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A political stirical religious drama. |
The devil repents. Ahmed Hany Hassanain. -1- Somewhere in the earth that few persons knew; the hall was ready to receive a Shikh, as a representative of the Sunni Moslems, an Aiat-Alla as a Sheeaa Moslems representative, three Priests to represent the Orthoxocs, Catholic and Protestant faith, and a Rabbi to represent the Jews. What gathered them was that their proclaimed enemy sent a proposal to surrender. The Devil, their common enemy asked the president of the United States of America to intervene and to arrange the meeting so that the devil would declare that he would repent and to become as good as any believer. As the head of the world the president arranged the meeting under his auspice, and sent a high delegate person from the foreign department to be the boss of that unprecedented conference. ‘That’s why we’re here to decide whether the human beings should accept the end of the evil and wicked acts or not. The president of the USA is sure that the right decision is to be taken through neutral thinking that should express the ideas of the common values that the three divine religions have in common. Thank you.’ The boss finished his word. The six representatives kept silent. The boss looked at them and when he found that no body wanted to talk he said, ‘well, I think you may need a time to discuss the case with your people and may be together as well. Let’s have a rest for half an hour and then we may continue.’ The Shikh and the Aiat-Alla went to a corner and the three Priests went to the opposite one. That left the Rabbi sitting alone. To be a neutral boss of all delegates the USA representative left the hall. In their corner the Shikh and his enemy brother the Aiat-Alla stared at each others’ eyes. ‘Let’s pray for God to help us reach the right decision,’ the Shikh suggested. ‘Together or separate?’ the Aiat-Alla half closing his eyes said. ‘Together is better,’ the Shikh said and stood to be the Imam or to lead the praying. ‘First why should you be the Imam? We’re the Sheeaa don’t follow Sunnis,’ the Aiat-Alla’s voice was louder than the whispering voice the conversation had started with. ‘Let’s do it separately,’ the Shikh said and started at once. The Aiat-Alla took a small stone from his pocket and put it on the floor at the site his front would touch it when he would pray. On the other corner of the hall the three priests also went into separate prays then after they finished they sat down again silent. The silence in the hall made the six men return to their places waiting for the second round of the conference to begin. In a side room the American boss sat with a researcher in the devil’s affairs. ‘What do you advice?’ the boss said. ‘It is difficult to decide as the problem is that no one can refuse a repent. God only knows the faith of people. At the same time God said in the wholy books that the hell will be the end stop for the devil,’ the advisor said. ‘But the problem as the foreign department defined it, is that if you refuse the devil, one may say that the Americans prefer the world divided between the good doings and the bad guys. In fact the bad guys always win. If you accept the devil as a good believer then one may say that the devil admires the American policies, so the three main religions should accept him first. But if they do, then which religion he will choose. The one he chooses will have the same problem. Other two religions will be condemned that either their faiths are not enough to convince the devil or that their faiths aren’t real,’ the boss said. ‘That’s why the secret cameras and sensitive phones the intelligence had put to monitor their side talks showed that they haven’t spoken since you left the hall,’ the advisor laughed. ‘And believe or not the agents sent me a message through the cellular phone to warn me that the six men might have discovered that they are monitored because they did not talk at all. It’s their mental block my friend,’ the boss laughed. ‘But what if they did not decide?’ the advisor put the most probable possibility in front of the boss. ‘All the options are open. One of them is the democratic solution. The referendum and people decide but this carries the risk of the religious men telling the commons what to say. And most probably the religions’ bosses of the three faiths will refuse the repent to save their jobs. What will they do if the good deeds are in the world alone, and no wicked actions will be done? More over the business of the endowments that nearly totally controlled by the religions’ heads to fight the devil may be allocated by the governments for other reasons,’ the boss said. ‘Don’t forget that the same applies to politicians. They fight each other and each group discriminates its rivals of bad doings to cover the real intentions. Going to wars and killing each other will be considered the direct responsibility of the politicians to achieve personal glory instead of seeing wars as wholy actions to save good people. Thieves, thugs, rapists, drug traffickers and money launders, all will be considered as human devils or even human wicked persons as the word devil will have no existence. These persons will have no excuse during trials and will face harsh sentences,’ the advisor said smiling. He felt that he went far by talking about the politicians and grouping them with criminals. He added, ‘what are the other options?’ ‘Well if they refuse the devil repent and he insists on it then the USA may recognize the devil church as a separate faith provided that it will call its followers to do the good and they will pray for God. But again the foreign department can’t advise that for fear that other countries may have benefits to ruin the USA image. Don’t forget that one day the world supported America because it was in a fight against the Soviet Union or the Evil Empire as the media broadcast for the commons,’ the boss said. By then the half an hour consultation rest time ended and the boss entered the hall. -2- The second round started without much change in the behavior of the six men. All waited for a stimulus to respond. The boss observed that the six men agreed to one thing that was a wait and see policy. ‘Let’s have a brain storm to get out of the locked situation,’ the boss said. ‘Did the president of the USA meet the devil himself?’ the Aiat-Alla asked. ‘I think it makes no difference whether he or one of his aids did,’ the boss said. ‘Can you arrange a meeting with the devil for us?’ the Shikh requested. ‘The foreign department is not authorized to arrange such a meeting. But unofficially we may tell the white house to study such a request if it is urgently needed provided that this will help you to take the right decision,’ the boss said slowly. ‘What are the benefits the religions will have if the devil becomes a believer?’ the Rabbi asked. Nobody could list the benefits. But this pushed them to the mental block state again. ‘I think we need further discussions between each other. I’ll arrange two and three persons meetings today. I’ll share in some of them and we may confer together tomorrow,’ the boss said. He looked at the delegates that showed only masked faces and added, ‘Perhaps we may have an agenda to serve as a frame work for the conference.’ They spent all the day and a great deal of the night in talks that added many problems. In his room the boss relaxed on a big armed chair with his legs resting on the small table between him and the TV. The devil’s affairs researcher who doubled as his advisor was preparing two martinis for them. ‘It’s funny that they spent all the day discussing their own differences that automatically will end if the devil stops his doings,’ the advisor commented upon what the boss told him. Breaking news – was shown on the TV screen. ‘The white house spokesman announced in response to the rumors that have circulated that the white house has no intention to recognize the devil church or to consider the practices of the followers as an official prays. But at the same time the white house sees such practices as a personal affair and it will not call for criminalizing them as long as they respect the laws of the USA. It is also not true that any of the white house or state departments officials have received a representative of the devil church,’ the presenter announced. ‘What are they doing in Washington?’ the advisor asked. ‘It’s supposed that the whole thing is secret until now.’ ‘The six persons started to get together. I think this’ll drive them to arrange some meetings themselves. Let the meal be well done,’ the boss said. ‘Have they told you about that,’ the advisor pointed at the TV. ‘Or have you asked them to do that?’ the advisor asked. ‘I asked them to study the idea. But they haven’t told me about their decision. I thought they would tell me before the white house spokesman announces it. They had to do, as the situation in any negotiations may change from time to time.’ The boss felt embarrassed. The boss’ predictions of the other six men proved to be true. The Catholic and the Orthoxocs priest met in the veranda of the reception as each one wanted the other to come to his room. The veranda was the place where the Shikh and the Aiat-Alla were sitting when their Christian friends came. ‘I think the Americans try to make the Anglican faith prevails. That’s why they told us that they want the Christians unit. The boss said the word while his eyes were staring at the Protestant Priest’s eyes, didn’t he?’ the Catholic Priest said. ‘The devil is our common enemy but if he is going to surrender then it should be unconditional, and then he should ask Jesus Christ to forgive him. This should happen in Egypt in Alexandria in an Orthoxocs church,’ the Orthoxocs Priest said. ‘The Vatican is the