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This story is about bounty hunters and there life.It's good check it out. |
This is a story of a corrupted world that many people have been killed and this story takes place at the time of 3023 D.F. and this is how our story starts.............. Our story begins with TK. He is 5,9 medium hard green hair, a red headband green eyes, a green one sleeve t-shirt (right side) shoulder pad on the (left side) fingerless glove(right side)green wristband(left side)green, elbow pad(right side)green, baggy jeans black, boots black with green soul. a great sword with ancient writing (gold) silver with a black inside named the Glam which is strapped to his right shoulder. he is also joined by his cousin Matt. He is 6,0 knee long hair(white)loose, he has a green jersey that says his name on the back with a white under t-shirt with calf low shorts the left side is cut off (faded) green and white boots and green and white baseball gloves. a long heavy katana and it's strapped on to the middle leanght 5,8 it's called the Dragon Slayer. They were bounty hunters and they were well payed for what they did. One day they were called for a job............... Matt: yo we got to go. TK: where? Matt: we were called for a job down by that fucked up bar. TK: ok we out. They then left on there hi-tech motorcycle's...... Matt: We here (Matt then got off his motorcycle and looked around) TK: Are you sure? This doesn't look like a place for our line of work (leaning on the bike wondering about this place) Matt: well if they got the money it's the right place(while walking toward to bar) They walked into the bar and every body stopped what they were doing and stared at them........... TK: Ya niggas ain’t got no life(being obnoxious) A group of bike riders get up and walk towards Matt and TK.......... Bikerider leader: what you said in my bar!!!? TK:(with question looked on his face) TK hits the biker with a full force punch it drops him into the other bikers and his teeth flew out then Matt grabbed one of the other bikers and slammed his head into the ground and punched him in the back of the skull. Every body in the bar got up and walked towards Matt and TK. They pulled out there swords and every body sat back down. Matt: who the fuck called us!!!?(pointing at the bikers face with his sword) Somebody opens the back door and calls them over............. TK: stay alert(looking toward Matt) They walk into the back room furious they put there swords into the ground then TK punches the wall and brakes it............ TK: who ever called us stand the fuck up!!!(while cracking his knuckles) Stan: I want you to deliver this package for me. Matt: we ain’t no fucking delivery boys TK we out (while walking towards the exit) Stan: wait there is a great fee in it for you guys. TK:(Looks at Stan) how much?(with his arms folded) Stan:10,000 zen. Matt: Ok where to?(with a smile on his face) They leave the bar with the map Stan gave them, they got on there bikes and transferred the map into there navigation system..... TK: this is easy zen. Matt: yeah, but look back there(looking back) TK:(Looks at his side mirror and it seems as if a car is following them)Lets go a quicker I got a plan. Matt: Ok. They start to drive faster and try see if the car was following them but the car made a different turn...... Matt: Forget about it. TK: Ok. They got to the place and started walking into the building and that car pulled up. Driver: Don’t move. Matt: Who the fuck are you!!!?(looking at the Driver with a weird face) Driver: Hand over the package or things will get ugly!! TK: Like you(with a smirk on his face) Then four people jump out the car but only three start shooting the last one had a sword but he stood there watching TK and Matt pull out there swords and jump to the side and charged at the shooters. TK: You want to rumble(and slices the guy in half at the waist line) Matt: Watch this (fakes a jump to the right and jumps to the left and stabs him threw his neck) They both look at each other and nodded there heads then they ran towards the last shooter and did a diagonal slash that cut the man in three. Matt: Filth (while cleaning his sword) TK: To easy(he thrusts his sword so hard that the blood comes right off the sword) Brad: Ha ha ha ha ha, I am (TK cuts him off) TK: I don’t give a fuck what your name is, lets get this over with. Batosai: If that is the way you want it then so be it (charged at them) Then Matt pushed tk out the way of his attack... Matt:Watch out!!! Then Matt swung at him and he blocked it with his double-bladed katana and then TK tried to tripped him but he jumped really high, TK got up and TK and Matt ran up the side of the building and jumped towards him with a vertical slash he blocked it and it made a big thunderous impact and they all ricocheted back into buildings.... TK: Matt are you ok? Matt: Yeah. Then Brad just poped up in front of them and punched Matt in his face and kicked TK in his chest..... TK:Lets finish this (while getting up) Matt: I ain’t got a problem with that (while getting up) They both get up and start to do a movement.... TK:SONIC SCAR!!!!(it's a blue wave that travels through the ground that does massive damage) Matt:DRAGON RAY!!!!(it's a greenish ray that can pierce through anything) The impact of both attacks were so strong that it deteriorated Brad like he was nothing.... Matt:That was kind of hard he messed up my hair(while fixing his hair) TK:Not really just needed to use a little power(while dusting his hands) Matt:Oh shit! the package where is it (looking for the package) TK:Relax i left it in my bike (laughing) They went down stairs and they saw a guy on TK's bike with the package in his hands ...... Matt: That ain’t yours!!!! TK:You looking for a ass whipping!!? ????:Nah here(tosses the package to them while walking away) Matt:Who the fuck was he(picking the package up) TK:Nevermind him lets go get our zen. They went into the place and some guy said to them thats for me and gave them 10,000 zen they started to leave then some guy said to them I like how you guys work if you want me to do something for you I could......... Matt: Is that a threat!!!? Guy: No, and by the way the name is Izzy I just want to join(while extending his hand out) TK: It's not that easy there's a lot of test you have to take a lot of test(while scratching his head) Izzy: Tell me what I have to do. Matt: Are we really going to let this looser join(glaring at Izzy) Izzy: What did(TK cuts Izzy off) TK: Do you want to join or not? Izzy: Just tell me what I have to do!!! Matt: I swear on my life the next time you ever raise your voice to us again I will kill you do you understand that!!! Izzy: What you expect me to stand here and be treated like shit!! TK:(runs towards Izzy)Test begins(punches Izzy in the face) Matt: TK you got 10 minutes(while looking at his watch) They begin to fight TK is fighting bare handed ,Izzy is using his gun and he fires at TK and the bullet skinned TK's right cheek. TK: you little.....(TK then takes out his glam)now you going get it. TK rushes at Izzy very fast and swings his sword, it barely misses him but the force knocked him back. Izzy: whoa!!! Matt:(grabs TK)your time's up!!!! TK: NO YOUR FUCKING WATCH IS WRONG!!!! I'M NOT DONE!! Just then Izzy punched TK and Matt right in the cheek.... TK: Oh No This Mother Fucker Didn't!!!(TK rushed and punched Izzy in the gut) Izzy: Ughhhhh!!!!! Matt:.........(Then Matt jumped up and punched Izzy right in the face with full force) Izzy then flew and then TK ran and while Izzy was in mid air TK kicked Izzy in the back and he flew up and then Matt jumped up to were Izzy was and elbow him in the face Izzy flew straight down and made a big crater in the ground. TK: Humph...had enough..? Izzy tried to get on both feet. Izzy:huff....huff.....i'm not done yet...multiple shot!!!(he shoots so many shots at onece) TK:is that all you got?. Matt was moving to quick to be hit be the shoots and TK was blocking them with his sword. Izzy then ran towards Matt while his back was turned and grab him be his hair and slamed Matt onto the ground. Matt:Get the fuck off me!!!(Matt elbow Izzy in the chest) Then TK ran to Izzy and kick him in the side and he fall to the ground. Tk then puts his sword next to Izzy's neck. Matt:That's enough!!...your in. Izzy:huff...huff..finaly... TK:Alright time to spend that zen. (Notes:) I’m not done by a long shot. Reviews plz. |