Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1082001-The-PH-Man
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #1082001
Antics of a Pool man - Entry for contest
The PH Man

This was my first time on a Naval Depot and I couldn’t understand all the fuss. I couldn’t move left or right without having someone with me. Hell I was only going to clean the pool and check why the filter wasn’t working.

The sailor escorted me up the front stairs of the female quarters and stopped outside a small office.

Three women occupied the small space. I noted that all three wore white uniforms however two had gold braid on their epaulettes.

"Leading Seaman Smith, Ma’am," the Sailor called while saluting. "Escorting the pool Jock, Ma’am," he added.

Who are you calling a Jock? I thought and considered protesting, but my thought was interrupted by a harsh raspy voice.

“Thank you Leading Seaman," the older woman replied." About time too," she retorted as she glanced at me.

“Where is the poo ... I began but was interrupted by the older woman's raspy voice.

"You sure you know what to do," the she voice quipped, stepping through the doorway.

I’ve probably cleaned more pools than you have had good f…. I let the rest of the thought slip. My attention was taken up by the young woman whom had followed the older woman from the office.

The older woman glared at me and in that raspy voice, bellowed, "Sub Lieutenant Wilson will escort you to the pool area. She will stay with you and you will obey her every command, Understood!"

"Yeah, yeah sure," I stammered and tossed off a totally fucked up salute. It was somewhat of a cross between a boy scouts and a traditional two finger salute and somewhere amongst it there was a hint of a proper salute. I was hoping to be smart but alas I failed.

"This way please," Wilson commanded, quickly turning to hide her smirk.

Hastily I grabbed my tool bag and followed.

My eyes quietly traced the form of the tidy body hidden by the white uniform. I felt a tingle traverse my lower body. There was definitely something sexy about white and until now I never realised how erotic a woman in uniform could be.

"So, how many women are on the base?" I asked, struggling to keep up with the fast moving Wilson.

“I’m afraid I can’t answer that Sir." she replied.

"Hey! I’m not a Sir, Randy is my name." I said with a smile.

"Is that by name or by nature?" Wilson asked, with a smirk.

Before I could reply she stopped and pushed open a door. We stepped into a large but well hidden pool area and it was obvious that they didn’t want unwelcome eyes spying.

"Wow!" I shouted. "This is one hell of a pool. Show me to the filter room Wilson," I said.

"It’s Angel by the way," she replied.

"That’s definitely by name and not by nature," I replied with a smirk.

"Here we are." She replied, opening the door.

I noticed the slight blush on her cheeks as I stepped into the filter room. The smell of chemicals filled my nostrils and I didn’t blame Angel for staying by the open door, watching intently as I scanned the room and checked the meters.

"I’ll have to do a PH test," I said, pushing past Angel.

"Is that PH for Physical," she said, with a slight laugh

"Yeah Blondie," I shot back, while scooping water from the pool.

"OH!" She replied, "Educated too," she added, with a strong laugh.

I ignored her momentarily, while studying the tests, then headed back into the filter room. ‘What does the gold stripes on your uniform mean?’ I asked.

"It shows my Naval Rank." Angel replied, "and before you say anything smart," she continued. "I am a junior officer, a Sub Lieutenant." she added.

“Nice one," I replied, adding chemicals while Angel stood at the door way watching.

"Do you ever go to sea?" I asked.

"Sometimes," Angel answered.

"Being a Sub Lieutenant means you go down I suppose, in a Submarine," I quickly added, with a blush.

"Oh Randy, I go down but never in a Submarine," She replied, with a broad smile.

I quickly checked the meters, hoping she hadn’t seen my blush. The last remark had taken this game of banter to another level and I wondered how far it could go.
I wasn’t happy with the filter operation and set about removing the check cover. Lifting the lid I quickly found the reason, one pair of ladies panties. Reaching in, I retrieved the small white cotton brief panties and tossed them toward Angel. "Lose something," I said with a smile.

"Nope not mine," she replied. "Not Naval Issue," she laughed.

"Oh, you’re an iron pants kind a girl,’ I said, with a laugh.

‘I doubt you will ever know," she answered with a grin.

We were interrupted by the filter making disgusting noises. I again opened the inspection box. More clothing had been drawn in with the water.

"Do you mind helping me here," I asked Angel.

"Sure." she replied, quickly moving to my side. "What can I do?" she asked.

