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A teen girl gets pregnant and has the baby on her own. |
Raegan Schaffer ran up the stairs and threw her book bag on the bed. "I have to get out of here before Brandi gets home", she thought. She heard the back door slam as she bounded down the back stairs. "Damn!" she said aloud. She turned and ran straight into her twin. "Sorry Brandi, but I got to go!" she called as she left Brandi there staring. Raegan barely heard her yelling at her as she made her way down the street at the Mitchvillle coffee shop. Ten minutes later, as Raegan walked through the Coffee House doors, jingling the bells, she immediately caught sight of her boyfriend, Andy Kiriakis. Raegans heart and breath stopped. She always liked Andy. Ever since that day in ninth grade when she first caught sight of the brown haired blue eyed, tanned, 6'3, 180 lbs, Tigers quarterback. They started going out in their eleventh grade year and one year later they still loved each other. She slid in next to him in the back corner booth. "Hey". She said. She leaned over to kiss him and Andy returned it. "Hey you. Rae, we got to talk." Andy looked sullen. "What about?" Raegan took his hand in hers and stroked it. "Well, we've been going out for a year now, actually a year two days ago, October 20. And." but Raegan cut him off. "Andy, I'm not having sex with you." Raegan stared at him for what seemed like five minutes, starting to get upset, "At least not yet." "Well when, dammit!" Andy was visibly moved. "You know we belong together and we will always be together, I promise! And besides, your fathers the minister, not you." Raegan looked down at her lap. He always knew how to get his own way with her and make her feel bad; and it took very little to do that. She got up to leave, looked back, said she'd call him, and left Later that night, as Raegan was laying on her bed, chatting online on her laptop, her father knocked at the door. "Rae, can I come in?" He peeked his head inside. "I guess so." She didnt even look up from her computer. Reverend Schaffer sat down on the bed next to his oldest daughter. "Rae, I know you were seeing Andy today. You know I don't of him and that I don't want you to see him." Raegan immediatly sat up and looked at the man she had known for 17 years. "Well, isn't Brandi the little tattle tale!" "Don't blame this on Brandi!" "You're sticking up for her? I can't believe it! I always knew she was you'r little angel." Her father looked hurt. "No," he replied. "My associate pastor was in the coffee shop today. He told me." Raegan stared at her father as he left the room. The weekend came and went, with Raegan not talking to her parents or Brandi. She hated being grounded, but then again, she also realized that that's what she gets for sneaking around behind her parents backs. That Monday, at six thirty AM, Raegan came downstairs, expecting to be the only family member awake. But Brandi was already in the kitchen making her lunch. "Do you want a ride to school, Raegan asked her two minute younger twin. "No, i have a ride to school but I need one home." Brandi returned to her sandwhich. "Hey Rae, what's you rproblem with me? You never speak to me anymore." Brandi looked hurt. Raegan tried her hardest to make her feel better. She loved her twin. "Well, I'm just going through a rough time. I really want to see Andy but Mom and Dad are being jerks." Raegan and Brandi hugged. "I got to go." Raegan left through the back door and started up her blue Pontiac Sunfire, making a last minute decision. Calling Andy from her cell phone, they planned to meet on the block corner to pick him up. When he was in the car, they leaned over and kissed. Then Raegan started driving. "You know school is the other way, right?" Andy asked her as she made a left. "I know," she replied, "But I've made my decision." To Raegan, making love to Andy was good. Really good. In fact, It was plain awsome, especially with it being her first time. In the back of her mind, Raegan knew it was wrong, but she went along with it anyway, knowing that she would lose Andy if she didnt. Back at Mitchville high, Brandi waited at their lockers at lunch, where they always met. She was starting to get worried. Raegan wasn't in school all day, at least not that Brandi knew of. After school, She waited again until 3:30, one hour after the dismissal bell had rung. she then decided to walk home. At 5:00, when she walked in the front door, she immediatly heard yelling coming from the kitchen. She made her way down the hall and stopped in front of the swining door that separated the kitchen from the hall. "Raegan Maire Schaffer! Where have you been? And don't say school because your principal called and said you werent there!" Brandi knew her father was livid. She didn't want to hear anymore. Brandi turned and ran up the stairs to her bedroom. An hour later, Raegan heard a knock on her door. "come in!" she called. She turned over on her bed and looked up to see her twin. "Where were ou today?" asked Brandi. Raegan suddenly got defensive. "I don't need to hear it from you too! So if your going to just stand there and question me, then you might as well leave. I don't have to answer to you or anyone else!" Raegan jumped off the bed and walked past Brandi into her bathroom, locking herself inside. Once inside, she sat down on the edge of the tub and began to cry. The next couple of days months went by with everything running smoothly. Well, almost everything. While leaving school the last day before christmas break, the twins were just about to get into Brandi's new Nissan Pathfinder, when Raegan heard her name being called. She looked over the parking lot and spotted Andy. She quicly turned around and got into the car."I thought you broke up with him after Mom and Dad found out you skipped school?" Brandi eyed her twin suspiciously. "I did," replied Raegan with a groan. When they got home, Raegan ran upstairs to answer her ringing phone. Looking at the caller ID, she saw that it was Andy. "What do you want?" she answered with a sigh. "Rae, it's me. Umm, we need to talk." "Look Andy, I didn't want to talk to you a week ago and i don't want to talk to you now." She slammed the phone down on the cradle, forgetting to press the OFF button. She was just about to start crying when she heard Andy still talking over the phone. "Raegan! Please! We have to talk! Please! Tell me what's wrong! Tell me why you broke up with me!" Raegan picked up the phone. "I know how you are. If I told you, you would freak out!" Raegan started to cry all over again. "No I wont, I promise!" Andy started to get angry. "Just tell..." "I missed my period." The phone had a sudden deafening silence."Well, maybe you will just be late." Andy sounded hopeful. "No Andy, Im not late. Im pregnant." After Raegan hung up the phone, she laid down and went to sleep. The next morning, Christmas Eve, Raegan woke to find her sister shaking her. "I'm up." she groaned. "Hurry up! Our grandparents are already here and its already 1:00!" Brandi stopped talking and ran over to Raegan's closet |