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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Young Adult · #1076015
Skylars life will never be the same after her grandmas health brings her to the hospital!
It was the beginning of summer in the town of Adrian, Michigan.
Adrian is small, nothing exciting happens and theres always the same people But in a way Skylar Thomson knew she loved it! It was all she knew after being born and raised there. Skylar was comfortable with her life, She had loving parents who have been married for 20 years and are still happy. Her mother Tori, is a veternarian, she has her own clinic and loves her job. Her father Kyle, is a pediatrician and besides long hours he enjoys it.
"Skylar are you ready yet?" Tori Thomson yelled up the stairs of there old victorian home.
"Mom, chill out im not gonna be late, im ready to go!" Skylar replied
" do you need a ride Honey?" her mother asked.
" no mom you and dad bought me a car for a reason, I'll see you later" Skyler said as she kissed her mom on the cheek and ran out the door.
Skylar dug for her keys in her unorganized purse, she found them and hopped in her car and headed for dance camp.
As she pulled into the studios parking lot she seen her freind Tyler standing outside she could see the excitement in her face when she seen her pull up.
"God Sky I thought you were gonna make you and me late thats supposed to be your job only" Tyler told her.
"umm Ty you have your own legs and your own mind you could have went in there on your own" Skylar replied
"uhh yeah right Sky I wasnt gonna walk in there alone you know the Prep twins are in there and only Ty and Sky the unstoppable duo can handle them!"
Skylar laughed "yeah your right" as they walked into the studio.
The prep twins are two perky blondes that knowone but guys can stand although everyone acts like they like them to keep from having problems, afterall there family owns half of everything in adrian.
When skylar got into the dance studio she heard the ballet music and was so happy because she hadnt been in the studio in weeks since before her recital and although she practiced at home it wasn't the same as being in the dance studio. She loved seeing the other dancers and she really missed all the big mirrors. Ballet is her passion she loved it and lived it, when she watched ballet she fell in love with it even more.
After class had ended Skylar and Tyler gathered there things and started to change into there normal clothes. Skylar took her long dark hair out of the bun she had in for class and let her hair swoop down her back.
"So where are we going next Sky?"
"umm lets grab something to eat, how about mcdonalds?"
" sounds good. Hey can we hang out at your house afterwards, my parents have been wierd and I dont feel like dealing with them?" Tyler asked
"umm yeah my mom should be at work, we can have the house to ourselves,I wonder what kinda trouble we can get in!"
They both laughed and started walking out to Skylars car.
As they drove the sun shined and the air smelled clean and clear. They talked about how they were gonna spend there summer. They were always so excited about the summer, planning the best summer parties and events but for some reason this summer felt different. Skylar didn't seem ready for all the summer planning, she didnt seem excited about it or even up to it, after so many years of doing the same things with the same people it started to get old to Skylar. She hoped and wished for something exciting to happen, something that hadnt happened. She was happy to be away from school, All the rich, perky, snotty kids Always made her a little jealous, they seemed so care free not worried about anything except the next big fashion and they were so filthy rich, it made her sick! Skylars parents were well to do but they still watched there spending but Skylar was still greatful she had everything she ever wanted her whole life.Skylar was always more concerned about dancing, its always the most important thing in her life thats why she didnt get along with the other girls. Luckily for her she met Tyler in Ballet at 2 yrs. old at a mommy and me class and there mothers hit it off right away and so did Skyler and Tyler. They have been best friends ever since, They never missed a dance class, birthday or holiday with each other.
After they ate and got back to Skylars house they headed up to her room.
"Sky you really need to get a man! Your way to tense. I thought we were gonna swerve off the road on the way home with all of your wandering off."
"What? I am not wandering off. Besides I am way to busy with Dance. I have to work twice as hard as before. I have alot of work to do, This is gonna be my last dance year here. You know Dance is why I have never had a serious relationship, the only reason we've been friends is because your there with me!"
