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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1073874
This is a story based on a true story, that which I encountered my first dragon.


My First Encounter With A Dragon

By: Tim Burton

Third Edition

Table of contents:
1-Thais and Carlin
2-Breakfast at Frodo's
3-The Legend of Excalibug and the Portal of Souls
4-Rocketterky's Big Idea
5-Dragons and their Treasures
6-Explosive Marksmanship
7-Food, Friends, Stories and Plans
8-Todd's Inn
9-The Four Vocations
10-Galuna the Fletcher
11-The Giant Spider
13-Minotaur Trouble
14-Orc Language
15-Krak Ork
16-Fire Devil
17-Stoop 'n' Grub
18-Fascinating Food
19-Final Preparations
20-Fat Man's Misery
21-My First Encounter with a Dragon
22-The Secret of Death
23-The Untold Story
24-Facing My Fears

Legal Stuff



         You, my friend, have just begun to read a story unlike any other. Now, if I don't tell you what I'm about to tell you, you will just read this story, or maybe just the first page or paragraph, and say to yourself, "I've seen movies with a story like this.", or, "I've read books better than this!", or even, "How is this story different from the rest?"
         Yes, I do realize there are many great books and movies with a medieval type storyline. Some of them are quite renowned and have many epic battles like "Lord of the Rings". Some are witty and good, and tell of someone going on an adventure like "The Hobbit". Others are funny and are for children and adults alike, such as "Shrek". Then there are those that are funny and comedial, such as "Monty Python: The Holy Grail".
         Some of these films and books I have not read. Some I have. They are all classics indeed, but there is one thing that they are all missing and that makes them different from the story I am about to share. That thing is this- they are all fiction and not based on a true story.
         The story I am about to tell you takes place in medieval times. It is filled with battles against orcs, minotaurs, and such. To make it all better, it is all based on a true experience. This, my friend, is my first encounter with a dragon.

Chapter One

Thais and Carlin

         Thais is a nice town. The people are friendly, enjoyable, and experienced. As well, not many beggars are to be found, unlike Carlin.
         Carlin. What an awful place that was. I liked it at first because I seemed to fit in. Despite the fact that the city is ran by women, I still hate it. It wasn't the place for a person who had become as experienced as to slay a minotaur on their own. People constantly begged me for items and money. The market was awful. I couldn't find descent items or equipment without paying an outrageous price or getting ripped off. I struggled to survive in that town. But I did make some friends while I was there, some which I still know today. I also liked it because there were descent training grounds near by.
         You have to understand that evil creatures rule this land where I live. Things have turned sour and chaotic ever since the Excalibug was captured. Even wolves and snakes seem to kill all they can. There is always something that is bound to resist and try to stop you while you travel or explore, and it is important to be ready to defend and fight.
         It was in fact, this very evil that caused me to move to Thais. Carlin was very vulnerable to lured creatures. Some people have nothing better to do than to let some creature follow them into town and let it cause havoc. I heard of such mean jokes, but never seen it happen. That was, until one day I myself was caught by one of these lures. This one wasn't pretty either. Some deranged fool decided to lure one of the fastest and strongest creatures in the land right into the heart of the town- a giant spider. I fell victim to this creature. After that terrible incident, I decided it would be best for me to move somewhere I could actually breathe.
         Thais, like I said, is such a nice town. The people are kind and experienced. The gates are well guarded, too. Not even a wolf can get past without dying. Despite the often happening rat plagues and rat infested sewers, the town is one of the best.
         This is where my adventure begins. I had made many friends in this town. But then there were the select few of us who were the adventurous bunch. So adventurous, in fact, that we embarked one day on an adventure that we would remember.

