Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1076197-The-Vampires-Little-Angel
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Gothic · #1076197
My first - A vampire short story.
Sniffles and small, tiny sobs escaped from around the corner of the alley way as the small form of a little girl walked timidly down the cold, rotten city street. Her grey eyes wandered around in their sockets, gliding to anything and everything that moved. Short, black, and tangled hair sat on her shoulders, uncared for, framing her pale, rounded cheeks that had the slightest glow of red from the frighteningly cold night.
Police sirens sounding off down the many streets, a lone, stray cat trotting across the sidewalk, and TVs flashing light upon the curtains of certain apartment buildings were about the only signs of life in this corrupt city. A tiny hand rose to wipe a tear away from those wide eyes, keeping it from falling. She couldn't show weakness in this city, no matter how small, or scared she was. She just couldn't. She wouldn't allow herself.
But she couldn't help it, another sob was starting up and she could feel it. That same pale hand clasped over her mouth in an attempt to keep it from escaping those chapped lips as her eyes fell shut, willing the sob away. Though neither of these worked, and the sob leaped from her mouth and filled the empty street. That soft echo was all her tears needed to let loose and glide down her cheeks, reddening them more then they already were. Her knees buckled inward so suddenly her whole tiny form fell, scrapping bare knees on the hard concrete as yet another sob escaped; though this one was different. It was mixed with something, another voice and another sound as it filled the normally silenced area.
A moan, she thought, coming from one of the darker, more mysterious alleys. Now, a trembling hand would lower from her mouth to grasp her opposite fore arm, her head turning the slightest bit towards the sound as a shaky body rose to it's bare, dirty feet to move down the alley and closer to the alien noise.
Just barely, thanks to a lone street light, she could make out the silhouettes of two figures. The larger, taller one had the other shoved up against the wall, and appeared to be kissing her neck, causing her to make the sound. Of course, this was nothing new to the small girl, and she knew it was impolite to stare, so she turned her gaze away, head turned to the side as her body slowly began to turn as well, ready to leave before either of them noticed her.
'Thump!' was the only thing that kept her feet from moving away as quickly as possible. They'd noticed her, she knew it! She should run, her mind screamed for her to run, but she didn't. Instead, her head, having a mind completely separate from the rest of her body, turned, grey eyes viewing nothing but a few trash cans and a grey sewer rat darting threw the darkness to look for food. But where had the couple gone? They couldn't have possibly moved so fast... could they? Her mind refused to believe such things, and curiosity was slowly invading it, making it misty and utterly useless.
Careful steps moved forward towards the unoccupied area, empty from what she could see. The fact that it appeared empty gave her steps quicker movements, she began to think she had imagined them, or they had, in fact, gotten out of the alley before she could have spotted them.
Yes, that was it, she hadn't seen them; the thump was from a mere rat, nothing to worry about. Excuses such as these filled her mind as her slender form turned around the trash can, right where the two lovers had been before, and as soon as she had, such excuses dropped from her mind, leaving it empty and blank. Cold, clammy palms hit the blacktop hard as she fell back in complete terror, eyes so wide she thought anyone would see right into her mind; empty, blank, and useless mind.
'Curiosity killed the cat, you know,' words, alien words, suddenly echoed threw her mind, yet they had never entered her red ears. They were only there, like a sudden thought. But it wasn't her thought. It was someone else's, but whose? She didn't know, couldn't figure it out as her eyes tore themselves away from the dead woman behind the trash can and darted around the lifeless alley. She was alone, yet she wasn't. She could sense it! She wasn't alone, no matter how much every feature in that alley way told her she was.
'So alone... So defenseless...' It was that voice again, those thoughts in her head!
She scrambled to her feet, and tried to back away, back up towards the wall. No one could be behind her if she was against the wall, no one could escape her view, no one could-- but someone was.
