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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1073532
This is a story about a group of teens who experience terror at a hotel they visit.
The sun was bright in the blue sky as flight 181 touched down at Stephenson airport in the Bahamas.

“Oh my god thank you guys for persuading me to come here, I am now totally eternally grateful!” Antoinette Fitzpatrick giggled. Antoinette was your regular 18-year-old girl, always happy, everyone’s friend, what set her apart from the other teens was her beauty. She was extremely pretty, her hair a dark shade of brown, which almost looked red as the rays of the sun shone above down on her.
“Hey baby wait for me!” her boyfriend shouted to her as he clambered out of the pink and black mini-bus. John Dylan was tall and muscular, and him and Antoinette made the perfect couple, he walked over to Antoinette and kissed her on the cheek, slapping her bottom as he walked behind.

“HEY Antoinette, JD wait the hell up, I have about 50 freaking bags over here, and I could use a hand” Frank castle was skinny and the odd one out of the group. “Hello are you guys deaf?” Frank wasn’t the best looking of the bunch either with his matted mousy blonde hair and glasses, he himself wondered why the hell he had decided to go on holiday with a crowd of populars. “No frank they heard you hun, its just, well...They don’t care” Kate Winslowe laughed as she walked past him as he tripped over his bags. Katherine had just moved over from Italy but she spoke perfect english, she wore heavy eye make up with her short black hair spiked up.
“Bitch” frank muttered as she disappeared in front.
“Hey frank you need a hand mate?” Josh asked leaning over him.
“Ill be fine” frank smiled, picking the bags up and trundling forwards.
“Mmm nice ass” Josh laughed under his breath. Josh was the leader of the girls, not in a sexual way because he was undeniably gay.

Darcy Edwards and Jason hunt pulled up at the side of the road near the taxi and screamed. “HEY ASSHOLES! Wait for us!” Darcy opened her door grabbed her suitcase and ran to the rest of the group. “Your late!” JD said smiling. “No, I think you will find all of you are early.” Darcy giggled, her green eyes flashing in the sun.
Jason creeped up behind her and hit her playfully on the shoulder. “Ow!” she said laughing, the two were obviously brother and sister. Jason being the younger of the two.
“Alright then guys let’s move on out.” Antoinette said as she picked up her suitcase.

With Antoinette leading them the rest walked in pairs.
“Jesus Christ, what happened to nice short walk, I feel like ive been walking no stop for hours.” Josh exclaimed. “At least the weathers nice” Kate said smiling at him.
“Ooo were here guys!” Darcy yelled. “Oh my god….” Her voice trailed off. “What a craphole…” It appeared the travel agency had told a big whopping lie. “5 star my ass”
“I guess we have to book in?” Jason said smiling.

Hotel Paradise was a tall building with small windows and no fire exits, a death trap. Surrounded by palm trees and wonderful exotic plants it was totally out of place.
“Oh thank god! At least were not the only people un-lucky enough to be staying in this shit hole” Antoinette said pointing to the three cars at the side of the road. John hugged her tightly, “hun this is going to be a great holiday don’t worry about it”
“Right who’s going in first?” asked JD who looked around only to see blank faces. “Fine, ok I guess that’s me then.” He walked forward and pushed open the door slowly to reveal three people sitting on a miss-placed grimy looking sofa.
“Hey my names Kimberly but you can call me Kimmie.” She got up and ran over to him shaking his hand briskly. “Nice to meet you Kimmie” he replied, “who are your friends?” he asked. “Oh I don’t really know them but the creepy looking one is called meekoliod or Meeko or something. He wont talk to me because im too loud apparently.” She said. “Hey meeko why don’t you come over here…or not whatever.” Meeko was dressed all in black with his hair swept over to one side, totally emo.
“Well where do we check in?” JD asked.
“I don’t think this place is legal you know I mean look around it’s a dump, and well there wasn’t anyone else here when I arrived earlier except meeko and he said that its abandoned.” She said. “So I guess you don’t check in”
Meeko got up from his seat and walked over to JD “Ill go help your friends bring in the suit cases.” He said quietly. He turned and left the room.

