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Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1076062
Harrys 6th year. Part 2! Completed
CHAPTER 3 Flying Water Balloons
The next two weeks of school at Hogwarts went well. In Defense Against the Dark Arts, Harry had fortunately not been paired with Melanie Oltruck again, but instead with Ron, Seamus and Hermione, respectively. He wasn’t such a bad teacher after all.
Harry had completely forgot to ask Lupin in his next few letters about Meeri. He had been too caught up.
On the way to Charms, Harry passed by Cho Chang. He had not spoken to her since last June and they had not been very friendly with each other. Last he had heard, Cho had moved on to Michael Corner.
Cho gave Harry a quick, innocent look and then turned away, blushed, and continued walking in the opposite direction with her friend Marietta. Harry couldn’t help but stare after her with a frown on his face.
“Harry.” said Ron when he noticed. “Harry, listen to me- Cho is a… a…”
“An idiot?” said Hermione, making Ron grin. He looked at Harry, who was not smiling, and wiped the grin off his face quickly.
“Did you know that she goes out with Ginny’s ex-boyfriend now?” said Ron not looking Harry in the eyes. “Michael Corner, that weirdo.”
“You didn’t even know him and you thought he was weird.” Hermione said. “Oh, and about Ginny… She wanted me to tell you, Ron, that she’s thinking about going out with Dean.”
Ron roared with frustration as he trudged into the Charms hallway.
It was just before a Care of Magical Creatures lesson (the previous day Hagrid had shown them an interesting rabbit-like animal with staring eyes despite the taunts from Malfoy) that Ron remembered.
“HARRY! Harry, I’ve just remembered something important!”
“Don’t pee yourself, calm down!” said Hermione looking around the Great Hall as people around them began to stare.
“Harry, did you ever ask Lupin about Meeri?!”
Hermione hushed him and Harry swallowed a piece of ham without chewing it enough. After choking slightly, he watered down his throat with Pumpkin juice. “No!” he said hastily scrambling for parchment and a quill. “I completely forgot about it!” He looked over at the Ravenclaw table where Cho sat eating dinner peacefully with her friends. She was sitting across the table from Michael Corner.
He scribbled on the piece of parchment he found in his bag:

Hermione, Ron and I have Arnold Meeri as Defense Against the Dark Arts
teacher. Professor Meeri says he’s good friends with you, is that true?
Write back really soon. Hope everyone is well.

Harry re-read this and sighed. “I hope Hedwig comes for some food or something.”
And soon enough, the owls came in, including a white female owl wanting some bacon and toast. Harry clipped the parchment to Hedwig’s leg. She picked up a piece of scrambled eggs off of Harry’s plate and took off.
Up at the staff table, Dumbledore stood up and cleared his throat. A wave of silence spread over the house tables and all eyes were focused intently upon Dumbledore.
“I have some news.” he said, chin up. “In late-November, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will undergo the beginning of a thorough Ministry-based School Inspection, just for the sake of everyone’s safety. Ten Ministry of Magic wizards, including the Minister of Magic himself, will spend approximately a month and a half completing the school’s Inspection, which hasn‘t taken place in 36 years. We are well overdue I am afraid.”
Harry and Ron exchanged looks.
Dumbledore continued. “As we are to be respectful of Ministry members, the staff here at Hogwarts and I find it necessary to host a Winter Ball in their honor, for students in 4th year and above. This Ball will of course be formal. We had such great success with the Yule Ball that took place two years ago so we expect nothing less than good behavior. Dinner will be served in the Great Hall January 8th at 8 o’clock.” At this, he smiled at them all. “Do enjoy yourselves.”
And he sat back down.
“Oh no.” said Harry, who had not had a good experience at the Yule Ball. “This is horrible. We have to ask girls again, Ron.”
Ron looked worried at first, then smirked. “I call Hermione! You’ll save me the shame of asking a girl and having them say no.”
Hermione looked at him appraisingly. “Very self-conscious, aren’t you? I might as well go with you. It won‘t be so bad.”
“Wait a minute!” Harry shouted suddenly aware of what was going on around him. “No, you guys, you can’t leave me out! What am I supposed to do?”
“Harry, we all can’t go together!” Hermione said picking up her bag.
Ron followed suit. “Yeah, Harry, why not ask someone?”
Harry grabbed his bag too and off they went. Hermione and Ron were all set, leaving Harry dateless and confused.
On the way to lunch, in the entrance hall, Harry bumped into Katie Bell.
“Oh, there you are, Potter! I’ve been looking all over for you! You’re hard to find.”
Harry shrugged. “What’s going on?”
“Has Professor McGonagall told you yet? I’m the new Gryffindor Quidditch team Captain!”
“Congratulations, Katie. And guess what? Dumbledore abolished my ban! I can play again, finally.” he announced enthusiastically.
“That’s great, I know. But we’re still 4 people short. I think for Beaters, we’re going to keep the people from last year who substituted Fred and George. I’m one Chaser and we can hold try-outs for 2 more. Since you’re the Seeker and Weasley’s the Keeper, that’s all we’ll need. This season will hopefully be great like last year.” she finished. She said all this very fast.
