Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1079983-Encounter
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1079983
A light bondage story.
The door opened silently, and he stood just on the other side smiling out at her. She took a deep breath and stepped into the small, intimately lit room. Her eyes traveled over the contents of the room before her eyes returned to him. He crossed quickly, silently to her and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her into a deep, intense kiss. Any inhibitions and tension she felt melted away as his lips explored and plundered hers. Finally, he drew slowly away. She realized she felt comfortable and smiled at him.

He took her hand and led her to the couch where he sat and tugged her down beside him. She settled in, curling her legs up underneath her. Her hand was still enclosed in his, and his thumb traced slow, lazy circles over the back of her hand. She smiled brightly and brought her gaze to his face. He was older, but not unattractive. He was rugged, not pretty, with graying hair and bright blue eyes. She loved his eyes. It was his eyes that sometimes revealed thoughts, emotions that he kept hidden away. She studied him a moment, gauging his mood. He seemed more distant than usual, but that didn't bother her much. As he spoke, her gaze settled intently upon him, and she listened.

They chatted about the normal, mundane things of life - how her day went, how classes were going, what they each had planned for the remainder of the week. It was a conversation they had had many times before. Nothing extraordinary. She listened to the tone, the timbre of his voice. She loved that voice. It was comforting and warming to her. And then she heard the tone shift. She listened as his tone took on the air of Master. Her back stiffened, she straightened her posture and she tuned in to what he was saying. She could almost predict how it would go. He would tell her what he intended to do, and then make certain she knew that if it was too much, too scary, that she could always tell him no and he would stop immediately. She knew that she would do almost anything to please him, but she needed to prove that to him.

As she had thought, he told her the basics of what he had planned for the evening. He also reminded her that she could, at any time, stop him. "I trust You," she said, and he leaned in and kissed her hard on the lips. His tongue snaked, greedily pressing, delving. His touch demanded, took and claimed as his fingers roamed to cup her breast possessively.

He reminded her, "Your body is mine to do with as I wish when you are with me." She softly whispered in response, "Yes." His lips continued to tease and tantilate as his fingers curled, teased along the hardening nipple beneath the fabric of her blouse. He began to work at the buttons, slowly releasing each one until her breath caught in her throat from anticipation of his touch along her heated flesh.

At long last he slid the blouse back over her shoulders, down her arms, exposing her lace clad breasts to the cool air of the room. She shivered as her nipples hardened even more. His gaze lowered and he took her bared form in and smiled. "Good, girl. You dressed for me." She could do nothing but simply nod in response. His head dipped and he claimed the bared skin as his lips skimmed along the outline of her bra. His fingers followed the line, closing around the clasp in the back as he released the hooks. The bra slid free, exposing even more of her supple flesh to his mouth, his fingers. He feasted and let his fingers continue to roam and claim the body that was his.

Her mind raced, filling with want with each stroke of his hands, with each and every flicker of his tongue along her smooth, ivory skin. She sighed softly as she lifted her fingers to the nape of his neck and slid them through the thick hair. She let the other hand wander slowly over his shoulders, teasingly raking her nails over his tense muscles. She sensed an immense amount of control. He was tense. He was concentrating on maintaining that control, and that knowledge somehow thrilled her.

His hands sunk lower, unbuttoning her jeans and sliding them down over her full, rounded hips. He softly kissed her forehead as she slid her ankled free from the legs and let them settle in a pool beneath her feet. Again, his gaze lowered taking in every bare inch of her skin. His lips curled approvingly as his gaze passed over her freshly shaven lips. His fingers rose to trace over the soft silken flesh, teasing her, arousing her further. Softly he kissed her again and whispered, "Not yet."

He rose and walked across the room to the bag sitting on the table in the corner. Unzipping it, he withdrew several items. He looked up from his task and asked her, "Go to the bed." She rose obediently and settled along the edge. Her heart pounded in her chest as she watched him slowly untangle the heavy cord. He looked at her and smiled. "You can tell me to stop," he reminded her.

"No." she replied. Nothing more. Her heart raced, not in fear, but in anticipation. She watched as the cord settled in a neat coil in his hands. Then he reached in the bag yet again and withdrew a blindfold. He crossed to her and set the coiled cording beside her. He drew her hair back as he knew that it bothered her to have it sliding over her face and raised the blindfold to cover her eyes. Slowly he tied it as she sat still. He checked to make sure her vision was effectively impaired, and then he lowered his lips to hers. He teased and enticed her. He relaxed her yet again. And then, he reached for the cord.

