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This is only my ruff draft. I will be posting more as I work on it. |
The castle before him stood with the deep blackness of night surrounding it and hiding him with in it like a cool blanket. He was comforted by this for it was his time, it was the time of death, and he wanted, no desired to bring it upon these fools before him. They were an unruly bunch whom ruled with fear and thought that they were gods of the living sort and to him none deserved that title, Gods did not exist, only the mind of the universe or was it the minds? He had met some of this bunch earlier in the week when he was out gathering info on his lost race and they had shrugged him off and try to threaten him with his life. They had also thought he was nuts but the fear that the children had, the fear that the old had angered him more than insults ever would. How could they threaten the people they claimed to watch over and rule over, the people that looked to them for protection and they treated them like animals that needed to be tamed. The citizens were living breathing beings that thought and had a life to live. He hated the fear that they all had and so he had come here to this castle a place that he remembered from his child hood many centuries or was it thousands of years or more ago. From what he could see they had defiled this peaceful place, this place that had been like a shrine after the Great War. They had added to the walls and took down some parts, from what he had seen of the inside he did not like either. The gardens that had once been the pride of this world were nothing more than a paved area with a great tree that could not be dominated, thought it was obvious someone had once tried long ago buy the scar that ran along it base. This all continued to raise his anger, did these people not understand what this place was and for that matter where were the Zodiacs that had once resided here, and why had they left? He would soon have some of the answer he desired once he arrived Shalan that had was their home world now. It had another name one that been long forgotten by the younger races it had been called Zodian the place where the races of Zodiac and Abyssal had finally mad their peace, but first he would deal with this group that he now hated. With a smile upon his face, one that was evil and wicked, and the red and blue glow of his eyes that might have betrayed his position, which he cared not it would have made it just that more fun, he pulled free from his back the long staff that he had made and had learned to use with great efficiency. He pointed the top of this to the doors that now blocked his enterance into this place, the door that stoped him here from his goal, and gathered the energy around. He would not be denied his fun this night he would not be denied the death that he would reek upon these stupid people of the dark order of the Mystics. He took pleasure in his hatred and let his mind bend to it fully; he would give into the hate this night and see the blessed deaths of those that deserved it most. With a loud scream he let loose the bolt of power that he had gathered and the doors took the shock of power and shook. It was no good, the doors strength could not hold out the hate, had not been made to hold out this energy that had been sent to them. With a loud crack the doors splintered into millions of peaces and that fell wide and far from where they had been created. Arch was already on the move. *** From inside the walls the guards screamed out in alarm and took up positions of defense, they were determined not let any one past to their lord, to their living god. They were not prepared though for what they saw next, for the two eyes glowing out at them from the darkness, one bright blue and the other redder than that of rich blood. They were afraid but they would not back down from their post though, even if it ment their own deaths for either way they were to die this night. Each of them drew their blades of light and waited for the opponent to come but Arch did nothing more than enter through the ruined gate and stood there menacingly waiting for them to make that first attack. Upon his face was still the wicked smile that meant death and this was the first thing the first attacker saw as he came in with a downward strike. Arch did not even move to dodge but instead he raised his hand and caught the blade of red energy and with his other he struck out throwing telekinesis at the man. The person went flying back a great distance and landed at the feet of another. None of them were so daring to charge in and they all now knew extreme fear. How could this being be able to grab a blade like that? The enemies of Arch began to move around him, flanking him from many different angles and still determined to beat him. Now they began to look past the fear and prepared to fight together if they could. Arch only smiled all the wider and crossed his arms over his chest, this would be great fun indeed he reveled in their fear. Two of them came from opposite sides of him and again he did not move so much as an inch but instead blocked one blade with his arm and caught the other. He moved a full circle, pulling one of his opponent who’s bladehe held to the other side and striking his sword arm with the palm of his free hand, forcing him