Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1083810-Secret-Garden
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1083810
Friendship turns into a first love. Please R&R.
It was the most beautiful day. The sky was clear, lightly blue in color, with clouds glazing ever so lightly. It was warm evening, with light, brisk, crispy summer air. It was as though a scene from some magical place. A place full of tall grown trees, and the most exquisite flowers ever seen on this earth. It was a place known to only two souls on earth. Lyn and Jamie.

They have been best friends ever since Jamie’s family have moved into the area 4 years ago. Jamie and Lyn were both only 8 years old. It wasn’t an immediate friendship though. Jamie was a pain in the ass. He liked teasing Lyn around and ran after her, grabbing her long ponytail. While it was quite obvious that Jamie was trying to get Lyn’s attention, Lyn wasn’t one to notice. She found him to be the most obnoxious boy around. The boy who would never leave her alone.

Being 12 now, and having been friends for 4 long years, neither of them seemed to remember how the friendship actually started. Whether it was Jamie who stopped bugging her or Lyn who became more lenient they don’t seem to be able to remember. But somehow, as through some magic spell they became best friends. Friends that shared everything with each other, and couldn’t spend one moment in time away from each other. And while they don’t remember exactly how their friendship started, they both vividly remember the day they found their secret sanctuary.

They were both 10 years old. It was a rainy, summer day. The sky was gray, and the darkness was inevitable, even though it was only 4 in the afternoon. The rain started light, only a couple droplets at a time, but then suddenly it was as though mother nature was in incredible fury and decided to take it out on earth. “Jamie, lets go, its pouring buckets, we have to get home!” Lyn yelled.
“Alright, alright, I’m coming”
“Oh Jamie, you know how angry my parents are going to be when I get home soaked.” She said in anger as they started walking home.
“Come this way!”
“That’s not on our way home, Jamie!”
“I’m telling you come this way, it’s a shortcut, and there are more trees, we won’t get as wet.”
“I remember the last time we decided to take a shortcut Jamie, we came home so late, my parents were never going to let me out again.”
“Oh common, I promise this will be faster” – he said as he grabbed her arms and pulled her into the wooded area of the park. He kept on dragging her, tightly holding her arm.
“If you get me lost…” – she started saying, but she stopped, her breath caught in her lungs.
In front of them was the most magnificent site in the world. It was a secret garden, furnished with beautiful trees, exquisitely beautiful flowers that smelled like a combination of the sweetest scents found on planet earth. It was a place where the air was fresh, the smell was pure, and the time stood still. The rain seemed to quite down, and they couldn’t take their eyes of the magnificent sight. Jamie still stood there holding Lyn’s arm, gently squeezing now.
“It’s… It’s magnificent!” – she managed to blurt.
“I know.” – he answered. There was also quietly floating river, hidden right behind the two huge cheery trees. They were glorious, seemed as if they were standing there for over 100 years. The lake also had a tree trunk lying right across it, enabling the cross between the two sides. It was a magical place, a place that seemed to only exist in storybooks, fairy tails, fit for only the most mysterious adventures.

Jamie finally managed to get his eyes off the clear water in the lake, and looked at Lyn. Her eyes had the most beautiful sparkle in them, the sparkle of such joy, mystery and worship for the place they had just discovered. A place he knew they will hold as their secret for life. Her beautiful lips were curved into a gentle smile and her hair was softly flowing in the brisk air. Jamie didn’t know what was more beautiful, her or the magical garden. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a jerk before we became friends.” He quietly whispered to her. “This makes up for it.” She whispered back. His lips too curved into a gently smile. He knew this was a friendship that will last a lifetime.

The secret garden became their new home. A home they shared together. In the summer they swam in the clear river, and in the winter they made snow angels and snowmen, but they never shared the location of their secret place with anyone. It was theirs and only theirs. It has been two years since they discovered their own little haven, but the miraculous place still has not lost its enchantment. It was a place where time stood still. Where every moment seemed like it could last a lifetime, and no moment was ever unhappy.