Chapter Two

Breakfast at Frodo's

         The day was lively and new. I began my day by having a hearty meal at Frodo's tavern. Frodo is quite the fellow. He always has some news to share. His meals are fantastic and the drinks always good. His brother, Todd, ran the inn upstairs, where I often stayed the night at.
         "Good morning." I said to Frodo.
         "Ah, yes, good morning to you, too! What'll it be today?" He asked.
         "I think I'll have the usual. Wait, I'll change it up a bit today. Give me the usual, but with extra pepper and some onion." I said.
         Many mornings I'm still tired and not fully awake. I just come in and order the same eggs and ham every morning. But today felt differant. I was more awake than usual.
         "Wow. This isn't quite like you, I'd say. And onion? Are you sure? You said you hated those." Said Frodo.
         "Yes, I know, but it's just an onion. I feel like doing something new today. You know, get out of the ol' routine." I said quite cheerfully.
         "Well, you are the customer. One order of crying dirty eggs and ham coming up. That'll be twelve gold pieces, please."
         "Twelve? But isn't it..." I started to say, bit confused.
         "Yes, yes, I know. But you are a regular. And since you feel like doing something differant, I'll give you a discount." Frodo said as he placed the money in a small wooden box which he had hidden under the counter.
         "Hey, can't complain about that."
         "Have you heard the news lately?" Frodo pulled out a frying pan and placed it on the range.
         "No, not quite. Nothing new, at least. People keep talking about the unusual increase of orc sightings outside of their caves. But that's old news. 'They just want to breath some fresh air' I keep saying. But since you asked, what's the news?"
         "There are rumors that the sweaty cyclops is going out of business, that he is quitting his job."
         The sweaty cyclops is a cyclops who runs a blacksmithing shop up north in the city of the elves, Ab'dendrial. He forged some of the most magnificent weapons. They were the lightest, strongest, and sharpest- at an affordable price that is.
         "Going out of business? No way! He used to get so much business, made so much money, and made so many people happy. What happened?" I asked confusedly. Frodo added two eggs to the pan which already had ham in it.
         "They say that there are many other creatures who have learned to forge such weapons with little cost and effort. Perhaps they found a new metal or a quicker and cheaper forging method." Frodo added some pepper and onion slices to the pan. It sizzled and smelled delicious. "And, now, men are slaying these creatures and taking the weapons." Frodo was quite sure of what he said.
         "Yep. That'll do it. Poor guy. I wonder what he will do now." I said as Frodo opened a chest, pulled out a plate and put the food on it.
         "Well, your food is done. I hope you enjoy it." He handed me the plate of food, a fork, and a glass of milk.
         "Only the best, Frodo."
         I went over to a table and sat down, with my back to the door. I cut a piece of ham and brought it to my mouth. Just as I did, I heard the door behind me open, and then shut. I began to chew the meat. Someone walked up to the chair across the table from me and sat down. I looked up to see Hinekep at the table. He and I have known each other for many years. He looked tired and scratched up.
         "Man! You won't believe it! Oh my goodness! The rotworms are crazy! My goodness! There are so many! You won't believe it!" Hinekep said with hyperness.
         "Whoa! Calm down. What happened to...wait, rotworms? You were in Fibula again, were you not? At least have breakfast before you go getting yourself killed."
         "No, not quite like that. I was there last night. Got lost and chased by a demon skeleton. Finally escaped it. After that, I left the caves and seen it was dark and late. I lost track of time, so I spent the night in the main room under the well. Silly me, I must have left the rotworm door open, because I woke up the next morning with a rotworm drooling in my face. It tried taking my meat from out of my backpack."
         "I told you, rotworms love to feed on raw meat and flesh."
         "Yea, yea, I know. But it was worth it. Look what I brought back." He lifted a back pack off the floor, and did so like it weighed a ton. He plopped it onto the table, jarring it and knocking over my cup of milk.
         "Watch it there! You know Frodo doesn't like messes." I told Hinekep.
         "No no, don't worry about it." Frodo said. He must have seen the cup tip over, because he was already almost to the table with a towel in his hand. "My, oh my! That backpack looks stuffed!" Frodo said with surprise as he soaked up the liquid with the towel.
         "Yes, indeed. But this is just one backpack. I have three more in the depot locker." Hinekep said with glee.
         The public locker, commonly known as the depot, was established in almost every town quite some time ago. It is a large building with many lockers which you were assigned one such. As well, a postal service was established along side the depot. You can buy parcels and letters at the depot, as well as send and receive letters, packages, and other mail.
         The lockers can hold many items, more than you would think. The depot was founded, despite the fact houses and flats could be purchased and rented to live in and store items and belongings. One reason was because people either could not afford a place to call their own, or just simply didn't find time to actually live somewhere. Most people were away from home or even any civilization at all, and slept out in the woods or where ever they were, but still needed a place to store their belongings. Thus, the depot and postal service was established.
         "Three more in your locker? But what is in it?" I questioned, anxious to know what he had.
         The backpack on the table was brown, dirty, and a bit bloodstained. The straps were worn with slightly charred edges. The backpacks commonly bought are large, roomy, rugged, and very durable. But this one seemed to have seen better days.
         From the top of the backpack extended a long object or objects. They were wrapped in a piece of leather, hiding what was inside. Hinekep pulled this thing out of the backpack, causing the pack to collapse as it went empty. He placed the leather wrapped objects on the table, causing a clang of metal.
         "This, my friends, is what I have been waiting for." Hinekep said, bringing suspense to Frodo and I.
         "Come on, quit antagonizing us." Frodo said.
         "Hush, give him room. Don't rush him." I said.
         Hinekep slowly unrolled the leather from around its contents. The metal inside banged and clanged as he unrolled it. I caught a glimpse of a slight shimmer of metal, and then seen a handle. Perhaps it was a new sword he had found. But there was clanging of metal. Had he found multiple? The suspense grew.
         Hinekep finished unrolling it, with a flap of leather still covering the items underneath. "Voila!" He said as he pulled the flap off, exposing several ordinary maces and swords.
         "What!!?? Hinekep! You built all this suspense, and even spilt my milk, for what? That's just a handful of scrap metal! Or are you still using a stick to fight?" I said a bit angrily.
         Frodo said nothing. He just rolled his eyes, gave a sigh, picked up his towel, and went to serve another customer.
         "Not just a handful of useless metal!" Hinekep said.
         "Ok ok. You have four backpacks of it. But it's still useless scrap metal. I thought you found something new or rare."
         The metal wasn't all that useless. There was a blacksmith in town who bought basic swords, maces, and other basic weapons and armors, like chain armor and brass armor, from people. People needed the money, and Sam needed the metal and material to forge stronger armors and weapons for his business. It was a descent trade, and four backpacks of that kind of stuff would sell for well over 500 gold pieces.
         "Don't you know? I'm saving up money to purchase one of those fabulous noble armors. A lad in the south of town recently bought some new armor, and wants to get rid of his noble armor. I asked him about it and he said he will sell it to me for just 2000 gold pieces. All I need is 100 more gold pieces and it is mine. Want to help me pack some bags to Sam's?"
         "Well, I would say after I finish my milk, but I don't feel like licking off the floor today." I joked.
         "Ha ha, very funny." Hinekep said sarcastically. "Come on, I'll share some of the profit."

