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Chapter one of the Beginning of the End |
“When things do matter” I looked down to the ground and saw my feet moving fast. Then it came to mind that I was running. I looked up and saw bright blonde hair as bright as the sun was; her hair was waving in the bright flashing lights in the hallway. The girl was around her twenties dark smooth skin when I held her soft smooth hands running down the hallway seeing bullets flying past my face. I pointed to corners to tell her where to go. Every now and then I looked behind my back and all I saw there each time were guns facing me. I took my only hand and grabbed my weapon from my belt and pushed the button and watched a light blue beam shoot out from it. I still looked straight ahead and the hall we were running in was getting darker and then the last of her bright blond hair went into the darkness. The pounding of the feet behind us stopped but we didn’t, we kept running. She looked at me telling me to stop because they weren’t running after us anymore but I didn’t stop. After a few seconds the hallway was nothing but dark. Still running we ended up running into a wall the weapon that I held in my right hand went off. Everything was dark I looked around and saw nothing. But I heard faint pounding sounds coming from all over. I now dropped my weapon and grabbed her other hand with my right. The pounding stopped and it was no longer dark. The now bright flashing red lights turned on. I was faced looking at my loves light blue eyes and knowing in my heart that she’s going to die and so will I. “I love you”. I said to her. “You know that it’s over and you know that I also know.” “I love you too and I know as well this is the end of everything. The world is about to change and we are the cause of the beginning of the end.” A tier came down my eyes while I looked at my loves light blue eyes. She knew and so did I, this was the end of all everything and yes we are the cause of it all. This is the beginning of the end for us and the world. The next thing I felt was the grasp of her soft hands and a strong pain coming from my shoulder. I was shot but the bullet did not stay in my shoulder it hit her. Then I got shot once again she got shot from behind and so did I. She ended up dropping before I did. I looked down on her I could still see her light blue eyes but tiers coming out from her lifeless body. After thinking of her eyes I felt pain and then in a matter of a second I was lying on her lifeless body and seeing her blood running against my hand. I watched the men come forward to me and I just wanted to die right there but they didn’t do anything. I just closed my eyes. I woke up with a quick draw of my weapon it lit up and it almost hit someone’s throat. I woke up with a young man around my age sitting there beside me staring at me like I was nuts. The man was tall brown eyes and brown hair. “Philip what’s wrong you were talking in you sleep?” asked a man by the name of Grant the king of what’s left of Kirksville today. “Nothing Grant it was just a dream” I said this while I was rising from my rough bed. “Could you tell me about this dream you were saying ‘I love you’ in your dream. Tell me Philip what happened and who is this person you love?” “Grant I couldn’t tell you but if I am to remember then I’ll come straight to you and tell you what happened ok.” Grant grabbed my hand to rise me up from my now messy bed. We walked outside for a breath of fresh air. When I got outside I found floating objects in the air that resembled two tall building standing right next to each other. I saw a plane crash into one of the buildings. I took my eyes off of it and found out when I looked at the date today was September 11 the day the world change. Everywhere I looked that’s all I saw were the floating objects showing the past that some say we should forget and forgive for it was in hate but some say we should continue with the war in Iraq. For revenge some people say but in the word of God revenge is just another sin. “Philip some people are waiting for you in the capital.” said Grant. He pointed to an air plain with its engines running for lift off from land too the sky. Grant hit me from my side and I realized that I feel asleep on the way to the capital. When we landed I went through the white doors into the office of war control. I looked around and I found guns lying all over the place from wall to wall. The floor that I stood on was marble very valuable marble is now since there’s not much in the world today. There was a dark skinned man standing in front of a glass window. He was twice the size as me (in height not in fat) and nicer looking then I was. A matter of fact he was going out with the one I loved. Soon enough he was about to marry her and I would have to intend the marriage. Ever since I found out that he was about to marry her I was in rage. But Grant has been by my side for so long that when something bothers me he was there for me and I think him for it each time. ‘Philip’ The sound of my name woke me up from my day dreaming of her. I found out my name was being said by him the one I hate so much but I have to hear his voice because he’s my boss and I have to do what he says and trust me I hate it. “This war isn’t going to stop anytime soon and where’re going have to do something about it. The reason I called you here is because I need help to find a way to try to end this war.” said Michael Grant stood up from his chair and rose as a sign to tell every to stop talking. “Sorry but I can’t get Kirksville involved in this war. The city has never wanted to be part of all of this war and we still don’t want to. We all do respect sir but keep us out of It.” said Grant I started walking forward but Grant tried to grab my arm to keep me from going forward but that