 4

As I got up, there was a knock at the door. I went over and opened the door. “Hey” I said as I saw Rob’s face. ”Hello” he said. “What’s up? ... You’ve been crying” he said, “Yeah, d’you wanna go for a walk?” I asked him. “Uh, I can’t but Lawrence will” he replied, Jesus what a slap in the face. “Sure, tell him to come round” I said. I might as well, I had nothing better to do. “Right, I’ll call him now” Rob said, as he pushed the buttons on his phone. “Hey, come round Siobhan’s, you and her can do something today” Rob said. I heard a voice reply. “He’ll be over in a bit, he’s got something to do first” Rob told me. It was really handy the boys’ hotel being just up the road. Rob and I waited awkwardly. Then, eventually Lawrence showed up. “So, what we doing today?” Lawrence asked me. “I dunno, a walk?” I asked, wondering why Rob was still just stood there like a twat. “Nah, I’ve got something better planned” Lawrence told me. As we reached the end of the short, empty street, Rob turned off after saying goodbye to us. We walked on a short while. We then reached a long, posh looking car. “Is this for us?” I asked, expecting him to say ‘No, it’s this one’ and point to a Renault Clio. I mean, I have nothing against them ... But a Renault Clio compared to this car was nothing! “Yeah, this is it” he replied, opening the door for me. “Thanks” I said, still in shock about my dad. “Are you alright?” Lawrence asked me, through the gaps in his hair. “Um, yeah ... sure” I replied, unbelievably. “Right, ...” he quietly mumbled. “So,” I started, trying to push the many problems out of my head. “How far away are we going?” I finished. “Well, it’s another 20 minutes” he replied. “Oh, cool” I said. After random conversation, the car pulled to a halt. “Here...” Lawrence said, at my door. He opened it politely as I stepped out gracefully. I looked around and saw myself in an empty car park, an empty, underground car park. “Uh, not to be like, disrespectful but dude, where the hell are we?” I asked, cheekily. “Here, we’re here” he replied as the car drove off. “We only have an hour to do this, I mean ... that’s no problem for me but I don’t know, you might have problems” Lawrence told me. “Excuse me?” I asked, confused. “Well, you DO want to do this don’t you?” he asked me as if I was meant to know. “What is ... THIS?” I said, getting a little worried. “Siobhan, stop playing stupid!” he yelled, half playfully ... half angry. “Wha...? Lawrence, I think there’s been a little mistake here, what did Rob tell you?” I asked him. “Oh, no Siobhan ... No mistake” Lawrence said, with a demented kind of look on his face. “Lawrence, stop being stupid” I said, chuckling nervously. “Siobhan, if I was in your position, I would be laughing” he said walking towards me at a rapid pace. He grabbed my arms and threw me into the wall. “Lawrence, stop!!” I yelled. It had hit me now, I realized. He pushed himself against me on the wall. I felt him dig into me hard. “Siobhan, just be quiet so we can enjoy this” he said, closing his eyes. “What ...? Enjoy?” I asked, trying to push him off me. He had ripped off my jacket and my t-shirt. He pulled his own off. “I thought you’d have done that” he said, winking at me. “Please, don’t do this ...” I said, screwing up my face as if I could just block it all out. I just wish the ground would swallow me up. He pulled off his jeans, then wriggled mine down around my knees. I felt ... sick, stupid. I couldn’t help but scream. I kept trying to push him off with all my strength, but it was no use. I was screaming at the top of my voice. He didn’t seem to care. He was too busy. I saw a movement in the distance. It was walking towards us, I screamed louder than ever to get “it’s” attention. It started running. Oh god, it was Rob! *Please don’t kill him, he deserves it, but don’t kill him* I thought to myself. Lawrence turned around to see Rob staring at him. “Dude, I mean ... she made me!” Lawrence said. I saw a grin creep up on Rob’s face. “It looks that way mate” Rob said. I couldn’t understand why he was smiling. “Now, get off her!” Rob yelled at Lawrence. Lawrence didn’t move. Rob flung him onto the floor. I realized my jeans were down by my knees. *Shit* I pulled them up quickly. “Listen, I didn’t tell him to - ...” Rob tried to defend himself. But I stupidly interrupted him, with a kiss. “Thanks Rob” I said, looking at Lawrence on the floor. “Anytime” he replied. “C’mon, I brought the car” Rob said, leading me towards the exit. I couldn’t believe what had happened. I felt sick. Violated.