Chapter Three

The Legend of Excalibug and the Portal of Souls

         Many many years ago, the first settlers came to this land. They had come upon a paradise. The land was rich with trees, plants, rivers, wildlife, and majestic mountains. There were fabulous bays, fjords, inlets, and peninsulas on which cities were built around. The settlers built the first city and named it Thais. As time passed and the city began its life, a group of women went north by sailing across present day King's gulf, which is located directly north of Thais. On the other side of this gulf, Carlin was built.
         Over time, these two cities grew and flourished. A king a queen were crowned and put in charge of this land. The King lived in Thais, and the Queen in Carlin. Later, a swamp in the southeastern corner of the continent was discovered. Another group of people established a city known as Venore over top the swampy marshes. Due to the many warehouses that were build in Venore, the city became a major trade town.
         Later on, new cities were built and new islands discovered, such as Edron, Fibula, and Senja. Most importantly, though, two different races learned of this paradise and the King granted them permission to build their own cities. The dwarves built a magnificent city under the mountains of Kazordoon. The elves built a city in the northern forests, naming it Ab'dendrial. Everyone lived oh so peacefully and carelessly under the mighty rule of the King and Queen.
         Then one day something happened, something that set off a sequence of events that caused havoc many many years later. A meteorite struck somewhere in this land. The King learned of this and ordered it to be investigated. The news returned was astonishing. A sample of the meteorite was returned as well. A new ultra light and ultra strong metal was found on this meteorite. It even seemed to have magical, or at least, unexplainable properties. The King was quite intelligent and knew that this metal could be used to create a powerful sword.
         The cyclopean race is the best blacksmiths existing. The King ordered that the best blacksmiths of the cyclops to extract the metal from the ore found on the meteorite. With this metal, they were to forge a mighty sword of power for the King.
         Many nights were spent, many cyclops were injured, much blood was shed, many trees were burnt, much coal was used, and many hammers were broken. Despite all the hard and treacherous work, the sword was at last finished.
         The Excalibug quickly became a mighty symbol of power. The King ruled the land with this sword. People quickly learned of this and began to fear and respect the King more than ever.
         Unfortunately, not everyone bowed down to the King. A band of evil men known as the Knightmare Knights learned of this sword and its magnificent power. They were immediatley filled with greed and hunger for power.
         The Knights made their way to Edron, where the meteorite struck. It had caused a pretty deep crater, so deep in fact that the bottom of the crater was close to a very forbidden place- the entrance to the netherworld. The Knights opened the portal and summoned the demon leaders. Even though the demons were quite infuriated with all those who trespassed on their land, they still took heed to what the Knightmare Knights told them about the sword. The demons made an alliance with the Knights to help capture Excalibug.
         Secretly, the demon leaders also had an allegiance with some other leaders of other foul races in the land- such as rock golems, giant spiders and minotaurs. In fact, there were seven creatures in particular, whom were the most powerful and known leaders of their races, known as the ruthless seven. The demon leaders told the others of this alliance and of the sword and made a plan to help the Knights. Once it was captured, though, the ruthless seven were going to turn it against the men, elves, dwarves, and even the Knightmare Knights.
         Unfortunately, the minotaur leader of the ruthless seven got over excited and called forth his entire minotaur army to attack before the others were ready. In fact, the minotaur leader wanted the sword for his own. Even though they attacked alone, the King and the Thais army were taken by surprise and didn't stand a chance against the army of minotaurs. The army of men was defeated and the Excalibug was captured. The minotaurs took the sword back to their base in present day plains of havoc.
         The demon leaders, ruthless seven, and Knightmare Knights learned of this and decided to attack the minotaurs. Just as well, the King quickly gathered all of his forces from every city in an attempt to recapture the Excalibug. Before the ruthless seven attacked, they broke their alliance with the Knights, for they were no longer any use.
         The ruthless seven along with a band of demons made their way to the minotaur base. Right behind them was an army of men and the Knightmare Knights. The Knights, men, demons and ruthless seven, and the minotaurs all fought each other, desperate to own the ultimate sword of power. As they fought, the men and Knights were quickly overpowered and were forced to retreat. The ruthless seven and the demons were too powerful for the minotaurs, for the minotaur base was crushed and the sword was taken.
         The King, depleted of forces, out of allies, without his sword, and with little to no hope remaining, did one last thing that is still in effect today. Off the shore of Thais, in King's Gulf, laid a small uninhabited island. The King knew this was the perfect place for his plans. On this island, a small town was built. In the heart of this town, a temple was built. The temple was the place where the portal of souls was opened. From this portal, people from other lands entered. These were people who wanted to help the King, and came to Rookgaard to begin their warrior training. Once their training was complete, they were allowed to leave Rookgaard and go to the main continent of Tibia.
         Thousands of people to this day live in this land and are on their way to slaying evil and possibly even rescuing the Excalibug from the hands of evil. Unfortunately, the story of the Excalibug is becoming a myth. Many people say it's only a myth, or warrior's tale, and that it doesn't even exist. Others have ideas of where it is, and actually do believe in it, but only have scarce information on it. Either way, not many people believe in it.
         You have to forgive me because I'm not sure if this story here is accurate. It is, although, as accurate as I can get it based on the people I've talked to, the stories I've read and heard, and the information I've gathered.

