Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1084126-Uh-oh
Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #1084126
contest entry/299 words
Bill Johnson had a problem, he had a date with a pretty girl tonight and if he didn’t get this last delivery done quickly he was going to be late. It was his own fault though, this stop he had taken a little extra time flirting with the new bartender. That was beginning to be a big problem on this delivery route, half of the places he stopped were dance clubs. Most of them had young pretty bartenders and waitresses and Bill was a terrible flirt.

His date tonight was a pretty waitress he met just last week at the new club on Wilshire. He had been looking forward to tonight ever since. The gorgeous bartender he had been flirting with today was a blonde beauty new hire though, and was definitely nice! Before he realized it he was almost an hour past his scheduled delivery to Romano’s, all the way on the edge of Chinatown. This was going to be tricky, but as he jumped aboard the cab and fired the truck up he figured if he took the exit off Birmingham he could still make it and get unloaded before he was in too much trouble.

Checking the mirror Bill flipped on the turn signal, pulling forward into traffic. Just as he settled back into his seat he heard a muffled crash and tinkle of glass, behind him he heard the first blare of horns. Startled, he let the beer truck stall in the widening puddle of beer.

“Oh God, nooooo!” he thought, “I didn’t close the trailer door!”

Bill let out a big sigh and opened the cab door, stepping over the puddles, hearing the sirens wailing in the background he knew he had one big mess to clean up!
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