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Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1075703
Harrys 6th year at Hogwarts (written pre-Half-Blood Prince). Part 1
CHAPTER 1 The Return to Hogwarts
“After you.” said the long-nosed, red-haired Ron Weasley, as Harry Potter ran through the barrier onto Platform 9 ¾. It had been months since he had been there. The Hogwarts Express, the great, scarlet steam engine, was sitting there as usual. Students were waving goodbye, happily dangling out the open train windows or heaving their trunks onboard.
Ron came rushing through the barrier behind Harry, followed by Ginny, Fred, George and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Mr. Weasley was panting and holding his knees.
“I’m rather out of shape!” he joked heartily when he noticed Harry looking at him.
“Oh, c’mon, Dad!” laughed Fred, patting his father on the back.
Harry, Ron and Ginny wheeled their carts over to the train, said goodbye to Fred, George and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and carried their trunks and belongings inside the train. Hedwig and Pig were hooting loudly at all the commotion. Immediately, Harry ran into the incredibly clumsy but good-hearted Neville Longbottom.
“Hey, Harry!” Neville shouted. “Hi, Ron. Hi, Ginny.”
“How are you, Neville?” inquired Ginny as she dragged her trunk down the hall, passing him and his compartment.
Neville smiled at her. “I’m fine, and you?”
Ginny nodded to say she was fine, too. Harry and Ron followed her for a while, searching for an empty compartment, when they heard a familiar voice.
“Ginny! Harry! Ron!” said Hermione Granger. “Over here!” she called from a compartment a few yards down. “Hurry, hurry! I’ve got news!”
The three of them piled into the room and stuffed their trunks and things away as people constantly ran noisily past the room.
“Before Ron and I have to go meet up with the other prefects, I’ve got something interesting to tell you guys.” Hermione said peeking her head out the compartment before closing the door. “Have you heard about Melanie Oltruck?”
Harry was stumped. “Never heard of her. Who is she?”
“She’s literally a new 6th year student. She’s coming to Hogwarts from Durmstrang Institute.”
Ron looked quizzical. “Can you do that?”
“Well apparently yes, considering she did it.” Harry said, grinning at Ron. “But Hermione, why did she bother to switch schools?”
“Haven’t you heard -”
“Hermione of course we haven’t -”
“Durmstrang got a new headmaster last year. That Karkaroff man left, obviously, fled when he was worried about You-Know-Who, I‘m sure you two remember that though. But they’ve got someone knew. It was in the Daily Prophet back in July.”
“And the new person would be… ?” said Harry, getting rather anxious.
“Allen Losmonski- at least that’s how I think you say it. He used to be a member of their Ministry of Magic. A lot of people left the school when he became headmaster because he’s rather… off his rocker.”
“How do you know all that? Was it in the Prophet, too?” Ron asked taking a bite of his sandwich.
“No, Viktor told me just last week-”
Ron coughed back up his sandwich.
“Oh Ron, you really must get over it. Besides, I think I’m a bit young for him.” Hermione said standing up straight, trying to keep her composure. “Come on, Ron. Time to go meet up with the other prefects and patrol the hallway.”
Ron reluctantly followed her out of the compartment, glaring back at Harry with a ‘help me’ look. Harry shook his head at his friend’s retreating back.
Harry and Ginny, later as the day went on, bought Cauldron Cakes, Chocolate Frogs and Pumpkin Pasties from the witch with the food trolley as they chatted about the events of the summer. Hermione and Ron had still not returned.
They were visited by various faces who just stopped in to say hello. Luna Lovegood stayed several minutes to talk about her summer with Ginny, who looked like she‘d rather be anywhere else. Apparently Luna and her father had had no luck catching a Crumple-Horned Snorkack, but had spotted something else lurking by their trunk by the name of “whisples”, which Harry was quite sure were as real as Crumple-Horned Snorkacks. Justin Finch-Fletchley and Colin Creevey stopped in for a moment each, too. Colin, of course, wanted another picture with Harry.
“Guess what?” said Ron as soon as him and Hermione had returned and taken their seats. “I met Melanie a little while ago.”
“And is she nice?” Ginny asked finishing her Cauldron Cake and handing Ron the last one.
“Oh yeah! Harry, she says she’s been all over the world! Traveled just last year to the United States, Australia, Italy and Argentina! She says it’s just her and her father so it’s easy to get around and everything.”
