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by Magnex
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1086593
this item is a story that i wrote about magic powerand corruption
Long ago there was legend to be six orbs of power. These items were forged by dark mages of chaos and hatred. They each gave an orb to one of the six great kings of the land. Telling them it would grant them power beyond their wildest dreams. Kings used that orb to help their people except for one the king that was granted the orb of darkness. The mages told him that if he used it the world would be his. He couldn't resist the power of the magical orb it consumed him he became a mad man but it didn’t stop there he spread this evil to his own people he encouraged them too steal and destroy the people from the other land. It didn’t stop there the darkness grew to a point where he didn’t want to destroy the land he wanted to control it. Wars broke out the darkness was too much the giants from earth kingdom were the first to fall. The aquatics of the waters, the flyers of the wind fell one after another until only three kingdoms remained fire, light and darkness. Fire and light joined to defeat the darkness the battle lasted for days then weeks then months it seemed like it would never end. The kings of fire and light confronted the evil king of darkness no words were exchanged just a battle began. Flashes of light and flares of fire escaped the horrible castle from which they were within. The two kings joined their powers to finally defeat the corrupted king, but the dark ruler summoned the powerful darkness from his orb and countered their attack. The two beams were at a stalemate but with one final push defeat came to the dark king. Or at least that’s what they thought as the smoke cleared there was no body no remains at all they asked no question but wondered the same thing was he really gone. Deep under the ground the dark king was speaking to the mages. "I need more power more power I need another orb" he said with desperation. Sure enough the dark ones crafted a special orb to go hand in hand with the orb of darkness. "Here you go" the mages said with there sly crooked smile. The orb of death is what we call it, but use it at your own risk" they said still smiling. He grabbed it" orb of darkness" he called out. A transformation began dark wings sprouted from his back, his fingers became sharp talons, his eyes became piercing red a mighty roar was released from his mouth not knowing was it from pain or power or both. "Are you pleased with your new found power" the mages? said. "Yes" he said. "Just one more thing" he said using one of his sharp to motion two of the three mages to come to him. The two mages walked slowly and cautiously to the beastly king the king raised his two large hands and plunged his sharp nails into the mages "Ah I am very pleased" he said with a dark laugh that could have only been made by someone of pure evil. The third mage watched in horror finally realizing the error of her ways. She used the last of her powers to create the final orb the orb of life. It shined a light so bright the beast was partially blinded. That was until she sent it to a place where it would do some good. But as the light faded so did she suffering an attack caused by the dark beast but as she faded she said her final words "remember this creature though you have lost your humanity you will still reap what you have sewn. Ignoring her words he flew from under the earth to the outside of his castle where the kings of light and fire stood watching the creature knowing this was the king but he was no longer human he had sold his soul to the darkness. They were fighting evil at its purest form. They battled with all there might but it was futile no attack worked no weapon could pierce his skin, But they still kept fighting until the king of light made a decision. "I will distract it you run,” he said. The king of fire said "No we can still beat him" he refused. "Go! You and I both know were only preventing the inevitable" he said as he threw the fire king the orb of light. "You will not be forgotten old friend,” the fire king said. "Yeah I know ill go down in history know go, but I ask you one thing protect my daughter Kara" the light king said. "I promise" the fire king said as he shook hands with the other king knowing that they will never meet in this world again. The fire king ran while light king said to the dark king "Its just you and me so lets finish this" he said charging at the creature full speed with his sword raised in the air ready to come down. The king fire continued to run not looking back knowing if he did he would surely turn back and fight feeling the explosions on the back of his neck. He kept going tell he went to the light kingdom. He searched the rooms till he found her, but he wasn’t the only one who did. The dark king’s minions went to the child’s crib but before the king of fire could stop them a light emitted from the crib. It stunned the minions looking at the dents in the wall he realized this had been going on for awhile. He rushed to the crib and saw the orb of life glowing in the hands of Kara he lifted her and was shocked to see a mere infant wielding the powers of an orb. "Maybe she could do what we couldn’t,” he thought. So he raised Kara taught her everything he knew seven years past and one day they met a young boy