Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1075988-Welcome-to-Camp
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1075988
New campground in an isolated area. See what happens to Zack and his friends.
"A teenager lays in his bed, his eyes staring blankly up at the ceiling, searching for a courage he does not know. Just a moment ago, he could feel the vibrations going through the floor as his back door slid open on the first floor. The upside of sleeping on the floor...
He hadn't been able to sleep, and was lying awake all night when he heard the door open. It may have been his mother or brother, both of who sleep in the living room for reasons beyond the teen's knowledge. He highly doubted it, but was too afraid to look. With his family in mind, he stood and tried to creep to the stairwell, cringing as the floor creaked with each step. To make matters worse, the wind was going crazy outside, creating a high-pitched whistling. He shook his head and descended into the living room, hands balled so tight his knuckles were bright white.
He stepped into the living room and examined the surroundings. His mother was asleep on the couch, but his brother was missing. The boy looked across the dining room and saw the back door was wide open. The curtains were blowing inward, being whipped by the assaulting wind. He heard a faint crying, and stepped farther into the living room to get a better view. He was now slick with a cold sweat, and what he saw shattered his mind. On the floor, in the doorway that connected the dining room to the kitchen, his ten-year-old brother was laying on his belly in a pool of blood. The boy looked up to his older brother with a look of fear completely beyond the teen. The young child reached up towards his brother as a last call for help. Then the young child was dragged out of sight into the kitchen. For a moment the night was filled with shrieks of pain that went through the teen's bones. Tears streamed from his eyes as he screamed for his mother to wake up. After no response, the teen shook his mother until she was turned away from the couch, revealing her throat, torn to shreds. The teen convulsed in fear and slowly turned to the doorway that he entered from. The hallway leading from the kitchen to the stairwell was slowly creaking. A man with long black hair running down to his shoulders and bright black eyes emerged. The teen ran his eyes over the man. His left arm was deformed and tucked into his chest. He was in black tattered pants and a long white jacket. He limped another step closer to the teen, all the while he wore a crooked smile. The teen cowered back against the couch, against his dead mother. The blood from his murdered kid-brother was beginning to flow into the dining room, flooding the carpet with its crimson stain. The man pulled out a knife and stood over the teen..."

"That's definitely not how it goes!" cried out one teen.

"What? Of course it is," argued another.

"Both of you shut up. It's time to go to sleep anyway, enough of your kiddie stories," answered Zack Brown, the leader of the three.

"Man, I was at the best part..." Chris Riley said, disappointed.

"The best part of a bad story is still bad," teased the other, Pat Wilsons.

Chris huffed. Zack shut off the flashlight and then unzipped the tent door.

"Hey Dad, we're going to bed."

His dad waved and told them if they needed anything he'd be outside with the rest of the family. See it was family tradition to go camping every year. This year, they were going to a new campground so the Browns invited the Wilsons and Rileys to come along with them.
In the middle of the night, when the fire was low and crackling, Zack woke up. He needed to piss, like, right now. He looked out through the window. Outside of the clearing they were in were dark woods. He didn't want to go out alone. He shook the others.

"Guys, wake up. Guys..."

Chris and Pat shook awake. Chris looked around clumsily and Pat stretched.

"I've got to piss and I don't want to go out there alone, would you come with me?"

Both agreed, still half asleep. Zack unzipped the door and they stepped out. With the moon bright and the fire dim, the scene looked like something straight out of a horror movie. Zack got chills. The three of them walked over to the bathroom building. Each took a stall and drained the main vein. After they washed up they stepped outside. Zack peered across the field and saw something walking around their camp, though it was hard to see because the fire was out, it was hunched over and walked on all fours like an animal.

"You guys see that!?" Zack shouted and the other two answered with a simple, "oh shit". Zack looked around and spotted a small stick. It would do the job of scaring off an animal. With the flashlight in his other hand, he and the others started across the field. As they got closer they began shouting.
"Yawr! Get out of here!" Zack growled. "Dad, wake up, there's an animal out here!" The three boys were shouting, trying to scare the animal away.
Zack, Chris, and Pat stopped in their tracks. The animal looked a lot bigger up close. Although it was on all fours, it over half as tall as Zack, and Zack stood a good 5'7. It had long, dark fur and large ears. It appeared to be a wolf of some kind. It howled to the moon and then, with glowing eyes, snapped its attention to the three boys.
This was not a creature of this world, that much was obvious. The huge beast had yellow glowing eyes and large fangs. Hot saliva dripped from its gaping maw. It stepped forward with one of its massive paws. It appeared to be some kind of dog creature. The ears were back in an aggressive stature and its nose was curled back as it snarled. Zack, Pat, and Chris all backed away slowly. The creature lowered itself as if to pounce, and Zack shined the beam of light directly in its eyes. In its moment of blindless Zack and the others took off back across the field. As he looked around Zack spotted more large dog creatures coming out of the darkness that was the woods. The only clear spot was the bathroom hall. Zack pointed and the Chris and Pat followed.
The three burst in and shut the door. There were no windows, so the only thing they had to worry about was the door. Zack turned the bolt lock. Instantly there was pounding. The boys backed away. Chris was crying. Zack was too scared to cry. He looked around. That door wouldn't hold forever. Above one of the stalls, Zack spotted a vent. He stood on the toilet and pulled the vent out. It was just big enough for them to fit.
Zack popped his head out and looked around. The back side was clear. He pulled himself out and lowered himself to the ground. He waved Pat on next. Pat dropped down into Zack's hands. Chris was halfway through the vent when there was a large crash. Chris instantly screamed in pain for only a moment.

"Help m-" He was pulled inside. His shrieks would haunt Zack for the rest of his life.

Zack and Pat took off running. They didn't know where to, and they didn't care. Now even Zack was crying. His was pretty sure his entire family was dead, along with one of his best friends, he himself may even be dying tonight. Zack heard a grunt not far behind him. He turned and saw the monsters had caught on. They weren't far behind, maybe twenty feet, and were gaining on the boys.
Zack and Pat sprinted through a small bunch of trees and hit a main road. Pat was ahead, and stepped out in front of a car. A small bit of blood splashed on the window as Pat was sent forward through the air. His broken body hit the pavement with a dull thud. An older man jumped out of his car with a "Jesus Christ!" Zack grabbed his hair, this was truly a nightmare. One of the creatures jumped out and pounced on the old man. It pinned him to the ground and began eating away at his gut.Zack ran around the side of the car and slammed the door. He floored it straight towards the creature. It leapt into the air and landed on top of the Jeep. It popped its head over the windshield and screamed at Zack. Zack floored it and slammed on the brakes. The creature was sent sprawling onto the road. Zack floored it and ran over the creature's neck. The car bounced and Zack continued driving.
Further down the road a body was tossed onto the hood of the car. It was his mother's. Zack stared at her, horrified. The Jeep slammed into a tree. Zack hit his forehead off the steering wheel and was knocked out.
He woke up in the car and rubbed his head. His mother's body was gone. He looked from side to side, still dazed, when he saw the fog of someone's breath spray forward from the backseat. Zack's hand was on the door handle. He popped it open and began to get out when he was pulled back in. The door shut and the Jeep rocked back and forth. The windows were covered with fog and sprayed blood.
The next day State Police Officer Sullivan was inspecting the site of an accident. No bodies were found. All that was left was an empty Jeep, every inch covered with blood.
© Copyright 2006 Zacky V (justifiedglory at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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