“Oh Ron, you don’t believe any of that do you?” said Hermione, eyebrows raised.
“Why wouldn’t, I, Hermione? You reckon she was lying?”
Ginny laughed. “Just drop it guys, before you start throwing things at each other.”
Harry mumbled in agreement as he too finished his Cauldron Cake. The rest of the trip to Hogwarts went rather peacefully. Harry grew really tired and didn’t join in on any of the rest of the conversation that went on in the compartment.
The evening came soon enough. The lights in the hallways and overheads turned on as the darkness set in and everyone changed into their school robes.
Finally, the Hogwarts Express began to slow and then come to a stop. All the students hectically scrambled out and onto the platform at Hogsmeade Station. Harry, once again, could see the thestrals which pulled the carriages up to the school, but didn’t mention it this time. Harry spotted Hagrid calling all the first years to him.
Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Neville got into a carriage and made their way quietly up to the steps. Everyone ascended the stone steps and entered the entrance hall at last.
“It’s good to be home.” said Harry under his breath looking around but Ginny still heard him.
“Yeah, it is.” she agreed looking around too.
“This way, students, come now, into the Great Hall.” said tiny Professor Flitwick who was standing on top of two or three milk cartons to see over everyone’s heads.
Harry followed the crowd into the Great Hall, whose ceiling was clear and starry this time, and took his usual seat at the Gryffindor table, next to Ron. Harry could see Professor Dumbledore sitting in the center of the staff table.
The students took several minutes to all get in and become quiet before Professor McGonagall and Hagrid lead the first years up to the three-legged stool. Hagrid casually waved to Harry as he strolled by.
Harry noticed one student’s hat slightly above the rest. “That must be that new girl?”
“Melanie, yes.” said a voice several seats down from Harry. It was Parvati Patil, as she played with her long, black hair. “She’s really sweet. I hope she’s in Gryffindor.”
Melanie and the first years had reached the front of the Great Hall. The Sorting Hat, which was sitting on the stool, began to recite its yearly song. When it was done, the school applauded appropriately.
Professor McGonagall began reading out names as students went up to be Sorted. After “Nower, John” was placed in Ravenclaw, “Oltruck, Melanie” was called.
“We have a special exception, it seems.” McGonagall said as Melanie approached the stool looking nervous. “Miss Oltruck is a new 6th year student.”
Melanie put the Sorting Hat on and closed her eyes, mumbling something.
A moment passed then… “GRYFFINDOR!”
The Gryffindors cheered as they usually did when someone was added to their house. Melanie joyfully made her way over to the Gryffindor house table and took a seat next to Lavender and across from Hermione. She stared down at her twiddling thumbs and now that she was close enough, Harry could see she was actually quite short and had blond hair that was even longer than Parvati‘s. She had incredibly rosy cheeks - or perhaps that was because she was blushing so much.
By the time Sorting had ended and “Year, Emile” was placed in Hufflepuff, Harry and the others were getting very hungry. At the staff table, Dumbledore rose.
“Time is a valuable thing that we must not waste, especially when it comes to eating feasts. Dig in!” he said cheerfully with his arms open. Suddenly the plates and goblets all over the Great Hall were full were mouth-watering food from the kitchens below.
Harry hardly had the time or desire to talk as he stuffed his face with mashed potatoes, soup, salad, chicken, roast beef and a lot more. However, Parvati, Lavender and Melanie had no difficulty talking.
“Melanie, tell Dean and Seamus that story you told Lavender and I on the train. You know, that one about you and your father in the Australian hotel!” said Parvati excitedly giggling. Dean and Seamus, had been barely paying attention, now looked at Melanie with curiosity.
“Oh, yes, that was a fun day! Well, you see, my dear father I - God bless him he’s a wonderful man and wizard - were going to stay at a Muggle hotel in Sydney, Australia last summer when we realized that the Muggles might get a little suspicious of my owl, Distensse. So my father put a spell on her to make Distensse invisible. However, he sneezed as he cast the spell so the Muggles noticed the vision of an owl sitting in a cage appearing and reappearing over and over again!”
Dean’s jaw dropped and by now Ron and Neville were listening in, too.
Melanie giggled. “We got a special exception from the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic, where my father lives, for my father and I to use Memory Charms on everyone who had seen Distensse! As you all probably know, we’re not supposed to use magic if we’re not 17 yet and I’m only 16 and everything.”