Her back hit hard against a body, a hard, warm body. Her eyes built tears in a matter of seconds as those innocent grey eyes moved upward, meeting those black eyes and perfectly carved face. Pale lips turned upward in a smirk, and for a moment she could imagine him being the prince charming of her dreams, had she not noticed those glistening white fangs behind those lips. She shrieked, allowing clear tears to spill down her cheeks. Her body moved from him quickly, as if he was some sort of spider hanging from a wall, about to pounce on her. She had to get away from it, but she had to watch it too; make sure it didn't jump on her, or disappear to other places to come after her. She twisted herself around and moved backwards, away from him with eyes that saw him as that spider; a tall, deadly spider at that. She had to get away; her mind was rushing her to get away. But instead, she fell backwards, meeting the cold, lifeless body of this man's victim. Tears began to gush now, spilling down her face with such urgency, turning her cheeks red while her body squirmed trying to get away. The petit heart inside her chest was beating wildly, pumping the blood ten times faster, echoing threw her body.
The cold skin of the woman was making her own body even colder, she felt like she was freezing, but when he touched her skin, grabbing at her chin so that she froze in the spot and stared up at him in fright, warmth immediately spread threw her. She would have enjoyed the warmth, had it not been him who was giving it to her. His touch scared her, his eyes scared her; He scared her! More then anything in the world, he scared her. Yet, his movements and features seemed so angelic, like she wasn't meant to be afraid of him. She was meant to love him. These thoughts scared her even more.
"Oh, come now, such a sweet thing such as you shouldn't cry like so...” Even his voice was soothing, and she almost relaxed upon hear his words. This man-- no, this thing, was not human. Everything about him was inhuman in so many ways. He was perfect, yet so dark. A dark perfection that she admired yet feared! It was odd, confusing even, just to lay eyes upon him... He was beautiful.
"Why, thank you," he suddenly spoke again, smiling one of those oh-so-charming smiles. She was under his spell at the moment, she didn't even think of how odd it was he had said that, how odd it was that he knew what she was thinking. She hadn't said anything, after all.
"Ah, yes, such rare beauty you hold, little one," he began again, raising a hand to pull strands of hair back and out of her face, examining it and nodding to himself. She sat stock still, staring at him as if in complete awe. And who wouldn't be? That was just the effect he had.
His smile returned for a millisecond as he stood up again in one flawless motion. She almost called out, asking him not to leave, but as soon as his eyes pulled away from her form, it was like a spell had been broken, and she was afraid again; Too afraid to move, and too afraid to speak to this gorgeous, dark creature.
Gracefully, a pale, slender hand lowered to her, a blood red rose sitting in its palm, so beautifully and so dangerously. Under that spell once more, her own small hand reached out and picked the rose up gently, oblivious to the thorns until one pricked her boney thumb. Blood poured out delicately from the tiny wound, glimmering in the dim light just like his smile, as he spoke.
"Fourteen years, little one. My Little Angel, fourteen years; I'll be watching..."

With a sudden jolt, Angel sat up in bed, beads of cold sweet rested upon her body as grey eyes flew about the room and lightening flashed outside her window. Curses flowed from her mouth in grumbles as she swung her bare legs over the side of the bed, her feet soon tingling with a chill from the ice-cold floor. Yet, she ignored it and padded her way across the room to grab a robe. But something caught her attention from the corners of her eyes. She stopped dead in her tracks, eyes skimming over to the area. Sticking out nicely from the completely black room, sat a rose. A blood red rose, perfect in every way. She stared at it for a moment before stepping over, closer to the dresser where it sat.
A cautious hand reached out for it, lifting it up and careful not to cut her finger on the thorns like the little girl had in her in her dreams.
Wait... My dreams... No, no, no, those are simply dreams. They never happened.... She thought silently to herself as her eyes glided over the dresser to see if there were any hints to how the flower had gotten there.
The only evidence she could find was a small piece of parchment paper, sitting there, folded, with the words 'Read Me' written in the most beautiful Victorian hand writing she had ever seen.
"Flawless..." she whispered to herself quietly, lifting the parchment open to read the single line of words.
"To My Dearest Little Angel," was all that was written on the center of the page in that same curved hand writing.
Her eyes narrowed, glaring at the paper as if it were a threat of some sort. She was confused beyond reason, or she tried to convince herself she was. Deep down she knew what was happening, but refused to realize it.
It’s impossible, she thought, vampires.....
"Well, hello there, Angel," a voice spoke behind her, a light breath licking the skin of her neck as her eyes widened to look up in the mirror above the dresser. It was only her, her and a haze; a terribly dark haze that towered above her in the shape of some sort of man; that man.
"Do exist..."
© Copyright 2006 Melanie (mel.anie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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