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Chapter 1: Dead Wanderer I squinted, as my eyes finally adjusted to the glaring light of the sun. I looked around, quickly taking in my surroundings; I was in a boat, bobbing around in rhythm to the waves. It was a small boat…..a rowing boat perhaps? Then it dawned on me- I smacked my forehead- of course, we were travelling to Gladenn! Gladenn was a country to the west of Atcer, my home country. I remember the day we set out for Gladenn… We were in Lineham, my home town. “Are ya ready, Tim?” cried my friend; July - the second of our “trio”. “We’re about to go!” Still in bed, I realized what day it was January 1st! The day we set off! Jumping out of bed, I ran to my closet, pulling so hard on the handle the door almost came off it’s hinges. I grabbed my favourite clothes…they were the only ones left in my closet, so I quickly slipped into a vest, baggy trousers and jacket. I glanced in the mirror and saw an excited teenager, eagerly anticipating the trip ahead. His hair was an organised mess, waving here and there, yet still looking tidy and “cool”. His dark grey vest hung loosely on him, and his blue baggy bottoms were comfortable and easy to move in. Finally his black jacket with the “The Cosmic Sands” logo on the back (they were his favourite band), hovered about his waist, the collar touching his cheek. I smiled to myself, I looked good! I ran out of my bedroom, grabbing my bag which contained everything I would need. Charging down the stairs - skipping two steps, sometimes three and in a risky moment, four. I hastily reached the bottom. July was already there waiting. She had flowing, long, blond hair and deep blue eyes which if you gazed into, you would start to feel like you were in a trance. Today, she was wearing her favourite blue jeans, you know, the ones with the strategically placed rips ( I never did understand why people pay money for something that looks as if it is falling apart). She wore a simple but befitting black top, with the sleeves ripped off. It was tucked into her jeans. “You ready, yet?” she asked. “Just about.” I exclaimed. “O.K, then le-ts go!” At the dock, I met Leo. He was more or less the leader of the group. He had neat jet black hair and a strongly defined face, with a square jaw, making him appear older than his years. His eyes, at first glance, appeared seemingly fierce, maybe it was the orange of his iris, or his thick set eyebrows which made him look as if he was frowning all the time...? His body was muscular, although you wouldn’t know it, as he covered it with a long sleeved t-shirt and loose fitting trousers. “Are we ready?” he said in his familiar tone of voice, deep and mysterious. He sounded a little impatient. July and I nodded. “Then come on!” The small rowing boat rocked as we all climbed in. “Onward, we go!” I yelled excitedly. July sniggered quietly, and Leo just rolled his eyes. That was three days ago, and Gladenn is nowhere to be seen. My bag was feeling rather empty now, with most of the food and the drink had been consumed. The clothes, too, were worn and wasted, wrinkling up in the crispness of the sunshine. July and Leo were sleeping as usual! Whoever knew a strong guy could be such a loud snorer? However, inside my bag, there was one thing that was remotely useful at this time; A telescope. I reached into the dry bag, and pulled it out. Looking though the eyehole, and looking in random directions, I couldn’t see anything. Still nothing, again, nada, zip. In all directions, there was nothing but water. It almost made me thirsty… How ironic, gallons of water, but not a drop to drink… I had one last try with the telescope. I growled, as I saw the result was the same. There was no—Wait! Was that-?! Is it-? It can’t be! It- It is! “YEAH!” I jumped as I shouted, rocking the boat precariously. “Wha-?!” Asked a waking Leo, in confusion. “What? Why did you wake me?” He growled. “Us.” July said in an equally aggressive voice. “Look! There! In the distance!” I told them. July gasped, and Leo just stared. “It’s-!” Leo Started. “-Gladenn! Woo-hoo! We made it!” July shrieked with excitement. “Right, guys - and gals – We’ve gotta move on the double. Everyone rows now, no more taking turns.” He started to pace back and forth. “If someone is tired, you will work. If someone is