As Lavender, Parvati and the others continued to talk, Harry pulled himself away from that conversation. Instead, he swallowed the rest of his bowl of vegetable soup in one gulp and looked at Hermione who, along with Harry, seemed to not care much about Melanie’s odd story. Ron, on the other hand, seemed mesmerized by it and had practically stopped breathing to listen as Melanie explained the details.
“Made-up, do you reckon?” Harry whispered to Hermione, who snorted at this.
“No doubt.” she replied casting a quick look at Ron who was staring open-mouthed at Melanie. “Ron, close your mouth for God’s sake. We‘re trying to eat.”
Apparently she had spoken too loud because at this, Melanie, Lavender and Parvati all looked at her.
“I’m sorry, I don’t believe we’ve been introduced?” Melanie said with a smile to Hermione and holding out her hand.
Hermione reluctantly shook her hand. “Hermione. Hermione Granger.”
“Melanie Oltruck. Nice to meet you.” Melanie said showing her pearly-white teeth to Hermione and then going back to talking to the others.
Hermione rolled her eyes and went back to cutting her roast beef.
Eventually, everyone finished their pudding and desserts and the dishes cleared themselves. Dumbledore rose again.
“Welcome back, all! I have a few start-of-term notices. As most of you have probably been able to assume, all Ministry decrees made last year by the ‘Hogwarts High Inquisitor’ have been removed, as we no longer have a High Inquisitor.”
Several people cheered at this and Harry’s heart leapt.
“This also includes any particular bans or restrictions placed on any students and staff members during that time.”
Harry clapped along with the rest of the Great Hall. Surely this meant he would finally be able to go back to playing Quidditch!
Dumbledore smiled. “Yes, well, I’m sure you’re all happy about that, as I am. On another note, Mr. Filch, the Hogwarts Caretaker would like all new students to be aware of the list of toys and objects not allowed in School, posted on his office door. The Forbidden Forest is - well - forbidden. This year I would like to acknowledge something that has never happened at Hogwarts before. The subject of Divination will be taught by two teachers: Professor Trelawney and Professor Firenze.”
The students clapped rather unenthusiastically yet politely. Neither Firenze nor Trelawney was present at the staff table. They rarely ever were.
“Also, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year is Professor Meeri.”
More polite clapping. Harry noticed the tall, skinny man with a receding hairline sitting at the end of the staff table beside Professor Vector. He had an odd, twitchy, black mustache and waved his hand briefly as if to say thanks for the applause. Harry was unsure whether he was smiling underneath the mustache.
“Positions for Quidditch house teams are open, therefore see Madam Hooch if you are interested. Thank you, and have a prosperous term! Now, if prefects could please lead the way to common rooms for the night…” Dumbledore finished.
All at once, the students made their way toward the doors into the entrance hall. Harry, unfortunately, could still hear Melanie Oltruck talking about her adventures with her father to Lavender and Parvati, who seemed amazed, all the way up to Gryffindor Tower.
“Password?” said the Fat Lady who was sitting comfortably in her seat of the portrait.
“Mimbleweed.” answered Hermione at once. The portrait swung open and the Gryffindors entered the common room.
“Wow, this isn’t bad.” Harry heard Melanie whisper rather loudly looking around as Harry made his way for an armchair by the fireplace with Ron and Hermione. “Almost as big as my tree house-”
Hair slumped into the armchair and closed his eyes right away. All that tasty food made him very exhausted.
“Harry! Harry?”
Harry opened his eyes. The common room was almost empty except for a group of 5th years and himself. Colin Creevey was standing over Harry looking worried.
“Oh! You were just sleeping! Sorry, Harry!”
Harry sat up and looked around, alarmed.
“Well, it’s just that… well… there’s an owl here for you.”
Colin pointed toward the windowsill where a tawny owl sat hooting peacefully. Mail? Already? He’d just arrived!
Harry stood up and walked over to the owl. He untied the parchment from the owl’s leg and it took off into the night sky.

How is everything? Did you arrive at school okay?
What about Hermione and Ron? Write back.

Surprisingly, Harry had been expecting this. Lupin, Moody and Tonks, members of the Order, had constantly been writing to him over the summer asking if everything was okay.
Harry flipped the parchment over and scribbled:

I’m fine. Everyone’s fine. My Quidditch ban from last year is gone, so that’s good news.