Chapter 5

“Hey!” Sophie shrieked as we walked into the apartment. “Oh hello” I said, flying into Sophie’s arms. I saw everyone was there, which I think made me feel embarrassed. “Hey, listen ... If we’d have known Lawrence was like that we would have let you go out alone with him” Ben said, and James mumbled in agreement. “Wait ... How did you know I was in trouble?” I said them. “Listen, don’t be mad Siobhan” Rob started, “I asked Lawrence to take you out for me, to check if you ‘liked him’, ‘cos well ... I like you, so we put a camera on his jacket so I could see how you acted around him and if you mentioned me and well, I saw what he was doing and so... I came to help” Rob told me. “But doesn’t he have the sense to take the camera off the jacket before ... doing that” I asked, calmly. “Well, no ... this is Lawrence” James said. “Listen, I’m just glad to be back, oh and Rob ... what you did was sweet” I told them. “But, I mean, we didn’t see anything we shouldn’t have” remarked James, blushing. “Right ...” I said, looking unconvinced. “So, where is Lawrence now?” Sophie asked. “Um, we just kind of left him there” I told her, looking at Rob who was opening a can of beer. “Yeah, god knows what’s happened to him, but who cares? After what he did ...” Rob said, looking kind of angry. “Hey, Rob ... I can’t thank you enough” I said, and kissed him forehead as I walked in to the kitchen. “Dude, you so have to ask her out” I heard Ben say. “I can’t...” I listened intently from the kitchen, my ear pressed against the door. “Why?! I mean, she so likes you!!” James exclaimed. Had I been giving off the wrong impression. I didn’t fancy Rob. *Shit*

“Huh?” James grunted at me, gesturing to my hands. I think he was wondering why I had been to the kitchen, but got nothing to drink. I simply hit him round the head and went to sit down. “Listen, Soph ... I’m going to tell them” I said to Sophie, in front of everyone. “Um, are you sure?” she asked me. I was talking about the problem with my dad. I had completely forgotten about it, considering everything that had just happened. “Yep, totally” I said, bluntly. “Siobhan, tell us ... You’re scaring us” Rob said. “Well, let me see. I was 16 years old, and my mom died. Me and my younger brother witnessed it, it was my dad who killed her” I waited as their faces became scared. “So, we had no choice to run away. I went to see Sophie and ended up staying with her, and last I heard my brother was living in London. But there’s a problem, my dad is after me” I told my scared friends. “Oh my god!” James said. “I’m moving” I finished. “What...?!” Sophie yelled. *Shit, I didn’t tell her* “No, you’re not, there’s no way you’re moving! I won’t let you” Sophie rambled on at me. “Dude, I love you and all, but it really is a life-death matter now” I told her. “Uh, guys ... I have an idea” Ben said coolly. “What? What is it?” Rob asked. “The girls can live with us” Ben said. My heart sunk. I thought it was an idea that would work. “No, my dad can still get me then can’t he?” I said, putting my point across. “Shit, yeah” James said. “No, he can’t, we’re always on the move, especially when we’re on tour” Rob exclaimed, happily. “True” Ben said. We all kind of smiled secretly to ourselves. “Um, when you said ‘the girls’ did you mean me?” Sophie asked, dumbly. “Of course!!” Ben said, winking at her. My jaw dropped. *Oh my god* Ok, so it was only a wink, but still! A knock came to the door. James, being the closest opened the door. “Hi?” he said puzzled, looking at the girl who stood the other side. “Are you alright?” he asked her, seeing clearly she wasn’t. Soph and I looked up. “Lucey?!” I almost screamed. Sophie and I leapt towards the door, pushing James rudely out of the way. The girl sniffed as tears rolled down her cheeks. “Luce, what’s wrong?” I asked her. “He ... I ... And” she started to stutter. “Luce, calm down” Soph said, rubbing her back. “Listen Lucey, calmly tell us what’s wrong ...” I said. “W..well, remember ... I live in France, with Liam, An ... and he cheated on me!!!” she wailed. “Hunny! It’s ok, but what are you doing back in England?” I asked her, hugging her. “Well, I mean, I don’t really know anyone else over there that I can stay with ... So I got the first plane back, I hope you don’t mind!” she went on, tearfully. “Oh my god, no we don’t” Soph said. “Ahem ...” Ben coughed obviously. “Oh yeah, Lucey this is Ben, James and .. Rob” I told her. “Wow, this is ... ‘McFly’” she said excitedly. “Yeah, hey” they all said. “So, guys ... can Luce stay with us?” Sophie asked them, but Lucey interrupted, “No, no ... it’s alright, I don’t want to cause trouble!” she exclaimed. “Ah come, as if these guys would send you out on to the streets!” I said, hinting that one of the guys should speak up. “Oh no, course we wouldn’t” James said, as I could see he understood what I was hinting. “Are you sure? I mean ... I can find a B&B” Lucey insisted. “That’s a good-“ Rob started, but I shot him an evil glare. “I mean, no ... You have to stay here!” Rob exclaimed. “Really?” Lucey said, getting giddy. “Well, of course” replied Ben, unexcitedly. “Great!!” Lucey squealed. “I’ll unpack!” she said, glancing at her big, pink suitcases. “Right through there” James said, pointing to a room. We all watched as Lucey walked off into a room. “Dude, she’s hot” James said, half to himself and half to us. “James! She has just broken up with her boyfriend!” I yelled at him. “And ... ?” He said gruffly. “Jeez” I sighed. “So, are you guys alright with her staying here?” Sophie asked them. “Yeah, I s’pose” Ben said. The others mumbled in agreement. “Good, I’ll help her unpack” I said, walking off into the direction of her room. As I entered the room, I saw Sophie had followed me. “Dude, what happened between you and Ben?” I asked her, excitedly. “Well, at first he was like, all over me ... but now, he has died off” Sophie told me, with a frown. “Well, I mean ... Maybe he thought he was coming on too strongly” I told her, whilst Lucey opened one of her many suitcases. “Maybe ...” Sophie said. “And I mean, come on you and Rob!!” she exclaimed. “No, that’s the problem!” I told her. “I don’t like him” I said. “It doesn’t seem that way” she said to me. *Maybe it wasn’t*