Chapter Four

Rocketterky's Big Idea

         It was a beautiful day and was too nice to spend indoors or in town. It was a perfect day to practice my marksmanship, and so that was what I decided to do. I went to my depot to check for arrows.
         "Darn, out of arrows." I thought to myself as I looked in my cluttered locker. Although it needed organizing quite desperately, I kept my important things easy to access.
         I wasn't much of a melee fighter. I always thought it would be easier to fight my enemies from a distance. While I was in Rookgaard, I bought myself some spears and trained my marksmanship skills. When I got off of Rookgaard and to the main continent, I bought a bow and learned to make arrows. Thus, I chose the way of the paladin, or, archer.
         I really needed to practice. I couldn't hit an apple a foot in front of me, or so it seemed. I gathered some food, my bow and the materials to make arrows. Just as I began to leave, Rocketterky came into the depot. Rocketterky is Hinekep's father, and is a strong and experienced person.
         "Hey Rocketterky. What have you been up to?" I asked.
         "Not much. Just slayed some beholders."
         "Seems like it. You look a bit roughed up."
         "I got a backpack of food here. Just came by to lighten the load. Although, I might be staying a while. I'm out of runes."
         You may have heard of runes. You may have not. There are many kinds of runes. Here, runes are basically special kind of stones that have a magic burnt into them, making them ready to use by anyone. Most don't require mana on the behalf of the user, but to burn one requires knowledge of the spell and its use, time and mana. Mana, if you don't know, is basically another name for 'magic power'. The stronger you are with magic, the more mana, or amount of magic power you have and are able to use before your mana is depleted. To regain mana, you simply eat some food and wait, or you can drink a mana fluid that restores a given amount of mana instantly.
         Mostly mages make runes. Some use them for themselves while others sell backpacks full of one kind of rune, such as fireball, healing, and even sudden death. The people who buy these runes are ones who cannot or do not use many spells, or just want a backpack to go slay a beast and don't have time to make some. Whatever it may be, making and selling runes can earn you a hefty profit.
         Rocketterky uses heavy magic missiles which fire a large fireball mixed with electricity at the target. He is a knight, and although he can burn his own magic missile runes, he doesn't have much mana nor energy for casting spells. Like me, he saves his mana and energy just in case he is need of immediate healing.
         "But I thought you had your son making them for you." I said.
         "Yea, but he's got his own things to do. I don't want to slave him. So, what have you been up to yourself?"
         "Me? Aw, not much. I was just about to go out and take advantage of this nice weather by practicing my distance skills."
         "On what? Minotaurs? Orcs?" He asked, being curious.
         "Naw, by the time I hit one, I'll be all the way in town after it has chased me, you know? I thought about sticking to hitting apples out of a tree."
         "Sounds boring. Why don't you do something exciting?"
         "Like what? I don't have a good weapon other than my bow, and my shield might as well be called bark off of a tree."
         "Hmm. Well, I know of this dragon place. I stumbled upon it last week. Here is a copy of the map I made, if you decide to go. Should spice up your day." He said half joking, half serious. He handed me a rolled up parchment-the map.
         "Dragons!? Are you kidding!? I'll die! Maybe you can take me to some beholders and block for me while I shoot it in its one big eye. It'll be better than burning to a crisp."
         "Nah. Beholders seem to have gotten a whole lot stronger in magic. My shield seems useless against them. Look at it now; it's practically scratch less because the magic just goes right through it. A beholder drained some mana from me earlier and I couldn't heal myself. That was another reason why I ran." Rocketterky showed me his shield. It had scratches all over it, but none were fresh. I touched it.
         "Oh my, it is warm."
         "Yup. From the beholders' magic."
         "Well, I don't know what I will do. I have to practice, though."
         "Ok. I guess I'll see you later on. Try visiting the dragon, ok?"
         "I'll think about it." I waved Rocketterky goodbye and made my way to the depot entrance. When I got to the entrance, I removed my backpack and placed the map and my bow in it. I put it back on and looked outside. Not many people were around. They must have been enjoying the weather as well. I took a deep breath of fresh air and exhaled.
         "What a nice day." I said quietly to myself. I made my way to the south gate of Thais to begin my practicing for that day. Little did I know I was about to meet someone and help set forth my big adventure that was to come.

