Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1085580-Hunted
Rated: GC · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1085580
So many things change when the hunter becomes the hunted ... or do they?
The bar was crowded and thick with the smells of stale cigarette smoke, spilled beer, and arousal in every inch of the place. I sauntered up to the bar and ordered a drink. Whiskey, because I still like it rough, and I still love the burn. I needed to feed, but, the need wasn't so great that I couldn't wait for quality prey, and that's when she walked in. I had been dead for 200 years, and dammit, I had never seen someone like her before. She was a tall one, every inch of her all confidence, and butch swagger ... to say the least, she made my mouth water. I had been scoping her for 3 months, but not as prey. What I wanted from her was more than blood, although, I would have that too, or my name wasn't Maria Caterina Del Cid. Two delicate fangs began to elongate as her scent reached me, and I had to coax myself to calm down. I was hungry, and so, didn't dare trust myself to approach her yet. The night was early, and I could easily go feed and come back. I decided to take that course of action ... besides, I might want to go change clothes before I come back. Even post-mortum, a femme needs to look her best. I tossed the rest of my drink back and walked out.

I spotted a drug pusher standing on the street corner, and marked him as dinner.

I walked past him once, throwing him a half-lidded glare and a flick of my long, black hair in his direction. Once he caught my scent, it was over with. He would have purposely overdosed on his own product if I had suggested it. It's a nice little gift. Makes hunting so much easier.

I led him into a dark corner, and as I started to feed, hoped that he wasn't too high.

Back at the bar, I was glad I had decided to change clothes. Opting for the black silk skirt and tight jacket with nothing but a black lace push-up bra underneath was a good choice.

Looking around, I noticed she was still here, in the back, playing pool with a group of women. Some were femmes, most were other butches. I watched them smoke, and swagger, play punching each other with every good shot. I watched the femmes, giggling, watching the butches, and a couple of them were hanging on her. She pushed them away good-naturedly to take her last shot ... the winning shot. As the eight ball
sunk into the side pocket with a dull "clacking" sound, to my astonishment, she turned, raised her glass of whiskey to me, smiled cockily, and drained it.

I watched her approach me, which was not exactly how I had envisioned this happening. She looked me up and down and finally spoke,

"You're drinking whiskey, right?"

I tasted her breath on the air, and heard her voice. It was deeper than I had expected and slightly husky, but her breath was sweet, and dry from the whiskey and cigarette smoke. I could scent her body, the clean smell of her clothes, and how her slightly acidic sweat mixed with her soap and aftershave. I could also smell that she was aroused ... and had been for awhile.

"Yes, I'm drinking whiskey, thank you."

She ordered me another drink and put in my hands, purposely running her fingers over my own. I looked into her deep blue eyes and almost slipped in. This isn't how it's supposed to be. I'm not supposed to be the one to be hypnotized by a lover, or anyone else for that fact. But, here it was, and she could have done anything to me in that moment and I would have been defenseless.

I finished my drink and leaned forward,

"What's your name?"

She breathed hot breath against my ear,

"Ali. Yours?"

I ran my tongue along the outer edge of her ear before answering,

"Maria. Your lair or mine?"

She backed away slightly, took my hand in hers,

"Yours. My bike's out front."

I followed her out, telling her where I lived and climbed on the bike behind her. I ran my palms over her back, before wrapping them around her waist. Her back was muscled, strong, and I could feel that her stomach was hard. A good, strong specimen ... this should be a long night.

I unlocked my front door ... yes, I have a front door. Nowadays, I don't know many Vampires that live in caves or underground caverns. I, personally, have a nice little Victorian cottage on the outskirts of town.

Anyway ... I unlocked my front door and led her inside. I was about to give her the 25 cent tour, but, she wasn't too interested at that moment. Just as I was about to explain why it was set up so that the front door opened into a back laundry area, she pressed her lips against mine, her tongue snaking around inside, making me moan. My knees shook, my hands were sweating ... Dammit, why was I nervous?!? I was supposed to be the pro here, and I was as nervous as a schoolgirl.

The minute she pressed her knee between my legs, I almost lost any semblance of control. She pulled away long enough to ask where the bedroom was, and I pointed up the stairs and down the hall.