“Yeah, I hope so, too.” said Ron from beside Harry.
Katie bid them farewell and walked away with her friends.
“Ginny said she was thinking about trying-out for the position of Chaser last year. Is she still going to?” Harry asked.
Ron closed his eyes, trying to remember. “Er… I have no idea.”
Harry laughed. “Nice brother you are.”
“Oh, shush.”
They walked into the Great Hall together and took seats across from Hermione, who was deep in thought, staring up at the enchanted ceiling. It was a swirl of gray and black.
“You alright?” Harry asked unsurely.
“What? Oh, I’m fine. Just a little sleepy. I had so much Arithmancy homework last night, I was up so late.” she said, stifling a yawn.
“Should Harry and I drop Divination, do you think?” Ron said, now staring up at the enchanted ceiling too.
“Why didn’t you just not sign up for it again? You’ll get a talking-to from Professor McGonagall if you quit now. That’s what happened to me three years ago, remember?”
“But it’s not the middle of the year, it’s still the beginning. We can say we forgot to not sign up, even though that doesn‘t really make a lot of sense.” Ron said. “Harry, do you agree that we should go to Professor McGonagall’s office today and ask to drop Divination?”
Harry studied Ron for a moment. “Sounds good to me.”
* * * * * * * *

Harry was yawning. He was sitting in an armchair by the open windows in the common room, waiting for Ron to come downstairs from the dormitories so they could go down to Professor McGonagall’s office before breakfast.
A group of 4th and 5th years once again sat near Harry, all of them glancing over at him and waving once in a while. Luna was sitting opposite Colin and Dennis Creevey.
Ron came down the stairwell. He was yawning, too.
“I told Hermione yesterday that we’d wait for her, too.” said Harry when Ron said he was ready to go. “She’ll be down soon.”
And soon enough, Hermione came down the girls’ dormitory stairwell.
They made their way out the portrait hall and down the stairs, where Luna confronted them. “Hi, Harry.” she said in that familiar, misty voice with her head tilted.
“Er… Hi, Luna.” he answered back.
“Can I have a word with you alone, please?” she asked sounding irritated and looking at Ron and Hermione.
Hermione took the hint and grabbed Ron’s arm, heading towards the curve in the hallway. Ron stared back at them.
“Well, Harry, I wanted to ask you a favor. I have this big feeling that no one is planning on asking me to go with them to that Winter Ball thingy in January.”
Harry stared at her and as she tilted her head a little bit more.
“So I wanted to know if you would just go with me.”
Harry hesitated. He already knew he wasn’t going to go with Cho… and his only close female friend already had a date…
“Well, umm, sure.”
Luna smiled lightly. “Thanks, Harry. You don‘t have to dance or sit with me if you don‘t want to - just go with me.” And she walked away.
“You did what?!” gasped Ron.
“I know, I know.” groaned Harry a minute later as he, Ron and Hermione walked to McGonagall’s office. “What was I supposed to do? I felt really bad and it’s not like I had anyone else to go with.”
Hermione smiled. “Harry, I think it’s good that you’re going with her. I had a feeling for the longest time that she probably liked you since the day we met her on the Hogwarts Express last year.”
Ron just laughed.
They reached her door and Hermione knocked. “I don’t think I should come in.”
“Why not? You have to! I don’t know what to say!” Ron said sounding worried.
“Oh, please.” And she walked back around the corner and sat down at a bench.
McGonagall opened the door and looked down at them. “Yes?”
“Umm, g-good morning, Professor.” Ron stuttered.
“Sorry to bother you so early and everything.” Harry finished.
“Nonsense, Potter. I’m up in the early hours of the morning. Come in, then, I suppose.” she said stepping aside. They entered the room and closed the door behind them.
“Well, Professor, we just wondering whether you’d be okay with Ron and I dropping Divination class for good.” Harry said taking a seat.
McGonagall stopped in her tracks and looked at Harry. She smiled. “I’m guessing you have Professor Trelawney?”
Ron swallowed. “Yes.”
“Then I don’t blame you. Thank you for coming to me first.” she said as she pulled open a draw in a filing cabinet. She searched through several folders before reaching one that read ‘Potter, Harry James’ and then found another that read ‘Weasley, Ronald’. She opened each and waved her wand. “All done. She will know the next time she checks in with me.”
“What - that’s it?” Ron said, confused.
“Yes. Now hurry along to breakfast. I assume by now half the school is already done and gone.”

“So, Dean, are you going to the dance with Ginny, then?” Harry asked during Herbology a few days later.
Dean looked around the room. “I‘m not sure yet. I haven‘t got around to asking.”
“Ron already knows you like each other.” Harry said looking at Ron across the greenhouse talking to Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott.
Dean shrugged. “As long as he doesn’t beat me up.”
Harry grinned. “He won’t. He might give you looks though.
Harry took his gloves off as the bell was about to ring throughout the school and grounds.
The Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs walked up the sloping lawn together but departed as they made their way to their common rooms. Up in Gryffindor Tower, Hedwig sat by the windowsill, waiting for Harry’s return.