Chapter Five

Dragons and their Treasures

         Dragons are very ancient, powerful, and surprisingly not so rare anymore. It seems like most of the places where dragons live have been discovered. Even more surprisingly, it is common to see dragons in pairs and even triples in the same cave or lair. Evil truly has spread for, along with other former rare creatures, dragons have become more abundant. Nether the less, they are still mighty and powerful.
         Some time ago, a newer, stronger dragon race was discovered known as dragon lords. These dragons are much mightier than their green lessars. Dragon lords have fire mixed into the very DNA and molecular framework of their bodies, making their skin and scales a deep red color. Some people have even witnessed these dragons, and seen them use magic to heal themselves, drain life and mana, and even to amplify the intensity and heat of their flames. Only the strongest are able to barely survive among these extravagant foes.
         Even a normal dragon is powerful or, at least too powerful for me. I've never seen one myself. The only dragons I have seen were those in drawings and artworks, and dragon pelts in peoples' homes. I've only heard about the mighty power of these majestic creatures.
         Often time dragons guarded or possessed valuable treasures; most carried or guarded gold; others have rare gold and silver books; some even have jewels such as sapphires, ruby, and emerald; but only a very few have that one rare item that many people wish to have- a suit of armor made from one of the strongest and toughest materials known-the very scales of the dragon- known as dragon scale mail. No one knows why some dragons make this armor, because the dragon does not need it. What's most peculiar is that these armors are the size for smaller creatures such as men, elves, or trolls. Perhaps some race has made a deal with dragons, such as to not kill dragons in return for the armor. Maybe even someone is trading dragons rare treasure, for dragons love treasure, for the armor. No one really knows. Dragons and their business may forever remain unknown.