sleepy, you will work. And so help me, If I hurt you because you’re not doing anything, you will work.” I gulped, and July looked slightly gob-smacked. “Well?!” With this tough and slightly unfair treatment, we started rowing. We did all learn one thing, though, Leo is a man of his word. When I was taking a breather, he hit me so hard, I fell overboard! Everything went blue, I couldn’t see anything. I was being smothered, I couldn’t breathe. I started trying to gasp, but instead of air I took in water, and it seemed to make me heavier, then… All went black. I looked around. I was on… a beach? Leo and July were nowhere to be seen. I looked down. And tried to scream. I was nowhere to be seen! And then it struck me. I’m dead… I’ve got to be… Is this what happens to dead people? Do they end up on a beach, with no body, or voice? Or - or what? What else could it be? I wandered endlessly on the beach. Suddenly, I heard a voice… “Where is he?” Muttered a soldier. “Quiet!” Snapped the captain. “He should be here by now. Our master said he would be.” The soldier muttered a few words under his breath. The captain glared in his direction. “Get me a `scope, I think I see something.” Ordered the captain. As commanded, a soldier handed it to him. Looking through it, he appeared to see something. I tried to see what he had found, but failed. “Right, he’s coming, so stand by, men.” He whispered quietly to someone on his right. An advisor? Whoever he was, he nodded to what I thought sounded something like “proceed as normal.” Then, I was catapulted through the air, catching no more of the conversation taking place. I was plummeting towards the deep sea - no, wait, a boat! My – body! I spluttered as the murky, salt water escaped my lungs. I was afraid of what I saw. As I looked into the eyes of Leo and July, I knew one thing. They wanted us. But something in my gut told me… It was me they were after. Chapter 2: Sacrifice for the Friends My friends had no idea of the nagging feeling, that was bothering the back of my brain. It was like a metal splinter, lodging itself, deeper and deeper still in my mind... Now and then, they shot at me worried glances, and I tried to smile. I'm pretty sure it wasn't very convincing, because they would smile back, with a shred of fear in their eyes. They were probably worried, because I was keeping my big mouth shut for once. "So, how close are we?" I pondered aloud. "Well, It shouldn't take too long, judging by Wind Strength." Leo Answered. "Also, look how close we are!" He pointed in front of us. He was right, it shouldn't take so long. I had been so worried about my little "vision", wading so deep in the sea of my mind, that I had forgotten that this trip was supposed to be fun. I turned my head towards July, who seemed to be avoiding my gaze. She quickly turned her head towards the sea in front, and turned a bright shade of red. I wondered why, but I had more important things to worry about. Suddenly, Leo yelled "Get Down!" I checked why, and instantly wished I hadn't... A black ball, no larger than my fingernail, seemed to be hurtling towards us. Then, It wasn't a fingernail any more... It was a full blown, head-on Cannonball of Death, screaming as it got close to us. I dove for cover on our tiny boat, which shook, as the cannonball shot above the boat. I was gasping; afraid and excited at the same time. I felt the adrenalin rushing though my muscles, making me stronger. It was hopeless, and yet, I still wanted this fight... I couldn't figure it out... My body had a mind of it's own, as it slowly stood up, ignoring the cries of it's friends: "Get down, fool!" Leo. "No! Don't!" July. But I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop my own body. As the next cannonball started to get closer, I finally got control of my body. I was shaking all over, and my fighter's brain seemed to disappear. But, I formulated a plan... It was getting closer. Nearer. Will I live? Rushing closer. Can I? I can't! But I can! It right on top of us... I take a few steps back... I fall over the boat, clutching my chest. I hold my breath, and smile. I hear my friends calling my name, and I think to myself, don't worry... I'll be waiting for you. I was in a bed. I looked around. I was in a hut... Well, I lived, that's a good thing, I thought. But Where - A person walked in. I hid under the sheets. It was a pretty stupid thing to do... "So.. You're finally awake." "Did you... save me?" "Nah, you saved yourself." He exclaimed. "You managed to dodge that Cannonball! I saw ya, and I swam out to get ya. 