by the name of Aros who survived the dark plague that the evil king created who know has complete control of the world making others to be his slave. Aros joined the alliance and learned with them. Years past by they found others who had escaped the wrath of the dark king all were children wanting to get revenge on the tyrant that destroyed there homes he taught them all how to be warriors day after day month after month year after year until one day. "It is our time to claim what rightfully ours it is our time seek vengeance on those who have destroyed our homes and our families. Beyond those doors are our worst fears, but we have the courage to face them. Know charge" The fire king said as everyone busted past the doors to the inside of the castle of darkness. Everyone left except Aros and Kara "So what did it do to you the dark king I mean" Aros said. "Sapphir the fire king said that he and my father once fought the dark king he said my father stayed to fight and told him to run" Kara said. "So the dark king enslaved your father" Aros said. "No Kara said he killed my father." "I know how you fell he killed my mother" he said. "For revenge" he said staring at the dark castle. "For revenge" Kara replied looking at the castle they both charged at the castle with a sword in one hand and making a fist with the other. They climbed the staircase level after level fighting countless beings Kara using the orbs of light and life given to her by Sapphir and Aros using the orb of fire also given to him by Sapphir. After a long battle they finally reached the top of the castle and came face to face with monster that destroyed their families. The two charged at the creature attacking with everything they had but nothing worked the beast pulverized them throwing them around like they were rag dolls. Then the beast raised his sharp taloned hand and swung it down both Aros and Kara closed there eyes waiting to take the hit then "cling" something had made contact with his talons and luckily it wasn’t there skulls. They both opened their eyes to Sapphir fighting of the demonic king. At first he had the upper hand then he raised his blade. "This is for my friends that you have taken from Me.,” he said as he swung the blade down, but the beasts was much to fast. In the blink of an eye he swerved behind him and thrusted his talons straight throw the brave warrior Sapphir. As he faded his last words were, "Kara and Aros its up to you two do what me and Kara's father couldn't." he said as he disappeared. Kara stood there in shock, but Aros didn’t rage filled him a flame surrounded him he grabbed his sword and straight ahead he charged "Its time for you to pay for your actions" he yelled as he charged straight through him. Stopping himself right before he hit the wall. "I did it finally its over" he turned around and saw that the beast was still standing there with a giant hole in his chest. "It cant be one more time" he charged up ready for another attack but the dark beast moved behind and made a clean scratch across Aros's back before Kara could say anything Aros fell to the grounding not dead but badly injured. Kara had seen enough "No more" she said. "No more" she repeated. "No More" she screamed as if the orbs of light and life reacted to her scream of pain they both glow and she started to change heavenly angel wings came from her back a blade as if it came from nowhere appeared. A storm came in and it began to rain this was it the final battle. They both flew to the sky where they attacked each other with full speed. Using his razor sharp talons the beast tried every way to attack Kara, but she was to fast she struck him with the blade again and again. Until she struck one of his wings and forced him to the ground. She landed and slowly walked to the fallen monster "Pathetic" she said. As she raised her blade ready to end the living nightmare. The creature then shape shifted into Kara's father. "Kara what are you doing would you kill your own father" he said. "No of course not" she said. "Then put that thing away and come give your father a hug" he said. "Kara don’t do it" a weak voice said it was Aros. "You and I both know that your father died a long time ago" he said. "Open your eyes Kara open them" he said weakly as he fainted. She looked hard at her father and saw that it was the dark creature just corrupting her mind. Then she snapped "You can do alot of things but never impersonate my father" she screamed she dealt one final blow to the beast. Then she slammed her blade into his heart. Sealing him into the depths of the earth. As she did peace had finally came the world was no longer ruled by darkness. The people that were enslaved were finally set free. A few days later Kara and Aros went to the grave of Sapphir and Kara’s father. "You know Sapphir said my father was a great man." Kara said "Well to me they were both great" Aros said. "Know C’mon we got kingdoms to run" Aros said. "I'll be there in a sec" kara replied. "Well father I finally avenged you "She said looking at the orb of light engraved in the tombstone of her fathers grave.
Not knowing deep under the earth’s surface" you wait I will return and when I do the world will be mine once again" A dark voice laughed that echoed through the earth.
© Copyright 2006 Magnex (bwritor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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