didn’t stop me from saying what I wanted to say. “Yes we all do respect but Michael Kirksville should get involved as every other place in this world but what do you think we should do. I mean we have no tools to do anything with.” said Philip “Sorry sir but we must get going we have dinner to attend to. Come Philip with me NOW!” The rest of the ride from Washington to Kirksville was a very silent ride. Grant ever now and then would look over to me with a disturbed look and shaking his head as if he was upset with me for some reason. The night came and the ride was to an end. Kirksville was like always lit up with what little lights it had. I have lived in the same place as I have ever had in the past life in Kirksville. During the night when I couldn’t sleep I would look out my window across to see the courthouse. When I was young the courthouse’s lights were never on but since the war has been going on for so many years they have been busy 24/7. I don’t understand why Grant doesn’t want to get Kirksville involved in this war. I mean the whole world is involved and were not. I just don’t understand. He has always taught the way of peace and so I have also but Grant is nuts abut this religious stuff that I’m afraid of not being true when the time comes to find out. I looked around in my dark house and I couldn’t see anything besides the clock that ticked all day. The clock said six thirty and I was thinking why in the world was I up that late. But then I noticed that I was upset about something and I knew what it was. I went inside my room I looked around and saw photos of my early years of school. My year books were spread out around my bed. It took me while just trying to pick up the things off of my bed and around it. My bed room was in the same spot as before right in between my parent’s room and the living room. ‘Philip their not behind us anymore and I’m getting tired’ but I kept going and wouldn’t stop. I jumped up from my bed from a big bang I was trying to find out why my head hurt so badly and I found a broken board hanging from the ceiling. I opened up my door and set outside of my room and went into my freezing living room. I looked out my living room window and saw the sun rise from behind the clouds. I walked out from my front door and went down the hard medal steps to another door and walked outside. There was a breezy wind that sent chills down my spine. I stepped out of the shelter and looked to the dark cloudy sky and waiting for the first drop to hit my face like a tear from our God. Then that first drop hit my face and I walked out more from the shelter to the middle of the cracked black graveled road. There wasn’t any lightening from the sky; I guess that God wasn’t that mad at us yet. I tried to walk under the shelter to get out from the rain with my heavy close sticking to my body. From under the shelter I looked at the rain fall from the sky. I looked up and saw some blue sky above the darken clouds. Up there with the blue sky you could see a rainbow with colors that you couldn’t even imagine during a time such as this. I thought it was a sign from our God saying there’s still hope for the world but judgment day is sooner then it has ever been. It made my day better but still there was the dream that was stuck in. It’s one of the closed doors that I can’t find the key to open it in my brain as if I shouldn’t try to open it. I went into my room sitting right next to my bed on a chair taking my time trying to find out what was going on up there in my head but I still couldn’t find that key to the lock. I took a break from trying to find my key to the door and I went to my kitchen to get a Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper from my refrigerator. My hall was darker then it has ever been. I once again forgot to change the light in my kitchen and in the hallway. I use to love the sound of the opening of a pop can the sound of love it was to me but it has changed it all has. I walked once again down my dark hallway and walked into my living room. I took the remote that was sitting on top of my old TV. My mom told me when I was young that the TV that is still here in my house is about older then I am. It’s sad that it still hasn’t died yet it’s been around for to long. I went around my coffee table and sat down on the worn down cushions of my love seat. I pressed the on button on the remote when I did a red light came up on the remote. All of the channels on the TV had nothing but the news about the war in Iraq. But one good thing about it is there are no commercials. After one commercial ended there was a break and then there was breaking news from Washington D.C. This breaking news is about Kirksville getting involved in the war. That if we don’t get involved in the war just like everyone else that there may be a little battle and a worthless fight since Kirksville is small. ‘People in Kirksville need to get involved into the war just like everyone else because there are people out there getting killed and your just sitting there it’s time for the United States to step and do some thing about this war send a bomb over there just try to do something to get the war over!’ When I heard what she said I went nuts just trying to find out why someone would think of doing anything like that. When she said that then the World Trade Centers came to mind. I still remember that day it was my 6th year of school. I remember walking into my class it was first hour and I remember seeing my teacher crying and I looked at him as if he was nuts. I just thought he lost a family member but during the day I realized that it was not just one family member of his it was thousands of family members. It wasn’t by neither his nor my blood but it was by love for one another. But then I realized that someone just lost a family member that day and from then I have always thought and prayed that it wasn’t my day just like theirs. From then the war has been going on and the love for God has gone and love for one another has gone as well. After remembering that dreadful day I went into my cold dark room with out the lights on. I dropped down onto my bed banging my back against the metal springs of the mattress. I looked up to my ceiling, seeing light from my living room in the other through the small cracks inside the ceiling tiles. I got up and went ahead and sat down on my hard floor. I looked to my left and I saw something that I haven’t held for a long time. I told her that I won’t leave that I will be by her side always and forever but I ended up breaking that promise. Now Michael is to be married to her in a few months and I should intend this wedding. I know its right to go to the wedding but my hatred towards him is to strong. He is to marry the one that I said to her that I will always be by her side no matter what comes between us. I looked around my room looking for things that reminded me of her. I opened a door and looked inside the empty space but there was only one thing there. It was a note and beside it was a CD. The note said: I know how much you wanted a picture of me so I tried really hard to look good for you Philip Anthony Orlando you have made all my days so great and I love you so so much for that and for you just being you. I love you always with all of my heart Adriene And the front side said: Happy Valentine’s Day! To my great boyfriend I looked at the CD and the cover said Adriene Kathryn Mountain on it. I stood up and walked to my radio and opened the CD player. I placed the CD inside and closed it and watch it read. The numbers came up and I pressed play and I noticed the very first song was the one that Adriene agreed on for our song. The song was “I don’t want to miss a thing” I remembered when I told her that that was the one song that meant ever thing that has ever happened and what I think will happen in the future. I couldn’t sleep sp the day came to an end for me after dreams of her still. It is like nightmares that happen all of the time but there is no end to it. I feel out of my bed and hit the hard floor on the soft top of my head. I brought my whole body up from the floor and took a seat on my bed. I put my left hand on the top of my head and brought my hand down and looked at it and realized I was bleeding. I took it like a man and got up and walked out of my room and inside kitchen. I opened my refrigerator door and looked inside and saw nothing. I walked back down my hallway. Half way down the whole house rocked and stopped and rocked once again. I ran to my window and looked out but I couldn’t see anything. I turned around and looked outside the window again and say people from the street standing there and pointing at something. I opened my bedroom door and walked inside. I grabbed my shoes and a coat. I put both of them on and walked down stairs down to the street. One of my friends came running towards me. He was big both from fat and from muscle, a little taller then me. “Jason what’s going on? Did you feel the rocking coming from out here?” I asked Jason. “I don’t really understand what the rocking was all about; but I think the news yesterday told us a bit about what’s happening. Did you watch the news?” he asked me. “If you’re talking about the whole 9/11 deal and about Kirksville not getting involved then yeah I did.” The rocking happened once again but we could still not see where it’s coming from or what it is. I looked to my left where Jason was standing and the looks of all of the other people standing out with me wondering what was happening. There were very few people outside that I knew but there were some. Another guy came walking towards me and he was one of the few people I knew outside with me. This guy was shorter then I was about 5’10” and was built healthy. “Jacob do you know what is going on here right now?” I asked him. “Really I think this has to do with the war over in Iraq that’s if you ask for my opinion.” said Jacob. A man came running from behind the movie theater. Behind him there were men with guns and tanks following them. In the air from different directions flew plains. I looked over to Jacob and Jason for their impressions. The plains that flew so low almost hitting the top of the court house I didn’t know they’re different. The army men and the tanks walked and rolled through the streets of Kirksville. After the left our streets I looked over to Jason and Jacob. “Do you guys know what those plains were?” I asked them. Both of them didn’t know. I was surprised that Jason didn’t know because Jason has always been good with the whole war deals and the world’s problem. I looked at Jason knowing that he should know what just happened a few seconds ago. “I know why you’re looking at me like that. You’re wondering why I don’t know those plains. Trust me I have never seen those plains before. I think Jacob is right from what we have just seen. I believe the war in Iraq has something to do with this. I think our government has been keeping a few secrets from us.” said Jason. People started walking back to their homes some with tears in their eyes and some with mad faces. “Guys you know before we even know it this city well go into this war and we might get drafted into it.” I said to them with a concern look. They looked at me with the same looked that I showed them. We patted each other on the shoulder and left to our own homes. I walked up to my house and opened the door and walked inside my cold house. I walked to my couch and took off my coat and took off my shoes. I placed them on a chair next to the couch. I took a seat and turned on the TV and watched more of KTVO (Kirksville’s new station.) They talked about the rally of the