let go of the weapon. Arch moved again, this time back peddling the way he had entered while flipping the blade in his hand and catching the hilt. He had just enough time to bring it up to block a forward thrust from the other opponent and then dodge once more back to avoid being slammed by the now unarmed man. Again he moved but this time toward the first one cutting at him with an upward strike and forcing him to retreat for the time being allowing him to worry about the armed guard. With this one he moved with lighting quick speed pulling a faint then grabbing out with his free hand for the wrist of the sword arm but missed only by an inch and no more. Once again he had to bring his newly acquired weapon up to block a horizontal attack and was not surprised when he did not hit saber to saber. He barely docked aside from the real attack that had been meant to take off his head. At this he smiled, It was beginning to get fun. *** Lady Ducaut watched the display from a distance, she had suspected this group of some suspicious activity as of late and had been sent here to investigate but it looked now as though that might not be able to happen as planned. She was still amused though it was a great display before and she saw much potential in that one, the one with the red and blue eyes that was playing with the simple guards of the castle. She smiled as she watched, there had not been such a display of skill in along time from any new and fresh meat to the order and maybe soon that would change. But deep down she felt this one would not join her master’ order but still he might be interested to know of this presence, Especial with the fact he appeared to be and energy manipulator of sorts. She had never seen one until now but it was as had been describe to her before. But why was this one merely playing with his prey and whom was he? *** Arch unnerved his enemy when he back peddled and smiled at him, eye to eye. His eyes were odd to the man and the fact they glowed with a friendly light that said lets be friends, but the guy knew better of it, he knew his death would be soon and short, and then he made his first mistake in this battle, he blinked and his opponent was on the move with the intent to kill. Arch enjoyed the uneasiness of his opponent and enjoyed more the blinking of his eyes and so he moved forward with the desired to take this persons life. He reached out for the mans blade as it was coming at him, if he got hit then oh well it would only do more to put them at unease and he smiled all the more as his fingers wrapped around the saber and he diverted from his vulnerable body. His weapon came in on the figure and sliced through as though it were a stick through thin air. He laughed aloud as the man fell dead to the ground before him. The other that had come at him came again for a body slam thinking that Arch was distracted but he should have known better and had been played the fool but he did not die right then from his mistake but instead he got the hilt of an energy sword over the head and he went sprawling on to the ground in a heap to recover from the daze. Again he moved but this time to the side and away from the dazed opponent and from there he watched as the man picked himself up. Causally he flipped the blade in the air and caught it by the now slightly damaged hilt. Lowering the blades to slightly behind him and close to the ground he watched and smiled as the figure stood and looked at him and then ran with all speed away. Arch moved faster though with the two blades close to the ground behind him. He covered the ground in-between then quickly and brought first one blade and then the other in an upward cut slicing through runner as clean as buter. With a quick 360 spin he cut through the scared man twice more and watched as he fell into the 8 peace that had been cut of him. The other two that were left, the two whom had stood back froze in their places and dared not to attack. At one point in time it might have been the smartest thing to do but not this night, Arch was full of anger and hate he was relishing in the feeling and the mask even though it was not what he normally would do. He was enjoying this to much and he slowly calmed himself from a very destructive stated. He had grown tired of this battle and wanted to end it as quick as he may. He slashed out at the two remained guards and the blades leapt form the hilts that he carried and soared at the two with immense accuracy striking each and killing them almost instantly. With most of his anger played out he was now ready for the master of the house and was glad he did not have to wait long for the mass amount of energy that had been used had brought him forth to see what had happen. The master had felt the deaths of his minions well enough and he felt no sorrow for thir deaths as longs as they had died in his name, that was all that matter to him, all that would ever matter to him again. He looked out upon this person with a bit of hate for disturbing him but unlike his men he held no fear so sure was he in his god like status that he never even figured that he should be afraid of this person, only to his own master that could freeze his heart with a single thought. “I see that you have some skill about you BOY!” He said in a moking tone of voive. “but you do not have what it takes to defeat me.” |