“It looks even worse inside than it does out!” Darcy cried. “Im getting my money back after this I swear to god” The room they were all now standing in was dank and foul smelling, with creaky floorboards and broken glass all over the place. Still sat on the sofa was a good but geeky looking guy, he wore glasses with huge black rims but behind the geeky exterior was a very good looking man. “Hey everyone my names Alan Johnson, im 16 years old and im from the UK.” His sudden words were greeted with blank stares. “You say it like we should give a shit” Meeko laughed. The others joined in but the laughter soon stopped when, BANG! A noise came from above Meeko.
“Shit” Antoinette whispered. “Do you guys think there’s someone upstairs?” she said looking up.
“Right someone needs to check that out cause that is not ok!” cried Kimmie.
“Ok ill go check it out but if I get killed I hope you all know im coming back to haunt you!” JD walked forward and pushed on the wooden door, it opened with a click and revealed a staircase. Putting his foot on the first step he jumped back as another bang erupted from upstairs. A sharp shard of glass lay on the floor beside his right floor. He picked it up and continued walking up the stairs holding the glass in front of his face.
Another bang came from one of the rooms. He reached the landing. He was holding the glass so tightly that it had begun cutting into his pink flesh. Blood ran down his right arm, but he was full to the brim with adrenaline. He looked around, BANG! He kicked the door in front of him. Running inside he soon realized that it was empty.
He took a look at his bloody hand, “oh wonderful.” He flinched as he removed the glass from his palm. He inspected it and tossed it to the floor. It shattered, he looked up and BANG! The house buckled beneath him. He fell forwards smashing his face on the floor. He screamed in pain as he spat his teeth out onto the cream carpet. Downstairs the floor separated causing Meeko, Darcy and Kimmie to tumble to the floor. Darcy pulled herself up but was soon knocked backwards as a beam from the ceiling swung down and slammed into her chest slicing her in half. Meeko grabbed Alan’s arm pulling him forward and into the hole as the floor began to open even wider swallowing them. Kimmie managed to crawl to the door on her hands and knees over the broken shards of glass digging into her fingers and cutting deep into her legs. She was almost free when the door in front of her fell forward crushing her and smashing her face into the glass underneath her.

Kate was in the bathroom as all of this was happening and screamed as the light bulb blew out causing her to be surrounded by darkness and the sound of people screaming, she pulled on the door handle but it was jammed shut. She madly sobbed as she scratched at the wooden door in desperation; splinters of wood penetrated the skin beneath her nails yet she continued to try to claw her way out of her prison.

Jason pulled at the wooden beam that had pinned his sister to the wall, but it was no use. She was dead. He turned and spotted an unbroken window and kicked it. The window was small but he was sure he could fit through. He leaned out of it and looked up at the glaring sun. Grabbing each side of the frame he yanked himself forward and tumbled to the ground outside. He had made it out. He could get help. He ran down the path and hollered even though he was totally alone. “Help!” he screamed “Please!” He reached the side of the road and saw a small house at the roadside. He ran towards it but was stopped as a truck ploughed into him dragging his twitching corpse down the road.

“Can anyone hear me is anyone alive?” Antoinette screamed. The house had fallen silent. Antoinette scrambled to her bag and unzipped it pulling out a flashlight. She flicked the switch and shone it around the now pitch black room. The light passed over a huge hole in the centre of the room, it was too deep to see how long it went on for but it seemed like a bottomless pit. She tilted the light up and let out a piercing scream her boyfriend’s body was hanging from another hole in the ceiling.
“Hey Antoinette over here!” a voice came from behind some rubble. “Josh?” she asked. It was indeed Josh. Or what was left of him, his right arm was almost missing and his face was bleeding heavily. “What’s going on?” he asked. “ Where’s frank? He was standing near me when the ceiling collapsed.” BANG! A loud crash came from above them. “WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE THE ROOF CAVES IN!” Antoinette yelled, pulling Josh to his feet. BANG! “HURRY!” Josh was able to walk off and clambered over the corpses his dead friends. “Wait” he whispered, “can you hear that?” it sounded like a faint crying. It was in fact Frank who lay deep under the rubble where Josh was discovered. “Its Frank isn’t it!” Josh cried throwing himself forward and clawing at the pieces of wood, bricks and dirt. “Frank im almost there!” he shouted. His voice echoed on the walls and up onto the roof. Josh looked up, and screeched in pain as a sharp piece of wood fell through his right eye socket, knocking him to the ground. Antoinette let out a piercing scream as the hotel fell down on top of her…Suddenly she was no longer at the hotel but in her own bed, safe and warm but dripping with sweat.
“Fucking horror movies before bedtime” she huffed as she flung herself back down onto the bed drifting off again into a warm slumber.
© Copyright 2006 brett mark (brettylad at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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