It was their regular routine. They would go to school, and the second the 3 o’clock bell rang they would run out and run to their magical home. They would then spend hours playing there and would go home for dinner. But that fateful day was like no other. It was a day that would shatter what both of them held dear to their hearts, their friendship. As soon as school was over, Jamie came to meet Lyn by her class.
“Okay, I’m ready, let’s go” – she said. They started walking toward the park.
“Lyn, I need to tell you something,” He quietly said, with an almost shaking voice.
“What’s wrong, Jamie, you sound upset?” He couldn’t say anything.
“Common Jamie, you know you could tell me anything,” –she reassured him.
“Its not that I can’t tell you, it’s just that I don’t know how to tell you.”
She looked at him trying to reassure him even more.
“Let’s go sit on the bench.”
“Of course” –she replied
“I – I don’t know how to say this. And I want you to know that your friendship meant so much to me.” – he said, whispering, shaking, and speaking slowly, not being able to look her in the eyes.
“Meant? Geez Jamie, you sound like your dying.” – she said, then looked at him.
His face grew gray in color, and his eyes started tearing.
Lyn grew horrified.
“No, I am not dying, but what I have to tell you is equally bad. I’m – I… I’m moving.”
Lyn couldn’t control herself, she started crying and she couldn’t manage to get one word out. She felt as if part of her heart has been ripping out. She was only 12 and never did she actually have such a strong connection with anyone. Never did she have such a great friend, someone who she knew she would miss uncontrollably. He put his arm around her and she leaned on his shoulder. They didn’t move. She slowly took her head off of his shoulder and looked straight into his eyes. They had tears in them, tears that he wouldn’t dare shed. He knew he had to be strong, for her, for both of them. She took his hand and started saying something, “Jamie…” but she couldn’t manage to get one more word out.
“I know Lyn. I don’t know what I’ll do without you. You’re my best friend” – he said, gently stroking her hand.
“Jamie, I – I never had a friend like you…I.. I can’t…I have…I need…”
“I love you Lyn.”
“I- I love you too Jaime.” She whispered in his ear.
He hugged her gently and softly brushed his lips against hers.
“I have to go” –she said and ran off into the distance.
He desperately wanted to go after her. Wanted to run, catch her in his arms, hold her, and never let her go. Bu he knew that he couldn’t. He had to give her time. He had to let her be alone.

It’s been a whole week since Jamie has seen Lyn, he called her a few time, but her mom said she was sick, and she hasn’t been in school. He knew where he could find her, but since she hasn’t tried to get to him, he knew she wanted to be alone, so he let her. But it has been too long. He was leaving in 2 days, and he desperately needed to see her. He quickly ran to the park, and started walking towards their secret nest. But realized as he got closer and closer, his feet stumbled and he was slowing down more and more. He finally reached the river. She was sitting there, looking more beautiful then ever. Although her body was young and under developed she had the most delicate features, and she was breathtaking. He started approaching the tree trunk where she was sitting. Her most favorite place in the garden. It was as though the tree trunk was curved to specially fit, just like a bench.
“I didn’t want to see you” – she said
“I’m leaving in two days”
“I know” tears started running her face
He took her hands in his. “I don’t want to leave like this”
“We’ve already said everything that could have been said. What more do you want from me?”
“I want to promise you that someday we’ll meet again. Someday, on this very bench. I will come back for you.”
She looked him deep into his eyes. “You promise?” she asked
“I promise”
And so they’ve separated. He left with one last hug, and knew that his life was starting anew. He knew the life he loved, and came to treasure he was leaving behind. His best friend, their secret garden, everything he ever had.

And so, each were forced to begin a new life. Jamie moved to some distant town. A place that was nothing comparing to where he lived with Lyn. The school was a rut, and the people were plainly boring. Lyn also became more of a loner. After Jamie, she felt no one was worth her time. She visited the secret garden less often than she used too, simply because it reminded her so much of Jaime that it became painful to be there. She cried often and wished that he would come back for her. Jaime did much the same. Neither managed to get friends, not because they didn’t like anyone, they just felt nothing could ever replace the bond that they shared. Their friendship was as magical as their secret haven.

A year went by, and Lyn started high school. She felt lonelier than ever. Oh, how she wished Jamie could be there. And Jamie, same as Lyn, wished the same after his first day at Ronsvelt High. They wished that one day, fate would bring them back together. Soon hope became all they lived on everyday, and the misery was unbearable. The pain never went away, and so each came to the conclusion that fate wasn’t on their side.

