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Harry Potter Anita Blake crossover |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Anita Blake books or the Harry Potter books; I’d probably die from a heart attack if I did. A/N: warnings are well there will probably be slash and other vague sexual scenes but that’s about it. The story is pretty dark and it has a few dark themes like blood fetishes in it but nothing to major. This is a HP/AB crossover and I hope you like it. Blah- parseltongue or Harry speaking with Neferite ‘Blah’- thoughts or telepathy Blah- Other languages Blah- Necromancers Cant The Lost Ch.1: Wanted After the war the light side tried desperately to find their weapon and savior Harry Potter the boy-who-lived. No one knew what really happened that fateful night that Voldemort fell, and because of this the most powerful being in the wizarding world disappeared without a trace. !3:00 am.! In a place halfway across the world from wizarding Great Britain a young boy who had just turned eighteen stalked the dark streets of St. Louis in the hopes of finding something entertaining to do. Suddenly a soft hissing came from the boy, well to every one else it sounded like hissing to the boy the hisses were simply his Familiar Neferite trying to hold a conversation with her Master. It’s late Master, is there a reason we’re traipsing through these dark not to mention dank allies? On the full moon no less. I’m bored. the boy hissed back with a slight shrug. Harry you’ve been bored since we left England. Hell you’ve been bored since you killed Tom. I know Nef but I can’t help it, my schooling does shit for me out here in the real world. Sure I killed one of the greatest evils known to man but it’s not like I can even get a job now. replied a beautiful, dark, Harry Potter. The chains on his bondage pants clinking slightly as he headed for the main street which civilians transversed completely unaware of the green eyed god that stood so near them. You never know until you try Master. Hn . . maybe, but where to start? Don’t, what do your kind call them? Muggles? Don’t they have wanted ads posted somewhere? Fine Neferite, just stop harping about it, I’ll get a damned job. That’s my boy. !6:00 am.! A Circus? You want me to apply at a Circus? It’s that or a strip club. Can’t I just be a waiter? Well yeees, but that’s beside the point. Harry toke a sip of his coffee as he looked through the want ads in the local rag. Snorting softly he answered his familiar as he left the Starbucks he had been holed up in for the past three hours startling a young woman who was fiddling with her braided hair. You just want to see me in a clown costume. he drawled as he checked the street signs. You have to admit it would be pretty funny. Harry gave a soft chuckle as he found the street the club from the paper was located on; discreetly tilting his head slightly to the side to keep an eye on the woman with the braid that was following him. Ch.2: Forward March Anita was not one to follow complete strangers around her city just because they were muttering to themselves. The thing about the raven haired boy she was stalking now like one of her weres’, was that he was muttering to himself in the lamian tongue that she hated so much. And that just rubbed her the wrong way because she knew it was impossible for such a thing to happen; that creature Melanie at the circus was supposed to be the last of her kind after all. Anita blinked slightly in surprise as the boy entered Guilty Pleasures which she knew for a fact was closing down at this hour. Well curiosity killed the cat and all that so she followed the kid inside. !Inside! “Hi, I’m here about the ad in the paper.” ‘Holy shit’ Anita thought ‘the kids freaking British.’ “What position came a gruff voice.” “I don’t really know sir, I can clean after hours or do dishes, I’m not really looking for a well paying job I just need something to occupy my self with for the time being.” “ . . . . Alright kid I do need another janitor, come back tonight at midnight and you can have an interview with the owner.” “Thank you sir.” Anita quickly stepped into a shadow by the door to let the kid pass and followed him through to the street after a moment. But when she got there the kid had vanished. Now what? Harry grumbled as he tugged his trench coat so it wrapped around him making him seem small and hunched over. What do you mean Master? I mean what do we do tell midnight? Well they do seem to have a lot of graveyards around this place, and you haven’t played your flute in ages. Harry seemed startled by this as he almost bumped into a man reading a newspaper. “Sorry sir.” He murmured You want me to call the Lost! Here? Now? You do relies that whatever may answer will probably try to kill me like Rage did? But Master you tamed him and became his Master just as you have done all the others. Besides they are yours, you need to take care of them and not leave them wandering for extended amounts of time. Remember