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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1075699
The fate of a troubled nation is unknown even by the King and Queen...
Huelin (Hoo-WAY-linn) - The oldest nation of the three, Huelin was once very prosperous until Dell Smair rose to power. Most adults are either fishermen, hunters or violent soldiers. In Huelin, crimes are almost always punishable by death. They are also harsh in the sense that if a woman is unable to produce children, it is common for the husband to divorce her and marry someone else. They are also prejudice against the tan-skinned people living free in and around the Bergh mountains in Dell Smair and Villida. Capital: Westonia.
Dell Smair - Prosperous but always neutral, centrally-located nation with many cities and connections to water; trades with both Huelin and Villida but allows no one to cross the heavily protected borders to both nations. Used to be a very poor nation until one hundred years previously. The nation is feeling a lot of pressure from its surrounding nations to take sides in the fighting. Capital: Dell Fawn.
Villida (Vill-ÍDA) - Democratic nation with civil liberties, fair penalties for crimes (for which the crime rate is low) and free elections for the Guard and the representatives. People are generally happy and good. Want to defeat Huelin once and for all. Huelin and Villida are opposing nations who openly hate each other, down to the very last child. Their ideologies are opposite and their cultures are very different. Capital: Villida City.

Villida claims the free Tradver Sea for itself, angering Dell Smair (especially Dell Fawn, who relies on the sea greatly). The nasty Queen of Huelin, Eva tries to seduce King Kenwyn of Dell Smair to get him to side with them so that the Huelinese army can pass through Dell Smair to get to Villida City and Reis for a war. Queen Amena of Dell Smair, in return, murders the Queen Eva of Huelin. The Queen’s only son Harper inherits the Huelin throne, angry and seeking revenge on Dell Smair. Villida, which has a leader known as the Guard and an elected body of representatives instead of a monarchy, realizes the need for Dell Smair’s aid and says that they will renounce their claim on the Tradver Sea if Dell Smair allies itself with Villida.

Guard Tristan Dover meets with Queen Amena and King Kenwyn in secret in Mayland and no one knows for sure what happens in the meeting. Even Princess Bethany and her cousin Fylanna are not told of the exact words that were spoken between the two nations. The Huelinese, however, assume that the other two nations have aligned with one another and the Huelinese send their well-trained navy from Westonia and Crowtown down the Ekes River, burning down all the villages and towns along the river in Dell Smair. Villida sends ships west down the Ekes River with soldiers and sailors to meet the Dell Smairans in Mayland. They wait there a day until the Huelinese reach the city.

The Huelinese are greatly outnumbered because they are a smaller nation but being more violent in nature, they were well-trained and vicious. The new King of Huelin is leading and fighting with his troops with his brother Prince Lo. Queen Amena, King Kenwyn, Princess Bethany and Guard Tristan Dover are in Mayland as this is happening. Amena and Kenwyn refuse to leave their city, even as it is completely torn by battle, and they permit Bethany to stay as well. They forcefully send their niece Fylanna away from the violence to Villida City.

Amena and Kenwyn fight the Huelinese troops. Amena is an excellent archer and Kenwyn is big and strong. Amena loses sight of her daughter Princess Bethany so leaves the fighting to go and find her. King Kenwyn is fighting a Huelinese general is about to be killed when Guard Tristan Dover and Villidan General Petrick Towers step in and save his life heroically. Soldiers flee before Guard Dover and General Towers. Guard Tristan Dover is later injured while fighting because he is separated from his army and is fighting a group of Huelinese alone. They fear he may die, so he is immediately sent out of Mayland and back to Villida City.

The Dell Smairans and Villidans are losing after two straight days of nonstop fighting, and King Harper of Huelin thinks that he is on the verge of winning the battle and capturing Mayland and the Ekes River. Then suddenly more troops join them from the Ekes River: Dell Fawn sent troops to Reis to join with the troops there and together they had traveled down the Ekes River and unexpectedly joined the fighting in Mayland. Many of the Huelinese want their King to order a retreat but he refuses, more because he had received word than Dobson had sent troops to the Ekes River in Dell Smair near where it borders Huelin and had positioned themselves to kill any troops who fled Mayland up the river.

King Harper (enraged after seeing his brother Prince Lo be killed by enemy soldiers) and some of his remaining troops sneak into the palace at Mayland and try to find Queen Amena to kill her. When King Harper and five of his soldiers find her and are about to kill her, they enter the large hall and think she is alone with her daughter Princess Bethany because they were hiding. Two soldiers are also hiding in the room and a random, young, brave soldier from the city, named Cedric Summer comes out of hiding and kills King Harper after a fierce one-on-one battle with everyone looking on in awe. Cedric has no time to rejoice because then his sister Natasha Summer, the other hidden soldier is wounded by Huelinese soldiers who attack her from behind. Amena and Cedric kill the soldiers there but by then it is too late. Natasha, only seventeen years old, dies in Princess Bethany’s arms.

King Kenwyn and General Petrick Towers declare the battle over, a victory for Villida and Dell Smair. The Villidan and Dell Smairan soldiers rejoice on the streets together. The leftover Huelin soldiers flee northward like fools and cowards. They reach the Bergh Mountains, thinking they’ve found safety, when they are meant by yet another army of the tan-skinned people they were so prejudiced against. The Bergh people easily and quickly wipes out the remaining Huelinese soldiers.

Huelin later falls as Dell Smair and Villida’s combined forces invade it and take over the cities. They occupy Huelin for sixty years until the new generations of the nation are better people. Then they leave. Princess Bethany marries Cedric, the soldier who killed King Harper, and they go on to be King and Queen of Dell Smair after Amena and Kenwyn die of old age. Mayland is rebuilt where it was damaged or destroyed and is then made the new capital of Dell Smair. Guard Tristan Dover lives long enough to hear the good news and to celebrate, but dies soon thereafter. General Petrick Towers is elected as the new Guard and is just as good for Villida. Fylanna lives out her life happily in the palace at Mayland with her cousin and their families.

The End
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