Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1074067-Magic-House--------Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #1074067
When kids proul the night, they spot a large castle, where they meet Holga the Hag....
         Once apon a quiet village (New York City), lived three boys: Greg, Bart, and PJ. The boys were best of friends; yet, went to different schools, lived in different buildings, and had different interests...except, they all had the craving for drugs! Not such an amazing hobby, but, all and all, that was their thing to do! They all lived in the slums of NYC. Their buildings, where they lived, were right next to each other. The schools they went to were at least 14 blocks apart! (That's a long walk) Greg was the more intelligent child of the three. Greg had bushy brown hair, was medium size for a 16 year old boy, and a small round nose. Greg was also the better looking one of the three! He always had a girlfriend, but didn't do anything....obscene. Bart was a little on the heavy side! Round figure, short blonde hair, and dark coloured clothes. He was a little more...perverted than the other two! Bart was always hitting on Greg's girlfriends, and that's why most of Greg's girlfriends left him...because of a blonde fat kid. (It takes a man to make a girl cry...in this case, Bart doesn't have to try)
Bart always made the other two laugh in harsh times. PJ....you'll soon find out! March 1st 2005, a nice warm day! Trees sway in the breeze...both of them...and the sounds of people conversing, yelling, playing, chewing gum / pick your favorite! After taking Penelope home from school in his father's Explorer, Greg met Bart outside the old abandoned Old Navy store. (Don't ask why i chose that!) Greg opened the car door and heard Bart yell...
         "Where the HELL is PJ, he said he would pick me up from school and he didn't, so i had to walk here...I'm tired!" Greg replied,
         "I have a cell too! You could've called me!"
         "Didn't think about that!...Didn't you take Penelope home today?"
         "Isn't she way out there or something?"
         "That's more gas...right?"
         "For my dad! This is his Explorer!"
         "Oh, your dad actually trusted you with this?"
         "Obviously!" Then, there was an extremely loud screeching of brakes all the way down the block! Without looking, they could tell it was PJ's car. Loud music streaming from the windows (this could be heard in France), old farts hanging out of their windows screaming and pleading for the idiot to turn the music down before they throw something at his car and not paying for the damages.
         "Shut up Ms. Biggoss, your farts are lounder than an atomic bomb." PJ yelled in rage.
Cursing all the way to the curb, he pulls out a little bag of white powder.
         "This way" PJ said, pointing to the Old Navy factory. The boys walked in and jogged to the middle of the large room. The room was grayer than....your mom's hair. (kidding...i think). Random pipes leading purposly nowhere, just to look complex. There was debris all over the floor, and many obstacles to get to the middle of the room. Once the boys got to the middle of the room, they looked at each other with expressions of excitement, confusion, and......stupidity!
         "I think we should do this at a different time!" Greg said.
         "Or not do it at all!" Bart pleaded. Bart didn't enjoy the things PJ found amusing. PJ was a bad kid all in all, having cut a kid before. PJ was one of them NY mob members, who did nothing but hurt people and get great sums of money. PJ had been to jail a couple of times....about 14. Too many times to explain each one. One reason he went to jail was the use of Heroine. When he was caught, the NY cop yelled:
         "Drop the bag!!!!....Hands up!!!!....Step away from the bag, very slowly." What would you do if you heard something like that? You would do the same thing every other criminal would do.......RUN! Well, that exact situation just happened between our 3 protagonists...just not with three old women in their rockers.
         So, when Greg heard that, he looked straight at PJ with a face of scared and loathing mixed simultaniously together to create a face of extreme confusion! Once PJ heard his close arrest, heroine flew in the air, filling the entire room with a small 'fog'. Bart was stumbling over everything in his path. PJ leaping as high as a cheeta over broken tables, non-broken tables, a pile of old, moss-eaten sweatshirts, and four desks (he didn't fully make that jump, and fell on Greg and Bart fell on them....one word....OUCH!). There was a gun shot but no one was hit (no gore for all you squeamish folks). The cops were out of site (not like they glanced at them or anything), and the boys were outside about four blocks away from the old abandoned Old Navy factory. Everyone was panting like dogs on a hot summer's day. Bart was laying down from all the fright and adventure, Greg was sitting right by Bart leaning against a pole with his head proped back as if he was admiring the very few clouds in the sky. PJ was standing up with his hands on his hips, bent over heaving loud enough so near by birds flew away in the sudden and ugly sound; and yet, laughing at the same time.
         "Boy was that close or what!?!" PJ said.
         "Hilarious, just so much fun that next time i want to get CAUGHT AND GO TO JAIL!" Greg resounded with bitterness in his tone.
         "They'll (big breath) be after you in about two days! You know that right?" Bart wheezed as he took another extremely large breath.
         "Oh! I know, all the more fun!" PJ said half laughing by now. PJ knew he would be on the run for a couple of days! He would find a place to hide for a while, then they'll just forget about him! He didn't see the big deal; he didn't blow a house up or set a building on fire that would actually effect the people around the place.
         "DANMIT" Greg said.
         "What now?" Bart asked, being drained from all the excitement.
         "I drove there in my dad's explorer, and the cops probably took the lisence plate number and traked down who the hell did that crap in the factory!" Greg answered frusterated with himself, and the level of stupidity PJ had to do the obnoxious thing he did. "It's all your fault we're even here! Now they're going to be looking for all of us! Why do you bring those drugs with you in a public place?"
         "1st of all" PJ said defensively,"Public? You call an old abandoned factory public?"
         "It is New York isn't it?" Greg said.
         "Plus, i thought you liked those kinds of drugs, Greg?" PJ said looking very proud of himself for thinking Greg couldn't top that statement. (Which actually he did)
         "I gave up drugs last week Tuesday. Don't you remember? My doctor said if i do another drug, i would have a 80% chance to have a severe heart-attack." Greg said, almost speechless of the pregnant silence that followed. He couldn't believe that PJ forgot about it because they had a riviting arguement over the subject when Greg brought it up last Tuesday.
         When their discusion was over, they all went home and prepared for school the next day! When school was over the following day, (that happened all so suddenly) the boys all met in a alley behind their favorite pizza place, Pui Amozuzo. Bart was the first one there. Pui Amozuzo was right across the street from his school. Greg was there 2nd after taking Penelope home for the 2nd day in a row. And, of course, PJ was last, he seemed to be late to everything for about 3 weeks. Bart and Greg seemed to notice this and began to question if PJ was alright! (We'll see) Well, when the sound of PJ's car was in earshot, Bart stood up with his hair all messed up. Obviously, Bart hadn't taken a shower. He smelled like a cows....rear, and dandrift galoure on his head. He had the same clothes on: White Polo with jeans on. The jeans were as old as Donald Trump, and had holes all over it. Greg took a shower (thank goodness) and was well groomed. (You have to look nice for the ladies) He wore a dark green t-shirt with the words, "I'm with stupid ->" on it. His long black slacks were about 3 months old, he got them for Christmas. PJ came out from behind the huge garbage can behind Amozuzo smoking a joint.
         "Hey boys!" PJ greeted them relaxed.
         "That's all you have to say..." Bart replied, trying to imitate him, "HEY BOYS!". Bart was very agrivated. He only did drugs because everyone else did them. He never liked them anyway. He was starting to figure out that he could be him, without people making fun of him. Another reason Bart didn't like it was because it didn't make him any skinnier anyway, so why do them? Bart was agrivated at PJ because, that night when he went home, his parents had fallen asleep, so he thought he'd watch a little TV. He was flipping the channel of "When Hoola Girls Attack", the current SCIFI hit, and flipped to the 10-o-clock news and saw the factory and the whole scene. The good thing was is they never caught any of their faces on camera (he saw his but though when he fell on Greg and PJ). After the scene stopped playing, they had interviews held by all the people that were hanging out of their windows, yelling at PJ to turn his music down. Luckily, they only mentioned PJ, and not him nor Greg.
         "Did you watch the 10-o-clock news last night?" Bart asked with knowledge of the answer anyway.
         "No!" PJ said not putting his joint out on the ground very clumsy like. "You know i never watch the news! It's nothing but stupid shit!"
         " He's drunk, he always cusses when he's drunk." Greg said. Greg was kind of scared of drunk people. (I would be too if i lived in New York City) Greg had seen many drunks in his life, considering that his parents were drunks. Thank goodness they got over that bad habit. Greg's father was an Expert Electrician. His father was starting to make some good money. He currently finished a job on a new building on Fifth Street. (This job was payed the big bucks because Fifth Street is the big shopping street in New York City. GOOD MONEY!) That's how his father was able to buy the Explorer! "I'm gonna get out of here! You know what he did last time Bart! Let's go!" Bart didn't remember...he was drunk with him!
         "Yeah, let's go!" Bart said. (What he didn't know won't hurt him...emotionally)