Chapter 6

“Luce how did you even find us?” I asked puzzled. I looked around the room, seeing Rob’s eyes on me. “Well, I went to your old apartment and the landlord said you were up here” she told us quietly. “Shit, the apartment!” I said in a shrill voice, which I think scared James. “Damn, yeah” Sophie mumbled. “We’ll all go down tomorrow” Ben said. And as he did, I received a text.

Hey Siobhan, It’s Lizzy. Aurelia’s gone .... she’s gone missing. I’m in Liverpool, it’s where her credit card was last used. I’ll see you when I get back.
Love to all Xx

“Wow” I said, when we were all together again. “What? What is it? You dad?” Sophie asked, worriedly. “No, it’s Lizzy” I said, blandly. “Has Lawrence got her?!” James asked. “No, Aurelia’s gone missing and Lizzy is in Liverpool ‘cos that’s where Aurelia’s credit card was last used” I told them “Really? Is Aurelia ok?” James asked, almost worried. “I dunno, Lizzy didn’t say anything” I told him. “We’ll just have to wait” I said. “Can I ask? Who is Lawrence?” Lucey asked us. “Um, an evil tit” I said, as James chuckled. “Lawrence ... Who’s in the band?” Lucey asked. “Yes, him” I replied, feeling sick at hearing his name. “Luce, I’ll tell you later” Soph said, indicating for Lucey to shut up. “Oh right” Lucey said, seeing Siobhan was clearly upset. Sophie was feeling a little ill so went outside, onto the balcony for some fresh air. I noticed Ben had followed her. I smiled to myself happily. Things were really starting to work out, except the whole Lizzy and Aurelia thing [which I was kind of worried about]. I was [almost] safe from my dad, Lawrence had gone, Sophie and I were living with McFly, who are the nicest people ever. And now Sophie and Ben might be together. Everything was fine. [At least that’s what I thought]