Another couple of years went by. One day, as Lyn was sitting by the river, suddenly the sky became dark, it started to rain fiercely, but only for a few seconds. Immediately the sky became clear and she saw the most magnificent rainbow. It was a wakeup call for her. She decided that she could no longer live her life, thinking of Jaime every single minute. It was tearing her apart. She made the decision to get over it, and she did. She was growing and developing and was becoming more beautiful than ever. The boys in school were going crazy over her and she was beginning to make more friends. She went out on dates, but soon enough realized that boys just wanted to take advantage of her. But she never let herself think of Jaime. She believed she made him out to be something totally perfect in her mind. It wasn’t fair to judge everyone to something she will never have again. And so she never did. She just moved on. She rarely allowed herself to visit the secret garden, it was a reminder of the life she will never have again. She went there only on nights when she was so upset she needed some quiet place to rest. A place no one knew about. Except Jaime of course. And while she moved on, whenever she went to the garden, there was always that hope. The hope that Jaime would one day show up. After all he did promise her, but she was older now, after all a girl of 16 does not just believe what a boy told her when she was only 12.

Jaime, on the other hand, was not like Lyn. He never did make any close friends. As for dating, there were a few girls, but not any he ever considered seriously. He always compared them to perfect Lyn, and while he knew it was unfair, he couldn’t control himself. Every night he went to sleep wondering what she was doing, what she looked like now, after all it has been 4 years. He fell asleep sad and miserable every night, knowing that he might never get to see Lyn again. He was becoming quite handsome, with big, broad, slightly muscular shoulders, but he never let himself believe that. He thought he looked as he felt-miserable, small, heartbroken.

He moved a few more times during the 4 years they have been separated, and everyday he wished that fate would spare him the pain, and would bring him back to Jaime. But soon enough he realized that that wasn’t going to happen. He lived only off of hope, but he had very little of that left. He knew how sad he felt inside, and felt as if the world should have been the same. He wished for rainy days, because those made him feel on level with the earth. After all, it was much easier being sad on depressing, rainy days. Yet the rain never came. For 4 years he hasn’t seen a good, rainy day. Yes, there were drops here and there, but for no longer than an hour or so, and never enough. He forced himself to believe that it must have just been some dry season. But it has been 4 years. The whole world was against him. The world and the gods. Not only did they take away his precious Lyn, but now they took away his favorite rainy days. Day by day, he was getting more and more depressed.

One day as he was sitting in his backyard, the same thing happened to him as did to Lyn. A short rain and then a magnificent rainbow appeared. He has never seen something more beautiful. It was as if nature was trying to say, “cheer up, better days will come”, and he believed.

Two days later he found out he was moving back. There was nothing he could say. Nothing he could do. He couldn’t sleep at night, he skipped school. Every night and day he kept thinking of the reunion that he and Lyn will have. Of the happy time. Of the happier life. It was as if the sun decided to shine through his misery. And so he got ready, and two days later moved back.

By the time he arrived, he was shaking uncontrollably. He couldn’t think straight. He was afraid. Afraid that Lyn might have changed, that he might have changed. But slowly, reassuring himself that she missed him just as much as he missed her, and was probably just as miserable as he was, he got dressed and decided to go to the high school to see her.

He walked through the door, and drew in the familiarity of the place. He knew this was his home. Then as if something hit him so hard he couldn’t breath, he saw Jaime. She was sitting in the corner in the arms of a guy he knew. It was as if someone had just punched everything out of him. He ran out and cried uncontrollably. He ran to the secret hiding, and it was as if there time stood still. As if he was the same 12 year old that left. And he sat there, in the tree trunk, crying, harder than the day he left, harder than the day he thought he would never see her again. He thought she might have changed, he wished that she had moved on, but he never thought that she would find someone. Someone to replace him. So he sat there, everyday, hoping that one day Lyn would show up and he would at least get to talk to her. It has been a week since he’s been back, but she never showed up. He lost all hope. She forgot all about me, she forgot all about our home, our life, our friendship. It was worse than depression, he felt like he was dying. Like someone had just put a knife through his heart.

He decided that he had nothing left. He had hope, and it brought him back to her, but it brought him back to a life he didn’t want, a life without her. A place, where she didn’t want him. He came to the river every day. He set at the tree trunk everyday. Hoping that one day she’ll show up. But after 10 days, his hopes started diminishing. Yet he never wanted to leave. This was all he had. His home. A place where he felt familiar, where he felt safe, a place where he could hold Lyn in his heart forever, whether she did the same or not.