I felt the heat of her body beside me and her closeness excited me. I felt an ache in my lower body as my manhood began to grow.

"If you could hold the lid," I stammered, hoping she hadn’t noticed my expanding shorts.

"Sure." she whispered.

Reaching in to remove the clothing I noticed the items had become caught. I jerked harshly and as they become free they flew back hitting Angle in the chest. The front of her white uniform became instantly see through.

Angel gradually lowered the filter box lid and turned slowly toward me. With her lips close to mine she said, "What are you going to do now?"

I bent and kissed her, pushing my body forward to meet her sudden thrust. Taking a breast in my hand I gently massaged upward, her low moans excited me. I felt her nipple straining against the wet material and taking it between my fingers, gently rolled it back and forth, her throaty moans of pleasure filled the tiny room.

We remained in passionate embrace as Angel reached down and unbuttoned my shorts, releasing my throbbing manhood. A sudden rush of pleasure escaped my lips when she reached further down and wrapped her cool hand around my hot member.

Breaking from our embrace, she whispered jokingly, "Nearly had an accident hey."

“Hmmm.” I replied, undoing her uniform and slipping it off her shoulders. Angel reached behind and undoing her bra, released her breasts from their constraints. I was momentarily mesmerised by the two perfectly shaped orbs tilting slightly upward. Her nipples stood rigid to attention and I instantly wanted to again take them in my fingers. I reached forward but she pushed me gently back and began to nibble and kiss my body as she slowly lowered her lips downward toward my hot angry penis.

The soft warm touch of her lips had me moaning in an instant. I had to fight the urge to push forward, deep into her mouth. I reached down and the soft silky strands of her hair slipped through my fingers. I leaned slightly back and never wanted the moment to end, however I knew if it didn’t I would have an accident.

Slowly I lifted her upward and gently leaned her backward on the filter box. I ran my tongue teasingly over her body, nibbling tenderly at each nipple then continuing downward toward her soft mound. I reached down and removed her white silk laced panties.

"So this is Naval Issue," I said cheekily, tossing them aside and gently nibbling her soft pubic furls.

"Ooooh Randy, you are a surprise," Angel moaned hoarsely, leaning further back and opening her body to me. Another throaty moan escaped her lips and her body pushed upward as I licked gently at her moist inner lips, occasionally flicking her clitoris.

Her body jolted and she squealed in ecstasy when I took her clit between my lips and drew the blood engorged button deeply into my mouth, working it hard with my tongue. Suddenly she grasped my head and moaning loudly she pushed harder into me, her body convulsing in a violent climax.

I stood and guided my throbbing muscle toward her mound and began to rub it gently along her warm moist folds. The sounds of her delight and air rushing from her lips filled my ears when I pushed deep into her.

Angel followed my every stroke and rose to meet my thrusts. The vibration of the pool filter heightened our excitement and soon our bodies gnashed together as one. The guttural sounds of pleasure heralded the arrival of our orgasms.

Exhausted, we clung to one another, kissing and nibbling each other.

"Shit," Angel called, pushing me away. "I’ll be late for duty parade,” she said, quickly dressing herself. "Hurry, hurry," she added nervously.

"I’m coming, I’m coming," I replied, gathering my tool box and following her outside.

"Well actually you’ve done that," she said, with a light laugh.

"When can I see you next," I asked hesitantly, trying to keep up with her fast pace.

Angel didn’t reply and soon we were at the front office.

The Leading Seaman that escorted me in was standing patiently waiting to escort me out.

The older woman stepped from the office and in her raspy voice bellowed. "You took your time, everything in order Wilson."

"Yes ma’am," Wilson replied. "Sorry Ma’am we had trouble with the PH level."

"Very well, carry on." She replied, stepping back into the office.

"I’ve left my number on the filter box if you have anymore problems," I said. "I’m readily available to help with your PH levels Wilson," I added with a grin.

“Thank you, I’ll call when we next need the Physical level checked." She replied, with a smile. “Leading Seaman Smith will escort you out.” She said, and then turned and also stepped into the office

Leading Seaman Smith looked puzzled. "Ph levels don’t have anything to do with physical," he said, ushering me toward the main gate.

"No mate," I replied. But then you’re the seaman and I’m the pool man, I thought to myself and grinned.
© Copyright 2006 HardYakka (hardyakka at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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