Harry walked over to Hedwig and pet her with his left hand as he left his letter with his right hand. He read the contents of the letter out loud to Ron and Hermione:

That’s funny that he would say that. Yes, I did know him when I was back at School. However, we weren’t exactly best friends. I remember Arnold Meeri. He was this boy a few years older than I was. He didn’t have many friends. I must have come in contact with him about once or twice the whole time. One day, some 7th year boys were playing a trick on him. They bewitched 40 or so water balloons to fly over to him and drop on his head.
They fell down onto him, popped, and soaked him, one by one. I came over to try to help him. As it turns out, I couldn’t help. The water balloons kept falling, no matter where
Arnold went. He apologized a million times for dragging me into it. I remember that part really well. I just felt so bad for him. But he never really talked to me after that anyway. Well, there’s the story. Please don’t share it with everyone, that’d be bad enough for Arnold. He wasn’t a bad kid, just a loner. I hope he’s a good teacher though.

“Wow.” Ron said when Harry had finished reading it and put it in his pocket. “That’s pretty…”
“Sad.” Hermione finished for him. “Pretty sad. He considered someone that talked to him once a friend because he didn’t have any. And he didn’t seem to mind all that.”
Hermione was right, Harry thought. He suddenly pitied Meeri. That night, he dreamt that he was Lupin, trying to save Meeri from the hundreds and hundreds of water balloons flying over to him from a gang of kids that looked like Malfoy and his Slytherin cronies. He couldn’t stop the water balloons and the full-grown Meeri didn’t seem to mind. He didn’t smile, but he just stood there, getting soaked, wiggling his black mustache.
Then the dream suddenly changed completely. He was in a familiar room… very familiar…
There was a dais in the center, with an odd archway and a swaying veil. But there wasn’t any wind, so why was it swaying?
And there was Sirius - leaping into the veil with his hair blowing to the side. Bellatrix Lestrange stood beside Harry, pointing and laughing maniacally at Sirius who was falling in slow motion backwards into that horrible veil…
“Harry.” said a voice. “Harry, wake up now.”
The Archway Room dissolved. He was laying on his four-poster bed in the dormitory, with Ron over him. “Harry, get up. We’ll be late for breakfast.”
Harry sat up and rubbed his eyes. He grabbed his glasses and threw them on. Seamus, Dean and Neville were long gone and Ron was in his clothes and robes already.
“By the way, Hagrid sent us a brief message. He said he knows about our Hogsmeade trip tomorrow and he wants us to meet up with him in the Three Broomsticks around two o’clock.”
He didn’t tell Ron about his dreams.

CHAPTER 4 Little Whinging Kidnapper
Try-outs for the Gryffindor Quidditch team’s two new Chasers took place that evening. A bunch of hopeful 1st and 2nd years showed up, as well as Melanie Oltruck, Ginny Weasley, and Dennis Creevey.
“Alright,” said Katie Bell from the center of the crowd out in the middle of the Quidditch stadium. “Chaser try-outs. You’re going to fly around the goal posts holding a Quaffle. Then, when I blow my whistle, dive down and skim the ground. Then come back up and shoot the Quaffle into the nearest goal post. If you miss, unfortunately, you’ll be eliminated. Then the remaining players can wait up in the air for me to give you further instructions.”
Harry thought that was a bit harsh. Even her, Katie, didn’t make every single shot. He and Ron hopped on their brooms and zoomed up with Katie to watch. The two Beaters from last year flew up beside them, too, to watch. Katie gave the 14 or 15 people a Quaffle each and spread them out across the center. Down below, Madam Hooch watched with her broom in hand.
Katie blew her whistle and they were off. Several stragglers followed the others, who zoomed around the goal posts at both sides. They flew down to skim the ground briefly. Melanie was the first to quickly come back up. Harry noticed she was flying a Cleansweep Eleven, like Ron. She shot her Quaffle towards one of the goalposts and it went in.
“Nice.” Harry heard Katie mumble.
Next to shoot their Quaffles were a few students that Harry didn’t know, and over half of them missed completely. They reluctantly flew back down to the ground and, without a word, slouched off the field. Ginny was among one of the people to get her Quaffle through the goalpost. She looked relieved at her performance, but not nearly as relieved as Ron did.
“Great job!” said Katie. “Now, we’re going to see how well you avoid the Bludgers and Beaters!”
The two Beaters whacked their Bludgers in their general direction. Some of them scattered out of the way, or flew over to the other side of the field. However, three of them were either hit with the Bludger or were too scared to stay up in the air and just flew back down to the ground and ran for their lives. The only people left were Ginny, Melanie, a curly-haired 4th year boy and a bald 7th year boy.
“Wonderful.” Katie said, rubbing her chin and looking from each player to the next. “Okay. I think I’ve made my decision. Our first new Chaser… Ginny Weasley.”
Harry and Ron clapped as Ginny did a loop in the air out of glee. She joined Ron and Harry beside Katie.
“And… hmm… our next new Chaser for the team will be Melanie Oltruck.”
Harry’s heart dropped as Melanie blushed slightly. The other two players looked disgruntled and flew back down to the ground.
“Okay, team, our first practice as a whole will be Tuesday night! Be here at 5 o’clock sharp!”
They flew back down and headed for the castle.
“Congrats, Ginny!” said Ron, giving his little sister a hug.