         They got out of there and went to Greg's house. There Greg and Bart discussed what Bart had seen on the news that past night. Bart was very afraid of what might happen to them because of PJ. They decided to never associate with PJ again if they could stand it. PJ was a bad influence on them and they noticed this after the second time being drunk with him. Bart had yet to discuss the matter with his parents! Greg had already talked to his parents and they were still deciding on whether to move, or stay there and act cool, but if Greg was caught, they'd move. Greg told Bart, most likely he'd move to Nebraska, or North Dakota, someplace they wouldn't be noticed all that much. Bart was afraid about confronting his parents. They weren't really nice people.
Bart went to school with Greg the next day because he transfered and never really liked his school, and that day they had two classes together: Civics and Language. In Language class they did nothing but read a stupid book called "To Kill a Mocking Bird" (or so in Bart's mind it was stupid). Then, about two hours later they met up again in Civics class and they were to look through the paper and find an article about one of Ammendments to the Constitution. Well, Bart and Greg decided to be partners and look through the paper. They came along a picture of a boy laying on the ground with a bottle in one hand, and a joint by his other. They passed this up and couldn't find anything, so they went back and looked at it and the caption read, "A 16 year old boy by the name of Philus Lawrence James died of the abuse and excesive use of alcohol (alcoholic poisening). Owner of the Pui Amozuzo said, 'He always was doing drugs out here, but I never had a chance to stop him because of his other two friends.' Unfortunately, he couldn't remember their names, but if he had to, he could identify them."

At this thought, Greg and Bart almost ran out of the school. They knew they were in trouble, so Greg asked his parents if he could bring Bart along with their "moving to another state" thing.
They said yes, and everyone started to pack immediately!!! They were gone in two days. One thing surprized Greg. They were on a boat!!! Greg was curious why. He found out that they were going to the United Kingdom.

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