I used the trek up the stairs to try and gather my bearing a little bit, but, it wasn't easy. I managed to calm down a little when we got into my bedroom. Pushing her down on the bed, I straddled her hips, and ground myself against when I suspected (correctly) that she had on underneath those faded out old blue jeans. I started to push my hands under her shirt when I felt something just as hard as what was between her legs in a loop in the waistband of her jeans. Pulling it out to look at it, I blanched slightly to see a silver stake in my hand.

"So, you found me out, huh?"

Cocky! She didn't even have the good manners to look at least a little chagrined! I had felt a little scared beforehand, but now, I just wanted to punish her for it. I wanted her to be suspended on the edge of release without a means of going over. I wanted to beat her ass until she screamed ... for mercy or release ... it didn't matter. I wanted to cane her, I wanted to tie her up ... mostly ... i still wanted to fuck her. This time ... we would begin on my terms, however.

I tossed the stake from hand to hand grinning at her.

"A silver stake? Nothing more imaginative? It's so ... Hollywood. Vampires aren't allergic to silver, although, I do have a really annoying nickel allergy. I can't wear silver, gives me a rash ...itchy, burning ... big pain in the ass if you know what I mean."

She looked a little more uncertain than she had before,

"But, a stake through the heart will still kill you."

I laughed outright,

"My dear, you'd be surprised how many things that would kill."

I moved my hands to undo her pants and felt her stiffen under me.

"Esa usted asustado, querida?"

She looked at me with wide eyes,

"Yes, I am."

I smiled softly ... wickedly,

"It is no shame to admit fear."

I watched her nod her head up and down quickly. There was nothing better than a good cat and mouse game, and I was already enjoying this one immensely.

"Le despiertan, querida?"

She nodded again.

"It is no shame to admit arousal either, especially since I would know if you were lying."

"Digame como el malo usted me desea."

This request because I love to hear them beg.

"I want you very bad. I want you so bad that I don't know what to do. I've never wanted anyone so bad in my life."

I undid the harness at her hips and ran the cold point of the silver stake down her belly.

"Neither have I, querida, neither have I."

I continued to run the cold stake down her body, and at the last possible second flipped the blunt end towards her and ran it slowly between her drenched nether lips. She flinched, her hips jerking up, but, she wanted me to continue. I knew from the smell of her. It was delectable, and the slight tang of her fear just made me want it more.

I reached down beside the bed with one hand and came back with a pair of standard, police issued handcuffs. My other hand never stopped it's stroking, and her eyes were closed,never noticing what I was doing. I leaned forward and began nibbling her nipples through her shirt, and as she was lost in the sensations, I snapped the cuffs around one wrist, behind the bars of the headboard and around the other wrist.

Her eyes snapped open in surprise,

"Hey ... wh-what are y-y"

I laughed, my mouth against her stomach,

"What's wrong? Used to being the one in control, are we?"

She looked at me quizzically, still a little afraid,

"What are you going to do to me?"

I shrugged and sat up,

"What do you think I'm going to do to you? Are you afraid that I might feed from you? Are you afraid that I might decide to turn you? Or, does your real fear lie in the fact that you might like it? Are you afraid of the pain? Or, are you afraid of the pleasure?"

She squirmed beneath me, then threw one last attempt to salvage her dignity,

"Fuck you."

I ran the stake over her gaping hole,

"I'm very sure that you would, Ali, were you able to get free, but, I thought I'd do you first if you didn't mind. "

I began slowly pushing the blunt end of the stake into her and I heard her gasp,

"Oh yes, Oh my god!"

I shook my head as I began to pump it in and out,

"I don't think even He could help you now. I'm not so sure you'd want Him too, either."

Her hips bucked, trying to get more. I moved down her long body, and lowered my mouth to her bulging clit. Her hips moved against my lips,

"Yes, please, yes."

I giggled against her,

"Oh my, our manners are much better now, aren't they?"

I pulled her engorged bud into my mouth and began sucking, hard, back and forth. Into my mouth, out with my hand, out with my mouth, in with my hand.

The established rhythm became harder and harder to keep as her hips started to buck violently against my face until I heard her howling above me.