She sensed rather than felt his reaching for the cord. Her body tensed slightly, but his lips continued to gently caress hers in a timeold dance. She relaxed yet again, and then he spoke. "Lift your hands forward and hold them together."

"Yes," she replied. She shifted and brought her hands together, concentrating on relaxing the muscles. She felt her heart thundering in her chest and took a long, deep, cleansing breath. She felt his fingers close over her wrists, drawing them together. Then she felt the smooth, silken cord as it brushed against her skin. She tensed as the cord wrapped slowly around both wrists, binding them together. He wound several more lengths around her wrists. She lost count, but that didn't matter. She tugged gently at the restraint, testing its limits. She found it snug and knew he'd tied it off just loose enough to allow her minimal movement, but not enough to escape. She bit gently at her lower lip at this realization. Again, he offered the option of stopping. She shook her head negatively anb waiting for his next instructions.

His fingers traced slowly along her arms, wrists to shoulders. He applied gentle pressure and he shifted her up the bed, laying her head along the pillow there. His fingers lazily moved along her curves, lingering to tease at her taught nipples and breasts. She whimpered softly in response, back arching into his fingers. He let his fingers dance lower, trailing softly down her sides and over her hips. She felt him shift her legs, gingerly moving them into the position he wanted her in. Her respiratory rate increased as her breathing grew shallow. Finally, his hands lifted her ankles as he slowly wrapped the cord around them, binding them both together. He shifted her, alternating between caressing and binding until at long last his fingers left her body. Her mind cried out in protest. She shifted her legs, again testing the bindings for freedom. Like her wrists, it allowed for movement, nothing more.

She knew he stood over her, watching as she tested her limits. She sensed him studying her response, guaging her comfort level. She forced herself to settle, imagined his face while her world was covered in darkness. She waited, and at long last, felt the comfort the imagined vision of his would bring. She relaxed and then she heard him move. She listened as he crossed the room to the bag. She heard the scrape of the canvas against the wooden top of the table. She heard him withdraw something else. And then she heard him return to her side. Again, his voice penetrated the darkness, offering her release yet again.

She inhaled sharply and again refused his offer with a shake of her head. He reached for her then and drug her hands up and over her head. Leaning over her, his lips brushed softly over her forehead, and she sighed in response. His fingers still rested against the cording at her wrists, his thumb stroking at the bindings, pressing the cord lightly into her tender flesh. His lips slipped lower, kissed over her cheeks, then lowered to her lips. He plundered, he took, he claimed her yet again. She responded in turn, hungry and anxious, yet knowing he would pace this. She would writhe with want and desire before he would bring her release. It wouldn't be rushed. It wasn't his way.

His lips left hers, left her gasping, whimpering for more. His voice, soft, barely a whisper, penetrated her conscious again. "Are you my submissive?" he asked. She softly gasped, breathless, heart hammering in her chest, "yes." She felt him smile before his lips closed over hers yet again. His fingers traced down over her, teasing with a light caress. Her body arched into his touch, needing more pressure, but he denied her that and continued his gentle explorations. He teased. He stroked. He made her ache for him, but yet he continue to stoke the flames of need with his maddening touch.

She lay, though not passively, arcing into his fingers. She carelessly shifted, pressing into his fingers, silently begging for more. But, still, he ignored that choosing instead to continue his relentless assault on her senses. At long last his fingers still along her inner thigh. She held her breath, waiting, longing for his touch yet again. She opened her mouth to speak, and he placed a single finger over her lips, shushing her. Softly he whispered, "Soon. Just relax."

She tried to comply, but every nerve ending in her body seemed to be tingling. She could feel the moisture of her sex slowly seeping along the folds, dampening her. Her breasts rose and fell with each labored breath. Slowly she licked her parched and slightly parted lips. She waited. And then she felt the weight of the bed shift as he rose. She strained to listen to the sounds of his movement as he made his way around the room.

Finally he ceased his movements, and she knew he was standing next to the bed. She tugged, strained at the restraints, wanting desperately to reach for him. She wanted to tease him, bring him to the same level of excitement that she was in. She wanted to make him want and need like she did at that very movement. She frowned as her movements were limited. He smiled and settled beside her, settling a hand over her stomach. She stopped moving instantly, and reverted back to the image in her mind. She pictured his face, what his expression would be. But she was at a loss.