Chapter Six

Explosive Marksmanship

         "Bull's eye!" I thought to myself. I walked over by the apple tree, bent over, picked up the apple off of the ground, and plucked the arrow out of it. I had been practicing for an hour and hit a total of ten apples. It was better than last week, at which time I was hitting about four apples an hour at a distance of five feet. This time I was fifteen feet from the tree.
         Even though I was excited about getting better, I was still bored and wanted something a little more exciting to do. I decided to go to the wolf den further south. I took a bite out of the apple, picked up my stuff, and made my way southward.
         As I got closer to the wolven area, I heard someone's voice, like a yell. I proceeded with caution. Sure enough, there was a person at the den fighting a rather large pack of wolves. Even though it seemed like she wasn't in any trouble, I decided to help a bit, but I made sure my presence was unknown.
         I pulled an arrow out of my quiver, placed it on my bow, drew back, and let go. "Thwack!" I hit one of the wolves in the side. It gave a brief yelp and immediatley collapsed to the ground. Blood began to seep out of the wound. The girl who was fighting the wolves didn't even notice, for her back was turned.
         I got the bright idea to use one of my burst arrows. The dwarves brought their recipe for black powder when they settled in this land and were very kind to share it with everyone. I myself had just learned how to mix the ingredients and to place it on a tip of an arrow just yesterday. I had already made a few and thought this would be the perfect chance to test one. I carefully placed the arrow on the bow, drew back, and took aim, making sure I didn't drop the arrow. I aimed for a wolf that was furthest from the girl because I didn't want to hurt her with the explosion. I let go of the bow string. The arrow darted towards the wolf. Just as the arrow got to the wolf, it leaped towards the girl, knocking her to the ground.
         "Missed!" I said to myself. Just as I said that, the arrow hit a tree, causing a small explosion. One of the wolf's fur was burnt. All the other wolves seen what happened and were scared away.
         "What the?..." The girl asked herself out loud at she stood up and brushed herself off. She picked up her sword and shield off the ground. She then looked towards where the arrow struck the tree. The bark around where the arrow exploded was charred and black. A couple of dry leaves caught in the explosion were being burned by a small flame, which were soon extinguished by a swift breeze. She observed the arrow, then plucked it from the tree and examined it further.
         "A burst arrow!" But that means..." She said to herself, sounding a bit confused, then a bit surprised. She then knew I was there. "Where are you? I know you are there." She looked around for me. I then walked out from behind the tree I was behind and exposed myself.
         "Sorry about that." I didn't, you know, disturb you or anything?" I said with an apologizing tone as the girl turned around as faced me.
         "No no, that's ok. Actually, that was quite impressive. You must be a paladin. I've heard of such fantastic archers. You don't see many archers these days, you know? You must have known what you were doing." She commented.
         "Actually..." I stopped myself because I was about to tell her how badly I had missed, but I didn't want to ruin the moment and the compliment.
         "Yeah, you can say that." I said to her.
         "Sorry, I must have forgotten my manners. My name is Colonel Burton of Calmera, but my friends just call me Burton." She informed.
         "Nice to meet you Burton. People call me Scorpstorm. I have a real name, but I'm more known by this one. You can call me Scorp though, everyone else does."
         "Scorpstorm? Do you summon or slay scorpions or something?"
         "No. I wish though. I'm still not immune to their poison, and I can't summon anything- I've chosen to be an archer, not a mage. But thanks for asking."
         "Oh, I see. That's cool."
         How I got the name Scorpstorm was beyond me. All I could figure was that it was because often times I came across a scorpion and was stung by them. I'd always have to hurry back to town and ask people for an antidote because I was not immune enough to just let the poison stay in me. I would die within a matter of minutes.
         "So, what brings you out here?" Burton asked.
         "Not much. I was just practicing, I mean hitting apples out of a tree. But that got really old really fast, so I decided to come over here for something a bit more exciting. What about you?"
         "Well, I was killing wolves to get some food for dinner. But since they all ran away, I guess I'll have to go to the tavern to eat. Want to come? I'll buy."
         "Sure, why not? I'm sure some of my friends will be there. Perhaps you can meet them, as well as my brother."
         "Sounds wonderful."
         We picked up our things and went to town.