She giggled. “Thanks.”
“Well, I just knew I’d make the team.” said Melanie from behind them. She was talking to an uninterested Katie Bell. “I’ve been playing since I was practically a baby witch! My dad was Captain in his day, too. He was a Chaser as well-”
Harry, Ron and Ginny walked a little bit faster to get away from her and her annoying voice.
“You made the team?! That’s wonderful!” Hermione said ten minutes later to Ginny in the common room.
“Yeah, but so did Melanie “Everybody-Loves-Me” Oltruck. She’s so annoying.” Ginny said plopping down into a couch beside Hermione.
“What was that, Weasley?”
Hermione and Ginny turned around. Harry swallowed. It was Melanie, and she had heard what Ginny said about her.
Ginny opened her mouth but no words came out, as if someone had cast a Silencing Charm on her. Instead, it was Hermione to the rescue.
“None of your business, Oltruck.”
“Excuse me? I believe it’s my business if it’s about me.”
Hermione snorted. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go complain to someone who cares.”
Ron looked taken-aback and grinned at Hermione. Melanie came around the back of the couch and stood two feet from Hermione and Ginny.
“Weasley and Granger, I believe you two owe me an apology.”
“How about not?” said Ron from behind her. She wheeled around. Harry was standing next to Ron. She was obviously outnumbered four to one. Melanie walked away with a backwards glance at Ginny and Hermione. Hermione waved sarcastically at her.
“Wow, Hermione, that was pretty brave of you. Thanks.” said Ginny smiling mischievously at her. “I was too chicken to speak!”
“Oh, don’t worry about her.” said Harry. “She’s fake and soon people will know it.”
“How?” asked Ron.
Hermione suddenly jumped up. “I’ve got an idea… I’ll tell you guys later.”
And with that, she scooped up her books and bag and ran out through the portrait hole alone.
“Library, do you reckon?” Ron asked.
Harry laughed. “Yeah, I bet.”
That night, Hermione didn’t return before they went up to bed.
The next morning at breakfast, Melanie, Parvati and Lavender wouldn’t even look in Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione’s direction.
“Scared, I suppose.” said Ginny happily helping herself to some cereal and milk.
An owl landed in front of Hermione with the Daily Prophet as usual. She took it, paid the owl, and unrolled the newspaper.
“Anything worth hearing about?” Harry asked.
“Yeah…” Hermione said slowly. “Something about the new Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation. His name’s Edgar Lapski. I guess he’s one of the Inspectors coming next month.”
“Yeah, I heard dad talk about him this past summer.” said Ron. “He’s really strict! I bet Percy wishes he was back in that Department instead of being Fudge’s personal assistant. And guess what? Percy is coming with the Minister for the Inspection!”
“Really?” said Harry. “Who else?”
“Richard Dwightson. He’s this old guy from the Department of Magical Schooling. And Amos Diggory. And Nathan Kleet.”
“Who’s Nathan Kleet?”
Ron paused. “I’ve never met him but he’s this nice, cool guy who wants to be the next Minister.” He lowered his voice. “He was Bertha Jorkins’ cousin.”
“The Bertha Jorkins that Peter Pettigrew and Voldemort killed?” Harry asked, eyebrows raised at Ron, who flinched at the name, but nodded.
“Harry?” said Hermione, who had been occupied reading the inside articles of the newspaper. “Don’t you live in Little Whinging, Surrey?”
Harry looked at her, confused. “Yeah, why?”
“Read this.”
Hermione thrust the paper at him so that he and Ron could read it.
On the inside page of the Daily Prophet read:

Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, released this morning that a woman was taken from her own home in Little Whinging, Surrey. The woman’s name was not given.
“It appears that magic was used and she was either Stunned or Petrified.” said Fudge. “We know no motive at this time either. Ministry of Magic has reason to think it might involve magic for several reasons.”
The woman’s whereabouts, as well as any possible suspect(s), are also unknown. She has been missing for exactly two weeks today.
The woman, according to another Ministry member, has been associated with wizards as unrelated as Albus Dumbledore (current Headmaster of Hogwarts School) and Alastor “Mad-eye” Moody (ex-Auror for the Ministry).
The Minister has said that even though Muggle ‘Police’ are on the case, he plans to send members of the departments responsible for finding missing persons out to look for her as soon as possible.

Harry looked up. “That’s a little odd.”
Harry, Ron and Hermione made their way to the entrance hall where most of the students were filing out onto the grounds to go to Hogsmeade after Filch checked them. Meeri was standing over his shoulder, watching, as if it was some kind of show.
“Potter, Weasley and Granger…” Filch said slowly looking for their names on the list when they had reached him.
“Good Morning!” said Meeri.
“Morning.” said Ron rather unenthusiastically.
“Okay, you seem to all be on the list. Off you go. And don’t bring back anything banned from the school!” Filch shouted at their retreating backs.
High Street in Hogsmeade was overflowing with Hogwarts students, especially in the Three Broomsticks. It was only noontime and since they weren’t meeting Hagrid there until two o’clock, they walked around to the many places, including Dervish and Banges, the Shrieking Shack, Honeydukes, Zonko's Joke Shop, Gladrag's Wizardwear and the post office.