Chapter 7

After I woke up, I went to the kitchen but just before I opened the door, I heard voices from inside. “Um, he kind of ... raped her” I heard Sophie tell someone. Lucey I’m guessing. “What?!” I heard Lucey exclaim. I could just imagine her face dropping, becoming scared. I didn’t know whether or not to go into the kitchen. As if I didn’t know they had been talking about me. I did. They must’ve heard the door handle rattle because they hushed down. “Hey ...” I said, trying my hardest to *not know*. “Good morning” Sophie said jollily. “You seem happy” I said, seeing the wide grin on Sophie’s face. “I am ...” Sophie told me. I knew what she was doing, she was making me ... want to know. “Ah go on then, what happened?” I asked, pouring myself a cup of coffee. “Well, I wasn’t feeling too well, yeah?” she told me. “Yeah ...” I agreed. “And you must’ve seen Ben follow me out?” she asked. I was about to kill her, she always took ages to tell stories. “Yes, I did” I told her, stubbornly. “Well, we kissed” an excited Soph told me. “What?!” I squealed. “Shush, you’ll wake the guys up!” Sophie said, covering my mouth with her hand. “Ok, ok sorry” I said, quieting down. “So, how?” I asked, girlishly. “Well, he came out and asked me how I was feeling, I told him I felt better, and jokingly he asked if it was because he was there, and well ... by accident I said yes” she told me and I became quite giddy. “Then ... ?” I asked awaiting the next part. I took a sip of coffee, which was blazing hot. *Damn* “Ouch, burnt my lip ... But I don’t care, go on!” I practically yelled at her. “Well, we got past the awkward bit and well, he told me he liked me since the first time he saw me” Sophie was interrupted by my “Aww.” “Shush!” Lucey shushed me, obviously wanting to hear more of the story. “Sorry” I said, hanging my head. “So, I told him I also liked him ... and well he just kissed me” Sophie told us. “Well, was it a ‘peck’ or a ‘oh my god, I want you now’ kiss?” I asked Sophie, but she couldn’t answer as Ben had just walked in. “And then he shot him” I said quickly. “What?” Ben asked from behind. “Um, I was just telling Sophie and Lucey about this film I watched the other night” [Hey, I was pretty quick] I smiled grimly to myself. “Cool, and how are you this morning beautiful?” Ben asked Sophie. “Me? I’m fine!” I replied jokingly. “I actually meant Sophie” he said chuckling. He walked over and stood behind Sophie, he slid his arms around her waist from behind and rested his head on her shoulder. “I’m fine thanks, you?” Sophie asked Ben. “A little shook up, yesterday was weird” he told her quietly. I heard this, but decided to talk to Lucey about a totally random subject to block it out. James had just walked in as a howl came from Rob’s room. “What the ...?” I said, running out of the kitchen into his room. “Are you ... alright?” I asked, seeing him lying there grasping his stomach. “Yeah, I didn’t mean to freak you out ..” he said, again grasping at his naked stomach. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked, worriedly. “Oh nothing, I swear. Now sod off, so I can change” he said, playfully throwing a pillow at me. “Fine, fine!” I said, chuckling to myself. I walked back into the kitchen and everyone looked at me. “Oh yeah, he’s fine” I told them, with a little grin on my face. I heard Ben whisper something to Sophie, so I walked out. Not in a huff, I just did. “Hey,” Rob said, as he walked into the living room where I was sat alone. “You alright?” he asked, as if we hadn’t just seen each other. “Yeah, I’m fine thanks. Are you ok?” I asked politely. “Yeah ...” he said, hanging his head. I’m guessing it was in embarrassment. “So, you doing anything today?” Rob asked me. “I don’t think so” I replied uneasily. “Well, you can always-“ Rob was interrupted by a knock at the door. “I’ll get it!” I yelled out. I opened the door and looked up to face our visitor, only to take a blow to my stomach. “Ach!!” I yelled, as I hit the floor. Rob jumped up rapidly from his seat. “Guys!!” he shouted. That was really all I can remember.

Chapter 8

“Baby, It’s ok ... Listen I’m so sorry” I heard a masculine voice say. And the hand which I assumed belonged to the voice, was stroking my head gently. “Wha ... What?” I mumbled, lightly. “Ah thank god!” the voice almost shrieked. It was Rob. I could feel his soft warm hand stoking my forehead. “Shush, it’s ok” he whispered quietly. I was in my bedroom. Laying on my bed. “Oh my god, she’s awake” I heard Sophie exclaim happily. “What h...happened?” I asked, quietly. “Um, it was my fault sweetie” Rob said to me, looking guilty. “Why? I don’t understand” I said. “Uh, it was an old ... friend of mine, jumping to conclusions” he explained, making an effort not to look into my eyes. “What? Listen, just tell me, I won’t be mad” I said. “Uh, it was my ex girlfriend. She thought you and I were a thing. And she reacted in the wrong way” he told me. “Damn right she did, I can’t hardly breathe!” I exclaimed, then remembering I said I wouldn’t get mad. “Listen, I’m so so so so sorry” Rob apologized. “Ach, sod off” I said harshly, getting up. I winced in pain as I tried to stand. “Siobhan, sit down” Sophie said, pushing my shoulder back down gently. “Well, get him out” I said, shooting an evil glare in Rob’s direction. “Siobhan, calm down, he said it wasn’t his fault” Sophie tried to calm me down. “Yeah,” I said gruffly. I turned over to face my wall. I mean, this girl couldn’t have just assumed anything. No one is that stupid, not even an ex of Rob. He must have said something.

