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What the world could be like tommorrow. |
War on terriosm. The concept of war on terroists bloggles the mind. What exactly is a terroists? in the mind of "soliders" any middle easterner acting different is to be considered. So when you deployed to the middle east everyone is suspect. The first 50 days of a deployment Sgts, soliders, and brass ping on everything. A box in the road call EOD call QRF get TCP set up lets go go go. but as days go by and weeks become months the ever vilgentlent eye of a fresh solider becomes complecte and as the old saying gos complacty kills the cat not curosity. But hold on one minute. Complactiy not only affects soliders but also citzens of the world. Regular joes who drive to work everday more concerned about traffic then what "could" be on the side of the road. Americans have a way about forgetting the worlds problems and focusing only on there own personel struggles, until something disprupts there schedule something that hits home. Then the unite together along with everything else in there lives they want it done quickly let us have our revenge already so we can get back to work tommorrow. The war on terroism takes front stage. Good V.S. evil. US V.S. them but the evil we chase and burn out of there towns are the lesser evil. The real evil the dark sepent evil comes by the way of Nuclear power. and as we focus out well trained military on shutting down the middle eastern terroists North Korea and China band together to fight a different war. A war that would end in hours not years. Fast and deadly. A man once said after WWII " The thrid world war will be fought with nuclear weapons. The 4th will be fought with sticks and stones" Albert Einstein. Ch1 The haze of the morning was unnerving. The small village pitted 30 miles south of the Saudi Arabian capital was a ghost town to an overhead observer. 200 soliders had been deployed here this area calling there village home away from home. They had been here for four months and seen no action thus far. They were comfortable calling there deployment pardise in the desert. There mission was simple. Base defense, day after day they would climb overwatch towers and scan the region repeatively with no hint of fatigue or contempt.However four months of eyeing nothing but nothing drains any and every aspect of "highspeed" out of the general soldiering population. As a result dvd players and hand held video games now became a personal prioty and respnsibility to the simple soldier in order to keep themselves occupied. With no action and simple mission leadership had came together and made rules for everyone. Rules like no drinking. Soliders will be in uniform during off time. And mandatory appointments on there time off. Needless to say morale was blanketed under rocks. The soliders referred themselves as prisoner of war. So, as the sun was gearing up soliders yawned and streched from the good night sleep in there towers. The first explosion came 100 meters from the main gate. The second was a direct hit. The tower soliders jumped up staring though there binoculars to there amazement they saw hundereds of Saudis running towards the hole that was once the main gate. Sirens were blarring. Radios sqwaked. Tower 1 the overwatch to the gate spryed 7.62 rds down range. It took the villiage 30 minutes to round up all personel that were off. Mortars splashed down all around. Cap. Files screamed on his radio to shut down the gates. but his transmissions were never heard. The radios had became inop when a mortor shell turned the communcation villa into a empty parking lot. The headquaters elements ran hysterically into the command center. Col. down to Lt stood silent and afraid to move or speak. Besides stepping into the action personally an option that they never considered. Without radios they had no way of telling what was going on all around them. As the enlisted solders fought off the invasion. One solider ran to each tower to retrive a report of activity. One by one the only inforamtion passed were desperate shrieks for more ammo. Bullet casing litterd the ground as the lone solider in dead sprint back to the armory a morter shell dropped stopping him dead in his tracks. There would be no resupply of ammo. Three hours had past since the intial morter. The invasion finally ceased. Sgt Evens walked individually to every tower and ground post gathering reports and trying to figure out the fatel number of soliders dead and wounded. As he sluggishly walked up to the command center he heard cell phones chirping and the voices of brass yelling dramatically pointlessly. Sgt Evens final count: 27 dead, 10 injured. All 30 officers accounted for alive and well. Sgt Evens uniform was bloody and wet form sweat as he stood at attention. Colonel Beckers crisp uniform marched at him. "What the fuck happened out there Evens" Evens blue eyees teared up with a mixture of pain and rage. "Sir we had no comm we were getting mortared. Our soldiers had been up in those towerers for 12 hours before it happened. Colonel