She felt him shift again. His fingers closed over her bound wrists, bringing them up and over her head again. The weight on the bed shifted with his movements. Then she felt yet more binding being applied and the slight upward tug of her wrists to the top of the bed. He had secured her hands, preventing her from bringing them down over her body. She tugged, again testing, and found her movement there had been very much limited. She could only twist her wrists and arms into a more comfortable position. She felt a momentary sense of panic, and then she heard his voice. Barely a whisper, "Just relax, take a deep breath. Breathe." And she did, feeling the tenseness seep from her body.

She listened and felt him rise yet again from the bed. Was that the sound of his clothing falling to the floor? She imagined his motions in her mind, and found herself become more curious as to what was next. Her heartrate increased as she waited, silently damning him for taking his time. Finally, she felt him lower himself along her side, stretching out so his body softly rested alongside of her. She tried to shift, to bring her body into contact with his, but he placed his hand on her stomach again and stilled her movements.

Once again, he began his assault on her body. His fingers danced over her flesh, reigniting those flames between her thighs. She shivered in delight as he pressed forward, adding his lips to the sensations. She felt his warm breath on her neck before his lips closed, pressed against the point where her pulse thundered beneath. She moaned softly in response as she tilted her head to give him better access. She felt the shivers of delight race directly down her spine as his lips sunk lower, tongue tracing a heated path over her shoulder to her full, heaving breast. His fingers curled into her flesh, and her nipples tightened, hardened in response. He pinched and teased the rough pink peaks, smiling, enjoying her responses to his touch. Her back arched into his hand as he pinched harder, twisting them slightly. He watched her sharp intake of breath, and, again he smiled.

He continued to tease her breasts while his lips curled around the orbs. He suckled and teased with his lips as his tongue laved against the hardened flesh. She whimpered in response, hands and shoulders tugging at the restraints. He grinned against her, hissing a soft, "shhhh" as he continued to tease and incite her further. She calmed, as much as she possibly could, and concentrated on the sensations he was creating in her body. She let her tongue flicker out, sliding along her bruised, well kissed lips. As she took another deep, cleansing breath, he took his assaut one step further.

His fingers continued to kneed and tweak and caress her breasts as his lips glided lower. His tongue flickered along the underside of her curved breasts sending a wave of pleasure coursing through her body. She shuddered once, and he sunk lower still. His tongue danced, alternated between his hungry lips pressing heated kisses to the damp trail he left in his wake. The cool air in the room chilled her skin along the damp path, stirring even more of her senses into a state of shock. At long last, he paused, lips lingering just about the apex of her legs, hovering over her pelvis. His hands slid, leaving her breasts and traced along her sides to her hips. Here, he gripped her hips and lifted her while he lowered his lips and pressed them against her warm, wet sex.

She shuddered and drew her thighs as far apart as she could against her restraints. Her hips bucked, rose against his lips. His fingers tightened on her hips, roughly drawing her hips back into the position he preferred. His tongue snaked, writhered against her moist flesh, touching every crevice, every sensitive nerve ending. She teetered, knowing that she wouldn't last long as he continued to pleasure her flesh. He seemed intent on devouring, savoring her sweet nectar as his tongue drove within her folds. She tensed around him, holding back, wanting so much more than just his mouth on her. She spoke.

Gasping, half moaning, "Please...I need you." He never relented. His lips, his tongue continued to press along, lapping, licking at her sensitive flesh. He focused then on her clit, drawing it in his mouth, suckling, nibbling at it. His fingers parted her, sunk one, then two within her silken folds. He curled them into her, catching that sensitive portion of her inner flesh. She cried out, spiraled over the edge and fell helplessly into bliss. Her body shuddered as her inner muscles spasmed along his fingers. Quickly he withdrew, settled alongside of her again and slid his arms calmingly around her. He waited patiently as she trembled in his embrace, fingers combing through her soft, long hair.

At long last, she breathlessly lifted her head seeking his lips. He gave, pressing into her, his tongue flickering out, exploring the depths of her mouth. She hungered for him, in ways she didn't even imagine. She returned his kiss, meeting him fervently, still full of want and need. She tasted herself on his lips. She smelled the scent of sex lingering there as well. She needed, wanted more of him. He let her explore his cheeks, his jaw, his neck with her lips. He enjoyed her kisses and shivered slighly as her teeth closed around the flesh of his neck. At her gentle tug against the restraints, he smiled into her hair and pressed a soft, relaxing kiss against her forehead.