Halloween of 1997? Ya those were the good times. Harry purred dreamily Hsssss, stop being a prick Harry! Just because you got laid does not mean it was a good time for everyone else. Hey it’s not my fault Rage didn’t tell me angels went thru heat cycles. You didn’t ask! Fine Neferite I’ll call the damned Lost. If anyone dies, I’m blaming you . . . especially if it’s me that’s dead. Ya like anyone’s going to believe you when you try to frame your pretty silver necklace for murder. They might if they knew that that wasn’t your true form. Lucky for them they don’t. Soooo . . ya know any good cemeteries? Smells like grave-dirt half a mile ahead Thanks Nef. “I swear the kid was talking to himself in lamian.” Anita shouted at Jean-Claude. “Very well mon cher if that is what you believe, we can find out tonight when you help me interview the boy at the club.” “Fine!” she hissed, Anita hated being bossed around by the vampire but she wasn’t going to pass up a chance at interrogating the kid. She didn’t even know the boy and yet she already distrusted him. She wanted to fell bad about being so prejudice but she couldn’t quite get there. As she was about to leave Jean-Claudes’ office at the Circus of the Damned, Anita felt a warm fuzzy feeling raise up in her chest and then bubble over to settle into her abdomen where it seemed to tickle her navel pulling her . . . . “What the hell?” she murmured before she heard distantly the sound of a flute playing. Slowly picking up tempo until it pulled her into it. “Anita! Anita! Snap out of it damn it!” That sharp voice cut through the music’s spell like sharp blades thru silk. Slowly Anita blinked and tried to focus on the person shaking her. “Jason? Wha’ happened?” “You tell me, you were freaking glowing like you had a holy-item arsenal shoved down your throat!” “I . . . I was being called by something.” She looked at the ruffled werewolf carefully. “something that felt like Home.” Ch.3: Regret Harry stared through half lidded emerald eyes as the music of his flute pulsed and twisted through the graveyard enticing the strange creatures that had answered his call to forget their mortal troubles and leap at the sound of their Masters song. He was safety, he was home; and as Harry Potter played his melody beings such as Angels, the Fey, mortals, magic users, and spirits writhed before him swaying and leaping to his call that ensnared them all. He felt a tickling sensation from his neck as his familiar, seemingly trapped in the guise of a silver snake shaped choker, sprang to life and slithered down his shirt tell she could use his leg as a pole to get to the ground. In a flash of gold and silver light Neferite took the form of a small girl with a daisy-chain crown on her blond head and huge cornflower blue eyes that sparkled with laughter as she giggled and threw herself into the melee. After awhile, a tall specter with huge fluffy black and white wings separated himself from the dance that flowed around century old tombstones. ‘Master . . .’ ‘Yes Rage?’ came the response though Harry continued playing his flute. ‘Why were we called?’ ‘I needed to reaffirm the bonds that keep the Lost safe and hidden. Tom may be dead but that does not mean we will stay safe forever. I am taking the precautions my predecessor did not.’ ‘You mean when Lokie escaped and began eating the souls of mortal children?’ ‘Yesss, I will not allow that to happen again if I can help it. It’s better to keep the Lost enthralled then to have them revert to the ‘gods’ they once were.’ ‘You do realize that the reincarnations that you call here are reformed beings for the most part?’ ‘Ya, but they still have access to their power and I shudder to think what some egomaniac may be able to accomplished with one of my Lost at their disposable even an untrained one.’ ‘Is that why you never told your Headmaster what you were Master?’ ‘Mostly; you may have aided me in the final battle but if Dumbledore had had access to any of the Lost I don’t think he would have just ‘died peacefully’ at the end of the war like he did.’ ‘He died by your sword Master.’ ‘By my sword.’ Agreed Harry a single tear falling down his cheek as he continued playing. The music pulsed around the room causing Harrys bones to hum pleasantly as fangirls screamed their appreciation for the half naked men on the stage. He made his way to the bar to find the man he had spoken with that morning poring a red liquid that had a faintly metallic scent, into two tall-mirrored glasses. “Hello sir.” The man looked up and squinted at Harry for a moment before his eyes widened and he started stuttering. “O . . oh I . .it’s you kid, er . . . w . . wait a . . a moment and I’ll g . . get someone to take y . . ya to the o . . owner.” ‘what the bloody hell??’ thought a confused Harry as he watched the man pick up a phone behind the bar and send him terrified glances. ‘he didn’t act this way earlier today.’ Soon a tall stock man that stank of grave dirt (according to Neferite who was once again curled around his neck looking like harmless jewelry.) came and led him into the basement of the building. “Is he here yet?” Jason whined like a puppy denied a treat. “No.” “. . .” Silence reigned for all of five seconds. “How about now?” “No damn it! And if you ask one more time I swear I’ll . . .” Anita was cut off as Requiem entered the basement room followed by a small boy whose form and general shape was drowned out by a leather duster coat and baggy black bondage pants. His face though was in clear view for the first time to Anita. Shaggy black hair that was barely restrained in a ponytail at the nape of the kids neck, porcelain white skin that was marred slightly by a zigzag shaped scar on his forehead, full rose tinted lips, and his most distinguishing feature; his eyes, pure emerald, so vivid the seemed to glow with an inner light. Suddenly Jean-Claude’s voice spoke from the shadows of the office. “Ah so good of you to be on time for your interview Monsieur . . . .” “Evans, Case Evans. And thank you sir for allowing me this chance for an interview.” “Think nothing of it ma enfant, now allow me to introduce myself and mon amies. I am Jean-Claude, this is ma petit Anita Blake, and to your left is my wolf and my pomme de sang Jason. I believe you have already met Requiem.” “Apple of blood? What do you mean by that?” questioned Harry “He is my donor.” “You’re a vampire then?” “Of course did you not know that this club is owned by the Master of the City?” “But you’re the Owner.” Harry stated, an uncomfortable feeling raising up inside of him. “Oui.” “Oh.” ‘Crap.’ Ch.4: Rage “Look, I’m sorry but I think I should leave. I’m not really comfortable getting involved in the whole magical hierarchy thing.” “Funny you should say that, ma petit has told me of your rather unusual talents, and I must admit I am quite curious about you Mr. Evans.” “Curiosity killed the cat.” Harry murmured before speaking in a louder voice even though he was positive that every single supernatural being in the room had heard him. “And what exactly does Mrs. Blake know about me? I don’t believe I’ve ever met her before.” “It’s Ms. Blake Mr. Evans. I saw you earlier today leaving the club, and speaking to yourself in Lamian.” Anita snapped out as she stood up and started pacing. “Pardon?” “Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about!” Anita hissed stabbing a finger at the wide eyed boy. “I can’t and won’t believe that you didn’t realize you were hissing to yourself in public!” Realization seemed to dawn in the young wizards eyes, and then suddenly they narrowed and seemed to take on an unholy light. “I don’t see how that is any of your business ma’am. I do not know you, nor at this point in time do I particularly wish to.” “Ah, but ma petit is my human servant and I am the Master of this city, and since this is my city I must say that your presence here is rather unusual, especially since most beings know better than to intrude on a vampires territory without permission.” “Then I must ask you to forgive my forwardness in trying to start over in a new place. I regret to say my last home will no longer welcome me.” “And why is that ma enfant? Surly someone of your . . . appearance would be welcome in any country.” “I never said that they were a smart people, only that there is a mutual reluctance to be on the same general landmass. Now if you will excuse me . . .” Harry turned away to leave. “Not so fast.” Said Anita as she stepped in front of the boy. “What do you want now? I said already that I don’t care for your games!” “Actually I only require two things from you Mr. Evans.” Jean-Claude said benignly. “And let’s pretend for a moment that I care!” Snarled Harry as he turned to face the vampire once more, power pulsed outward from him like a ripple in a pond. “What is it that you desire of me leech? I tell you know that I will not harm you or yours unless provoked, and you are dangerously close to doing that now, sir!” “That is one thing yes, but also, I need your word that you will at the very least try to control your temper along with your magic. I realize ma petit can be aggressive at times but I hope you won’t hold that against her. As for the job you wanted you might want to consider something a little more then being a waiter, in fact I have an opening for an assistant open if you prefer.” For a moment the boy just stood there and blinked but then his shoulders began to shake right before he burst out laughing. “Well played sir,” ‘Case’ gasped out as he whipped tears from his eyes. “I will think on it.” He final grunted out, and with a crack of thunder, he was gone. Anita suddenly smelled blood when the boy had made his exit, reaching up she wiped at her mouth, only for the back of her hand to come away smeared with the blood that was pouring from her nose. And for some reason the sight of it hit her badly, causing her eyes to roll up and her body to fall limply to the ground ignorant of the cries of shock coming from around her. |