Chapter 9
As the days went by, Sophie and Lucey were the only ones allowed in my room, I was upset with the way I looked. Not only did I take a few blows to the stomach, but my face had been smashed in. I was becoming more and more depressed. I had so much free time on my hands, sitting alone in my room was hardly occupying. I often listened to the conversations occurring outside my door. Some made me feel guilty and some made me feel sick. During this one particular conversation, I knew they were talking about me. “You should tell her ... it’s not fair” James mumbled. “Tell her? She wouldn’t give a damn!” Rob exclaimed. “Oh come on this is serious, you have to tell her” Sophie said persuasively. “No, not with the whole Lawrence thing and her dad, she doesn’t need this” Rob said, uneasily. “If you don’t tell her, we will” Ben said, practically threatening him. “Ok, I will, but if she shoots me ...” Rob said, immaturely. He was walking towards my bedroom. I had to act as if I wasn’t listening. I quickly picked up my guitar and popped myself on the end of my bed. I heard the door handle squeak and he followed it. “Uh, hello” he said, quietly. I pretended not to hear him. “Siobhan” he said a little louder. “What? Oh, it’s you ...” I said, my gaze eventually meeting his. “Yeah, me. I think we have to talk” he said, sitting next to me. My heart beat raced. “If this is about you and that bird you can fuck off” I told him angrily. “Woah, no it’s not” he said. He seemed upset. “I have ... Listen,” he stopped, took my hands in his. “I have cancer” he said simply. Unable to look at me he stared at the floor. “You wha ...?” I asked, my voice was trembling. “It’s serious, they don’t think I have long” he said as his voice broke. He looked like he was going to cry, well ... you would too if you didn’t have long to live. “Oh my ...” I said, tearfully. I grasped his hand harder. “Those things I said, I didn’t mean” I told him, pulling one of my hands away from his so I could wipe my eyes. He cupped my cheek with his hand. *What the hell was I doing?* I asked myself. He used his thumb to wipe away the tear which rolled down my warm cheek. “Don’t cry” he said, and with that he stood up and left the room.

Chapter 10

Why was I so emotional? Why did I care? This guy had given me a bloody good beating. Ok, not this guy, but it was his fault. His stupid girlfriend, ex girlfriend. But still, I felt for him. He was going to die, and I was slagging him off. I had to forgive him, of course I did! I stood up, and stared into the mirror facing me. My face looked exceptionally better, if I say so myself. I walked out into the living room. Everything was silent. No one was here, “Hello?” I shouted. “Hi” Sophie said, popping her head out from behind the kitchen door. “Bloody hell you scared me” I said laughing. “Hey, you’re looking a lot better” she said. “Thanks” I said, with a small grin on my face. “Where is everyone?” I asked, my grin fading. “Uh, well ... Rob’s in here and everyone one else went to the shops” she told me. “Oh cool” I felt a little uneasy it just being me, Rob and Soph. But it was no big deal. We decided to sit down, chill and watch a movie. Suddenly, Sophie’s phone went off. She scrambled to her feet and pulled her phone out of her pocket.

Hey babe, we decided to take a little de-tour. Well ... Lucey did. We’re in the middle of town, wet through and all she cares about is ‘where the god damn sales are’. She’s driving us insane! But, I suppose you can make it all better when I come home. We’ll be back at four *so she says*.

Love you Xx

Sophie first checked the time. 3.30.“Aw, look!” Sophie said, thrusting the phone in my face. I glanced over the message and couldn’t help but laugh. I could just see them standing there in the rain whilst Lucey gazed lovingly at the shop windows. “Hey, let me see!” Rob wailed. I threw the phone over to him. “Aw, isn’t Ben the sweetest!” he said, mimicking a girly accent. “Ah shut up!” Soph said, and threw a pillow at him. He threw one back. And World War III broke out. Rob was suffocating Sophie beneath a pillow as she screamed girlishly. Seeing them play about on the sofa made me feel jealous. I don’t know why. But I felt so jealous. “Um, I’m going for a drink” I said, interrupting their little fight. I stepped onto the cold kitchen tiles in my bare feet and walked over to the fridge. I poured myself a glass of coke and perched myself onto the kitchen table. “You ok?” Rob asked as he walked into the room. “Oh yeah fine!” I said, shyly. “Sure?” he asked, more firmly this time. I stared at his luscious, kiss-able lips. I couldn’t help myself. I pressed my lips against his. I closed my eyes. I heard someone step into the room. Ok, so it wasn’t someone. It was plural. Everyone was staring at us. I knew that. But somehow I couldn’t manage to pull myself away. After eventually needing to come up for breath, I stared around the room, seeing the many gob-smacked faces staring at us. “Uh, heh ...” I laughed nervously, “Yeah, uh heh damn right!” Ben said. I couldn’t help but smile.