See you later.

Harry looked around. Hedwig was away in the Owlery and the tawny who had delivered Lupin’s message was already long gone. He spotted Colin who was still staring at him from his armchair.
“Everything okay, Harry?” he said quickly.
“Actually,” began Harry. He made his way over to Colin. “Do you feel like running this up to the Owlery for me?”
Colin looked excited. “Sure, Harry!”
He gave Colin the folded up parchment and watched him stroll happily out of the common room. Several of Colin’s 5th year friends looked up at Harry longingly from their seats as if waiting for their favor to be asked too.
Harry made his way up to the dormitories where Ron and the others were already sound asleep. He changed in the dark and jumped into bed. Even with Neville’s loud snores, Harry had no trouble falling back asleep.

CHAPTER 2 Professor Meeri
The next morning found McGonagall handing out schedules to the Gryffindors in the common room. Everyone was scrambling to get one, but became disgruntled after looking them over.
“You’re not going to believe this.” Ron sighed handing Harry one. “Double Potions with the Slytherins is our first class. Then after lunch is Divination… with the Slytherins again.”
“Are you serious?!” Harry said disbelievingly looking at his own schedule. “You’re right! And we’ve still got Trelawney for Divination! Darn!”
Hermione laughed with her head turned.
“Oh, be quiet, you.” Ron said with a half-grin on his face.
They slowly walked to breakfast together and found an already crowded Great Hall.
Harry, Ron and Hermione found seats near the end of the table opposite Seamus and Dean. Luckily, Harry recognized, Melanie was on the other side of the table. She was busy chatting with Lavender and Parvati, no doubt telling more stories.
They ate breakfast in no hurry and together the three of them trudged off to the dungeons for Snape’s Potions class.
Almost everyone else was already there, including Snape, who was standing rooted to the spot at the front of the class.
“Close the door, Potter.”
Harry avoided Snape’s eyes and obediently closed the heavy door. In doing so, all his books one by one slid out of his hands.
Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle laughed maniacally but apparently Snape only noticed that Harry was still not in his seat.
“Hurry, Potter, will you?” he snapped. Harry quickly picked up his things, threw them onto his desk beside Hermione, and sat down. “Finally. Now, if you could please steer your attention towards Potions.”
He picked up a black, thickly-bound book on his desk. “Your books which I assigned for you all to purchase a number of years ago is good for the necessities of Potions, but it does not exceed that.” He threw the book down onto the table. The sound made everyone jump as it echoed throughout the dungeon.
“Your books do not cover the area of the Mimbleweed plant, which can be used for many potions. All of these said potions are barely mentioned in your books, as it does not state their Mimbleweed content. Take out your quills and parchment, all of you, now. Copy down this.” He waved his wand at the blackboard and a long list of potions appeared there. “All these potions contain Mimbleweed. Keep a good memory of this. It is highly significant and will most likely appear on your final exams in June.”
Snape went on and on about Mimbleweed, mentioning it’s similarities and differences to gillyweed and seaweed.
Finally, the bell rang for lunch time. Harry was very relieved to hear it because he was almost positive that Snape had constantly been eyeing him.
Lunch went as usual. Harry noticed that the black-mustached Professor Meeri wasn’t eating anything. He looked thoroughly frightened sitting there up at the staff table, not speaking when Professor McGonagall offered him some peas. All the students were chatting about their morning classes.
Divination was next. Harry and Ron took what seemed like an hour to get there. The ceiling door opened and they ascended into the heat of the room. It was a hot, summer day and yet Professor Trelawney still had the fireplaces burning.
Harry and the other Gryffindors took up the side of the room closet to the open windows, leaving the Slytherins to have to deal with the unbearable heat.
“Welcome back, my dears!” said Professor Trelawney’s usually misty voice. “I know you’ve all had rather troublesome summers I am most unfortunate to have Seen. However, I can reassure you that this term will not be as horror-stricken. We will be reviewing briefly palm-reading and crystal ball gazing to refresh our Inner Eyes what we have already learned in previous years. Then we will begin deeper ways of Seeing, deeper than you ever imagined.”
Harry looked around. The only people who were looking mildly interested in what Professor Trelawney had to say was Parvati, Lavender and Melanie, who were sitting right beside where she was standing. They were goggling up at her with their mouths wide open in awe.