'soon as I surfaced, I couldn’t see no one." "No one?" "No one." My insides began to melt. I became worried, and feverish... Were they ok? I grabbed the bed hard... I hope so... because if they aren't, I'll never forgive myself... Chapter 3: Haunting of the Emotional Side I gazed out the window, becoming lost in my mind's thoughts again. Were they alright? I thought. It was like a dagger... piercing me with it's oh, so sweet pain. It made me feverish every time I thought of them... But what haunted me most... was that... It was all my fault. "Tim?" "Hm?" "Your breakfast?" The man pointed to it with his spoon. "Are you hungry?" "No, I'm afraid not..." He sighed a heavy sigh. "You're worried about them, aren't you?" I nodded, and tried to force back my tears. I knew this would happen... The tear drops hit the floor with a delicate splash. Why...? Why did this have to happen to me? Why was I so special? "Kid... I know you're upset. I would be too.." He suddenly got angry. "But sitting here moping is not going to help! You say you want to help you're freinds, right?" I got up from the breakfast table, and walked away from it, with my back to him. I nodded. "Well, then..." His voice then turned gentle, like a lion somehow morphing into a dove. "Do you know how to fight?" I turned my head to look at his smirking face. I gave him a questioning look. "I'll take that as a no..." He hit himself on his forehead. "Well, kid, I wanna help you out. And the only way you're gonna get them back, is by fighting them what took 'em." I thought about what he said... It was true. If them what - I mean - the ones that took them were killed... but... "Violence has never solved anything!" "Okay... kid, think 'bout what I said. If you want lessons... just ask." For the next few weeks, his proposal was all I could think of. It was like a post-it note... with extreme stickiness... No matter how hard I tried, it remained stuck to my fingers. Should I? Shouldn’t I? If I did, I would probably kill lots of innocent people. But then, the ones that took my friends aren’t exactly innocent… But… what - What would happen if I didn’t? Would they be killed? Are they already dead? If they are, then what point is there…? I sighed; I just couldn’t get my head around it. I couldn’t decide… yes? No? “WHAT DO I DO!?” I screamed. The tension was just too much to handle… I collapsed on to the floor. Leaning against my bed, I started sobbing in to my hands. I heard footsteps coming to my room. Slowly, yet surely, the sound was getting closer. The door handle squeaked as it turned. He entered the room. “I heard your scream, kid. You’ve been thinking for a long time, ain’t ya?” I nodded. “Kay, I’ll tell you the opportunity again. This time, though, I want your answer to come from the heart. Not your head.” I wondered what he meant. My heart? It can make decisions? I looked inside my heart frantically searching for what I wanted to say. Did it have enough courage – more than my mind – to accept? "The only way you're gonna get them back, is by fighting them what took 'em. I will be your tutor. I even have a wooden sword, for special occasions such as this.” I chuckled at his dry humour. It wasn’t particularly funny, but it was a mood lightener. However, in my heart, I was still searching, searching through piles and piles of rubbish, searching for my answer. It was so annoying-It even reminded me of a toy I lost in my bedroom. But I never found that toy… Will I even find an answer? “Sir, I accept.” “Good boy.” He helped me get to my feet. “Now training starts in half an hour.” “Wait, its starts today?” “Well, the longer we wait, the more chance we have of them being dead.” Chapter 4: The Untold Side note- This is just a transition. I did this because I thought a Tim training chapter would be a dull thing to read and write. That's why it's so short. Its only explaining what happened to his friends. Oh and sorry Charity, if It seems like I nicked your Idea, but I didn't know what else to do. ~Leo~ "Let me go!" I turned around, clenched my fist and landed it on the jaw of my attacker. "Nice one, Leo! July