She woke up early that morning again. It was the 10th night in a row where she’d slept and had dreamt about Jamie. She woke up crying and sobbing. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. Every night she remembered the good times they shared. How he held her hand, and told her to be strong when she was scared. It was as if she had some incurable disease, she was heartbroken. She realized that she never got over Jaime. That she couldn’t live without him, but she didn’t even know where he was. So this faithful morning she woke up so early, and decided that she would go back to the place where she knew his spirit would be. She got up and ran as quickly as possible to their sanctuary. She finally got there, and the place looked marvelous. The morning dew was lying softly upon the greens and it was as if the entire garden was crying with her. She set there in the tree trunk and slowly her eyes closed and she fell asleep.

Jaime was walking down, through the leafy trees, heading towards their secret hiding. He suddenly stopped. He couldn’t breath. Slowly stumbling, he walked over to her. He realized to what beauty she has grown. Her hair was smooth and silky, longer than it used to be. She had beautiful large, big breasts, and a curvy, superlative figure. The wind was gently blowing her hair. It was as though that day happened all over again. The day they found the secret garden. He gently stroked her face, and she slowly began to awaken. She slowly opened her eyes, and thinking she was still dreaming closed them again.
“Lyn, wake up.”- he gently whispered
“Jaime…” she said sleepily
She opened her eyes again.
“Jaime! Oh - Jamie, I must be dreaming. Jaime is that really you?”
“Oh, Lyn!” and he lifted her into his arms as he held her in a close embrace.
“Jamie. How long have you been back? “ – she asked meaning to start a conversation.
“It doesn’t matter.” He said trying to change the subject.
“What do you mean? You didn’t just come?” She realized what the answer was when she looked at him.
“How long, Jaime?” – she said frustrated.
“Ten days” He saw her shocked expression.
“What do you mean ten days? You’ve been here ten days and you’ve never came to see me?”
“I waited for you in the garden, but you never showed up.” He saw her shock fade.
“I stopped coming” she said softly.
“I know you did, and I understand. You needed to move on.” He said matter-of-factly.
“You don’t know!” she said, trying to defend herself.
“Yes I do, you made new friends, you made a new life for yourself, I understand”
“I don’t have a life without you, I never did.”
“You don’t need to say this to make me feel better. I understand, really. You got yourself a boyfriend and your happy. I’m happy for you. You left that life behind. You did the right thing.”
“I never forgot about you, Jaime.”
“You just preferred not to remember.” She felt so hurt by this. She looked away. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry, Lyn, I never meant to hurt you.”
“You have no clue what your talking about. It’s been four years. You think it was easy for me? I couldn’t sleep after you left, I couldn’t eat, I was miserable. Nothing I did made me happy. I was a loner. I came to this place everyday hoping to find you here one day, but you never came. I started…”
“You started giving up and you stopped coming here. You lost faith in me.”
“I didn’t lose faith. I didn’t come because….”
“Because you had a new boyfriend, I understand.” He said, with an angry tone, not at all understanding.
“That’s not it. I stopped coming because – because… because I couldn’t stand the pain. I was so miserable, and this place made me even more miserable.” Tears started rolling down her soft, creamy cheeks. “It was unbearable for me to be here without you.”
He was taken aback by all the revelation she had just made. He realized that she has been just as miserable as he. He took her into his arms and held her tight, while she cried salty tears against his hard, muscular chest.

She grabbed the blankets that she kept in the tree trunk incase to warm herself when it got called and laid them down on the soft grass. They both set down and Jaime wrapped his arms around her, tightly, shielding her from the cold. She realized how handsome he has become. His lean, tight, muscular chest, and his tight, beautiful arms. He had dark, brown, hair and the same beautiful eyes as she remembered. He held her so tight against him, afraid that letting her go might cause his heart to shedder into unmendable pieces. They started recapping everything they missed in each other’s lives and it seemed as if they were the same kids, with the same friendship, but with hearts that knew what they wanted, each other’s love.
“You remember when I told you I loved you Lyn?”
“Of course I do”
“I really did mean it, you know. Although I was only 12, I really did love you.”
“I loved you too, and I still do”
He knelt down and gently kissed her on the lips. She remembered how softly he brushed her lips last time they saw each other, how unsure and scared they both were, and yet how right and perfect it felt. This time it felt even more perfect. His tongue probed her mouth, exploring every crevice, not wanting to miss anything of that magnificent love that he missed for so long. He gently moved down to her neck, kissing and nibbling every part of flesh. She quietly whimpered in his arms, against his touch. He loved those whimpers, and he loved her. He wanted to touch her, to feel her, to make love to her, something he has never done or wanted to do to any girl before. She responded to his touch with unbelievable want. He pressed her tightly against him, and felt her chest heaving against his, he felt her breathing. This was perfect bliss.
He stopped for a second and looked deep in her eyes. He saw how wanting she was, but also how frightened and nervous she was. He smiled a large, beautiful smile at her. He decided he needed to slow down. After all, it was both of their first time, and he wanted to make her as comfortable as possible.
“Do you know how beautiful you are.” He said. She smiled and kissed him back.
“And you are very handsome” he smiled.