Harry practically fell asleep again as she babbled on and it looked as if Ron was feeling the same way. Every once in a while he’d look at Harry and yawn, often jokingly.
There was only several minutes left in class when she was finally done speaking. She left them with a brief statement about time that was somewhat similar to Dumbledore’s, without the feast part. Professor Trelawney assigned them a short essay on the early stages of palm-reading - or so said Dean Thomas afterwards because Harry hadn’t really been listening.
They had the afternoon off so Harry, Ron and Hermione thought they’d use their spare time to go down and visit Hagrid. But as they reached his hut, they were feeling somewhat reluctant to leave the sunshine.
“How’s it going lately?” Hermione questioned Hagrid as she poured them all some tea. “What’s going on in the Order?”
Hagrid shuffled his feet uncomfortably. “Hermione, y’all know that we’re not suppos’d ta say. An’ besides - I was only able ta officially join dis summa‘. I don’t know everythin’.”
“Can’t you tell us anything, Hagrid? Please?” Harry pushed. Ron nodded vigorously.
Hagrid looked around at them all staring anxiously at him. “Oh alright, alright, fine! But not all o it!”
Hermione squealed and put the tea kettle down on the stove.
“Well, we’ve moved outta 12 Grimmauld Place since we can’t trust Kreacher anymo‘. God knows how much mo’ trouble he could cause. Well I think we’re all sleepin’ a little easier now an’ such.”
Harry stared. He knew exactly what Hagrid was talking about.
“Where is the Headquarters now?” Ron asked trying to keep Fang’s drooling mouth away from him.
“In London still. In anotha’ charmed house.” Hagrid said as if trying to avoid any facts that weren’t obvious.
“What did you do with Kreacher?” said Hermione sitting down and looking worried.
Hagrid laughed very loudly. “That crazy fool? Well we left him along with da house. He can’t serve any o us anyways so it don’ matta much, does it?”
“Well what’s going to happen to him?” said Harry as Hermione’s mouth dropped.
“Dumbledore put a fantastic spell on the house after we all left it. Seems like nuttin’ can get in an’ nuttin’ can get outta it.”
Hermione gasped. “You permanently sealed it shut?!”
“Seems best doesn’ it? An’ besides, the spell’ll wear off in bout 60 ta 70 years.” Hagrid said scratching Fang’s head roughly. “And ya brotha in Romania is helping us out.”
“Charlie?” said Ron uncertainly. “How can he help?”
Hagrid laughed. “Do ya really expect me ta tell ya that one? That’s top secret, that is. Keepin’ me mouth shut.”
When they realized that they couldn’t get much more out of Hagrid, they chatted about Harry and Ron dropping Divination, since it was an option, and said goodbye. The three of them strolled halfway up to the castle before deciding to stay outside. They walked over to the lakeside and sat down quietly in the green grass, soaking up the bright sunshine.
Some people were even swimming in the lake with the giant octopus, but Harry didn’t blame them. It was actually quite warm and the lake looked rather refreshing.
After dinner, Harry returned to the common room with Ron but Hermione had said she wanted to spend some time in the library to finish writing a letter and then would be off to the Owlery to send it. Ron was almost positive she was talking about writing a really long love letter to Viktor Krum.
“I’m telling you, Harry. They’re literally obsessed with each other!” Ron had said.
Harry smiled and shook his head. He couldn’t help but think that Ron should’ve gotten over the whole Hermione-Viktor situation by now, and that there was something ulterior behind Ron’s accusations.
The common room was really full and all the comfortable armchairs were taken so Ron and Harry chose to go back out through the portrait hole and roam the castle waiting for the common room to empty.
“Where are we going?” Ron asked after about 15 minutes of walking the hallways aimlessly.
“I don’t know.” was all Harry could answer.
Just then Harry heard a squishing sound as he put his sneaker down onto the floor.
“What in the world?” Ron said as Harry was unable to pull his foot back up off the ground. “You’re stuck!”
That’s when they heard hysterical laughing. “Potty is stuck! Yes!”
Harry saw Peeves the Poltergeist appear through a wall ahead of them. Peeves pointed and laughed at Harry, who was still struggling to get free.
“What is this stuff, Peeves?” Ron said trying to yank Harry’s sneaker up.
Peeves laughed again. “Ever-Sticky Laugh-Lot! I found one on the floor!”