Chapter Seven

Food, Friends, Stories and Plans

         "Then...Boom! All the wolves were scared and ran away. I sure showed them, even the one that nearly caught on fire!" I said.
         Everyone wowed and cheered as I finished telling what happened earlier in the day. Me, my friends, my brother, Frodo, and some townsfolk were all gathered around our make shift large dinner table which we set up by putting a bunch of regular tables together, placed a large cloth on, and put several chairs around it.
         The night was alive and well and the atmosphere was filled with excitement and fun. We were all gathered around a fantastic feast of food and drinks and were telling stories and jokes, simply enjoying the night. But every good night comes to an end, just as this one did. Over the course of the next hour, people one by one left until all who remained were Frodo, Burton, Hinekep, Rocketterky, Dartfire, and I.
         "What an exciting day." I said. "Although, I kind of wished I did something more. Hmm..."
         "What about the dragon I asked about earlier? Didn't you go give him a visit?" Asked Rocketterky.
         "I don't think I could handle him myself." I said.
         "What? You're kidding! With marksmanship like you had today, you could take one of those green meanies with ease!" Said Burton, quite assured of me.
         "I don't know. My armor isn't fire resistant. I'd burn to a crisp!"
         "Perhaps you don't have to take the heat. Perhaps I could protect you and block the dragon's attacks, and my son here can distract the dragon. He can cast a magic shield and has healing runes. If it gets too hot, he can turn invisible and we will just run away. You could shoot the dragon from afar. It'll be a breeze. Perhaps your friend here and Frodo can come along and help."
         "Hah! Me? Yea, right. I got a business to run anyways." Frodo said abruptly, refusing the offer. "Speaking of which, I better start cleaning up around here." Frodo got up out of his chair and began collecting plates from the table.
         "Well... I was just asking."
         "Yes, I know. But, you know, I haven't trained in forever. Besides, people have to eat. You wouldn't want me to get hurt and have to shut down the tavern for a couple months, do you?" Frodo said as he finished picking up all the plates and walked into the kitchen.
         "I guess that's a no. What about... umm... sorry, but what is your name again?"
         "Colonel Burton of Calmera, but just call me Burton. And, well, why not? I could use some excitement. I think it is time to test my skills anyways. I've been training for months now with my sword." She said.
         "Fabulous! What about you Dartfire?"
         "Hmm. Yea, I guess. I'm not any good though. I'll just tag along and see what I can do."
         "Good, good. So, when are we going?"
         "How about now? While the dragon is sleeping, we can surprise him! It'll be perfect." Said Rocketterky.
         "Ha, yea, if you have soft boots and a backpack of sudden death runes, as well as invisibility. The hearing of a dragon is extremely good. Just as well, they sleep very light. From what I have heard, you do not want to wake up a dragon because it will get very grumpy." Advised Burton.
         "Well, Hinekep can turn invisible, and we he is experienced enough to successfully cast sudden death runes. All we need is soft boots. Anyone have a pair?" I asked.
         No one said anything. We just looked at each other, waiting for someone to respond.
         "Anyone...?" I asked again.
         "Umm...actually, no one owns soft boots." Said Burton.
         "I can see. Hmm. We'll just have to buy some I guess." I said.
         "No, I meant no one owns soft boots. They are only a myth, or at least it seems. The creatures which the very soft leather was obtained from to make such soundless boots are extinct, and have been for a long time. If someone does own a pair, then they sure wouldn't lend them to us. They would be too valuable." Said Burton.
         "Well, there goes that idea. We are risking it as it is to go fight this dragon in the first place. We don't want to make it worse by waking one and upsetting it." I said.
         "I guess we will go in the morning then. It will give us some time and will allow us to rest. We'll leave at sunrise. By the time we get there, the dragon should be fully awake, and so will we. Prepare your stuff tonight and we'll check ourselves to see if we are ready before we leave." Said Rocketterky. "Any questions?"
         "Yea. Where is this dragon anyways?" Asked Hinekep.
         "Oh, I know where it is. Deep underground, just north of town. I stumbled upon it one day while exploring and looking for treasures among the trolls. I made a map of it, but I lost it." He said. "But I should remember where it is."
         "Actually, I have the map. You gave it to me today, remember?" I said.
         "I know. But that was a copy. I lost the original. It was much more detailed and accurate. Plus, it showed a shortcut, which I completely forgot where it was."
         "Sounds awesome. With a team like us, a dragon should be no problem, as long as we have the proper equipment and teamwork. Tonight we rest, tomorrow we slay." Dartfire cheered on.
         "A toast to us and our first big adventure!" I said as we all stood up. We clanged our mugs together, took a drink, said "Ah!", and sat down.
         The night among us ended by us talking about a few other things, but as time passed, each of us one by one left, until I remained. The day had been long and tiring, and I really could have used some sleep.