Chapter 11

After everyone had come to grips with the kiss. I still hadn’t. I sheepishly ran off to my room without any one noticing. I picked up my guitar and strummed gently. I couldn’t think straight. I might be falling in love with a guy who is dying. I didn’t want to do that to myself. After minutes of playing Sophie bounded in. “So ...?” she asked rudely. “What?” I said, half knowing what she was thinking. “Was it good?” she asked cheekily. “Was it good? You can’t ask me that!” I almost yelled. “I can! And I did” she said, giggling. I didn’t believe her. I had to laugh. “It was great” I said, a massive grin plastered on my face. Lucey then entered the room. “So..?” she asked, sitting on the bed. “You are kidding me!” I laughed. “It was absolutely great!” I said, already knowing what she was about to ask. “Hah hah ... good on you!” she exclaimed. “But guys,” I started. I knew I could tell them anything. They were my best friends. Ever. “I’m scared” I went on. “Scared? Of what?” Sophie asked. “In case I like him” I told them. “Oh because of the whole cancer thing. Which, by the way starts on Monday” Lucey told us. “What? What starts Monday?” I asked, worried. “His treatment. So he’s going to change” she warned Sophie and I. “Oh ... see. This is what I’m scared of” I said. “It’ll be ok, if you like him, it’ll all be fine” Sophie told me, rubbing my back comfortingly. “But what if he ... if he, you know, dies” I winced at the last word. I had tears in my eyes. “Hey, now come on!” Lucey said encouragingly. “Yeah, we have to get through this together” Sophie told me. This is why I loved them. Sophie and Lucey. They were willing to help me through anything. “Thanks, you guys” I told them. They left me in my room alone. I lay there staring up at the ceiling, thinking through. Why had I just kissed him like that? Maybe it was a stupid thing to do. It wasn’t. I loved him. I said it aloud “I love him”. It sounded scary when I said it. But maybe it was true. I stood up and walked over to my dresser and opened a small drawer on top. I pulled out my diary. This was a diary day. I opened the book and looked at the last log.

Today was an extremely boring day. So why have I bothered to write it in here? I don’t know. That’s how boring today was. Hm, that’s a lie. I love him.

Wow, has life changed since then! I scrambled around in my drawer for a pen. When I found one, I went over and lay on my bed again. I scribbled down the recent events. Everything. My dad, the thing with Lawrence, the kiss with Rob, the fact that he had ... cancer. And I may have even wrote that I love him. As I had almost finished writing, Rob walked in. “Hey” he said sweetly. “Hello” I said, turning round to face him. “How are you?” he asked, innocently. “Great, absolutely great” I smiled. “Hmm, why?” he asked, “Why so great? Well, because I kissed an amazing guy today, and he didn’t push me away!” I exclaimed excitedly. “Ah, same thing kinda happened with me” he said. I raised an eyebrow. “With a girl of course!” he said, and leaned over to tickle me. “No you don’t!” I squealed. I ran away from him around my room. He chased me madly, until I fell. I landed in a heap on the floor, and it just so happened he landed on top of me.

