Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1079775-Another-day-of-darkness
Rated: E · Poetry · Drama · #1079775
A assignment in a class, I like how it turned out.
Just another day of darkness.
The sun becomes the moon,
The moon morphs into the sun.
A tree limb whispers in my ear:
“Jump and I’ll catch you.”
If I trust do I die?
If I refuse do I die?
The sight of the ground far below
Smells of fear and excitement.
The wind rustles my hair,
I stretch out my arms, ready.
Fly or fall the waiting is over.
An owl hoots in the distance,
The brown bird of the night becomes
An audible warning against the choice.
The trick is to be like a bird,
Simply miss the ground and I can fly.
The charismatic free-fall will be earth shattering.
The taste of dawn is cool against my tongue
As Mouse scurries down the tree,
His decision is made.

Light streams through my window,
I awake to La Conner, Washington.
My ‘crib’ is consumed with indecision.
Brad Pitt would know what to do.
I still smell her perfume on my collar.
Birth when we meet,
Death when we part
“Mi corazón pertenece a usted.”
I fill with wonder as
The ground rushes toward me
And I’m free for a time.
The tree’s voice in my ear.
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