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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Drama · #1084831
A story about a girl who finds herself through a simple stranger
Chapter 1

His quietness intrigued me, Maybe that’s why I'm on this bus that goes somewhere... I'm not sure where it goes. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure of anything now. Why am I doing this? Just because he reminded me of my dead brother, Jay; I should just go ahead and follow him around wherever he goes, Confused? Let me recap

my name is Sarah Joseph (yes I'm the same Sarah from the ghost chronicles) and I am 13yrs old (This was before Brianna moved in with us).

My brother Jay died when he was 16. He was killed by a drunk driver. Now I’ve just entered eight grade and everything was going fine. Then I saw Mystery kid (I didn’t find out his name till after the story). He was in the seventh grade and he looked like a childhood Jay, so I decided to trail him. Stupid... huh?

I just couldn’t let go of the fact that Jay was dead and now that’s why I’m on this stupid bus.

And I have to get home before 4:00 before my mother puts out a missing persons alert. I'll explain that all later.

If a stalker was a profession, I'd have a future job. What I mean is that it’s been about a week and I been following him outside of school and randomly appearing in most of his classes. either He's really dumb or I’m really good at this.

Chapter 2

I’m going to take this chapter to THOURGHLY explain everything and if you want to skip this chapter. But don’t blame me if you go ahead and you get lost because you don’t know what’s going on. then the smart thing to do is to go back and read this chapter.=) and if you still don’t get it... You’re just sad.

Well I guess I'll start off with Jay. Me and him were like two peas in a pod. We were close. He was my best friend, he was perfect, and he was the best. He was never embarrassed when we were with his friends. He also taught me how to play football or make a three pointer. He also stood up for me whenever someone teased me.

He got straight A's, was quarterback for the football team. All I got was D's and F’s. Only good grades were for English, Gym and Computers. Plus I got all U's (Unsatisfactory) for conduct.

I was however the center for our basketball team.

Then there was the accident, the one that ruined all of our lives and ended Jay's. I swear that the drunk driver should be glad I wasn’t there; otherwise I would beat the living hell out of him. Sorry for the profanity but you will never understand my pain. You see I was pissed at first then all my emotion just swirled into this huge tornado of sadness, depression and emptiness that was eating my heart up and shredding it up to tiny microscopic pieces.

Just imagine how hard it was for my mother, he was the good one. But after his death she stopped bagging on me. Instead she’s got intense separation anxiety. Only reason she gave me a cell phone was to call me every 10 seconds. I could be right in front of her and she still would want to know where I was.

So how did I meet Mystery kid? It was during a fire drill and when I saw him I swear I blacked out. It was like looking at a photograph of Jay when he was 12. I took another look at him and thought immediately that Jay must have took over someone’s body. That’s when my psycho stage kicked in, I started making friends with his teachers, memorizing his schedules and following him.

I’ve taken stalker and obsesses ion and brought to a whole new level.

Chapter 3

so I bet you are wondering "How was I able to keep this a secret?" (And if you are not, too bad I'm going to tell you anyway.) Well I wasn’t, on the first day I told my Friend Karla that he looked my favorite music star, I didn’t tell her I was a stalker. Wouldn’t want her to think I’m crazy now, would I? It seems like I have to lie to everyone, my friend, my mom and my teachers. If this mystery kid is really Jay, My work better be rewarded.

Plus I think my little white lie bonanza might end soon enough. (So let’s go back to the beginning of the story where I’m on the bus)

So I’m looking at the kid through the bus and he's really quiet. I wonder if Jay was quiet on the bus if he was alone. What am I thinking, am I on something? Dead people can’t take over humans!

So I got off at the local train stop and and took the local home even though it was only one stop. I had tutoring tomorrow and I was hoping to get someone to tutoring. Let’s see: What the lesson I've learned today? Whatever I’m smoking I've definitely got to stop!

Chapter 4

Damn! I've got to stop sleeping late. The horns honking, moms yelling and the assignment I stayed up late to finish are still on my dinner table. Well at least I wasn’t late but when I got there, everybody had a kid or was partnered with someone else. Except for one kid.....You want to guess who it is?

Chapter 5

If you guessed Mystery kid, you guessed right!!!

Yup he was there and me and him got partnered. Wow I thought to myself as he sat down and took out his assignment. I had to say something “hi my name is Sarah, what’s your name?" He replied simply "Jonathan" I checked his homework. Everything was right, except for the social studies. Jay also sucked at social studies. I thought to myself" Calm down just a coincidence"

I asked him if he was in Sigma. (Honors program)

He said he wasn’t, so I asked him "whose class are you in?" He said “Ms. Kakeji's class"

"No Duh I've only been following you “I thought

"Are you new, I haven’t seen you before?" I asked

"Yeah, I moved here in August"

"Omg, That’s when my brother died!"

I didn’t realize I unfortunately murmured it.

"What!" Jonathan said

" I’m sorry, my brother jay died in a car accident this past August"

" Oh I’m sorry"

"Its Ok"

There was a deafening silence until the bell for 1st period rang.

"Goodbye Sarah, I'll see you tomorrow."

I just sat there hoping my tears wouldn’t spill out of my eyes.

Chapter 6
The day passed by and my mind was wandering like usual. I was thinking about Jay and why did HE have to go? Why couldn’t it be someone else? He didn’t deserve to die. I was also thinking about Jonathan. It turns out his full name was Jonathan Bradbury. Then a voice appeared “Sarah, Sarah, and Earth to Sarah”
I’m like “What, huh?”
That voice said again “You daydreaming?”
I finally snapped out of it to realize that it was Christopher, the guy that sat next to me in Social Studies. He was really nice and cute. And maybe…I may have… liked him and all. But I was definitely sure that he did not like me. He was cool and popular, and I ..Wasn’t.
“So are you ok, Sarah?”
“Yeah I’m ok?”
“Are you sure?”
I liked Christopher on the account of many things. He was cute (unbelievably), though he wasn’t brilliant (but hey neither was I) but he wasn’t retarded. He was somewhere near the middle. (Like me!) And whenever I was sad or wanted to be depressed, he always did something to cheer me up or make me laugh hysterical that I would get in trouble.

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