He went back to slowly kissing her neck. He then lifted her arms and affectionately took her shirt off. It was cold, so he quickly settled himself on top of her and wrapped a blanket around both of them. He then took his shirt off, and pushed her breasts tightly against his strong, well-built chest. She caught her breath. He knew how scared she was.
“I’m going to be very gentle, I promise.” He said.
“I know,” she smiled at him. But it didn’t seem to make her any less frightened.
He slowly licked down to her right breast and used his hands to cup the gentle, mound of flesh. He licked her nipple and then continued sucking on it, and teasingly, but gently nibbling on it. She responded to his touch with such desire. He then moved to the other breast to give it the same treatment. Cupping bother her breasts in his strong hands he moved up to envelop her in a breathtaking kiss, while still gently squeezing her breasts. She didn’t have to say one word. He knew exactly what she was feeling, what she liked, what she wanted, and he gave her everything. He took his hand and pushed it in her pants and panties. She buckled underneath him. He continued cupping her most secret area. He slowly took off her pants and then her panties. She was so shy. She almost tried to stop him. But he gave her a loving, reassuring look, and kept whispering sweet nothings in her ear. He nibbled kisses down to her navel and then down between thighs. She felt wonderful. Felt as if a wonderland was building inside of her. He softly licked her pussy lips and then slowly stuck his finger in and out of her. So slowly, it was almost torture. Jamie stroked her face gently and kissed all over her body. He looked deep in her eyes enveloping her with his love and his desire. His want to make them one forever. She gently nodded at him and he slowly pulled off his pants and boxers to reveal a beautiful, large, erect penis. Looking at it, he was that she became even more scared, if that was possible.
“It’s – It’s so big.” she whispered into his ear.
“Well, thank you for the compliment.” He said, smiling and teasing her.
“I… I don’t know… I’m so scared.”
“Don’t be. I promise I will be very gentle.”
“I know you will, but…” He didn’t let her finish as his mouth settled on hers. She was lying on her back now and he was fully supporting himself on top of her. She felt his male hardness press against her most sensitive part, and sucked in her breath. Only he never penetrated. He just kept on rubbing it against her. She looked him in the eyes, and saw his smile a seductive smile. He kept on rubbing her moist pussy lips with his fingers, gently, then more persuasive, until he felt like she was going to come. He then removed his fingers. She looked at him as if she was just cheated, but he just kissed her once more. He then started slowly, tenderly penetrating her. Never taking his eyes off of hers, and noticing and feeling every second of pain she was. He wasn’t even a quarter way in when he noticed tears running down her eyes.
“I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?”
“Its alright.”
“I can stop if you want me to.”
“Don’t you dare.” She said reassuringly. So he continued ever so slowly and slightly penetrating her hole. All the while kissing her passionately. Finally, it was almost in he felt her unbearable pain now. But she was trying to hold it in. He noticed she didn’t even make a sound. As soon as it was in he stayed, not moving one muscle, letting her adjust to every inch of his hardness.
“Don’t move, it will get better soon.” He reassured her. After minutes of lying still, after realizing that she got somewhat used to the rod inside her, he slowly moved out and then back in. At first, she had to fight back screaming from the unbearable pain, but then as he kept on going, she felt such intense pleasure, she started moving against him. They whimpered in pleasure as they both came, and as they did, soft rain started falling from the sky. They were underneath the large cherry tree and the leaves were hiding them from the droplets of rain.
“Oh, I do love rain.” He told her, as she laid tightly squeezing against him.
“And I do love you.” She answered.
“I love you, and I love our secret Sanctuary.”
“I knew you would come back to me one day, just like you promised. I knew this magical place would bring us back together.”
“I do like to keep my promises.” He said, smiling.
“I wish this moment could last forever.”
He squeezed her tighter against him. They looked into each other’s eyes, and smiled as he softly said, “It will. In this place. Time stands still.”.

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