Chapter 12

Ben walked in and his gaze was fixed upon Rob and I on the floor. “Urgh dudes!” he said, screwing up his face. “Sorry” I said, scrambling to my feet. Rob doing the same. “Uh, what time is your hospital appointment?” Ben asked Rob. “11.30, why?” Rob replied. “Well, at 6.30p.m we have to go down to Fletch’s office and tell him the band is well ... no longer a band” Ben told us. I felt guilty for some reason. “Um, ok. Well, I dunno if I’ll be out of hospital by then” Rob said quietly. “Well, whatever. We’ll see.” Ben said, walking out. Rob collapsed on my bed, I fell down too. “Are you nervous?” I asked him. He didn’t look me in the eye. Just kept staring at my ceiling. “No” he replied bravely. But I saw the worried look, in his sparkling brown eyes. “Well, if you don’t mind. Can I come?” I asked, not daring to look at him. “Of course you can, I want you there” he said, taking my hand in his. We continued staring at the ceiling. “Where is it?” I said eventually. I turned over the face him. “Where’s what?” he asked, also turning so we were facing each other. “The ca ... cancer” I stuttered. “It’s ok for us to talk about it you know” he said sweetly. “It’s in my lung” he added. “Oh ok” I said plainly, not knowing how to respond. It was weird, because Rob didn’t even smoke, but that also doesn’t mean he can’t get lung cancer. “How long, you know, do they say you have?” I asked bravely. “It’s ok, not too short. About 1 year” he said. It hit me, it hit me bad. I had one year left with him. We talked for a while and gradually drifted off.
I woke up in his arms. I could feel his breath on my face. I stared at him for numerous minutes, I just enjoyed being with him. In his arms. I don’t even know how this came around. I didn’t like him to start with, it just happened. He opened his eyes slowly and looked into mine. “Morning” he mumbled quietly. “Yeah, morning” I said, snuggling my head into his chest. “Are you hungry?” he asked, kissing my forehead. “I s’pose, you?” I replied. “Yeah, c’mon. I’ll make you something” he said, pulling me up off the bed. We walked into the living room where Ben and James were playing on the playstation. “Good morning” I said, happily. It felt wrong to be happy, but Rob told me we shouldn’t be sad. “Morning” the boys replied in unison, not even turning around. “Cuh, that was nice” I said, rolling my eyes. Rob entwined his fingers into mine. We walked into the kitchen, and as you can imagine Sophie and Lucey were staring at us, amazed. “Hey” I said, with a pretty wide grin on my face. “Well, hello” Sophie said, moving her eyebrows up and down. “Ach, shut up!” I said, still smiling madly. After breakfast the six of us decided to go out. “Shopping!!” Lucey squealed. “We did that yesterday!!” Ben groaned. “Fine, let’s just ...” I started, but was rudely interrupted by James. “Lets just walk” he said plainly. “Yeah, lets” I said, liking the idea. We all grabbed our coats, shoes ... e.t.c. “Soph, lock the door” I yelled throwing her the key. Rob and I walked ahead, holding hands sweetly. I’d only kissed him once, and when I did all I could think about was his cancer. It was heart breaking. Lucey had made James give her a piggy back, she was squealing excitedly. This made Rob and I laugh. Sophie and Ben were walking behind, far back. They were snuggled into each other and Ben kept giving Sophie the odd kiss. This was how it should be. But it wasn’t gonna stay like this, was it?

Chapter 13

Soph, Ben, Rob and I were sitting on a cold park bench whilst Lucey was showing James some shoes in the shop opposite. “Cute ain’t they” Sophie said, pointing to Lucey and James. “They are” I said, chuckling slightly. The four of us stood up to get Luce and James’ attention, we started walking across the road towards them. When suddenly, I stopped in the middle of the road. “Siobhan!” Sophie yelled. “Siobhan? What are you doing?” Rob shouted faintly. He ran back to get me. A car pulled up in front of me. I collapsed. A fairly old man climbed out of the car. He ran quickly over to Rob and I. All the traffic was held up. “Get out of my way” the man spat at Rob. “Make me” Rob said, bravely. “Don’t make me do this!” the man said fiercely. “Do it! Do whatever you have to, but you’re not taking her” Rob said, his voice shaking with fear. The others watched on from the sidewalk, with puzzled looks. Ben ran out into the road to see what the problem was. “What’s happened? Did you hit her?” Ben asked the man. “No, but I wish I did” he said. “Who are you?” Ben asked. “No time for chit-chat” the man said and knelt down to my level. “Get in the car” he whispered to me. I managed to quickly scramble to my feet. “Siobhan, get in the car!” he almost yelled. “Don’t tell me what to do! If anything you should be the one scared of me!” I said, my voice trembling. “Siobhan, who is this?” Rob asked me. But before I could answer I saw the man pull out a gun. “Rob!! Run!!” I screamed. He did as I commanded. “I love you” he yelled back sweetly. “I love you too” I replied. “Dad, you wouldn’t shoot me, not here in front of everyone” I said, only hoping it was true. I was the only one who could see the gun, he’d hidden it in his jacket. Bravely, I took a deep breath and ran. Lucey, James and Sophie followed me as I ran past them. Ben had already ran off with Rob. The man, my dad, climbed back into the car and sped after us. I could faintly see Rob and Ben in the distance, still running. Rob seemed to know where he was going, and it wasn’t back to the apartment. Luce, James, Soph and I followed them down a back street. Rob and Ben waited for us. “Listen,” Rob panted. “Wait here” he commanded. We did as we were told. Rob ran off. “Siobhan, was that your,” Sophie asked. “Yes, it was. You guys, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have got you involved. And Luce, I even made you run in heels!” I apologized. “Siobhan, calm down” Ben said. We waited in suspense for a few minutes, then Rob appeared. “What are you doing?” I asked him, seeing a gun in his hands. “Guess...” he replied. “Please, don’t do anything stupid Rob. We knew my dad would still be driving around looking for us. And you could hardly miss his car. “Come on...” Rob said, taking my hand. The others followed. We walked on for a few minutes. “Look!” James shouted, pointing to a black jeep. “That’s him” Rob added. “Now, all we have to do is let him find us” Rob told us. He’d hidden the gun in his jacket pocket. I heard the brakes of the car. My dad jumped out. He wouldn’t be afraid of shooting us now. We were down a small street, with no one around. “Now, Siobhan ... get in the car!” he demanded pointing his gun at my face. “No, she won’t” Rob said for me. Pulling out his gun. “Kid, don’t be stupid now” my dad told Rob. A burst of happiness flew through me when I saw the scared look on my dad’s face. “Don’t be stupid? Me? I’m not the one who murdered my wife, then threatened to kill my daughter am I?” Rob said smartly. “No, but you’re the one who is my opposition. And that’s stupid” my dad replied. My dad cocked the gun. Maybe he wasn’t so scared after all. “Don’t even think about killing my baby” Rob said, pulling me closer. Rob cocked his gun. I closed my eyes. ‘Bang!’. Was my dad finally dead? I looked up. He was, yes, he was. “Oh Rob,” I said hugging him so tight. “Well, we best inform the police” Ben said, pulling out his mobile. He dialed the number and put the phone against his ear. “Hello?” Ben asked.