I came back up the bed and she smiled at me. I undid the cuffs briefly,

"Turn onto your stomach, Ali."

She complied more willingly now than she had earlier.

I redid the cuffs and began to place small kisses up and down her spine. She moaned faintly and arched her ass towards my mouth. I chuckled, thinking, not yet. I took a tooled leather belt from my stand, and curled it around my hand, leaving a tongue of leather sticking out. I swung it down, hearing the air whistling through the holes, and, without any kind of warning, brought it down on her ass as hard as I could.

She cursed colorfully and I brought it down 5 more times quickly, in a row. Her ass cheeks were so red, and hot to the touch.

"Usted quisiera que parara, querida? You know you have been very bad."

I could see her salty arousal dripping down her thigh. I came around to the side of the bed so I could see her face. Her cheeks were red, and she was breathing hard. She was struggling with an answer, I could tell, she wasn't sure how safe she was, but she had also never been so turned on in her life.

"Umm .. n-no, please don't stop, ma'am. I need this, I ... please."

You don't think I should just turn you away, your memory whiped clean?

"N-no, please no, please don't turn me away. Please, I'm begging you. I need this, I never knew. I never knew I needed this before, please, I can't leave now. If you turn me away, who will ever give me this again? Please, do whatever you want, but please don't turn me away."

My heart jumped into my throat, it was amazing. She was amazing. So open, so honest, so wonderfully wanting, needing, willingly learning things about herself she never knew before. I undid her handcuffs and pulled her up to meet my eyes.

"And when it's all over? What do you want then?"

She looked down at her hands, then back up at my face,

"Maria, I want to be with you ... always. Turn me, don't turn me ... I don't care. Just ... keep me, even as a slave, or just to occasionally feed from when you don't feel like hunting."

I had never wanted a hunting partner before. Never wanted to share that part of myself ... seems like we were both finding things out about ourselves that night that we didn't know existed. I had never wanted those things, but, I did now.

I pushed her on all fours, I needed to know I could trust her, and I made sure that the stake was within easy reach for her. I took out my three sided cane and brought it down hard across her ass and back. I did it until I smelled a small trickle of blood roll off her back and onto my clean sheets. I leaned down and spoke into her ear,

"I've split your skin. I can smell the blood. Do you realize that I could bite you right now? The stake is right there, and my heart is bared. You could finish what you came here to do. You could do it right now, and be done with it. You have a choice to make."

I pulled my shirt open to reveal the top of my chest, and watched as she picked up the stake, raised her arm above her head, and threw it as hard as she could, embedding it in the opposite wall. Her hand grasped under my chin, and kissed me harder than I had ever been kissed.

I felt my teeth grow, and I felt her purposely run her tongue across the tip of it, cutting herself, and letting it drip into my mouth. I sucked at it, tasting her, Oh she was delicious. She pulled away,

"Do it. Do it, I want you to do it. I want to see things as you do, hear them, smell them, feel them as you do. Do it, I want to live forever, I want to live with you forever."

I looked into her eyes, a question in mine, an answer in the desperation in hers. My decision was made quickly,

"It will be painful after the bite. But, it will not last long, querida, and I will be here. I will hold you through it."

She nodded and nuzzled my neck, my ear, kissed my lips softly, then back to my neck and suddenly, she bit down ... hard. I growled low in my throat, my teeth at their full length, my eyes glowing, she smiled, bared her neck at me,

"That's more like it."

I slid one hand down and started to fuck her with my fingers, quickly, roughly, and as I felt her orgasm approach, I buried my teeth in her neck. She jerked once, twice, moaned, my name escaping her lips. Finally, she lay still ... and I knew, it was time. I used my tooth, made a gash in my wrist, and put it to her lips and she drank. Deeply, greedily, she drank. She drank until I felt myself growing weak.

"Enough! Enough, Ali!"

I jerked may wrist away from her mouth and watched as her mortal body died. She writhed and seized, but, within a few minutes it was over and she awakened, and sat up in bed. As I kissed this new, but familiar creature in front of me and felt her hand sliding up my skirt, the first words tumbled out of her mouth,

"I'm hungry, feed me, Maria."
© Copyright 2006 Benderjenn (benderjenn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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