exclaimed. "Careful!" I yelled. They managed to grab her. "Get off her, Scum!" I lunged for her attacker, and punched him. He was knocked down, the blow was enough to knock him out. I spat on his limp body. The scene was ugly. A couple of knocked out soilders were around me, but the living ones were coming every second... I heard a scream, and whirled around. "Damn, woman, can't you fight?!" I muttered under my breath. She noticed, and replied "Now is NOT the time to argue!!" "Just throw a punch! You know, clench your fist and throw it!" "Can't be hard." She tried it out on thin air as I turned around. I kicked another guard, and watched him fall as I heard a scream. "OW!" "What?!" I asked urgently as another guard went down. "You didn't say that punching hurts!" I almost fell on the spot. "Fine, just run!" "But-" "I'll be right behind you!" I saw her ran off in the corner of my eye. ~July~ The beach was riddled with soldiers. The sand is hard beneath my feet. I wasn't running fast enough, they were catching up! I had to look for cover, But they're everywhere! Where could I go?! I couldn't find anywhere! Why did this have to happen to us? To me?! Is Tim alright? Never mind, I gotta get outta here! I ran up some stairs into the street, when I screamed. They were all there, in a circle, Surrounding me... Leo had been cuaght, and it appears I had too. I put up my hands. ~Leo~ She put up her hands. She was smart. A soldier ran to her, and trapped her hand with handcuffs. "Son of a..." I growled. I looked around; a couple of siege weapons, a ton of the army, and dragons circling in the air, all armed to the teeth with lethal weaponry. Who the hell did they think we were?! ...Was this because of Tim? Prison is much duller in real life... Leaning my back against the cold hard wall, I started thinking about what happened... What had happened?? How long had I been in here? Its got to be at least a month... I couldn't even remember if the marks I made on the wall meant hours, days or weeks... I yelled at the top of my voice. "Damn it, Tim, you coward! Taking the easy way out!" "He's not dead, you know! And it wasn't his fault!" July was quick to his defence, as usual. "Sorry, July, I was outta line there." "JUST SHUT IT!" Yelled the prison guard. ~July~ Prison?! For what?! What did I do?! I went on a trip with Leo and... Tim. I bit my lip, I hope he's alright... I saw him as he dodged the cannonball, but what on earth was he thinking?! He'd already been in the water once; and when he did he came up all... weird... As if he knew something was about to happen... Leo yelled at the top of his voice. "Damn it, Tim, you coward! Taking the easy way out!" "He's not dead, you know! And it wasn't his fault!" July was quick to his defence, as usual. "Sorry, July, I was outta line there." I agreed with him, he was. He knew I liked him. "JUST SHUT IT!" Yelled the prison guard. But, did he... know about this? Is he the reason that I'm in this godforsaken cell?! Darn it, Tim... I can't stay angry at you; even if this is all your fault... I sighed, and tried to think, but all I heard was the beating of my own heart. The cogs in my brain just weren't turning... Suddenly, I heard a scream from the prison guard. But the words were unintellible. Then, I heard Tim... Chapter 5: Bane of Success I clutched the sword tightly in my hands. I hated what I was about to do. I lifted it above my head. I bought it down. Fast. "NO! Please, don't!" the prison guard cried. I should have stopped, but I didn't... The prison guard slumped to the floor; the gash in his head was too big for him to possibly survive. His tears were mixing with his blood as they spread across the floor. I looked away, the sight was just too much. Why had I done this? I thought back to just a few weeks ago, what happened? Have I really changed that much? I walked further into the prison, checking each cell for signs of July or Leo. Instead, I saw men and women in drags, screaming, and sometime even crying their innocence. There miles of them, miles on end of cells. Where were they?! I screamed in frustration at the top of my voice, hitting a wall with my fist. It was only when I heard the footsteps when I realised that that was a bad idea. "FREEZE!" A soldier yelled. I recognised him instantly. It was the captain from my "vision". But on