"Oh come on girl get real! You know I don't take dance near as serious as you! after I turned 9 the only reason I really stayed in class is because you were there and anyways I thought they said you were too short to go professional? Your only like 4'2" Tyler chuckled.
"Umm no im 5'2 and dont make me shorter than i already am. Anyways I can still go to dance school. I can be a Dance teacher. What could be better than teaching what I love to do It would be the perfect job plus I'll always be in shape" Skylar said.
"Well you know If you open your own studio I better get a good job there!"
"yeah for free!" Skylar said in a sarcastic voice.
Sky and Ty sat in her room and talked for a couple hours and than Tyler decided to call her dad to come get her. By that time Skylar's mother had gotten home and started making dinner. After Tyler left Skylar Went downstairs to see what her mom was making for dinner.
"Hey mom, Whats up?"
"oh nothing honey, How was dance camp?" Skylar's mom said as she was chopping up some green peppers for her homemade spaghetti.
"It was good, Im gonna have to work a whole lot harder being this is my last year and im gonna be going to college. I heard college dancing is a whole different story"
"Yeah its probably alot more work, But honey dont you think maybe you should focus on something different for a scholarship, I mean dance scholarships aren't real easy to get"
"MOM! you dont think I could get one? I know I can if I work hard enou---"
Her mother cut her off "now honey I know how bad you want this but me and your father have been talking and we think it would be more practical for you to focus on something else for college, dance isn't going to get you as far as other things will you know!"
"Mom I don't even want to discuss it, I know what I wanna do the rest of my life" Skylar said and she stood up off the kitchen stool and stormed upstairs.
After a couple days Skylar was still kinda upset with her parents. She didn't understand how her parent's couldn't see how much she wanted to dance. She knew she could make a decent living for the rest of her life running a dance studio.She didn't waste practically all of her life dancing and working as hard as she could just to throw it away and go to college to be a doctor or a lawyer like everyone else.She knew what she wanted and she was good at it and it made her happy, what more could she want. She couldn't wait to get to dance, She knew it would make her feel better and take her mind off everything. When she pulled up there was Tyler standing there of course.
"If you know I'm not gonna be here early than why do you get dropped off so early and wait for me to get here?"
"I don't know, It's nice getting away from home my parent's have been freaking me out since school has gotten out, Its always "we love you so much Tyler, you know we want the best for you" I just cut them off after that"
" awww poor baby" Skylar said with a chuckle
"lets just get inside,Sky"
While in the middle of a routine the instructor was called to the back, So the girls took a break. Suddenly the instructor appears and asks for Skylar to come out to the lobby with her. Skylar looks back at Tyler almost as if she was asking for her approval. Tyler Nodded her head.Skylar walked and met the instructor.
" What's wrong Mrs.Brown?"
"Well your mother called and would like you to meet her at Bixby medical center immediatly, she said its about your grandmother"
Skylar immediatly Knew what it was about. Her grandmother had breast cancer for the last 7 years and they had done all they could for her besides chemo which would only prolong her life. Skylar picked up her things and ran out in her Ballet outfit and jumped in her car. On the way to the hopsital she imagined the worst.She was hoping and parying the worst wasn't going to be reality. When Skylar got to the hospital and ran in. She barely stopped at the nurses desk and asked which room her grandmother is in. After they told her she speed walked down the hall looking to her left and right down the different halls. When she happened to look in front of her it was to late and she had ran into someone and she fell to the floor with her purse spilling everywhere. She stood up fast and immediatly started to apologize when she looked into the most beautiful green eyes. Embarressed when she realized she was in her ballet outfit she fumbled to pick up her purse.The guy bent down and started helping her pick her things up.
"Im really sorry I didn't mean to run you over" He said
"oh no it was my fault I wasn't looking"
"Well I'm Eric, Eric Holden"
"Oh hi I'm Skylar Thomson" she said as she put the last thing back in her purse.
"I hope I didn't break anything in your purse or on you" He said with a smirk.
"No I think me and my purse are fine" When she realized she was there for her grandma she quickly said
"ohh ummm im really sorry but ive gotta go" Than she turned and walked away.
