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by Cayden
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1075322
dunno where its going will figure out eventually
They say death is intoxicating; the thought of it will drive one to unknown bounds and limits. The death of the body and the soul are intertwined, so they claimed. The belief is ones body cannot exist without ones soul and ones soul cannot truly exist without a vessel to personify it. One is not human without a soul, a proven conscious. That is what justifies humanities desire for domination and superiority. The human race is claimed to be above animals and nature because we have souls, an intangible consciousness of free will. Yet this belief is only supported by our, humanitys' desire to believe, hope that there is more to us than our syrupy filling and meaty exterior.
The desire to annihilate all fear of death by believing the body is just a vessel, when it dies the soul will live on is what we strive for. The idea our pitiful and microscopic life meant something is our true desire. Thus justifying existence, birth and God. When the vessel finishes decaying and expires the soul will eternally live on in a haven determined by ones actions. Or in such case of reincarnation will be reborn into a higher existence until ultimately becoming flawless like the almighty and enter nirvana.
That was the law, the omnipotent belief. It was said if anything united the world it was that common belief. Of course like in everything there was always exceptions. People who could see through the façade the leaders placed on the followers. Those were the chosen ones, the ones who fell into the darkness, the Judas with the black wings. Abandoned by God, humanity and their own souls. No longer under the protective golden rays, white wings and blissful ignorance that blinded humanity. Their souls fled back to the almighty and left their animated bodies behind to wander aimlessly as they slowly rot away. Left to observe with eyes unseen and voices unheard in their inferno , the world.
Until the day, the day they were saved. You would think God shed his almighty grace on them and brought his stray sheep back to the heard. But alas the God whom humans worshiped is a vengeful and unforgiving one. Once you fell, your wings were darkened and stained, the mark of an undutiful sinner was to plague the body forever. Their savior would not be found in the light. It would never be found in the golden rays of holiness. In all irony behind the light was the darkness of the truth, the bared souls and desires.
The savior was found in the darkness, in abyss of omnipotent crimson sin. There in the center lay to rest the first sinner, the first to question and go against the almighty, Lucifer. Chaste with the vermilion mark over his heart and the elaborate gashed scar that rested on his back where his wings once resided. That was the ultimate mark of a fallen angel, a demon. But that is where redemption was found, salvation and hope for the black sheep. Were hope was given to the forgotten, abandoned and unworthy.
That was it, all there was to it. Redemption would never be found through the mask of purity, never. That ethereal solid white would never, could never allow such a sullied mark on its perfect craftsmaship. Why allow such visibly flawed lambs in when the exterior of the rest was the perfect flawless coat. That was his belief, his way , Gods will.
That is and always will be the unevidable destiny. Lucifer knew that, he always had known. Hell he was cast, branded and shamed for questioning that very philosiphy. He was placed in an eternal inferno, that bloody hole with the bars atop. Destined to lie there in complete darkness and solitude. Those four bloodied walls were his home, his life, and his future. His only friend, companion and enemy was himself and his memories.

© Copyright 2006 Cayden (rakuen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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