Ron stopped trying to heave Harry’s sneaker. “Wait a minute! I’ve heard of those before! Harry, this summer I visited Fred and George’s joke shop in Diagon Alley… They’re selling those! They’ve created them! Urgh, I’m getting them for this one!”
Harry slipped his sock-covered foot out of the sneaker and kneeled down to look at it. “It looks like really gooey, used gum.”
Peeves floated away, laughing again. “Potty is stuck and Weasel can‘t do nothing!”
“PEEVES!” yelled an angry voice from behind them. Argus Filch came storming down the hallway toward Peeves. “Haesum Absum!” he added as a second thought and Harry’s sneaker came free of the Ever-Sticky Laugh-Lot. “Peeves, come back here now! I swear, I‘ll go to the Bloody Baron for this one!”
Harry slipped his shoe back on. They watched Filch chasing after Peeves, who disappeared through a wall again a ways down the hall.
“Would you say it’s time to go back now?” Ron said, a half-smile spreading over his freckle-covered face.
Harry nodded and they turned around and headed back toward Gryffindor tower, breathing hard.
At the portrait hole, they ran into Hermione, who was being closely followed by Parvati and Melanie.
“Mimbleweed!” Melanie yelled from behind them as Hermione opened her mouth. She shut it quickly, looking disgruntled, and they made their way into the common room. It was slightly less crowded now.

Harry had a pleasantly dreamless night. The next morning at breakfast, Harry consulted his schedule.
“What have we got after lunch, Harry? I forget.” Ron said stuffing his face with bacon.
“Double Herbology with the Hufflepuffs after lunch but after breakfast we’ve got Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
Hermione stopped eating and looked up. “I wonder what kind of teacher Professor Meeri is then?”
“He’s odd!” said Katie Bell loudly from next to Hermione. She scrunched her face up. Several of her 7th year friends laughed at this. “We had him yesterday. He’s a real weirdo! He’s nice and everything though, and I don’t think you’ll have to worry about him deducting points from Gryffindor. The first half of the class he talked about how he was in Gryffindor himself and how he ‘longs for those good, old days’.”
Harry looked at Ron who looked slightly satisfied. “Not bad, not bad.”
So after breakfast, they walked together to Transfiguration and found seats in the middle of the classroom. Several minutes later, McGonagall entered the room, closed the door behind her, and began a role call.
When she was done with attendance, she handed out large dictionaries, one for each group.
“What are we doing with these, Professor?” asked Seamus, looking at his book.
“Well today we’re going to take turns within the groups turning the dictionaries into plants. Each one of you will be assigned a different plant to begin with. Some are more difficult to produce than others, mainly due to the fact that they are more rarely found in the environment, or because they have thorns or deeper roots. You will trade within your group until each of you have practiced all of them. Say the incantation ‘Acanthus Codex’ and hold your wand still as stone.”
After Harry had finally been successful at turning the dictionary into a rose bush without it having writing all over the thorns, the bell rang. The Gryffindors walked together to Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Hermione entered the room first so led them to the front of the classroom to find seats in front of Dean, Seamus and Neville. Professor Meeri was standing with his back to them, his nose barely just an inch from the blank blackboard. After everyone came in and settled down, Harry stared at Meeri. He was still standing there with his face hidden. Meeri was twiddling his thumbs behind his back and his wand was raggedly sticking out of his robes’ pocket, which appeared to be full of other things that weighed him down.
Hermione cleared her throat after a minute to try to politely get his attention. He swayed on the spot and turned around to look at them, as if he just realized that they were there.
“Welcome, welcome!” he said trying to sound cheerful but rather nervous at the same time. “Defense Against the Dark Arts. Yes, well, you’re my 6th year students, are you not?”
Several people nodded and others mumbled “Yes.”
“When I was in my 6th year here at good, old Hogwarts… darn, I miss those grand days… I had an essay due for History of Magic class. I don’t remember quite well what it was about, it being so long ago and everything, but it was probably some goblin rebellion or other. However, I remember that we were given two whole weeks to complete it. I, on the other hand, waited until the night before to do it. I must have been up until four in the morning-”
Hermione cast Harry and Ron a dirty look.
“-working. And when I handed in the essay, I was sure that I had failed it, flat out. When we were given back our grades on those essays the next day, my teacher proudly congratulated me. I had gotten the best grade in the class!”