While they were looking at different flavors of lollipops in Honeydukes, Harry saw Draco Malfoy and his Slytherin friends come in.
“Weasley, you’re not thinking of buying something with your lifesavings are you? I reckon this Chocolate Frog is too expensive.”
Harry tried his best to hold Ron back as Hermione stepped forward.
“I would keep my mouth shut tight if I were you Malfoy.” she said. “Same goes for you Crabbe, Goyle, Nott…”
They looked at each other, the color draining from their faces. They knew Hermione meant their Death Eater fathers, who had been caught and put back in Azkaban prison.
“Oh, don’t listen to this crazy Muggle-born, Draco.” said a voice from behind Malfoy. He turned around and stepped aside, allowing Harry to see Melanie.
“What are you doing with them?” said Hermione, taken-aback.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Malfoy said. “Can’t I have more than 2 friends, unlike you, Granger?”
Hermione, for the first time, seemed speechless.
“But you’re in Gryffindor!” Harry said furiously to Melanie, who stood there with a smirk across her rosy face.
“Your point?” Malfoy said, laughing. He and his gang turned and walked over to the other side of the store, Melanie and Hermione watching at each other.
“Why did the Sorting Hat put her in Gryffindor if she’s going to start fights with Gryffindors and become friends with Slytherins? I don‘t get it.” Ron said, making his way to the exit shrugging.
“I don’t know.” Harry admitted, holding the door open for them. “But it should be about 2 o’clock now, let’s go see Hagrid.”
They walked through the strong, beating sun down High Street to the Three Broomsticks, which was still packed. As they opened the door, it was so noisy that the sound seemed to flow out onto the street. They could see Hagrid sitting by himself at a circular table by the backdoor. They walked around the people and the tables to get to him. He already had three Butterbeers on the table for them.
“Hi, Hagrid.” Harry said sitting down beside him.
“Hullo. A bit crowded in here, eh?” he said cheerfully.
Harry laughed. “Just a little.” he said sarcastically. “So what’s going on with you Hagrid? How you been?”
The smile slowly faded from Hagrid’s face. “Not so well. You see, it’s me half brotha, Grawp.”
Harry and Ron both choked on their Butterbeer. Hermione spoke up. “What’s wrong?”
Hagrid wiped his beard with his hands. “He ain’t doin’ so well. Says he misses his old home. I don’ really get why, though. They used ta beat ‘em up! Oh well. He has a real problem with those centaurs - they ain’t so friendly these days, especially since Firenze came to work for Dumbledore at Hogwarts. Anyways... Grawp’s gotten pretty ill this past summa. Won’ eat no mo’. Not at all. Doesn’t like to get up eitha. He just lays there all day long, doin’ absolutely nothing’, just moanin‘ and groanin‘. I wish he’d get betta. Doesn’t look like he will any time soon though.”
“Hagrid, is there anything we can do to help Grawp?” Harry said. He knew Hagrid probably had some odd idea up his sleeve that Harry would soon regret, but he thought it polite to say that anyway.
Hagrid sniffled. “Well, not really. We tried that whole English lesson deal last year, but that didn’t work out too well, did it? It don’ matta anymo’ that he learn English. I just want him to get up once in a while and be ‘appy. That‘s all.”
“We want that too, Hagrid.” said Hermione. “Sorry we can’t help.”
“It’s alright, it’s alright.” said Hagrid, wiping his eyes and sitting up straighter. “So, I bet yous wanna know what’s been going on in and about the Order lately.”
Harry looked back up. “I thought you couldn’t tell us anything, Hagrid.”
Hagrid smiled at him. “I’m not ’sposed to. But it wouldn’t hurt to tell you a little summat. Those Death Eaters that they managed to catch at the end of last year in the Ministry, like Lucius Malfoy and Antonin Dolohov, are staying in Azkaban. Life sentences. They deserve it though.”
“You’re right, Hagrid. They do.” Harry said.
“And yous wouldn’t believe this but Meeri and Flitwick joined the Order.”
“I think I had heard that.” Hermione said thoughtfully. “Well now we can be sure that we can trust Meeri.”
“Snape is in the Order and I’m not so sure if we can trust him.” Ron said rolling his eyes.
Harry laughed. “That’s true.”
Hagrid shook his head wildly at them. “No, no, no…. Snape can be trusted, don’t you worry. Helped yous out many times before, hasn’t he?”
Harry and the others agreed. Around 4 o’clock that afternoon, they returned together to Hogwarts.
In the common room that night, Harry was confronted, once again, by Luna.
“Can I talk to you again really quick?” she said.
Harry nodded and they stepped away from the crowds. “What’s up?”
“It’s about the Winter Ball again, Harry. I know that we’re supposed to be going together and everything, and I’m really sorry. As it turns out, the person I really wanted to go with asked me today in Hogsmeade because they didn’t know I was going with you.”
Harry stared at her. He was being dumped, literally, by Luna Lovegood.
As Harry later learned, Luna was going to go with Colin Creevey. Harry laughed at the pleasant, little thought of them dancing together.
“What are you going to do now?” Hermione asked Harry after he told them what had just happened.
