Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1076637-Forsaken-Tomorrow
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1076637
Depending on how this does I will continue it.
~Chapter One~

         Billy was laying in his bed, wide awake when the bright light flooded through his window and into his room. A loud crash followed and the light was gone. It had been storming all night. There was another flash of lighting followed by the screech of tires on the wet pavement outside. Another crash, this time it wasn't the thunder. Billy had come to expect these sounds, they came with living on the main road in a middle class neighborhood. He walked downstairs and peered through his front window. This one was really bad. A big rig had collided with an SUV. Billy examined the tire marks on the road, it seemed the SUV lost control, probably speeding around the corner.


Billy rushed over to the door. Speeding assholes or not, someone probably needed help. Just as he opened the door someone banged on his screen door. Billy jumped back. Whoever was outside continued to pound his door. Billy looked through the small window in the door. Whoever was pounding was in horrible shape. Their face was burned, probably third degree, some of the skin below their nose was missing, revealing bloody gums and busted teeth. Most sickening, their right eye was hanging out, still attached, bobbing from side to side as they continued to pound on the door. By now his father was coming down the stairs, awakened by the pounding.

"What's all the fuc-oh my God! Billy, run upstairs and wake your mother, tell her to call 9-1-1."

Billy nodded and sprinted up his stairs. He shook his mother awake and handed her the phone.

"No time to explain, accident outside. It's bad."

She handled the operator and Billy headed downstairs. He heard the sound of the screen door being opened. Billy watched from the stair well as his father helped the poor bastard inside. His body was much worse than his face, and Billy wondered how he could be living. Before he could expand upon the thought the person lunged for his father and latched his teeth onto his father's shoulder. His father screamed out in pain as the crazy bastard brought him to the ground. He began thrashing his head from side to side, trying to tear out the chunk of his shoulder. Billy didn't know what to do, so he grabbed the person by their shoulders and pulled them to their feet. He then through him out of the door. The man tumbled out of the door and over their railing. He fell off of their porch and hit the driveway some twelve feet below. He hit the ground headfirst, and landed with a louch crunch. Being a varsity football player, it wasn't very hard for Billy, who was a big kid, standing almost 6'0 and weighing 250 lbs. He looked down at his father in horror. Blood was just pouring out. He was clutching at his shoulder, his breaths short and shallow. Billy stepped over him and opened the handtowel drawer. Withdrawing the largest towel he ran back to his father and wrapped the towel over his shoulder and under his armpit, tying it tightly.

Where are those paramedics? Someone can't die from a shoulder injury right? Dad'll be ok...

His mind was racing. His mother was coming down the stairs.

"They said they're on their way. So how bad is i-"

She screamed and started running down the stairs. She started looking out the screendoor window.

"I think the paramedics are here, but I don't see any ambulance."

She turned back to Billy and his father. A second later there was more pounding at the door. Billy looked up with fear in his eyes.

"Mom, get away from-" He was cut off by the sound of glass breaking. Two arms were inside and wrapped around his mother's waist. She started to scream as she was pulled through the window. She kicked and trashed about, trying to get free. As she did so, her captor lost his balance and over the railing they went. Her screaming ceased. Billy stared blankly. His mind was in pieces. Here he was, holding his dying father. He just watched his mother be dragged to her death. He couldn't believe this. His father started convulsing, snapping Billy back to reality. As tears streamed from his eyes he begged his father not to die, already knowing it was pointless. In his last burst of life his father reached up and grabbed Billy's shirt, but slowly he released his grip, and fell dead.
© Copyright 2006 Zacky V (justifiedglory at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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