Harry furrowed his brow and glanced at Hermione, who looked slightly stunned. Ron and Seamus laughed. Harry wasn’t sure where this was going.
Professor Meeri went on. “Yes, well, that goes to show you how odd things in life can be! Very unexpected, you might imagine!”
Hermione sat back in her seat and watched Professor Meeri with an odd expression of mild interest.
“Life, in general and not just in schoolwork, can be highly unexpected. That’s why I, Arnold Meeri, am here to teach you about defending yourself if ever you are in a most unfortunate situation where you need to defend your self magically.” Here, Meeri looked Harry straight in the eyes for several seconds before taking a seat at his desk cautiously.
Dean’s hand shot up into the air.
“Yes, Mr.-?”
“Thomas. Dean Thomas. I just wanted to know if this year we’ll actually be able to do the spells we learn about?”
Meeri laughed heartily for what seemed like forever. “Of course, Mr. Thomas! What kind of teacher would I be if I didn’t do so? And yes, I know what kind of teachers you’ve had over the past few years - several horrible ones in my opinion, if I might add. However, you have been fortunate enough to have been taught by a personal friend of mine, Remus Lupin. We were in Gryffindor House together, you see, even though he was 2 years younger than I. We were both prefects so, as you can imagine, we knew each other quite well. Wonderful teacher, I’ve heard.”
Harry smiled. This guy couldn’t be too bad if he had been friends with Lupin.
“Gryffindor, Gryffindor… Those were the best years of my life!” he said nodding his head at them all. “Of course, I did in my day lose several points for us, though! Got caught sneaking around the school at night… but let’s focus back on Defense Against the Dark Arts, shall we?”
Meeri stood up suddenly and clasped his hands together looking around at his students with a broad grin on his face. Harry noticed, as he walked around his desk, that he was wearing two different color socks - one maroon and one yellow.
“Take out your wands and put your books away!” he ordered.
Harry and the others followed his orders obediently and looked back at him for further instructions.
“I’m going to split you up with partners! Let’s see you… with… you there!” he said as he partnered Parvati with Dean. “You with you… And you with you..” he continued partnering people up. Everyone began scrambling around to sit next to their partners. “And lastly, you with you!”
Harry looked at who Meeri was pointing at for his partner. It was Melanie, sitting their comfortably with her fluffy, pink scarf. She looked at him with the most horribly fake smile Harry had ever seen. He made his way, unfortunately, over to her and slowly sat down beside her.
“We are going to be carefully practicing the Silencing Charm. Point your wand at your partner’s mouth. Use ‘Silencio’ to take away your partner’s voice for approximately 2 minutes. Your voice will come back automatically when time is up. Once it has completely come back, in turn, cast your Silencing Charm onto them. Go back and forth until I say so, so you will have enough time to get your voice back before the end of class. Begin!”
Before Harry could open his mouth, Melanie jumped up to her feet. “Talk!” she announced.
Harry stood up too. “Umm… okay, well what should I-”
“Silencio!” she shouted at once, wand arm out.
Harry’s throat suddenly felt extremely empty and dry, he became thirsty and no more words would come out, no matter how hard he tried.
“Excellent, Miss-?”
“Oltruck. Melanie Oltruck.” said smiled falsely at Meeri while twirling her wand casually.
“Wonderful! Next time, Mr. Potter, try moving on to bigger and better things using ‘Protego’ to block Miss Oltruck’s Silencing Charm.” he said twinkling his long-eyelash eyes and moving on to the next pair, Ron and Lavender, where Lavender had Ron sitting on his chair with his mouth shut and looking bored.
“Can you believe how weird he is?” Ron said excitedly seconds after they had left class. “Katie was right! He’s a bit off his rocker all right! Nutcase.”
Harry nodded in agreement. “And how funny that he’s friends with Lupin.”
“Well we don’t know that for sure, Harry.” said Hermione matter-of-factly. “He could have just known Lupin. Maybe, when he writes you tomorrow or today, you can write back asking if he remembers an Arnold Meeri from his Hogwarts days. He can’t have been very close friends, though, because Lupin was good friends with Sirius, James and Peter. I mean, it’s not like Meeri was one of the makers of the Marauder’s Map.”
Harry nodded as they made their way down the winding stairwell to lunch.
© Copyright 2006 Samantha Diggory (samd713 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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