Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1075471-I-Remember-Rain
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1075471
"I remember Rain" is a short story about a love triangle gone bad.
I Remember Rain

Vincent was an easy going man. He lived a simple, but satisfying life from paycheck to paycheck. He was a quiet, deep man whose eyes told stories of sorrow and loss. Despite his lackluster lifestyle there was only one thing he wanted; Miss Julia Spiegel. They had been friends for years and as long as they’d been friends he tried everything he could to win her heart, only to be turned down time and time again. She never gave a reason for saying no, but then again most women never do but Vincent never stayed for words. He never really had much of a temper until it came down to one person: Charles Black. Julia was in love with him despite their past. This is where our story picks up.

It was a long week. The sky had been a dismal gray since Sunday, almost as if to say that a star was fading and with it, the days of its owner.

“So, you really want to go through with it this time,” Charles said as he let out a puff of smoke from his cigarette, “Fine then we’ll fight on top of Anne’s café on Saturday night.” Vincent replied with a simple, “Then it’s settled. Anne’s, Saturday, ten o’clock.” He arose from the hectic bar. As he headed for the door he added on, “No weapons this time.” Before he walked out he grabbed an umbrella. It looked like rain.

He walked freely down the busy streets, lively with horns honking and children playing on stoops. The city was alive. Vincent turned down an unfamiliar corner when he came upon a unique building. It was almost small enough to be considered as shack, lord knows it was old enough to be called one. The paint was faded against the brick of the building and there was only an open sign on the door. Vincent had to see what was inside. “So what is this place, some sort of magic shop?” He said with a hint of sarcasm. There were random knickknacks scattered all across the floor. There was an old Indian man in the midst of all the junk. His hair was as dark as shadows from his head to the floor. His face calm yet weary. In his hand he had a pile of sand which fell between his fingers.

“What’s the deal old man? Do you just sit here all day and do nothing?” Vincent blurted.
The man opened his eyes and said, “Running Rock, all organisms... All beings with life have their own stars. The moment a new life is born a new star is born and becomes the guardian star. This star we stand on is someone’s guardian star as well. That red star, that blue star... But when a life ends, the star falls, and disappears.” The man glanced at him for only a moment before closing his eyes again.
“What is that supposed to mean? And who is Running Rock?” Vincent replied with a look of confusion on his face. He quickly walked out of the building. Just as he walked out he ran into a woman. “Vincent watch where you’re going!” The woman shouted as she rose to her feet. “Hey Julia I didn’t even see you. Let me help you up,” he replied. “You know I’m supposed to fight Charles on Saturday right? Whoever loses has to leave you for good. I want you to be there. I want you to see me win.” He boasts for hours while they walk through the city, occasionally stopping to flirt. “Julia, I want you to tell me right now how you really feel about me. Am I just wasting my time chasing after you like this? “Vincent whispered to her. She looked at him with her beautiful hazel green eyes and replied with an unfamiliar look on her face, “I can’t tell you right now. I’m sorry, but I just can’t. “Her voice had a strange tone of seriousness now. After a long quiet walk they made it to her doorstep. “Julia, you may not feel the way I do, but please just be there tomorrow.” Vincent said his final words softly as he hugged her at her door. Vincent went home.

Saturday night came.

They all stood on the roof of Anne’s Café. It wasn’t a large building, but it was big enough to fight on. “So this marks the end of your foolishness for the heart of a woman you can’t have,” Charles said with an eerie grin, “You should be thanking me Vincent.” And so it began. They fought hard, knowing that even the slightest mistake could mean the worst. Charles seemed to have the upper hand and Vincent didn’t stand a chance. With a final blow to the head Vincent was down. Charles paced back and forth waiting for him to stand up, but he stayed down. Charles, in a final rage, kicked Vincent once as hard as he could. Julia was stunned. She didn’t know what to think of either man now. As Charles walked to her she slowly turned away. “I don’t want either of you,” she said in a fuss, “This was stupid and I can believe you would stoop to this.”
Charles was furious. He pushed her aside and walked back to Vincent, who was now working his way to a chair to sit down. “This ends now Vince!” He roared as he pulled a gun out of the back of his pants. Julia screamed for him to stop, but there was no stopping him. He was a beast with no remorse.

A shot rang out.

Julia quickly ran to Vincent as blood poured from his body. “Vincent no,” she shouted, “I’m sorry for all of this. I should have chosen you, Vincent. I’m so sorry. I should have told you how I felt when I had the chance. I do love you, I always have. I don’t know why I treated you the way I did, but I’m sorry.” As she laid his cold, lifeless body down she looked up to the sky.

It began to rain.
© Copyright 2006 Alexander Patterson (shagydog314 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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