Becker got up in Sgt Evens face. Beckers attitude was apparent. I want those tower guards in this center. NOW! Sir with all due respect my troops are at the church. They have been thru hell today. Sgt I don't give a good God damn where they are you get them in here ASAP. "Colonel" Cap. Files voice breaks in. " You have a call. Gen. Gavin at Langly. Col. Beckers stare was ice and his tone was even colder. You've got one hout Sgt Evens. Evens watched the colonial disapper into the next room. From the corner of his mouth he muttered NICE fucking uniform. Then turned toward the door. Ch2 Sgt Evens stood on delta street picturing the villas that lined the road just 6 hours earlier. Now the villas were demolished. Smoke billowed from the pile of stones. Though the occupants had been cleared out there personel items were now gone. Evens glanced at his feet as a picture of a child blew by his feet. He walked calmly to the church where the soliders had there heads down as Chaplin Snow prayed. Evens followed there lead putting his own head down. Chaplin Snow whispered Amen. Not one person moved for they were all in there own prayer. Five minutes had passed when Sgt Evens walked to the front. "Can I have your attention. As the soliders brought there heads up he could see there blood shot eyes tears streaking down there dirty faces. Sgt Evens was filled with disgust at what he was about to say. " I know you are all tired I know what you've been thru. YOu all did great today. but be that as it is Our leader would like to see us today. Airman Tills shouted when and why. "In about a hour and why. I'll let him tell you that. The soliders began cursing under there breath. "Sgt Evens if our leader wants to see us then tell him where we are. That is unless he is still to chicken shit to come out of hiding. Sgt Evens dropped his head. Airman Tills had a way of hitting the nail on the head. " Well Tills I'll tell you what, since its your idea why don't you deliver the message. Tills stood "Gladly" Tills was a tough ass farm boy from Illinois his mouth had gotton him into trouble a few times but other airman liked him He always stood up and called out the bullshit. Regardless of his mouth Sgt Evens liked him Tills had shown that he knew his job and was reliable. Sgt Evens walked over to Tills " I'll even go with you" CH3 Colonel Becker sat behind his desk as he had just gotton word from Gen Gavin sometime yesterday China declared every country harboring American Soliders or citizens was a targer. Gen Gavin went on to say that even out alli country rose up against us. What it really came down to was the enitire world V.s us. Thats how Gavin had summed it up. WWIII had begun and no one or place was safe. China dropped a 96 hour ultamadium on the white house front door. The President had flown to Camp David where he read the ultamadium verbatim live on cnn and msnbc. The President put down the paper and looked into the cameras and into the homes of every American. His speech was low, soft , and for the first time, simplistically direct. The Bible teaches us that to whom much is givin much is required. The U.S.A has been given a great deal. We are the freest most prosperous nation in the history of the world and with that privialage comes great respnsibilites. Respnsibilites not only here at home but across the globe. We will not be bullyed we will bot give into the request. Here me when I say any country acting against a US solider or citzen there act will be a act of war. And for that country who tests our words. Let the lord be with you because you will feel out rath. Thank-you and God Speed. Ch 4 Tills filed into the command center behind Sgt Evens. Capt. Files examined Tills from head-to-toe. Sgt Evens where are the rest of the soliders. Before Evens could speak Tills quickly responded. " Captain you can tell your boss if he wants to talk to the soliders we will be at the church" With that Tills exacuted a perfect aboutface and looked at Evens who in turn copied the airman. Sgt Evens you better get control of you troops or your stripes will pay. SGT Evens almost made it to the door when something snapped inside of him. He turned with his fists clenched and his jaw tight. Capt Files took two steps back. " You can't hit me" Sgt Evens stopped and glared at The captain. "Like my Troop said They will be at the church. I am not telling my soliders to walk 2 miles thru this bombed out shithole to get breifed by 30 men and women who didn't have the balls enough to lend a hand in ther 3 hours of need. Col. Becker hearing this commotion entered the room. "Sgt Evens you are releifed of your duty and under arrest for failing to follow a direct order. I will not have mutiny in the ranks of the enlisted. Capt Files apprend him." Files moved closer while Evens stood his ground. Like i said if you want me I'll be at the church." As he turned to walk away he heard a 9mm click behind him. Tills head twisted to see Capt. Files pull the trigger. Sgt Evens collapsed. Tills took off in a two mile sprint thru a garbage heap of a village to the church. |