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Rated: E · Other · Horror/Scary · #1079443
A small town in tennesee is threatened by a dark terror

Jeremy rushed down the path, and was starting to panic, cause he had been walking for fifteen minutes, and still has seen no sign of his brother. “James, James where are you?!” cried Jeremy. As he ran around a bend in the path, James grabbed his ankles, and made Jeremy fall face first onto the path. “What the” cried Jeremy, but was immediately cut off, when a hand closed around his mouth. Immediately, Jeremy started screaming, and tried to fight off whoever it was that was trying to suffocate him. “Let go of me” he screamed, as he kicked and squirmed, trying to break free from the person’s grip, which was firm and strong. Finally James spoke up, “Shut up Jeremy, jeeze”. After James spoke, Jeremy showed obvious signs that he was settling down. Jeremy pushed James’s hand away, and said firmly, “What’s going on James? Why are you sitting here!”
James once again, placed his hand over Jeremy’s mouth, “I said shut up Jeremy, do you want it to find us?!” Jeremy eyed his brother cautiously, and spoke quietly this time, “Do you want what to find us?” asked Jeremy. James looked around, and then looked back at Jeremy. “I don’t know what it is, It looked like a wolf, and at the same time, was as big as a full grown gorilla” said James with hints of both wonder, and terror in his voice. “And I think it’s following me” James ended. Jeremy raised an eyebrow, and then chuckled, “C’mon James, do you really expect me to fall for this? There is nothing out there but maybe a few deer, and maybe a couple wolves”. James looked at Jeremy, with a face that told him I am not joking around. “I’m serious Jeremy, there is something really big out there”. Jeremy nodded, and then looked around again, “ I’m sure there is James” replied Jeremy. Suddenly, there was a loud crashing noise, and low growling, and a huge animal about the size of a full grown gorilla, leaped out from the underbrush, and landed in the middle of the path a few feet away. Jeremy was about to scream, when James threw his hand over his mouth once again, and Jeremy looked up at James, with a look of horror on his face. The large animal stood on it’s haunches on the path, and it’s long pointy ears twitched, as if it was listening for something, and it turned it’s head to the side, and it’s face came into view. It had a long snout, and two fiery red eyes, and rows of dagger like teeth, were protruding from underneath its lips. It put its snout to the air, and sniffed slowly, and then looked around some more, and started walking on four legs into the bushes on the other side of the path. Jeremy was holding onto James tightly, and was shaking. “J-James…w-what…was that” whimpered Jeremy
“That was the animal I was trying to warn you about” replied James
“Well can we go home now….” Asked Jeremy, James looked at Jeremy, and nodded, “Yea…lets go”, and together, the two boys began to make their way down the path further. As they came around a bend, a loud earsplitting howl erupted from the woods, and it sounded like it came from the deepest pits of hell. “WHAT WAS THAT!?” cried Jeremy, and from behind them the animal erupted from the bushes behind them, and thick globs of saliva were dripping from it’s gleaming white fangs. The two boys backed up slowly, and the creature approached them on four powerful limbs, all bulging with solid muscle. “James…” whimpered Jeremy nervously, as the creature sat back on it’s haunches, and prepared to pounce on them. Then suddenly James kicked a thick glob of mud and dirt into the creatures gleaming red eyes, and it yelped slightly, and stumbled back. “RUN!!!” yelled James, and taking advantage of the moment, the two of them raced through a clearing, and out through a row of trees, and found themselves right across the street from their house. “GO JEREMY GO!!!” urged James, and right behind them, the creature, enraged by the attack of mud and dirt in its eyes, bounded after them on all fours, it heavy footfalls causing loud thumping noises on the pavement. Jeremy and James, ran as fast as their legs could carry them, but the creature was much faster, and stronger, and soon closed the distance between itself, and its prey. James could feel the creatures hot putrid breath on his neck, and pushed himself to go even faster, and Jeremy grabbed a hold of his brother’s hand, and pulled him along just as the creatures massive clawed hand swiped at James’s neck. Jeremy literally slammed into their front door, and pushed it open, and James right on his heels dove in behind him, and Jeremy slammed the door on the creatures face. Enraged by both loosing its prey, and by the pain in its face, the creature slammed repeatedly against the door frame, making the whole door shake, and it slashed it’s sickle like claws against the door causing huge holes to be taken right out from the door. “JEREMY I CANT HOLD IT FOR MUCH LONGER” screamed James, “TURN ON THE FLOOD LIGHTS ON THE PORCH HURRY!!!” Confused and terrified, Jeremy just stood there. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR JEREMY? GO!!” Jeremy finally snapped himself out of his daze, and dove towards the light switches next to the door, and flipped them all on, and two floodlights mounted on the garage flared to life. Confused, and terrified by this sudden bright light in its eyes, it reeled around, and raced back across the street, and jumped onto an oncoming car, and leaped off of it, and into the darkness of Wolf Bane Woods. Jeremy looked out the peephole on the door, and saw nothing but the driveway, and the creature was gone. He slowly slid down the doorway, and sat down next to his older brother. James heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly tapped his head against the back of the door, and shut his eyes. “James?” said Jeremy softly,
“What?” replied James,
“Do you think that was a-?”
“No” replied James cutting Jeremy off in mid-sentence
“I didn’t even ask you anything yet” said Jeremy irritated.
“I know what you are going to ask,” replied James, “You are going to ask me if I think that was a Werewolf, no it wasn’t, just some..animal like a bear or something” said James trying to reassure himself. Jeremy rolled his eyes, and shut his eyes slowly, and said softly “whatever you say bro” and with that, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
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