Chapter 14

We all had to return to the apartment and wait for the police. Would Rob have to go to jail? He didn’t even seem nervous. A knock then came to the door. “I’ll get it” Ben said loudly. “Hello, I’m PC Walker, can I come in?” a young, good looking police officer asked. “Yeah, come in” Ben said, opening the door wider and welcoming the police officer in. “I believe two of you were involved in an extremely serious accident earlier today” the officer said, seriously. Rob didn’t even flinch. “Yes, that’s right. Me and Siobhan here” Rob spoke up. Ben and Soph looked on in amazement. “Right, would you mind explaining what happened?” PC Walker asked Rob and I. “Well ....” Rob trailed off, explaining the details of today’s earlier events. “I’m afraid I have to arrest you” the officer finally said. “What? No, you can’t!” I shouted at him. “Exactly, he can’t” Rob said happily, staring down at me sweetly. “Self defense” Rob told him. “Excuse me?” the officer asked. “He had a gun, didn’t he?” Rob asked. “He did” PC Walked confirmed. “Therefore, it’s self defense” Rob told him, with a smug grin on his face. “Uh...Well,” the young officer stuttered. I could see plainly that the officer was confused, maybe even new at this. “We’ll have to take you down to the station” the officer piped up. “Fine” Rob replied. A burst of happiness swam through me, seeing the happy smile on Rob’s face. Rob followed the confused police out of the apartment.
“Wow” Sophie said bluntly. “Yeah” I said, unable to stop smiling. “He’s my hero” I finished. “That was so brave of him!” Lucey added. “It was” James said. After we discussed the ‘Rob situation’, the phone rang. I ran over to the stand where it stood, and picked it up. “Hello?” I asked quietly.
“Hi, is Lucey there?” said a male voice,.
“Yeah, one sec” I said, passing the phone over to her.
“Hello?” she asked.
“Hi, Lucey ... It’s Bailey” the voice, assumedly Bailey.
“Oh my god, Bailey!” she exclaimed.
“How are you? How did you know I was here?” she asked him.
“Heh, I’m fine” he laughed.
“Listen, I have to talk to you, can I come round?” he asked Luce.
“Yeah, you know where the Carlton hotel is? Well, room 43” she explained.

“Wow, that was Bailey, an old friend” she told us, after she had got off the phone. “Hm, a friend or a love interest?” Sophie asked her cheekily. “Both” Lucey replied with a wink. “Ah, you saucy minx” Sophie joked. I was too worried to laugh. What if it wasn’t self defense? What if he had to go to jail? I couldn’t get it off my mind, until a noise came from outside the front door. He was back, it was Rob. “Hey” he said cheekily as he entered the apartment. “Oh my god, Rob!” I yelled and ran into his arms. “Hey man” Ben said from behind me. “Welcome back” Lucey said. “Mind if we get into the apartment before you squeeze me to death?” Rob asked me playfully. “Yeah, sorry” I replied smiling. “I’m glad you’re back dude, I have something to tell everyone” Ben said looking at Rob. “Dude, you’re not gonna ..” Rob asked, shocked. “I am” Ben replied. Everyone sat down whilst Ben stood in front of us all. “Sophie,” he started. He got down on one knee and produced a small blue box from his pocket. I felt as if I was going to scream! “Will you marry me?” Ben asked a gob-smacked Sophie.
© Copyright 2006 emo_geek (emo_geek at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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