place of the Wholy Sea and the Pop should accept his repent first. The devil should confess in the presence of his highness the Pop,’ the Catholic Priest said. ‘Let him choose the church he will belong to,’ he suggested. ‘It is not his choice. He has to follow the proper faith,’ the Orthoxocs Priest said. ‘You mean that the only proper faith is the Orthoxocs one,’ the Catholic Priest said. ‘I can’t see another option,’ the Orthoxocs Priest said. ‘Brother, I think the boss is right that we have to unit,’ the Catholic Priest said. ‘If there’ll be any reunion of the churches then it’ll be the Orthoxocs faith,’ the Orthoxocs Priest said. ‘I think the Americans succeeded to deepen the rift between our two churches and this will serve the cause of the Anglican Church,’ the Catholic Priest said. ‘Let them recognize the devil church and then they’ll be the losers,’ the Orthoxocs Priest said. Few meters away the Aiat-Alla and the Shikh were no less happy with the American announcement. ‘We’ve said that the Americans are the real devils. They think that we give them the green light to lead all the religions. Now they want a globalization of the religion. The conspiracy is clear,’ the Aiat-Alla concluded. ‘Until now they didn’t ask for that frankly. But if the devil will be a good Moslem and he’ll follow the Quran, the Profit Sayings and the instructions of the four wise Caliphs, then the matter may be discussed with the scholars,’ the Shikh said. ‘The devil should be tried for his role in the conspiracy against Imams Hassan and Hussein. He may tell the secrets that may condemn others,’ the Aiat-Alla said. ‘I agree but he has to be tried also for his role in the conspiracy against Imam Ali and Caliphs Omar and Othman,’ the Shikh said. ‘Are we empowered to accept his repent?’ the Aiat-Alla said. ‘Theoretically any one declares his repent, God only accepts it but we can’t refuse his repent. At the same time God said in the wholy book Quran the devil’s fate is the hell. That’s why I think the devil tries to deceive us. Profit Mohamed had said that we should never believe the devil,’ the Shikh said. ‘Then we should refuse the repent,’ the Aiat-Alla said. ‘We can’t refuse any repent but if the devil repents his sons, devils as him, may follow his old wrong way and their fate will be the hell. So God’s will to send him to the hell is the fact,’ the Shikh said. ‘You’re in the same line with the Americans. You want to have a deal with the devil. I’ll withdraw from this conference,’ the Aiat-Alla said. ‘You’re free. I don’t know why the Americans invited you. I can represent all the Moslems,’ the Shikh said. ‘The Sheeaa should be represented by their faithful scholars who know the right thing. Step by step the conspiracy becomes clearer. I’ve changed my mind. I’ll stay to defend the truth and the Islam against the conspirators of other faiths that their allies are unfortunately Moslem traitors and hypocrites,’ the Aiat-Alla said and stood up to leave. ‘You’re the Sheeaa who did the worst harm done against Islam,’ the Shikh shouted. In one of the corridors, the Rabbi had a walk with the Protestant Priest. ‘I think that the devil should start his faith as a Jew then he may choose the religion he likes,’ the Rabbi said. ‘Well, that makes sense as he starts from the beginning. But I’m afraid that if the devil became a believer that would affect Hermagdon Battle which is a precondition for the Christ to come,’ the Protestant Priest said. ‘Then Israel won’t be destroyed and the God’s kingdom will be man-made,’ the Rabbi said. ‘Really, I don’t care about anything except the preservation of the Protestant faith and the coming of the Christ,’ the Protestant Priest said. ‘Dear friend, let’s see it from another angle. Your aim is the God’s kingdom. The other friends want it as well. Everyone believes that the Christ will call for his own belief. Moslems see it as Esau or Yassoh will make people Moslems. You, the Christians are dead sure that your faith will win. We’re the Jews are still waiting for him for the same cause. All need the God’s kingdom. We provide it with the least cost if it’s man-made and there’ll be no Hermagdon,’ the Rabbi said. ‘But God’s kingdom should be Protestant,’ the Protestant Priest shouted. ‘But we already have a Jewish one. Just others accommodate to the status quo,’ the Rabbi said smilingly. ‘There’re great opportunities for our cooperation to finish the project we had started.’ ‘No, we started it to be destroyed so that it promotes and accelerates the occurrence of Hermagdon and the coming of the Christ,’ the Protestant Priest said sharply. ‘Why should the Jews pay the price from their own blood? God loves us. Why don’t people do the same?’ The Rabbi said it sadly. ‘And for your knowledge if the real Christ comes it will be the Jewish faith based on the ten commitments as it’s the original one my friend,’ The Rabbi said decisively. ‘All of us Jews, Christians and Moslems believe in the ten commitments. What differs one from another is the way of worship,’ the Protestant Priest. 