She thought about how she knew she never seen him before which isn't likely in her town but actually it was nice not knowing someone and actually meeting someone that didnt tell her how they knew her when she was 2. She arrived at her grandmas door, took a deep breath, not knowing what to expect and walked into the room. she was relieved when She saw her grandma sitting up in her hospital bed smiling at her mom.
"Hey Nana"
"Oh hi Dear,They got me in this stupid hospital bed and I can't barely move becuase of these stupid tubes everywhere"
Skylar looked around and knew exactly what her grandmother was talking about and she couldn't stand the sight of it. Tubes coming out of her grandmothers arms, nose and one off her finger!!
"yeah I know it has to suck, im so sorry nana! How Are you?"
"oh hun im as good as can be expected. I dont have much of an appetite but I could stand to lose a couple pounds anyways"
"oh nana you know you look great"
Skylar always looked up to her grandma.She was a very strong, independant women. She always looked young and full of life. After she got struck with cancer Her looks caught up with her age and she started to lose her strength but she never lost her personality and skylar loved her even more for that.
"Hey mom can I talk to you real fast?" Skylar asked her mom
"yeah sweetie" Her mom said as she stood up. They stepped out into the hall.
"Mom I thought it was an emergency?"
"well honey your grandmother was put in the hospital I was pretty sure you would have wanted to be here, there not even sure whats wrong with her, she is just bloated."
"I know mom but grandma seems fine I thought it was really serious. I mean I only had a little bit of dance class left."
"im sorry honey I considered it serious"
"I know its fine mom its just I didn't want to miss any class at all this summer and -----"
"honey this is what I mean about dancing, it takes to much of your time. Its so bad you dont even consider your grandma being put in the hospital serious enough to leave dance. You dont have to be so selfish in a time like this.I dont know whats going on with you! You and Tyler aren't even planning your summer events, You do those every ye---"
"Mom I dont wanna do the same thing for the rest of my life. I dont really feel like doing anything this summer especially being fake to all the So-called friends of mine at school"
"alright fine this isn't the time we'll talk about this later with your father"
"fine" Skylar said as she walked in and sat next to her grandma. She realized how bloated her nana's stomach was and she started to feel bad to not consider it being serious. It was serious, and her grandma is important, so important to her!
"nana what are they saying is wrong with you?"
"well Hun There not sure tommorrow I have to go for a CAT scan and I'll get the results of that the day after. I have a kidney infection and I have alot of Fluids in my lungs it could be the Breast cancer moved into my lungs or it could be emphazema. The best case scenario would be for it to be emphazema otherwise its chemo for me."
"what about the bloating in your stomach?"
"Thats from my kidney infection. All my toxins are backing up which causes bloating". I'll be fine they say if I Have a bowel movement"
"oh grandma" Skylar said as she laughed.
The sight of her grandma started to bother Skylar more than she thought it would. She knew it would bother her or actually crush her to see her grandma that way she just never imagined it really happening, almost as if she thought she was invinceable from losing someone close to her and now that her grandma is getting worse she can't stand not having control over everything going on, not being able to help her grandma, or make her feel better.
Skylar sat there for a little while and just watched her grandma, she fumbled with the tubes and could barely sit up and she looked like she was about 8 months pregnant. She knew her grandma Hated being so helpless, not being able to do anything. Thats not her, shes not like that and Skylar could barely take it anymore. Finally she stood up"
"Hey guys I think im gonna run home and get changed out of these clothes"
"Alright Dear you drive safe now"
"I will Nana, I Love you" She said as she kissed her Nana goodbye and walked out of the room. It felt so good to be out of the hospital and get rid of that nasty hospital smell.
She felt so bad for people that have to stay there not only is it nasty to be there and take in the smell and eat the food but its also deppressing knowing why your there. Her grandma has told her about all the Small children see had seen when she went for radiation treatments. They were pail and bald carrying around barf buckets. She couldn't imagine being the people that worked there.
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