looking closer, I noticed something else; he looked remotely like the old man who had helped me... He smiled smugly; I couldn't be him! He was kind... but maybe- "Drop your sword!" He sneered. "Then you won't get hurt." He even sounded remotely like him. I outstretched my arms, sword still in hand, and again I saw him smile. I hope this works. I dropped the sword. Time seemed to be on my side; it appeared to slow down as I twirled around as fast as I could, positioning my hand to catch the sword. Had I got it right? Will grab it?! YES! I dashed toward the nearest soldier, holding my sword with two hand, pointing outwards. Unlucky for him, he was cut clean in two. He didn't even have time to scream. "GET HIM!" Yelled the captain. They were armed to the teeth. There were at least thirty of them. And then there was me. I attacked a lot of them, but I only slayed a few. I knew it was hopeless. I dropped my sword. The clang of it hitting the ground seemed to ring alarm bells in all the solders heads, they all stopped dead in their tracks. There was a couple second silence as the blood oozed out of the dead body’s' solders. I felt nothing for them; they seemed to lifeless to be human beings. Then he chuckled. " Clever boy. Or maybe it would be more appropriate if I were to say it like this:" His voice changed to that of the old man. "Clever boy." It was him.. but.. why? Why did he... he save me? If he was... going to kill me later...? The captain clapped his hands, and his men flickered as they - wait, flickered?! "An... illusion?" He chuckled once more. The solider had disappeared now, and so had all the blood. "Yes... like your friend, I too posses the power of magic- oops, I said too much!" He said sarcastically. "What?! Magic? But? My Friend?!" He chuckled again. "STOP IT!" I yelled. He unsheathed his sword as he said "It's really too bad I didn't teach you all I know." I was surprised any of his training was real. He must have noticed because he also said “Yes, it was. It's how I fight." He was in the same stance that was in while we were training; so at least he wasn't lying about that. I picked up my sword from the once blood-stained floor. I didn't want to be like him in any way possible; yet it looks like I'll have to use the way he taught me, if I'm to win... This was going to be hard... Chapter 6: Awakening I rushed towards him; a move he taught me. He defended simply by moving his blade in the way of mine. I moved mine left forcing his out the way; he may have more knowledge, but age was on my side. He ducked as I swung for his head. Instinctively, I jumped back; dodging his thrust for my stomach. It missed by mere millimetres. I responded by quickly trying to uppercut the captain, but he had anticipated this move, he blocked it; the same way I had in training; And I knew I was vulnerable to attack. I tried to turn, but he managed to slash my arm. I clutched it, trying to hold the blood in; and calm the pain. It was hard to ignore. He took a few steps backwards, and waved his hand; it was odd, it appeared to glow a golden colour… I heard a sound next to me, and turned to see prison bars rushing towards me at full speed. Once again, my body appeared to have a mind of it’s own, or maybe it was the adrenalin rush? Either way, I cart wheeled backwards, my feet hit the wall, and I launched myself over the bars. In the air, I did a somersault, and landed in a crouched position: I wondered what I had just done, and judging by the Captain’s ace, so was he. “It’s-It’s happening!?” He growled. I saw true fear in his eyes. He was breathing rapidly. “What are you talking about?!” I yelled menacingly. He calmed down. “Nothing…” he growled. He readied himself again. “But I were you, I wouldn’t get too cocky…” I bared my teeth.. What is happening?! I thought… I’m not the guy I was a month ago… I readied myself as he charged; dodge, swing, blocked, swing, dodged, swing, blocked, locked together. He laughed, “I knew you were no match for me!” Suddenly, I didn’t feel human, I had a headache, and I felt dizzy… I broke out of the lock we had put each other in. He looked surprised, but I didn’t care; I thrust for his heart… And hit the target. I realised what I had done… and turned from the gruesome sight… His words as he slumped to the floor haunted me as I walked away. “It’s… here…” |