'And I can refuse the devil as a Jew if I want to because his mother is not a Jew. And then we'll declare that the devil cooked a conspiracy with other faiths against the God's kingdom,' the Rabi said and left. -3- Somewhere in Washington in an office, an urgent meeting between three unknown persons who did not meet each other before was held. Everyone had a number and the instructions were definite: no meetings outside the room, no tongue slipping and if it happened that one sees another anywhere later on, no one would never ever mention that meeting. ‘It was a mistake that we left it for the religious men. This is something affecting people. Politicians know better about solving problems,’ number one said. ‘But the problem is religious first of all, and it’ll be unreasonable to ignore those whom people think they will lead them to the paradise,’ number two said. ‘If politicians decide they’ll find some religious men happy to support them. We can promote the supporters in a way or another that makes people think that either they did the promotion themselves or the whole matter is according to the rules,’ number three said. ‘I think that a secret deal with the devil should be ready before telling new parts to interfere,’ number one said. ‘Then what’s the point of having politicians to have such a deal?’ number three asked. ‘They may have a role if and only if we can’t reach an agreement,’ number two said. ‘I think first we’ll reach the deal ourselves. The media promotes the idea. Then trusted religious men sign the deal. The last step is the role of politicians to put strategies for the new era’ number one said. ‘What about those who will object the idea?’ number three asked. ‘It’s beneficial to have opponents,’ one said. ‘Why?’ two number asked. ‘It’s the democracy. And this is better for the dialogue to convince people.’ number one said. ‘But theoretically if the devil repents then people will have the same ideas,’ number three said. ‘If the idea is accepted, it will be good. But if one sees the whole thing as unethical then minorities will be formed. And the most important is that people need enemy and the minorities serve that cause,’ number one said. ‘Then the evil thing will be present. Then what’s the value of having the devil with the good people?’ number two asked. ‘Good people may learn something or some new methodologies and techniques that will help them to overpower the minorities and to control them. Of course this includes their resources; and I mean by the word minorities, the sum of the power not only the number of the persons. Or a big number of persons having little power is a minority against few states having a great total capacity,’ number one said. ‘I think we’ve to choose a certain faith to make its believers object,’ number two said. ‘Or some followers of each one becomes fighters against the betrayal of the majorities who follow the devil, while the majority fights for the right of anyone to be in a good relation with the God. This is a better scenario as it does not put the US against a certain faith,’ number one said. ‘What about other options?’ number three asked. ‘All the options are open. One of them is making the devil more evil and declaring the he tries to deceive the US but he failed,’ number one said. ‘How?’ two and three asked simultaneously. ‘Well there’s a file that will be ready for you after an hour. Destroy this file after reading it,’ number one said. The second round of the three men committee met after they had studied the file and had destroyed it as the strict instructions had told. ‘Well, let’s discuss the option chosen by most of the governments of the world,’ number one said. ‘The word “most” needs a definition,’ number two said. ‘I’m talking about the influential governments that have the ability to affect at least the region in which they’re present,’ number one said. ‘But some of them are not allies to the US,’ number three said. ‘And to be definite it’s better to say the most of the influential governments. This makes our choice expresses a minority either if we count the population or the states. In fact we talk about less than twenty states in the world,’ number two said. ‘It’s agreed that this option is the only option that reflects the real interest of humanity. And the whole subject should be a secret,’ number one said sharply. He stood up and added; ‘now it’s over. Nobody should know the other.’ They went to three different doors. Just few steps they took and bombs exploded destroying the whole building. There were no number one, two or three person anymore. -4- The six religious leaders and the American boss were in the hall trying to solve their own differences, before attending the meeting with the devil the religious men had asked for. When the boss fed up of them, he asked them to postpone the discussions until they would meet the devil. ‘Why will the devil send his son instead of coming himself,’ the Aiat-Alla asked. ‘This meeting is unofficial, non-scheduled and of course not declared. I thought the devil may send one of the much lower grade jinni just to explore the other delegates' ideas.’ The boss said. ‘He is still arrogant. He has to come himself to meet us or perhaps he thinks that he’ll sign the agreement with higher rank persons.’ The Catholic Priest said. ‘You may tell the devil’s son this comment,’ the boss said. ‘When will he come?’ the Rabbi asked. ‘If it’s agreed this exploratory meeting may be held tomorrow,’ the boss said. The vote that followed this short discussion created another problem as three delegates agreed to meet the devil’s son while the other three refused the proposal. The American boss chose not to vote to keep his neutrality at least theoretically. ‘What if we ask the devil to send an apology with his son for not coming in person? If he’s still arrogant he won’t apologize,’ the boss proposed. ‘If it’s agreed that it’s free to do mistakes provided that one will be forgiven later one, the religions will be ruined,’ the Orthodox Priest said. Again the proposal did not meet a success. ‘I think the devil could have deceived us easily if he said that he would come in person and sending his son without telling us. We don’t know him. To be fair, he said the truth and this is a good sign,’ the Sunni Shikh said. These words said by the Sunni Shikh made four votes against two. ‘Then you may enjoy the staying in this resort until tomorrow. In a cave in a mountain, a gentleman was meeting a fundamentalist. ‘I’m the representative of the Human Prayers Organization, an organization that formed from persons belong to the different wholy religions,’ the gentleman presented himself. ‘Are you sure that the Americans will have a deal with the devil?’ the fundamentalist asked. ‘The video tapes of their meetings are my proof,’ the gentleman said. ‘And what do you want?’ the fundamentalist asked. ‘A suicidal bomb in the meeting hall,’ the gentleman said. He did not let the fundamentalist think and added, ‘securing the approach and providing the explosives will be our duty.’ ‘But it’ll be declared that the planning from A to Z is ours,’ the fundamentalist said. ‘Okay,' ‘Okay,' In one of the mafia headquarters a giant man wearing a black suit and black glasses was about to leave. ‘Son, this time we act not only to save the interest of the families but also to guarantee the presence of the evil in the world so that kind people continue going to churches, temples and mosques to pray for God. These kind people need the devil more than anything to serve as a cause for their failures, despair and repression,’ the Godfather said. He kissed the giant man’s front and added, ‘I can’t trust but my own son to shoot the devil. Don’t forget that this is the last operation I plan and you’ll replace me to take care of the family. God may forgive me for what I had done if you succeed to kill the devil so as his heir will have nothing to do but taking his revenge from human beings or preservation of the status quo.’ Two men were walking in a street in one of the large cities. ‘You’ll shoot the devil with this sniper two hundred meters away. If you fail the state will deny any connection to you and to this operation,’ the intelligence officer said to the professional killer whom they had promised to forgive if he would accept the mission. ‘And what about the million dollars,’ the killer asked. ‘In this lavatory you’ll find a laptop and a CD and a bank account number. The CD gives you all the instructions,’ the intelligence officer left. In an Air Force Base the command received a colonel in his office. ‘Well,’ the colonel said, ‘the atomic bomb is installed in the plane and ready to be exploded via signals from a satellite. The automatic pilot will take place instead of the human pilot through a certain virus that will invade the computer of the plane just seconds before reaching the site. The plane will hit the site and everything will appear as a technical fault.’ ‘Thank you,’ the command said. -5- In a hidden place between the earth and the sky the Great Devil called for an emergency meeting after he had known the news of the assassination of his elder son along with the seven human persons who had been conferring with him. ‘This meeting,’ the Great Devil started, ‘is one of the most important in the earth history. When my elder son told me that he had a desire to be a believer and to do good things, I considered his will as a betrayal for our cause. I decided to kill him by letting him meet our enemy and planning to get ride of all the delegates. I put a plan and unfortunately it failed. To my surprise and astonishment the human race refused his proposal and decided to kill him as well. Their three plans succeeded.’ |