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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Drama · #1081139
Two friends learning, loving, and living.
I guess I should give you a little back round to who it is that I am. To start, my name is Alison Williams or as most call me Allie, I am 17 years old and a senior at Johnston High School. I have lived in Johnston, Illinois my whole life. I have a lot of friends, but two that are closest, Sara and Kyle. Although Sara and I have known each other longer, Kyle and I are by far closer, we can share anything beyond anything, from relationships to Christmas shopping. I even go on vacation with his family each year to their summer home.
So far I'd like to think that I am having the normal high school expierence, I hang out with my friends, I argue all the time with my dad, and I dislike homework more then anything! My friends and I may love to party, but we have never been the types to smoke or get high on the latest form of drug. Although we do occasionally drink, we arn't irresponsible, to do it then something stupid, or at least I thought.
So this is where I being my story, it's now February of our senior year in high school, and it was just a regular weekend, except for the fact Kyle's parents were out of town, and I was pretty much staying with him. My parents were cool with it, believing I was staying at Sara's at night.This gave us the perfect opportunity to drink, my older sister Amy had bought more then enough to have fun, only problem was that when we started we didn't know when to stop.
All I remember was waking up the next morning on the couch, in nothing but a sheet. What startled me more was the fact Kyle was in the same state of dress as I was right beside me.
I was terrified, I thought this is going to ruin everything, but instead, it felt like natural awkwardness. Except for the giant hangovers we both were suffering from....

That was two moths ago, and I can't say things have been the same since. We arn't together or anything, but we do have more of a physical relationship. All was going good so far, until I caught the flu.
"Allie! Where are you?!?" Sara yelled as she and Kyle barged into the Williams house.
"Sara Stop yelling, what's going on"
"Don't give me that, what's going on stuff, where were you today? Are you sure its the flu this is the longest case I have ever heard of"
"Hi guys great to see you too,...I know Sar, I just can't seem to get over this bug, I'm going back to the doctor tomorrow, I swear"
"You say so, but hey I figured you could use some of your homeowrk so the catch up game doesn't take so long"
"She brings you homework, I bring chocolate and movies" Kyle finally piped in.
"Thank you to the millions, both of you!, but what homework could there possibly be for six blow off classes and an AP english course?"
"Well for starters you missed two quizzes in AP, but Mrs.K said you could make them up at home, oh and you have a 2 page paper due in photography on your favorite photographer, instead of having to do the rest of the work you missed"
"your a life savor Sara, thanks!"
"Hmm what movies Ky? chick flicks I hope"
"always, but I hate to do this, we gotta run, but we'll catch you later?"
Allie nodded and bit her lip, not thinking she could handel anymore of this sick stuff. Kyle kissed her cheek and they were gone.

"Okay Allie, your suspicions are correct, this is not the flu, do you remember the date of your last period?"
"No I don't, I thought I haven't had it becasue I have been so sick?"
"well by any chance have you been sexualy active in the past few months?"

"I gues, well yea, a few times" Allie replied nervously, she did't like where this was going.

Dr. Savy took her eyes of Alisons chart "Well I'd like to run a pregnancy test"
"There's no way it can be that! We've been careful and I'm on the pill!"

"Sweetie thats not 100% protection, you know that, and although this looks like you may be pregnant, we don't know that for sure, so lets get your blood drawn and we'll go from there, okay?"

"Okay, I guess"

"Here's what were going to do, I'm going to send you to the free clinic downstairs and have them do it because this way one; it wont be on your insurance bill and 2; it will be done in 24 hours, come on. I'll walk you down there"

24 hours I thought as I waited, 24 hours until I knew if my life was over, and what was i going to tell Kyle, oh god, our parents, they are going to be so mad, and worse disapointed. Now I'm rambling in my own thoughts! Is that possible?

"Okay Allie" the kind nurse said "your all done" she took one look at my scared expression and patted me on the back "Everything will be alright sweetheart don't you worry"
I had given them my cell phone number to call, not wanting my parents to intercept this kind of news before I had the chance to tell them. Well this is it, I guess now I'll head to Kyle's.

I hadn't knocked on their door in what seems like forever, it was always just walk right in to be greeted by all of the dogs.But this time felt different, I felt like I didn't belong, who was I to waltz in with this kind of life changing news,and at the same point if I didn't just walk in he would know something was up. This was it.

"Kyle" I called out sofly as I opened the door.

"I'm in my room babe, come on in"

"Ky?" I looed at him with fear "I'm about to say the four most hated words put together in language history."

"Okay your scaring me, whats going on?"

"We need to talk"

"your right I do really hate those words put together" he said, trying to break the ice.

"So I went to the doctor, and well Sara was right about one thing, this isn't the flu"

"Oh god, are you sicker?" Then what is it?"

"Okay, I'm going to just going to tell you, and I want you to know that I love you, and thats not going to change, but I am not going to hold you to anything"
"No kyle please let me finish or I will loose my courage, there is a good chance that I may be...that I am..I think I may be pregnant" I blurted out all at once.

As the shock set in to him, he didn't say a word, that worried me even more, unshed tears built up in my eyes and I turned to leave, thinking that he wouldnt want me anymore, not after this.

"Allie wait" he called out as I practically ran to the door, but he reached me in time and gathered me into the strongest hug I have ever expierenced. All I could do was cry, thinking of our lives, our futures,.... our parents"

"O god" I wispered "How could this happen?" Of course Kyle being Kyle, he tried to lighten the mood...
"Well" he said " first you need a man and a women..
"Okay so what do we do now Al?"
"We wait" I said simply shrugging my shoulders.

After School was out the next day, we both ended up at my house, no questions asked.
"Any english homework I can help you with Allie?"
"Kyle! How can you think of homework at a time like this!?"
" What's done in done hun, we can't change it, but we can try and focus on something else we know is real, until they call"

As if on cue my cell started dancing across the table to Greenday.

"This is she....
" yes, yea I understand...
" Thank you..."

Exhailing I slowly closed the phone and turned to Kyle, speechless...
"Kyle the test was positive"
I barely had gotten the words out before the tears came rushing down. What were we going to do now? Only Seniors in highschool, with minimum wage part time jobs.
"Okay, where do we go from here?"
" I won't get an abo..an abortion, I can't I won't!."
"Whoa relax," He said brushing my tears away."I wouldn't want you to, we were mature enough to have sex, so now we handle the consequences"

Tying to controle my tears, I asked what seemed to be our next step
" Kyle, like I said, I can't, no I won't hold you to..
"Allie...I'm not going anywhere, why would you think I would leave you, why?"
"I was just saying is all.."
"come here" he took my hand and we walked over to the couch I crawled into his lap "lets enjoy what peace we have, what time do your parents get home?"
" Uh about 5 I think, do we tell them tonight?"
"Should I call mine and have them here, so we only have to do it once?, do you even want to tell them together?
"Kyle, settle down a sec, first, lets tell parents all at once, if they are going to yell, they might as well get the chance to discuss things"
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