Chapter Eight

Todd's Inn

         "Is Todd still awake?"
         "Should be. Wanting a bed to sleep in?"
         "Yea. I need the rest and a good place to sleep. Don't want to be aching in the morning."
         "Heh. I know what you mean."
         I walked upstairs to the inn area of the tavern and walked into Todd's office. Todd, the inn keeper, was sitting in a chair at his desk and reading a book. He looked up at me when I stepped into the room.
         "Good evening. Seeking a bed to sleep in for the night?"
         "Yes, I am. Any vacancies?"
         "Indeed. How many nights?"
         "Just tonight."
         "That'll be 25 gold pieces. The bed is yours until this time tomorrow."
         I opened my coin pouch and took out 25 gold pieces and gave them to Todd. Todd opened a small metal box and put the coins in it. He walked to the wall and removed a key and a tag from the pegboard.
         "Here you are. Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite- literally." He said.
         "Heh, funny. Thanks." I replied as I received my bed number tag and chest key. I left the office and walked down to the end of the short hallway to a door. The tag in my hand read 1A. The number on the tag, 1, matched the number on the door. I opened the door and walked in. In the room were two beds. The two beds were labeled A and B. The second character on my tag, A, was the bed number. There was not a whole lot of space upstairs here in the inn area of the tavern. There were only two rooms each with two beds. I was the only person in this room because the other bed in my room didn't have a 'taken' tag on it, meaning it was vacant.
         I took off my backpack and threw it onto the bed. It felt good to take off that weight after a long day. I opened my backpack and removed all of its contents. I separated everything by putting what I didn't need the next day back into the backpack. I closed the flap and moved the pack to the side. Then I walked over to the foot of my bed where a wooden chest was located and knelt in front of it. I lifted the lock away from the chest, blew off the dust, and put the key into the keyhole and turned it. The lock popped open. I removed the lock and set it next to the chest. "Creek!" moaned the rusted chest hinges as I lifted the lid of the chest. A couple of spiders scrambled out of the empty chest. I then took the things off my bed that I would need the next day- my rope, some torches, the map, a couple of bundles of arrows, some healing runes, food, a life ring, and a couple of other items- and placed them in the chest. I placed the lock back on the chest and locked it. I grabbed my pack off the bed, swung it onto my shoulder and left the room, shutting the door behind me. I went downstairs, left the tavern, and made my way to the depot.
         Life rings, if you don't know, are one of many kinds of magic rings that exist here in this land. Different magic rings do different things, such as increase strength, increase speed, and even prevent drunkenness. This ring in particular, when worn, rapidly restores and lost 'health' and heals any wounds of the healer. The downside is that they only last for several minutes. Once the magic runs out, the ring quits healing and deteriates immediately, crumbling off of your finger into dust. Healing runes, on the other hand, heal you to a great degree and do so immediately. They too deteriate once the magic runs out, which happens after one use.
         The streets were lit by lanterns. I only saw one or two other people walking on the streets as I made my way to the depot. I went inside the depot and opened up my locker. I placed my backpack next to the locker and opened the flap. I removed everything from it and placed it all into the locker. I searched for arrows. I only had ten or so in my quiver and five bundles of ten in the chest back at the inn. I don't know why I was looking for arrows. I must have forgotten that I looked earlier in the day and had found none. I removed my plate armor, plate leggings, and crown helmet from the locker and placed it into my backpack. As well, I decided it would be wise to bring a backup weapon and some kind of extra defense, so I pulled out my clerical mace and beholder shield. I removed a couple of other items I would need and put them into my backpack. I closed the locker, fastened the flap on the backpack, put on my pack, placed my mace on my waist holster, grabbed my shield and bow, and left the depot. I needed arrows, so I made my way to the paladin guild, where the fletcher shop was located.

Chapter Nine

The Four Vocations

         People without a vocation are known as rookgaardians. If you had no vocation, you lived in Rookgaard until you had sufficient training to leave, at which time you were classified as one of four vocations based on what type of training you decided to receive. The vocations are the paladin, knight, and two types of mages- the druid and the sorcerer.
         Paladins are very quiet, fast, and accurate. They can become moderately experienced in magic if they so desire to. They are not all that strong, but don’t really need to be due to their other skills.
         Knights are very strong physically and mentally. They are able to quickly become experienced with any club, sword, or axe they pick up. They are able to take a lot of damage without weakening too fast. Just as well, their blocking skills are quite excellent. The downside of a knight is that their magic abilities are very weak and can only learn a small handful of spells.
         Mages are not as strong as a paladin or knight with weapons, but do not need to be, for they have the mightiest magic abilities of all the vocations. Mages are classified in two ways: the druid and the sorcerer. Both are very similar physically, but quite different magically. Druids are more peaceful and nature like, and tend to learn nature and non violent spells, like magic wall, convince creature, fire creation, wild growth, animate dead, and undead legion, just to name a few. Sorcerers, on the other hand, are mages who use more of the attack and violent spells, like explosive spells, force strike, and sudden death.
         Alone, it is difficult to fight powerful creatures, but is easy with extreme teamwork. Knights are awesome at defending and therefore can be up close to the enemy, defending and blocking its attacks. Paladins can stay far back pegging the enemy with a barrage of arrows. Mages can stay in between fully defending themselves and casting mighty magic on the enemy and healing those who are hurt. Even though this is a very good strategy, not many people realize it, so it is rare to see a team like such unless it is for some adventure or quest.
         In each major city, four guilds can be found, one for each vocation. At the guild, certain spells can be learned, equipment bought, and other things to help one out, vocation according.
         As for me, I am a paladin, as you may already know. At the paladin guild, arrows, bolts, bows, and crossbows can be bought from the fletcher. As well, certain skills and spells for my vocation can be taught to me, such as invisibility, fletchery, and even the knowledge to burn a few choice runes, like heavy magic missile, as long as I have sufficient experience under my belt.

Note: I have reached my 50k limit here. I will continue the story in another piece.



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