She settled, knowing that he set the pace. She would receive what she desired, eventually, when he determined she deserved it. So she waited, as patiently as she could, and concentrated on simply pleasing him. He would let her know what he desired soon enough. In the meantime, his fingers continued to gently stroke along her sides, her breasts, keeping her in a state of arousal. He reveled in that power. He delighted in her response to his touch. Finally, he could stand it no longer.

He rose and slowly removed what remained of his clothing. He stretched and stood over her, quietly taking in her body. His eyes traced over each luscious, ample curve of her breasts, her hips, her waist. He studied her, like an artist before he began to paint his masterpiece. He knew she lay there, bound by him, for him, waiting patiently for her release. This time would be different. Leaning over, he ran a hand slowly down her arms, starting at the bindings of her wrists to the slight curve of the outer portion of her breast. He slowly, lightly followed the generous curve and the indentation of her waist. Lightly, he traced over her hips, her smooth thighs, all the way to her calves. He let his fingers curl at her ankles, softly caressing along the bindings there as well. Then he began an ascent, watching her lips, her facial features shift and change as his fingers climbed higher along her inner thighs. Finally, his fingers teased along the bare labia, tracing each damp and swollen lip. She shuddered and gasped.

He softly whispered, "Roll over." She complied, as best as she could. His fingers pressed into her flesh as he assisted her. She lay quietly, feeling vulnerable but amazingly safe. His fingers traces along every soft curve of her back and bottom, enjoying the luxuriant feel of her soft, smooth skin. He drew back his hand and let it fall none to gently on her bare backside. She winced and inhaled sharply as the smack stung her sensitive skin. He repeated over and over until she drew her lower lip in as she bit back her tears. She held her breath, waiting, knowing that the pain always brought pleasure. His hands finally stilled against her reddened skin. He stroked along the welts slowly, softly. And then his hand slid between her thighs to test her readiness for him. He smiled at the dampness he found there.

He shifted again, settling his hands upon her hips. He drew her up, positioning her for what was next. His calm voice guided her as his hands assisted. She was now poised, bottom raised, arms settled beneath her for comfort. She was still bound. Her sex glistened between her lightly parted thighs in invitation to him. He studied her for a few moments. She sensed his steady perusal of her exposed flesh, and she blushed in response. He watched the rosy tint rise from her breasts to her face, and then he settled behind her.

One hand rested on her hips as he moved behind her. The other he used to guide himself to her wet sex. He rubbed the head of his cock along her slit, brushing it purposely along her throbbing clit. She twitched as he made contact and he smiled to himself. His hand traced along her hip, rose, and then came back sharply into to contact with her upturned ass. She winced in response. As she winced, he plunged his cock within, parting her quickly. He found no resistance as her flesh parted, folded around him. He groaned in response, loving the feel of her around his hard, thick cock. Slowly, he withdrew. She whimpered in response, but held her position.

He continued to plunge in and out of her roughly. His heavy sac slapped along her clit, exciting her, but not nearly enough as he continued to move within her. She whimpered and cried out, ached to be able to move. Yet, she knew his purpose, knew he would allow her that pleasure eventually. His voice penetrated her mind, "Are you ready?" Ready for what? she thought to herself. With a deep, steadying breath, she replied, "Yes, Master."

With her words, he withdrew completely. She fought back a sigh of disappointment. And then she felt his hands on her hips, parting her further. His fingers teased, dipped, curled within her sex, and withdrew again. He repeated this over and over until she could barely stand it. Then she felt his fingers slide up and over her puckered hole. She tensed as she felt him coating the area with her sweet nectar. She inhaled softly, waiting, wanting to be penetrated in that way. He continued to prepare her and then suddenly his hands were gone. Instead his cock pressed against her sex, entered her aching pussy. She whimpered, half in need, half in protest. "Please, Master," she whispered.

"Please, Master, what?" he demanded.

She swallowed, still blinded by the blindfold. Suddenly she realized how parched her lips were. Her tongue flickered out, dampened them as his cock slid out, then in again. He ceased his movements and let his hand fall upon her sensitive skin again. "Please, Master, what?" he repeated as he leaned over her back. His lips were just a breadth away from her ear. His cock still buried within her sex. She inhaled sharply.

"Please, Master, fuck my ass," she whispered. She waited, knowing in her heart it would not be this simple. He smiled above her as he sat up behind her. His hand slide from her ass to her neck in a single, slow, deliberate movement as he slowly withdrew from her. His fingers curled into the thick mass of her hair then curled into a fist, dragging a handful of her hair into its core. He pulled back, drawing her head up, shifting her focus to her head. When he was certain that was where her attention was, he centered his cock and pressed fully into her.