Harry shrugged and rubbed his tired eyes. “I have no idea. I’ll have to ask someone else I suppose.”
“But Harry, remember the Yule Ball?” Ron said sitting up, suddenly. “How many people asked you to that thing? About a million? You turned them all down now, but maybe when someone will ask you this time you can just say yes! Then BOOM - you have a date.”
Harry thought about this for a moment. It was definitely true that he didn’t know very many of those people that had asked him last time, but several hadn’t been that bad. He told Ron and Hermione that he would just wait for someone to ask him.
And he didn’t have to wait long. News that Harry Potter was back on the market for the Winter Ball spread throughout the school surprisingly fast. During lunch the next week, an extremely tall Ravenclaw girl asked him to go to the Ball with her. He was almost positive that she was a 5th year named Rachelle or Michelle - but when the thoughts of him trying to dance with a girl over a foot taller than him popped up in his head and made him feel pretty silly, he tried his best to politely say no. Then, during Herbology 5 or 6 days later, Hannah Abbott’s close friend asked him. The only problem was that Harry had seen her the day before holding hands with another boy while walking down the hallway. He again politely declined. He was almost about to give up hope when he was passing through a corridor one day on the way to class.
“Harry!” said a small voice behind him. Harry spun around as Ginny walked toward him with his books in her hands.
“Hi, Ginny.”
“Hi. Umm, I know you have class know so I’ll make it quick. I wanted to know-” -she closed her eyes tightly- “-if you’d go to the Winter Ball with me.”
Harry stared. She slowly opened her eyes. “Well, yeah, sure!”
She looked relieved and ran away without another word. He hadn’t expected that, especially considering everything he’d heard about Ginny and Dean.
Harry was going to be late for his next class if he didn’t so he had to think about the Winter Ball later, which was now less than a month and a half away.

CHAPTER 5 Hogwarts School Inspectors
“Ok, team. Let’s think ‘win, win, win’.”
“Katie, we’re going to do fine if you would stop nagging.” Ron said.
Katie rolled her eyes at him and went on with her pre-game pep speech. It was the last day in the month of November, the day that the Inspectors would be arriving, and the afternoon of their first Quidditch game of the season against Slytherin.
The rest of the team prepared to zoom out onto the field but Harry tapped on Ron’s shoulder.
“What, Harry?”
“Your sister asked me to the Winter Ball and I said yes.”
Ron couldn’t find the words to say right way. “Harry, what-”
But he was cut off.
“And now!” began a 3rd year boy with a booming voice Harry didn’t recognize. He was apparently the new commentator filling in for Lee Jordan. “Let’s bring out the Slytherin team! First out…”
And Harry blocked his ears and tried to clear his mind as the Slytherin players zoomed out onto the field, one by one, as their names were called. He wasn’t sure if the loud racket coming from the stands was boos or cheers.
“And now… the Gryffindor team! First out… Captain and Chaser Bell! Followed closely by Keeper Weasley…”
Ron puffed out his chest and zoomed out ahead of Harry, to cheers from the Gryffindor side.
“- Seeker Potter -”
Harry flew out and realized just how many people there were in the stands. All the cheers, boos and the commentary seemed to just stop as Harry flew so fast all he could hear was the wind blowing in his ears. He flew high above everyone else and then back down to hover above the ground.
“And last but not least, Chaser Weasley!”
Ginny came out last and came down a few feet away from Harry, who gave her an encouraging smile
“Mount your brooms!” Madam Hooch called from the center of the crowd. “The balls will be released at the sound of my whistle!”
She looked at all of the players as Katie and the Slytherin Captain shook hands rather roughly. Then, she blew her whistle, and everyone rose high into the air.
“And they’re off! First to get the Quaffle is Gryffindor - that’s Captain Bell out there, look at her fly - and - OUCH! - That was Slytherin Beater Krowe who just whacked a Bludger at Bell and made her drop the Quaffle - a Slytherin Chaser - not so sure which one because they’re going so fast - picks up the Quaffle and zooms in the other direction - about to shoot - WOW! - looks like Gryffindor Chaser Oltruck is resorting to violence - she just rammed right into him - and yes, that’s the whistle - penalty!”
Harry looked down at the game going on below him. Melanie was almost in tears as far as Harry could see and she was apologizing to that Slytherin Chaser she hit. Malfoy, Harry could see, was looking at Melanie as if he was going to kill her.
A Slytherin Chaser threw the Quaffle towards the goal post for the penalty but he was just so frustrated that Ron didn’t even worry about it - it flew yards away from the goal posts. Play resumed.
Harry flew in circles around and around, above everyone else. He could hear Malfoy close behind him.
He was listening to the commentary when he spotted the Golden Snitch fluttering about by Melanie’s foot down below. Harry dove. Apparently Malfoy saw what he was doing and dived too. But he was too far behind Harry, who was about to do it- about to catch it - then Malfoy yelled, “MELANIE! The Snitch!”
Harry was confused. Melanie heard and saw the Snitch by her left foot and kicked it away. Now Harry understood. Melanie was a traitor - trying to help the Slytherins. Harry pulled out of the dive just before he would have hit the ground. He heard Malfoy laughing from above. The Snitch was long gone.