troops and the unknown plains. I had enough of the news about the problems of the world I needed something peaceful something that can make me happy. So I flipped the channels of the TV looking for something of interest. I came across a music channel I was looking for some religious music just to help fill that empty space in my soul. Out of all odds I didn’t run into religious music but I did end up running into a song that meant so many things when I was young. Besides Adriene’s and my song it was one of my favorites and looked up to it was “Wake me up when September ends”. I went into my room from one of the longest days I have ever had in my whole life. I jumped on my bed and tried to close my eyes but my mind was driving me nuts it was going all over the place. I was thinking of so much from love to war to hate to time. I wondered how I’m going to manage everything in my mind at this moment. But I tried to close my eyes and tried to fall asleep. Sunday came in a hurry it seemed like I only got only a few hours of sleep through out the whole week. I got up and did my little Sunday plan for the morning. I walked around the unused buildings around the square. I reached a bricked building and looked up to see a spiked white tower with one of the sharpest points on the top of it. You could stand more then 5 miles away and still able to see the sharp white tower. I walked in to what you can call a courtyard with grass in the middle of the sidewalks and a bricked sign that said The First Baptist Church. I opened a double door and walked inside the chapel of the church the main part of the church. When I was inside I looked up and say a second level of seats and the sound booth with the camera control also the lights and everything else. Up there were two of my dearest friends and their names were Jason Chrisman and Carolyn Chrisman. When I was young and in youth they were my youth teachers that was a great time back then but now I’m older and I can’t look up to them anymore or anyone besides my self. I looked to my left and to my right looking for a seat to sit. Then I saw her I saw Adriene sitting with her new soon to be husband. I felt that deep sharp pain in my chest that I have always had since I was young and I have never found out the reason for it. Adriene came walking up to me with her beautiful light blue eyes and her shiny blonde hair. I tried to turn away but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back to her face. “Why do you fear the past all you have to do Philip is forget what happened and move on. I’m getting married just forget about it control your anger…please.” said Adriene. She turned around and walked back to her seat and didn’t look back to me. I thought I should do what she said that’s all I can do for her anyway. “Hey Philip!” I turned around and saw Jason waving at me. “Jason it’s good to see you on this Sunday mourning.” “It’s as good to see today as it is to see you any other day!” We turned around to a sound of a deep voice calling out to the people in the chapel. “Welcome my dear dear friends to this wonderful Sunday mourning. As you all know we are here today to say think you to our God and to say think you to the fathers son Jesus Christ.” said an old man dressed in pure white with a cross around his neck with the son of our God. He was around his 80’s. He has been around the First Baptist Church for about 10 years now. “But today I am here to say more then thank you Jesus Christ but also to bring up the war in the Middle East.” He took a look down to his feet and looked back up to the people in their seats and he continued speaking with a tear crawling down his white cracked skin. “Yesterday I hope most of you know that Kirksville has now got into this holy war. Now we must face through it together and fight our most fearful fears. Death is just another path we all must go through but you in the end shall find your self on the right justice path to the pure heavens above.” He once again looked down to his feet but then coming up with even more tears coming from his brown eyes. “My only son has gone to war now and the only thing I can do now is to ask our lord to bring him safely home to us here in the once peaceful middle part of the United States of America. Now I ask you to turn to John 3:16 and read this verse together if wish so. “For God so love the earth he gave his only son, so that everyone that believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” thank you. You may have a seat.” After he finished a band came out and started playing music. It was some good music today by my opinion they have good music and then there are those days when I really don’t know the song. After the music finished then came the drama and after the drama came the main reason of church. Sometimes I thought church isn’t for the singing and the playing roles of people from the bible it’s for the saying from the preacher that stood up there in the white. For some reason I was looking forward to this message for today. “Good job for everyone today great music. Today I was planning to tell everybody today. During this time of harshness for the world and the killings, murders, and everything that has happened in the past years. Some say the time is coming some say he will soon show his face. If this does happen if this comes true and he does come. I tell you today this is when things do matter this is the time when we must be prepared or prepare us for the showing of Jesus Christ. Some will be sent over to war and some may stay. For those who go. You will not be alone. We that stay will pray for you to return home in safety. We will start today praying for those who will go and those who are there already. May we pray” From those words I did the same I bowed down to my knees and put my hands together to my face and closed my eyes. |