She felt her head pull back and moaned. He knew how she loved to have her hair pulled and tugged. In fact, any type of play in her hair would excite her. And then, she felt him part her tender flesh. She relaxed instinctively, and her entered her fully. She cried out softly in response. He yanked her head back again. "Is this what you wanted?" he inquired, cock buried fully within her tight ass.

"Yes," she whispered.

"Yes, what?" he admonished.

"Yes, Master!" she replied. She let her body go limp, knowing this is what he desired of her at this moment. He wished for total control. He guided her hips with one hand while he used his hand in her hair for leverage to drive deeper with each thrust. She whimpered and moaned softly, enjoying the feel of him within her. She let his hands move her hips to meet his thrusts until her excitement grew. He could feel her pleasure mounting, growing with each and every sure stroke of his cock. Finally, he released his hold in her hair and settled his hand along her stomach.

She took his cue and began to slowly roll her hips against him. With each thrust, she would rock her hips, sending vibrations down his shaft. He groaned in response. She continued and then finally began to rock. His motions settled as she began to control the pace. She was breathless and was teetering along the precipice of release. He could feel her muscles twitching, aching for release. He debated, momentarily, denying her that release, but he dismissed the idea as soon as it came to him. Instead he drug his fingers down her stomach. He raked them along her swollen flesh and plunged one, then two digits into her pussy.

Her head snapped up in response as she drove her hips back into him. He continued his assault, pumping his hips against her ass, burying his cock within over and over. He could feel those small twitches coming closer and closer together. He breathing was labored, yet she continued. His pace quickened as he could feel his own release quickly rising within him. He pressed on, teasing every inch of both canals.

Finally, she plunged, fell sweetly into her pleasured abyss. She cried out his name as her hips bucked wildly against him. He withdrew his fingers and cock and switched their places. He wanted to feel her spasms as he filled her with his seed. She tensed and released around him, spasming with uncontrolled abandon. She writhered and whimpered and then finally he released. His body shuddered over hers as his arms wrapped around her, and his fingers found her hardened, sensitive nipples. He tugged and pulled, twisted them as he pulsed within her trembling form. Slowly, both their motions slowed and finally stilled. He tugged her over, falling with her, an arm curled around her waist.

He inhaled slowly as he gently removed the restraints from her wrists. His fingers slowly, tenderly massaged the area where they had bit into her soft flesh. Her muscles suddenly ached from her pulling at the restraints and she sighed languidly as he ministered to the tenderness. She felt him shift behind her as he slowly removed the blindfold. His lips pressed gently against the flesh beneath her left ear as he softly whispered, "Open your eyes." She blinked at the semi-brightness of the room. Finally, her gaze focused on the window across the room. She felt him shift behind her, felt him move away from her. She whimpered in response and lifted her head. He sat at her feet, removing the restraints around her ankles. She lowered her head and closed her eyes.

His fingers again relieved the tension and rubbed softly along her flesh. Then he returned to rest in front of her. They laid on their sides, each studying the other for a few moments. He lifted his hand to brush through her hair and brought his lips to kiss along her forehead. "You have pleased me, my love." She smiled softly in response and lowered her gaze.

"I am glad, Master" she said softly. She wanted to please him badly. She needed. It was ingrained within her soul to please him. She felt the warm glow of pleasure sweep over her. She watched him smile in response. He drew her closer and tucked her within his arms. She rested her cheek against his chest and listened to the slow, steady hum of his heart. They lay like that for a while when at long last he announced it was time to go.

He chuckled as she grumbled softly. Softly he brought his hand down on her rump and told her to dress. She rose and cleaned up her tired form at the small sink in the corner. He dressed and watched her minister to her needs. He enjoyed watching her cleanse her soft, supple skin. Finally, she turned to find him holding her clothing in his hands. "Come," he said. She went and he dressed her, much as one would dress a child. Once completed, he wrapped her in his arms again and lowered his lips to hers. Slowly, he kissed her, a kiss full of promise, of more to come. And then, he drew away. She sighed contentedly, knowing the time to part from him had arrive. He turned her and walked her to the door. Just as she had arrived, he let her exit, and closed the door behind her.

She stood for a moment looking at the closed door. She smiled softly, half to herself and turned to return to her world. With a deep, heavy breath she steadied the thrum of her racing pulse and began her journey home.
© Copyright 2006 beautyinbloom (bloomnbeauty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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