“MELANIE!” Harry yelled, outraged. “WHY DID YOU DO THAT?”
Melanie just looked at him quickly and flew away towards everyone else. Malfoy was still laughing.
“And now it’s Chaser Weasley with the Quaffle - she’s a new one for the team - filled in as Gryffindor Seeker last year - apparently this girl can do it all - and YES, she’s got it! Gryffindor leads seventy to ten!”
Gryffindors cheered and the stadium rumbled.
Harry was on the watch again for the Snitch. Just as he was peering towards Ron and the goalpost, searching, he heard a swooshing nose getting louder and louder. A Bludger had just been whacked in his direction. Harry did a quick dive backwards as many people continued to cheer, then rose back up as the Bludger went for someone else. Meanwhile, Katie scored another ten points for Gryffindor.
There it was again - the Snitch - soaring upwards, but Malfoy was already heading for it. But he, Harry, had a Firebolt.
“GO! GO! GO!” he shouted at his Firebolt as he made his way closer and closer to Malfoy, who was almost there-
WHAM. Someone had flown up right in between him and Malfoy. Harry was now falling downward, towards the ground, but somehow managed to pull himself together again. He pulled himself back upward. But it was too late. Looking back, he saw Melanie sitting there, where Harry had been, with a malevolent grin upon her smug face. Beside her, was Malfoy, with the Snitch held high up into the air in triumph.
“SLYTHERIN WINS! 160 to 80!”
Harry’s heart seemed to have stopped. Ron flew down to the ground beside him and patted him sympathetically on the back. “Don’t worry about it, Harry. It’s not the end of the world...”
Harry looked at him as if he had just insulted him. “Ron! We just lost to Malfoy! He’s going to be talking about it and rubbing it in our faces for ages!”
“Relax, mate! We’ll show him that we won’t let this bring us down in our game against Ravenclaw-”
“Ron,” Harry said, voice lowered. “Ron, Melanie was the one who deliberately blocked me from getting the Snitch. I reckon she’s in with Malfoy.”
Ron studied him. “Are you sure?”
“Positive. Earlier she listened to Malfoy when he yelled out to her and she shooed the Snitch away so I couldn‘t get to it.”
He and Ron started to make their way to the locker room as mixed boos and cheers continued in the stadium as people began to file out. “What’re we going to do about Melanie?” Ron said. “If we don’t tell Katie then-”
“Tell Katie what?” said Melanie, who had just jogged to catch up to them. “Nothing about me, of course?”
Ron looked at her as if she was some moldy, disgusting, expired food that had been decomposing in the fridge for years. Harry tried his best not to get too worked up and didn’t answer her. She got the hint, smiled, and skipped toward the girls’ showers.
As soon as they met up with Hermione on the way to the Great Hall for dinner, Harry and Ron rushed to tell her the whole story of why Harry hadn’t caught the Snitch and allowed Slytherin to win.
“Harry, Ron… Are you sure that you’re not just making up a story about her because we dislike her and you’re mad Slytherin won?”
“HERMIONE!” Ron yelled, accidentally attracting attention as they trudged up the steps into the castle. “Of course he didn’t make it up!”
“I swear, Hermione.” Harry said quietly. They entered the Great Hall.
It was extremely quiet in the Great Hall compared to how it usually was and Harry noticed at once. Everyone seemed to be whispering to each other and staring at the 11 people at the front of the Hall. There was now another staff table - just for the Inspectors.
They took their seats quickly and, like everyone else, observed them. Harry could see a few familiar faces - Percy Weasley, Ron’s older brother, was sitting rather closely to Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, whom Harry had seen several times before. Amos Diggory was sitting on the other side of Percy but he wore a frown on his face as he looked around at them all - especially the Hufflepuff table. Harry knew why: Cedric, his son, had been in that house.
Next to Amos was a man Harry recognized from a picture: Edgar Lapski. He was rather beefy and had a stern look to him. He was looking up and down the staff tables. Next to him were two witches Harry didn’t know. They were chatting quietly with each other. Next to them was a man with an odd, bushy, white beard that seemed to grow out to the sides and not downward. Next to him was a man that reminded Harry of Ludovic Bagman. He seemed to be practically bouncing up and down in his seat. He smiled at everyone and showed his many gold teeth. Next to him were three more witches Harry had never seen before.
Dumbledore appeared from behind the staff table from a door that Harry had used once before. “Witches, wizards, guests, and everyone that has gathered here this evening to enjoy a wonderful feast… We are honored here today to have ten Ministry officials- eleven if you count Mr. Weasley- in our midst to inspect our grand school of Hogwarts.”
Everyone applauded and Cornelius Fudge waved. The bouncy wizard laughed.
“We have with us, for the next month and a half, Mr. Cornelius Fudge, Mr. Percy Weasley, Mr. Amos Diggory, Mr. Edgar Lapski, Ms. Hannah Wumbard, Ms. Elizabeth Smith, Mr. Richard Dwightson, Mr. Nathan Kleet, Ms. Katherine Queen, Ms. Liana Zallow and Ms. Georgina Hensgrove.”
More applause.
“Enjoy!” Dumbledore shouted happily as everyone’s plates and goblets filled themselves magically. Harry noticed the extra amount of gourmet food.
“Wow!” Ron said, goggling down at all the food. “Look! I haven’t had these since I was a kid! Mum stopped making them around the time I was 5 because Fred and George used to play catch with them on the stairs-”
Harry laughed and stuffed his face with all the food he could get his hands on. Within no time, he, along with the rest of the Hall, was full.
Harry looked up at the staff tables. Most of the teachers were done already too, apparently including Meeri and Kleet who were getting up and heading to the door behind the tables. Dumbledore was talking merrily to McGonagall. Hagrid was there as well, and he, surprisingly, was talking to Firenze. Harry guessed that Firenze had been persuaded to join in on the feast by Hagrid so he could make a good impression on the Minister.
As Harry, Ron and Hermione walked with the crowd towards the doors at the end of the feast, he accidentally bumped into someone much taller than him.
“Woops - Sorry-”
Harry looked up and realized it was Nathan Kleet. “No need to worry, Mr. Potter!” he laughed. Harry was slightly taken-aback by his voice which was a lot squeakier than Harry had expected it to be.
Harry smiled weakly and continued walking towards the doors.
“Look, Richard, it’s Harry Potter himself!” Harry heard Kleet say from behind him. “Right there, next to that redheaded boy.”
“Really now?” said Richard Dwightson from beside Kleet and behind Ron. “Mr. Potter!”
Harry turned around. Dwightson was smiling at Harry. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Potter. I‘m Richard Dwightson.” he said shaking Harry’s hand.
Harry didn’t know what to say so he just looked around.
“And this - this man here - is Edgar. Edgar, come say hello! It’s Harry Potter!” Kleet said. Harry was starting to think about turning to run.
Edgar Lapski had a stern look to him as Uncle Vernon often did. He merely nodded at Harry, without smiling and turned to go join the other Ministry members leaving the Great Hall.
“Did you see that Lapski guy?” Harry said to Ron and Hermione as they walked through the school to Gryffindor tower.
“Yeah, he didn’t look too happy.” Ron said nodding. “He wasn’t as pleased to meet you as I thought he’d be.”
“Well he’s not here to have a good time. He’s here to inspect the school with the others, am I right?” Hermione said not looking the two of them in the eye. “And if you ask me-”
“And we’re not going to.” Ron interrupted.
“If you ask me,” Hermione started over, somewhat louder this time. “Mr. Kleet and Mr. Dwightson should get with the program and start acting like Ministry officials. Did you see how excited they got at the sight of you, Harry? You’d think they’d have manners by now - being adults and all-”
“Lilac Figucian.” Harry said when they reached the portrait hole. The Fat Lady had changed the password the week before. They entered the common room and were incredibly surprised to see Fred and George Weasley there, surrounded by students who were cheering and laughing.
“Fred! George!”
“Hello, Ronniekins!” George shouted happily, making his way over to them.
“Good to have us back, eh?” Fred said beaming.
Hermione looked shocked. “I don’t think you two are supposed to be here! You’re not students anymore! Professor McGonagall-”
“-will never know we were here.” Fred finished for her. Hermione closed her mouth.
“Anyone want some Custard Creams? They’re on sale! Buy two packs get a third free!” George announced to the crowd. Several more people cheered and Hermione, Harry and Ron were shunted to the side.
“How about some Ever-Sticky Laugh-Lots? We’ve just put them on the market this past summer!” Harry heard Fred shout to everyone. “Three for six Sickles! An out-right bargain!”
“I wonder how they got here.” Hermione said thoughtfully, taking a seat in an armchair away from the noise.
“Maybe they-”
“DON’T even say they Apparated.” Hermione said cutting Ron off. “Because how many times have I told you they can’t Apparate into Hogwarts-”
“I wasn’t gonna say that, Hermione!” Ron said collapsing into a chair across from her. “I was just gonna mention that they could have used Floo Powder.”
“True, true.” Harry said from the chair beside Ron. “I reckon they’re not watching the fireplaces anymore.”
“Are you sure?” Hermione said. “Now that even the Ministry knows that He’s back maybe Dumbledore is still keeping a close watch.”
“Should we ask?” Ron said glaring at Fred and George who were now handing over all the candies they had hidden in their scarves to a group of 3rd years who, in turn, paid them in silver. They agreed to ask and walked over to Fred and George. “How’s the business?”
“Dandy smandy.” Fred said taking a break from yelling. But boy did we miss selling our goodies to Hogwarts kids. That’s why we came.”
“How’d you get here?” Ron said.
“We flew, literally. With our new brooms. We just walked in the castle and managed to make it here without running into Filch.” George said joining them. “We did run into Peeves though- but instead of giving us trouble he just wanted to buy more Ever-Sticky Laugh-Lots-”
“You didn’t give him any, did you?” Harry said. “He used one on my shoe.”
Fred laughed. “Tricky fellow, isn’t he?”
Fred and George left that night with barely anything left on them besides gold and silver. Apparently they made it out of the castle undetected even by Filch because Harry and Ron saw them fly away into sky later that night.
© Copyright 2006 Samantha Diggory (samd713 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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